Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 272 Holy Baptism, all members promoted

"Brother Su Mo!"


"Su Mo!"

Everyone gathered around Su Mo and looked him up and down.

After breaking through the natural disaster, Su Mo's temperament became even more outstanding. The sun was warm, but he also carried a noble, awe-inspiring and inviolable dignity.

"Captain, how do you feel?" Qian Liuyu asked with a smile.

The corner of Su Mo's mouth raised:

"It feels very good. I can now beat myself ten years ago."

Ten is not an exaggeration at all.

After all, his original power, physical strength, and mental strength have all become much stronger. In addition, he has also acquired skills such as [Unlimited Explosion], [Holy Dragon Chasing the Sun], and [Hegemonic Body], and his combat effectiveness has increased several times.

Hearing what Su Mo said, everyone suddenly looked surprised.

From the leadership breakthrough to the natural disaster, there will indeed be a qualitative leap. Let alone ten, even twenty of myself will be easy to defeat.

But Su Mo was different. He had a natural disaster-level combat effectiveness before his breakthrough. It was really an exaggeration that his combat effectiveness could increase so much after the breakthrough.

"Where's Bobo?"

Su Mo glanced around and did not see Bobo's figure.

"I am coming!"

A small figure floated down from the sky, and finally floated in front of Su Mo.

"Su Mo, congratulations~"

Bobo said in a sweet voice, his eyes slightly curved, so cute.

"Haha, thank you Bobo."

Su Mo smiled happily, as if he could experience good things every time he was with Bobo.

It seems that Bobo is as lucky as Hyde.

"Everyone, I awakened a new ability after my breakthrough."

Su Mo smiled: "I call it sacred baptism, which can improve people's potential and qualifications and achieve all-round improvement in strength."

Hearing this, everyone present showed surprise again.

Improving human potential and qualifications?

Shouldn't this be something that certain potions or treasures can do?

Superpowers, too?

"Who wants to be the first to try?"

"Me first!"

Hu Tao was the first to raise her hand, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and expectation.

She has 100% trust in Su Mo. Since brother Su Mo said this, there must be no problem.

"Then I'll be the second one~" Qian Liuyu said with a smile.

"I'm third."

Isaac nodded. His mood seemed a little wrong at the moment. Although he was smiling, Su Mo could see that he was smiling reluctantly.


Su Mo sighed inwardly, he knew very well why Isaac became like this.

Betrayal is something that no one can accept.

Especially for a person who attaches great importance to love and justice, being betrayed by his close associates is no less than having his heart ripped out.

However, this is Isaac's private matter, and it's not easy for Su Mo to interfere, so he should strengthen his little walnut first.

"Wutao, just relax."

Su Mo put his hand on Hutao's little head, and then the palm of his hand shone brightly.

【Holy Baptism】

The power of holy light pours out, and after a layer of wonderful transformation, it converges into a stream of golden particles and rushes towards Walnut.


This is Walnut's first feeling.

When the majestic golden energy poured into her body, she felt as if she was in a hot spring. Her body was warm and she felt like she was lazy and wanted to sleep.

But at the same time, she could also clearly notice that her muscles, skin, organs, etc. were changing and evolving towards a more perfect direction.


A vast, long-standing, ferocious and domineering momentum burst out, as if a huge beast from the wild was roaring.

Qian Liuyu, Isaac, and Bobo retreated with shock on their faces, while the weaker Arnold and Anji were frightened by this momentum and turned pale and couldn't stop trembling.

"It seems that the origin of walnut is unusual~"

Isaac murmured.

He was at the peak of the natural disaster, and his strength was much stronger than Hu Tao, who had just broken through the natural disaster, but even so, he was frightened by Hu Tao's momentum and felt panicked.

This girl's aura is simply more ferocious and domineering than a giant dragon.

I've become stronger, I've really become stronger!

Qian Liuyu clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with excitement and surprise.

At his level, it is extremely difficult to improve even a little bit in strength.

But now, all he needs to do is accept the sacred baptism of the group leader and he will become significantly stronger.

And the team leader also said that baptism not only brought him improvement in strength, but also improved his potential and qualifications. This is the most incredible thing.

You must know that improving strength may still rely on a large amount of resources, but qualifications and potential are basically fixed from birth or awakening.

Especially for those who are already gifted, if they want to further improve their qualifications and potential, the price will be a hundred or even a thousand times higher than simply improving their strength.

