Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 270 Lure the snake out of the hole and the breakthrough is in progress

Dazzling light illuminated all the portholes, and the terrifying shock wave was blocked by the energy shield outside the spacecraft.

Isaac lay beside the window and said in surprise:

"Bobo, what's going on?"

Bobo said calmly:

"I asked all the mechanical soldiers to activate self-destruction mode."

What the hell! ! !

Suddenly, everyone in the spacecraft widened their eyes.

Hundreds of thousands of mechanical soldiers, all self-destructed!

No wonder there was so much movement.


"Bobo, with so many mechanical warriors, they must cost tens or even hundreds of millions."

Isaac said with great distress.

Bobo smiled noncommittally.

Seeing this smile, Isaac immediately understood that the value of the mechanical warrior must be more than these figures.

"Bobo, when I have money in the future, I will compensate you for this loss." Isaac said seriously.

Brothers settle accounts

What's more, Bobo originally came all the way to save him this time, but in the end Bobo lost hundreds of thousands of mechanical troops. He felt really bad about it.

"No need, I have plenty of such mechanical soldiers."

Bobo waved his hand nonchalantly.

Hundreds of thousands of mechanical soldiers are the maximum number that he can perfectly control.

But it doesn't mean that his family only has these hundreds of thousands.

Usually at the base camp, apart from solving problems in the logistics department, he spends all the remaining time building mechanical soldiers. A hundred years later, he has no memory of how many mechanical soldiers there are in the warehouse.

Those low-end and mid-range mechanical soldiers are mainly used for garrisoning, patrolling, or selling to foreign countries to collect funds. He keeps the higher-end mechanical soldiers for himself and stores them in the barracks box. This time he only brought one-tenth of them. .

The hundreds of thousands of mechanical soldiers just now accounted for only one-fifth of this tenth.

"You bastard, a big dog!"

Isaac forced out these words through his teeth.

As sons of the same father, why is the gap between rich and poor so big!

If I had known earlier, I would have chosen the profession of mechanic.

By the way, I scored 58 or 59 in the physics test back then.

"Brother Su Mo, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Hu Tao noticed that Su Mo's breath was very unstable, and his expression seemed to be suppressing something, so he asked quickly.

Everyone also noticed something strange about Su Mo and asked with concern.

"I'm fine~"

Su Mo suppressed the boiling force in his body, and his voice was dry and hoarse: "I am about to break through the natural disaster, so my breath is fluctuating a little."

"What? You are not at the natural disaster level?" Isaac was extremely surprised.

He always thought that Su Mo was a master of natural disasters.

After all, how can the commander be qualified to fight against the powerful natural disasters for so long!

Su Mo explained: "My physical strength is no less than that of a natural disaster-level martial artist, but my original strength and mental strength are far behind."

Isaac blinked, his body could actually break through out of sync with the force and mental power?

This was the first time he encountered it.

But recalling it carefully, Su Mo's force fluctuations when he released his abilities seemed to be at the commander level, but he had always been preconceived, thinking that Su Mo was hiding his clumsiness, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Bobo, let's quickly find a secret place and let Su Mo complete the breakthrough." Isaac suggested.

Natural disasters are an important watershed in the extraordinary system.

After being promoted to a natural disaster, you will get a huge leap in strength, which will also be accompanied by a sublimation of species.

No matter who it is, the movement to break through the natural disaster will not be small.

Due to the precision of its internal components, the spacecraft is not suitable as a site for breaking through natural disasters. Therefore, the best way at present is to find an unmanned or abandoned star for Su Mo to complete his final breakthrough.

If you delay for too long, you may miss the opportunity for breakthrough, and you don’t know when the next time will come.

"Okay, I'll find a place."

Bobo opened the nearby star map and after searching for a while, he found a more suitable place.

"There is a meteorite belt here, filled with hundreds of thousands of meteorites or waste stars. Let's find one randomly here. It will take nearly half a day to get there. Su Mo, can you do it?"


Su Mo nodded and said, "I will take advantage of this half day to adjust my condition."

"Okay, then it's decided!"

Bobo clicked on the control panel and reset the destination to the meteor belt.

"Everyone, the people of the Lovak civilization have been left behind by us. You can all relax." Bobo said.

"I'm going to take a shower!"

