Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 269: Virtual invasion breaks through, terrifying explosion

"Bobo, give us three!"

Su Mo rushed forward and shouted in the public communication field.


Bobo responded briefly.

The participation of the three Su Mo people in the battle can help him greatly reduce his pressure, so he will naturally not refuse.

The firepower distribution of the mechanical army changed, and the pressure on three of them suddenly dropped. The other two unlucky ones withstood several times the firepower, and they were immediately in a hurry.

As natural disaster experts with rich combat experience, they immediately understood what was going on when they saw Su Mo, Hu Tao, and Qian Liuyu flying in quickly.

"Kill them!"

One of the red-haired men said coldly.

Not only Barbota, but all of them have also seen the battle video of Su Mo and the others.

Phoenix Chiruha is a tricky guy, but the other two are pretty average.

Holy Light Sumo is an auxiliary superpower with strong vitality and amazing recovery ability, but his combat ability is average. You have to be careful about his weird abilities.

The little overlord Hu Tao is a very good combat genius. Not long after he broke through the natural disaster, he was able to overpower the mid-level martial arts master of the natural disaster. Given time, he will definitely become the top figure in the natural disaster.

But the current walnuts are still too tender, and they are no match for these high-level natural disaster cannons.

The three soldiers divided into three groups and rushed towards Su Mo, Hu Tao and Qian Liuyu respectively.

Su Mo's opponent was a woman, but except for the face, there were almost no female features on her body. Her arms were thicker than his thighs, and her chest was bulging, but it was not fat, but thick and powerful chest muscles.

The woman in the biology book would look like ten times stronger.


The woman was carrying an oversized beheading knife, with rich dark golden aura condensed on it, exuding an unparalleled sharpness. She was a gold martial artist.

Metal-based martial arts are strong in attack and defense, and their physical destructive power ranks among the top three among all martial arts schools.

The decapitating knife fell with a bang, and the sharp sword energy rushed towards Su Mo's face, making Su Mo's hair stand on end. The armor was cut by tiny knife lights, which kept vibrating and making sounds.

At this moment, a robot holding a shield appeared in front of Su Mo like a flash. He squatted on his knees and tilted the shield at an angle to make a blocking gesture.

The decapitating knife struck the shield, creating a huge gap.

The blade almost hit the robot's head.

But no matter what, the powerful attack from the natural disaster was blocked by the machine warrior.

Ordinary mechanical soldiers cannot do this, but this robot is one of Bobo's personal guards, codenamed Iron Shield.

Every part of the iron shield is made of top-grade alloys, especially the large shield. The main material is Ella Birman metal, which is not only high in hardness, but also has the function of self-healing.

In order to ensure Su Mo's safety, Bobo specially brought out Iron Shield and gave him the highest order - to protect Su Mo.

Soon, the gap in the shield healed automatically, and no trace of damage could be seen from the outside.

It's rude to come and go without reciprocating~

Su Mo flashed out from behind Iron Shield, holding a huge golden light hammer in his hand. The head of the hammer was covered with majestic golden flames, and he hit the woman's head hard.

The woman quickly changed her stance and raised the guillotine to block it horizontally.

The war hammer hit the handle of the knife, making no sound, but creating circles of ripples visible to the naked eye.

Tu tu tu tu~~

A frenzied wave of psionic energy rays arrived instantly, focusing their fire violently on the woman.

While resisting, the woman gave Su Mo a voice.

Her voice fit her figure perfectly, it was thick and hoarse, with high-pitched anger:

"If you're a man, challenge me to a duel!"


Su Mo only replied with two words.

The high-level natural disasters bully me, a newbie who is not as good as the natural disasters, and he actually wants to challenge me in a one-on-one fight?

Ms. Úrsula, your brain is all muscle, my brain is all cleverness and wisdom.

Ursula is the woman's name. After entering the battle, all her relevant information was learned by the [Eye of Insight].

A high-level natural disaster martial artist has a physical strengthening talent.


Su Mo's body swayed and he was close to Ursula in an instant, so fast that it was difficult for her to react.

【Flash Raid】

An uppercut hit the protective aura hard. Although it did not touch the body, Ursula shot up into the sky like a ball that was knocked away by a big foot.

Su Mo followed closely, while Iron Shield and three other combat robots walked side by side with him, forming a five-in-one, with war hammers, long knives, and spears stabbing at Ursula's vitals.

Ursula quickly adjusted her body and swung the decapitating sword tightly to block the attacks from all directions.

She wanted to focus on breaking through Su Mo's weakness, but she had to guard against the threat of other mechanical soldiers.

These mechanical warriors were all built by Bobo at a huge cost. They are no match for Ursula in a one-on-one fight, but after the four of them join forces, they can have a head-to-head confrontation with Ursula.