The baptism process took a long time, lasting more than half an hour.

Holy baptism is optimized based on the target's own conditions. The stronger the strength, the more attributes are improved, and the stronger the species, the greater the genetic optimization.

Hu Tao had just broken through the natural disaster not long ago, and was not particularly strong, but her race, the Star Swallowing Beast, ranked among the best among all races in the universe.

The baptism process consumed a lot of Su Mo's Force, and he had to use BUFF to recover.

a moment later


Su Mo breathed a long sigh of relief, moved his palm away from Hu Tao's head, and said with a smile:

"Wutao, that's it!"


Hu Tao opened her eyes suddenly, the bright starlight surged in her eyes, and a more violent aura burst out, but she was quickly restrained.

Hutao clenched his fist and felt the majestic power flowing through his body, and he suddenly became happy.

After the baptism, her physical strength, strength, and mental strength were greatly enhanced, which at least saved her several years, or even more than ten years of practice time. Not only that, she was also aware of her absorption efficiency of external energy and her The perception of space is significantly improved.

Just as Brother Su Mo said, his potential and qualifications have become stronger!

"Brother Su Mo, thank you!"

Hutao suddenly jumped up and hung on Su Mo like a little bear. He was very happy.

"It's a small thing~"

Su Mo pinched Hu Tao's little fleshy face lovingly. After experiencing so many things together, he already regarded Hu Tao as his own sister.

Who can refuse a little sister who is lively and cute, has unconditional trust in herself, and is also extremely talented?

After Hu Tao, it was Qian Liuyu's turn.

Qian Liuyu walked up to Su Mo expectantly, calmed down, and nodded towards Su Mo.

"Captain, it's time to start."


The next second, golden light shined, and the sacred baptism started again.

The time when Qian Liuyu completed his baptism was very similar to that of Hu Tao.

In terms of talent, Qian Liuyu has the A++ level phantom species [Phoenix], which is basically the most talented person below the God King, but compared with the Star Eater's Hutao, it is still much inferior.

However, in terms of strength, Qian Liuyu, a high-level natural disaster, is two levels ahead of Hu Tao.

Taken together, the time taken by the two to complete baptism is quite different.


Qing Yan's wings spread out, Qian Liuyu opened his eyes, and a noble and proud aura burst out, like a lofty phoenix.

"Didn't you get promoted to one level?"

Su Mo looked at Qian Liuyu, and the [Eye of Insight] showed that Qian Liuyu's strength was still at the high level of natural disaster, and [Phoenix] was still at the A++ level potential and had not improved.

This result made him quite disappointed.

[Phoenix] failed to reach S-level potential, which was actually within his expectation. After all, the gap between A-level and S-level was even greater than the gap between A-level and C-level.

There are many natural disaster experts in the universe, but there are often only two or three God Kings in the entire star field.

However, he originally thought that Qian Liuyu's strength should be able to break through to the peak of natural disaster after taking the Fruit of the Beast and receiving baptism, but the result was still a little short.

It seems that there is a big span between high-level natural disasters and peak natural disasters, and it is not that easy to cross.

Su Mo was a little disappointed, but Qian Liuyu, who was involved, was quite excited.

Be it physical, vigor, or mental strength, they have all been significantly strengthened. At the same time, the phantom species [Phoenix] also sent him a signal of enhanced abilities.

He dared to say that his combat power had increased by at least 30%, and he was only one step away from the peak of natural disaster.

You know, he only broke through to the high level of natural disaster eight years ago.

In less than ten years, he was able to break through from the high level of natural disaster to the peak of natural disaster. If you tell this growth rate, it will definitely make a lot of people envious.

"Captain, thank you!"

Qian Liuyu said with sincere gratitude.

Su Mo not only saved his son, but also made his strength improve so quickly. This feeling is too heavy.

"Brother Xiaoyu, you're just talking about this~"

Su Mo smiled. He helped Qian Liuyu a lot, but Qian Liuyu also helped him a lot.

Without Qian Liuyu, he would not have been able to save Hyde on the Sacred Tree Planet, and he would have been captured by Alonso and others later.

The two of them are closely integrated, and neither one owes anything to the other.

After Qian Liuyu came Isaac.

After seeing Hutao and Qianliuyu becoming stronger one after another, Isaac also suppressed the negative emotions in his heart and accepted Su Mo's sacred baptism with great anticipation.