Qian Liuyu smiled and walked towards his room.

"I'm going back to my room too."

Su Mo said hello and walked to his room.

Seeing that Su Mo and Qian Liuyu were gone, Hu Tao also chose to return to the room.

"Boss, I'm going back to my room. I was too nervous just now, and now I feel a little tired after relaxing."

Anji's face turned a little pale, and her voice became different from before, a little dry and unnatural.

"Okay, go ahead, Arnold, or you can go and have a rest."

Isaac waved his hand casually.

"Yes, boss."

After everyone left, Bobo sent a link to Isaac's brain. Isaac opened the brain and was stunned for a moment.

Why did Bobo set up a Starnet chat room when the two of them were in front of each other? Isn't this unnecessary?

But seeing Bobo's expression a little solemn, Isaac still clicked on the link.


The next moment, the virtual figures of Bobo and Isaac appeared in the Star Network room.

"Bobo, what are you doing?" Isaac asked curiously.

Bobo's face was solemn and he said: "Isaac, I suspect there is a traitor in Lovac around me!"


Isaac's expression changed, he could not accept Bobo's statement.

In his opinion, neither Su Mo, Hu Tao, Qian Liuyu, nor Arnold and Anji around him could be traitors.

If Su Mo, Hu Tao, and Qian Liuyu were traitors, why would they go all the way to save themselves?

And since Arnold and Anji have been following him for so long, they are even less likely to be traitors.

"Bobo, I don't believe there is a traitor!" Isaac said decisively.

"Isaac, there is a question you have thought about."

Bobo said seriously: "After breaking out of the encirclement of Lovac, our spaceship was like a drop of water melting into the sea. How did the Lovac civilization find us?"

"Do you still remember the first words Barbota said at that time? He said that he had been waiting here for a long time. This means that he already knew where we were going to pass, so he set up an ambush and waited in advance."

Upon hearing these words, Isaac's expression was startled, and then he fell into deep silence.

"Isaac, I heard Arnold say before that the spies of the Lovac civilization are very powerful. No matter where you hide, you will eventually be found."

Bobo continued: "Have you ever thought that this might be a traitor leaking information?"

"As for who this traitor is, I believe you have your own judgment."

For a long time, there was silence in the control room.

Isaac lowered his head, his eyes flashing with doubt, heartache, and unresolved sadness.

is it you?

Why are you doing this!

"Bobo, what are you going to do?"

Isaac's voice was deep.

Bobo said seriously:

"I plan to take advantage of Su Mo's breakthrough to test him again. If people from the Lovac civilization can still catch up, then his suspicion will be completely eliminated."

Bobo knew very well that Isaac was a very emotional person, and he would never attack the people around him without conclusive evidence.

If he overstepped his authority and dealt with the traitor, it would inevitably affect the brotherhood between him and Isaac.

So he planned to lure the snake out of the hole again to make Isaac completely give up on that person.

"Bobo, if the Lovac civilization comes to visit again, it won't be just those people."

Isaac shook his head. Although he wanted to determine whether that person was really a traitor, doing so would bring everyone into a more dangerous situation.

"rest assured."

Bobo smiled slightly, "Encounter battles cannot fully utilize my full strength. Positional warfare is the strength of legion-style mechanics."

This sentence instantly brought back Isaac's long-lost memory.

Yes, I think back then Bobo was hailed as the "Unbreakable Fortress" by the outside world. The territory he guarded had never been breached.

Having not fought side by side for decades, he had almost forgotten how powerful Bobo was.

"Okay, that's it."

Isaac clenched his fists, half-closed his eyes, and murmured: "Don't do anything stupid, you brat~"



The door was closed heavily, and Anji lay on the bed, covering her face with a quilt. The originally calm face instantly became ferocious and distorted.

"Trash, they are all a bunch of trash."

Anji didn't dare to speak out, she could only scream angrily in her heart.

Hundreds of warships were dispatched, and dozens of natural disasters were dispatched, but Isaac was still able to escape.

I'm so blind to believe you pigs.


At this moment, his smart optical brain watch vibrated slightly. Anji opened it and saw that it was the room number of a StarNet chat room.

Anji gritted her teeth, her consciousness sank into her brain, and she entered the chat room.