With four big men in front of him, Su Mo's pressure was reduced drastically and he could use his skills at any time.


As Su Mo held it with one hand, a full layer of sacred marks instantly detonated in Ursula's body.

The maximum percentage of true damage, the effect is naturally impressive.

Ursula's body trembled, an abnormal blush appeared on her face, and then she couldn't bear it anymore and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

"What the hell kind of trick is this?"

Ursula's eyes were horrified and difficult to understand.

She had seen Su Mo injuring Alonso using a very secretive move in the battle video before.

Therefore, she had been cautious just now and always paid attention to her physical condition, but even though she was extremely careful, she still got infected inexplicably.

This is the tyranny of the sacred mark.

So far, Su Mo has not met anyone who can discover the sacred mark.

Of course, powerful skills always come with limitations.

The CD of detonating the sacred mark is quite long, and it is impossible to use it multiple times in a battle.

The qi and blood boiling under Ursula's strong pressure, the martial artist has extremely high cell activity, not only has strong defense, but also has good self-healing ability, and is well-established.

The current injury will have a certain impact on her combat effectiveness, but she will recover soon.

Swish swish swish~~

Streams of bright dark golden sword energy flew in all directions, leaving ferocious tear marks under the mechanical warriors.

As a gold natural disaster martial artist, Ursula's moves are fierce and sharp, and her defense is as hard as iron. Neither the mechanical soldiers nor the surrounding psionic turrets can cause much substantial damage to her.

However, Ursula was also entangled by various mechanical armies, and it was difficult to escape for a while.

Su Mo used the cover of the surrounding mechanical soldiers to attack Ursula like crazy, Holy Spirit Hammer, Fist of Heaven, Holy Blow...

Although his output is relatively low and it is difficult to hurt Ursula, at least he is very happy and has a hearty pleasure.

This state is what he wants right now.

The beheading sword slashed down violently, breaking through like a real billowing air wave.

The iron shield suddenly appeared on Su Mo. Holding the shield and half-crouching, his posture was more standard than a textbook, and he blocked the heavy blow.

But at this moment, Ursula was like a spinning top, bypassing the iron shield like lightning, and her long legs as thick as tree roots glowed with dark gold flames, like a guillotine, kicking towards Su Mo's head.

Su Mo crossed his arms to resist, and resisted Ursula's high whip kick.


The bones of his arm made a series of shattering sounds. Su Mo flew back several hundred meters and released [Holy Light of Healing] to restore the broken arm to its original state.

"It's still far from enough~"

Su Mo shook his head. At present, his most outstanding advantage - physical strength, is only at the same level as the first-level natural disaster martial artist. Compared with the high-level natural disaster Ursula, it is far behind.

Not to mention, Ursula's martial arts aura was so majestic that she could kill him in several streets in one instant.

Under such circumstances, it was actually quite difficult for him to survive Ursula's offensive.

Of course, his purpose was definitely not to get beaten, that was something only fighting madmen or those who were jealous did.

The purpose of the battle is to polish his already perfect body, force and mental power, so that the three can find an opportunity to integrate and break through.

This goal is now nearly half accomplished.

The pressure exerted by Ursula was strong, but not fatal.

It is under this just right pressure that he is like a weapon about to be released, undergoing the final polishing by the blacksmith, and it will soon show its sharpness.

"Hurry, hurry!"

Su Mo's eyes were getting brighter and brighter. Even if the battle suddenly stopped and he turned his head to retreat, he was still confident that he would officially break through the natural disaster within two days.

However, the longer it takes to polish, the easier it will be for him to break through later.


The battle has been going on until now, and it has turned into a complete mess.

Five natural disaster mid-level people gathered together and concentrated on blocking the psionic energy rays that might be shot from around them at any time.

Barbota and Isaac are fighting fiercely.

Originally, Barbota was slightly weaker than Isaac, but with his thick-skinned martial arts physique, he was able to compete equally.

But now Isaac has blessed Su Mo with a full set of BUFFs, and his combat power has suddenly increased by 20%. Now the battle has become one-sided. Barbota was badly burned, with burns on his hands, feet, back and other parts. , with a terrifyingly gloomy expression.

Weiru, another natural disaster peak martial artist who he had high hopes for, had no chance to get close to Bobo. He was trapped in the sea of ​​machines and could not do anything.

As for the remaining five high-level natural disaster experts.

Two of them were taken care of by Bobo and were exhausted.

The other three dealt with Su Mo, Hu Tao, and Qian Liuyu respectively.

Qian Liuyu's opponent was the worst. Originally, his strength was not stronger than Qian Liuyu's. Now Qian Liuyu was assisted by the psionic fort. He was numb. He kept asking for help from the people around him, but no one could escape. Without opening his body, the injuries on his body became more and more serious, and he was miserable.