Ten minutes later~

boom! ! !

Boundless fire rose from the ground, covering an area of ​​more than ten kilometers in radius. If viewed from above, it looked like a blooming red lotus, enchanting and bright, releasing a temperature that burned the sky and destroyed the earth.

After a moment, the flames converged on him, and Isaac stepped forward, gently hammered Su Mo's chest with his fist, and showed a smile:

"Brother, thanks!"

"You're welcome!"

Su Mo smiled slightly.

After regaining his strength, he began to perform holy baptism on Bobo.


The mechanical power is like a dancing silver snake, surging freely in the area, Bo Bo cross-legged and suspended in the air, and the black crystal between the eyebrows emits dazzling light.

After a long time, the baptism was completed, Bobo opened his eyes, and the faint blue electricity filled his eyes, and the electric eyes were menacing.

"Bobo, how do you feel?" Su Mo asked.

Bobo blinked, and the current disappeared, with a smile on his face: "Excellent, thank you Su Mo!"

Su Mo smiled slightly, then rubbed his chin and asked with some confusion:

"By the way, Bobo, with your qualifications, shouldn't you still be stuck at the high level of natural disaster?"

Bobo's talent is definitely considered top-notch among mechanics, but for such a long time, Bobo has never reached the peak of natural disasters. Even after undergoing divine baptism, his level has not changed.


Bobo explained: "The upgrade of mechanics is different from that of superpowers, martial arts masters, and telekinesis masters. We must master enough high-end technologies to keep moving up."

"My current mechanical and mental strength is much stronger than that of a natural disaster peak mechanic, but due to the lack of several key technologies, I have never been able to reach the natural disaster peak."

"These technologies are in the hands of top star cluster-level civilizations or the three major civilizations. Only by joining them and making certain contributions can you receive technology transfer."

So that’s it~

Su Mo was stunned.

It is true that mechanics are strong, but their dependence on knowledge is even more serious than magicians. Even if Bobo is a genius, he cannot develop those high-end technologies on his own.

At the same time, Bobo is the adopted son of the Lion King, so it is naturally impossible for him to join those top civilizations. Therefore, he has been stuck in the high level of natural disaster for such a long time, making it difficult to make progress.

"Bobo, what are the names of the skills you are lacking? If I have a chance, I can help you search for them." Su Mo offered.

Due to Alonso and others, he has now established good connections with the Star Stone Civilization and the other two star cluster-level civilizations. If these civilizations master those high-end technologies, in the future he can use Holy Light Potion or Holy Baptism to Make a deal with them.

In addition, he can also let Pooh secretly copy those machines with top technology to analyze the technical secrets.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then."

In fact, Bobo didn't really believe that Su Mo could find those technologies, but he still named more than a dozen technologies in one breath. Su Mo could understand every word, but when they were put together, he was confused.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand, as long as Pooh remembers it.

After Bobo's baptism was completed, Isaac came over with Arnold and Angie and said:

"Su Mo, can you baptize my subordinates too?"


Su Mo smiled and then pointed at Arnold:

"Arnold, you come first."


Arnold's eyes widened in surprise. He first turned to look at Isaac. After Isaac nodded, he walked steadily to Su Mo and said respectfully:

"Mr. Su Mo, I'll leave it to you."

"Little things!"

Su Mo put his hand on Arnold's head, and then started the sacred baptism.

Arnold only had the first level of command, and his talent was not outstanding, so the baptism time was relatively short, and it was completed in less than ten minutes.

After the baptism, Arnold successfully broke through to the middle level of leadership, and his potential and qualifications were enhanced at the same time.

Originally, Arnold had no hope of breaking through natural disasters in his life, but now, as long as there are sufficient resources and certain opportunities, natural disasters are not impossible.

"Mr. Su Mo, thank you!"

Arnold bowed deeply to Su Mo several times, his face full of gratitude.

"If you really want to thank Isaac, you should thank Isaac." Su Mo said with a smile.

Arnold turned to look at Isaac, but Isaac just patted his shoulder lightly and said nothing.

"Boss, it's my turn next."

After Arnold finished, Angie couldn't wait to ask.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became silent.

what's the situation?

Anji noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere. He first glanced at Su Mo and found that Su Mo's eyes were unusually cold, and then turned to look at Isaac.

He saw a pair of eyes full of pain and sorrow.

Suddenly, Anji realized what was going on, and her face turned extremely pale.

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