Starnet chat room is the safest way to exchange information in the universe. Without permission, no one can learn the contents of the chat room.

StarNet is the largest company in the universe, bar none.

StarNet's business involves network construction, chatting, live broadcasting, banking, virtual worlds, etc. Every cosmic person cannot do without StarNet in their daily life.

The identity of the founder of Star Network is still a mystery. Everyone knows that before the three major civilizations were stable, Star Network was already a large company at the cosmic level.

After countless iterations and data upgrades, StarNet's data defense capabilities have reached an outrageous level. No one can even think of crossing the StarNet firewall and finding loopholes, not even the strongest mechanic in the universe, Black Emperor. Can't do it.

Anji appeared in the chat room and immediately saw the man standing opposite——


"Where are Isaac going to run away to?"

Barbota asked, her tone unceremonious, completely treating Anji as his subordinate.

Although Barbota's attitude made Angie very uncomfortable, he knew that since he had embarked on this path, he must not offend Barbota.

Anji said honestly: "Su Mo is about to break through the natural disaster. They are now preparing to go to a meteorite belt to find a quiet planet for Su Mo to complete the breakthrough."

"What, he hasn't experienced the natural disaster yet?"

Barbota's voice suddenly rose in pitch, unbelievable.

Su Mo didn't break through the natural disaster, so who was fighting Alonso and others before, and who was fighting Ursula just now?

How could a commander-level person have such amazing combat power?

Anji quickly explained: "Su Mo said that his physique is not inferior to that of the first-level martial arts masters of Natural Disaster, but his force power has not yet reached the level of Natural Disaster. He did not explain how he did it."

Hearing this, Su Mo's threat in Barbota's heart skyrocketed.

A half-baked natural disaster can be so powerful. When Su Mo officially breaks through the natural disaster, he will still be awesome.

Such an awesome person will never be allowed to exist in Lovac territory, and he must be killed.

Barbota's murderous intention grew stronger and she continued to ask:

"Where is the specific location of that meteorite belt?"

Angie: "I don't know."

Seeing Barbota's face turn cold, Anji quickly added: "But I will synchronize my position at all times, so you just need to follow me."

"Also, you must catch Isaac this time, otherwise I will definitely be suspected."

After calming down, Anji recalled many details, and her mood suddenly became uneasy.

Barbota's words "wait here for a long time" just now almost clearly told the people on the spacecraft that there are traitors around you.

With Isaac's character, he might not be suspected for the time being.

But not necessarily for others.

Now Anji can only pray. Bobo, Su Mo and others have not yet reacted. In other words, even if they have doubts, they are not sure whether it is him or Arnold.

Only in this way can he hold on until the next arrival of Lovac civilization.

Damn it, if you had just given me some strength, wouldn't I be so frightened?

Anji was cursing inwardly, but on the surface, he still looked respectful and even a little aggrieved.

"You don't have to worry about this. I won't let Isaac escape from my hands again."

Barbota snorted coldly. The deaths of the five natural disaster mid-levels had put him under great pressure and accusations. If he couldn't catch Isaac next time, the man in the palace wouldn't be able to spare him.


Barbota exits the chat room.

Anji looked at the empty room, and an extremely complex emotion appeared deep in her eyes. It seemed to be regret, it seemed to be struggle, and it seemed to be ruthlessness and ruthlessness that led to the dark side.


Half a day later, the spacecraft successfully landed on an abandoned planet.

Su Mo found an open place and began to retreat directly to reach the natural disaster level.

Bobo deployed a large number of mechanical soldiers to guard him, and Hutao and Qianliuyu never left.

Next, Bobo disappeared from the eyes of Isaac, Arnold, and Anji. No one knew what he was going to do.

Seeing this, Anji felt a little uneasy, but he still shared his location with Barbota immediately.

As everyone knows, Bobo has quietly implanted a Trojan horse in Anji Guang's brain, and his every move is under Bobo's surveillance.

Starnet, Bobo really can’t invade.

But his Trojan virus is like installing a camera on Anji's chest. Anji's actions of opening messages and sharing her location are all clearly visible to the camera.


"Finally we will break through the natural disaster!"

Su Mo closed his eyes, and his consciousness sank into his body. Then he began to use the force at high speed, and the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc.

New skills, let me do it!

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