Su Mo and Hu Tao's opponents were a little easier, but they couldn't be defeated for a while.

The battle was briefly stalemate.

"Isaac, Su Mo, we have to withdraw."

Bobo sat in the cockpit of the giant soldier mecha, beads of sweat gradually appearing on his forehead.

The legion-style mechanic has a strong ability in team battles, and it is common for one to fight against many, but in this mode, it is a great test for his mechanical and mental strength.

Although all mechanical soldiers are equipped with automatic combat modules and can fight in the most reasonable way without control, but if you want to condense hundreds of thousands of mechanical armies into a whole and accept his control like an arm and a finger, To deal with different enemies, central command of mental and mechanical power is indispensable.

As the battle progresses, more than half of his mechanical power has been consumed and he cannot continue to fight for a long time.

What's more, they are still within the territory of the Lovak civilization, and reinforcements from the other side may arrive at any time.

Not to mention anything else, all it takes is one more peak natural disaster to come, and the current balance of power will be completely broken.

"Bobo, what's your plan?" Isaac asked while playing.

Bobo said: "I will invade the command system of the surrounding fleets later and ask them to remove their shields. Then I will blow up all the battleships. Without the battleships, these Loviks will not be able to catch up with us. "

"However, during my distracted invasion, the cooperation and combat effectiveness of the mechanical warriors will be reduced. You must be extremely careful."

"Don't worry Bobo, don't worry about us."

Su Mo said, "We will be fine in a short time."

"Okay, then I'll start!"

Bobo said no more, the diamond-shaped black crystal between his eyebrows shimmered, his mind sank into the virtual network, and the virtual invasion began.

Didi didi~~

The control panels of each battleship glowed with dazzling red light, indicating that the command system was being invaded.

"Quickly, start the construction of the temporary protective wall."

The commander-in-chief of the battleship ordered in a deep voice. Since they knew that their opponent had a mechanic like Bobo Zatanvi who was proficient in virtual technology, they would naturally not be unprepared.

The huge data flow has built a thick wall to resist the data impact from Bobo.


In the cockpit, Bobo frowned.

Under normal circumstances, when a natural disaster mechanic wants to hack into a spacecraft's command system, it's almost as if it's for fun.

However, the preparations of the Lovac civilization were much better than he imagined. According to the current situation, it would be impossible for him to break through the fleet firewall in less than a few dozen minutes.

Just when Bobo was at a loss what to do, suddenly, a majestic data flow suddenly descended, like a divine weapon from heaven, joining forces with Bobo's data flow. It was so powerful that it quickly defeated the fleet's firewall and invaded... Within the core command system.

"who is he!"

Bobo was startled. He didn't expect that there was a virtual master who was no less than himself beside him, but after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't guess who this person was.

However, now is not the time to think about this. He quickly shut down the fleet's shield defense system. Then, the mechanical army turned its guns and shot out a rain of rays under the horrified eyes of Barbota and others.

Silently, hundreds of fireworks bloomed brilliantly, the flames filled everyone's sight, and a terrifying heat wave raged around them.


Barbota and the others' eyes were filled with tears. You must know that all the people in the fleet are their direct descendants.

Originally, they thought that Isaac was already a turtle in the urn, so they brought their direct troops to encircle and suppress him. They planned to accomplish a big job by capturing Isaac, and at the same time, make his subordinates gain glory.

Before coming, they were fully prepared, but who would have thought that Bobo Zatanvi's combat power could be so terrifying, that he could almost change the situation of the battle with one person, and even successfully invaded the fleet command system that had been strengthened for defense. .

"Bobo Zatanwi!!!"

Barbota roared angrily, but then he suddenly discovered that Isaac, Su Mo, Hu Tao, Qian Liuyu, and Bobo Zatanwei all disappeared.

Also missing was the spaceship they came on.

"When did they escape?"

Before Barbota could figure out the answer, he saw the remaining hundreds of thousands of mechanical warriors left in place, their bodies glowing with a rapid red light.

"not good!"

Barbota's hair stood on end and she turned pale with horror.

The next moment, all the mechanical soldiers self-destructed at the same time.


A terrifying mushroom cloud rises in the universe, raging with energy and extending to thousands of kilometers. Nuclear energy, electric energy, psionic energy... all kinds of energy are mixed and crisscrossed, turning this space into a dead end.

After a long time, the energy gradually subsided, and seven unusually embarrassed figures appeared, their bodies covered in charred black, and even half of one person's body was almost blown to pieces.

They are Barbota, Viru and the remaining five high-level natural disaster experts.

As for the five middle-level natural disasters, their bodies were completely wiped out in the big explosion.

"Ahhh, Isaac, Bobo Zatanwi, I want you to die!!!"

Barbota's eyes were scarlet and she roared like a beast.

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