Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 245 Fruit of Power Advancement

Fortunately, it came in time~

Su Mo turned around and looked at Hyde, Peggy and Frank behind him.

Through the [Eye of Insight], it can be seen that nearly one-third of the bones in Hyde's body are broken, his muscles are severely torn, and his internal organs are also damaged to varying degrees. It is already a miracle that he can stand up.

Paige seemed to be trapped in a soul backlash and fell into a coma.

Frank also had bone fractures in his shoulder and left arm, and his body was extremely weak and on the verge of collapse.

If he had come a step later, these three people would definitely not be able to escape death.

Thinking of this, Su Mo couldn't help but have a cold feeling in his eyes.

Hyde, Frank and Peggy are his friends. With the characters of these three people, they will never make enemies without reason.

And the green guy in front of him actually wanted to kill his friend, so there was nothing to say.

Those who kill will always be killed.


Several restorative buffs fell on Hyde, Frank, Peggy and Asura in the distance.

Su Mo had seen Asura a long time ago. Although he didn't recognize him, he knew that he should be Hyde's new teammate.

The broken bones healed and grew rapidly, and physical strength, vigor, and mental strength returned to full strength almost instantly, and every cell seemed to be cheering.

Yes, that’s what it feels like!

Hyde and Frank narrowed their eyes and almost groaned in comfort.

The BUFF used by Brother Mo himself is powerful enough and authentic.

Asura propped himself up with his sword and looked forward, with a strange look in his eyes.

Is he the Su Mo that Haider often mentioned?

Asura has heard too many times about what happened to Su Mo and Haide in the Shenyao Empire. Whenever he mentioned that experience, Haide and Frank would always talk about it non-stop, unable to hide their respect for Su Mo in their words. and gratitude.

In addition, he also knew that the various magical potions that the team had been using were made by Su Mo and had helped everyone save themselves from danger many times.

Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times.

The man whom Hyde, Frank, and Peggy regarded as their savior did indeed live up to their hopes.

Arrive in time at the most critical moment.


Peggy, who was lying on the ground, slowly opened her eyes. She was not completely awake for a while, and said in a daze:

"Hyde, have we escaped?"

Hyde grinned:

"Peggy, look who's here!"

Hearing this, Paige's eyes suddenly widened, and she quickly turned her head, and she saw those familiar figures, and her eyes suddenly burst out with strong excitement and surprise.


Hutao raised her little hammer and said loudly like a big sister: "Watch me avenge you! I'm super powerful now!"

Hyde quickly reminded:

"Hutao, Brother Mo, be careful. This guy is a natural disaster expert and very powerful. Don't fight him head-on."

"Huh, even if you're a natural disaster, you'll still hit him."

Hu Tao's little nose wrinkled, and he slapped his palm on his waist. Countless metal components quickly extended, and instantly turned into a set of small and ferocious "War Tiger" general-level armor.

"Hyde, don't worry!"

Su Mo smiled and said: "The person next to me is a high-level natural disaster user."

What, high level natural disaster!

Suddenly, Hyde, Frank, Peggy, and Asura, who was flying towards them, all looked shocked.

Natural disaster level powerhouses are usually the existence of divine dragons.

As for the high-level natural disaster users, they are definitely among the top figures even among galaxy-level civilizations.

When they thought that Brother Mo had probably paid an unimaginable price to invite high-level natural disaster experts to come to the rescue, Haide and others were both grateful and very guilty.

High level natural disaster?

The powerful tree user didn't know what the high-level natural disaster meant, but his intuition told him that the four new people in front of him, except for the green guy like himself, the other three all posed a faint threat to him, especially that one The man who had remained silent but had a calm expression even made his hair stand on end.

He had only experienced this feeling with the Dragon Tree Envoy and the Tree Killer Envoy.

Too bad~

Riki made the secret path bad. He didn't expect that these intruders could find such powerful helpers.

This news must be informed to the Divine Tree.

Thinking of this, Rikishi made a decisive plan to retreat.

But how could Su Mo and Hu Tao let him slip away?

"Hit me!!!"

Hu Tao rushed forward, kicking her feet to create a circular air wave, and rushed in front of the powerful tree user in the blink of an eye. The hammer head burned with blazing holy flames, and the war hammer magic brute force was activated, making her strength surge. , and at this time, Su Mo's various BUFFs also caught up in time, allowing Hu Tao to reach the peak of strength.

boom! !

This hammer was like a meteor falling, with thunder and thunder.

The eyes of Hyde and the other three people widened in an instant. They didn't expect that Hu Tao, whom they hadn't seen for several months, would be so strong.

Asura next to him also showed a look of shock that could not be concealed.

This little girl is too arrogant!

A strong wind blows in the face, and a heat wave sweeps across.

Li Shuzhang's eyes showed a little solemnity, and his chubby arms suddenly exerted force, and they became like thick branches, tight and full of ravines, and he punched the hammer head.

boom! ! !

The fists and hammers collided, and the thunderous roar spread across several kilometers. Circles of power rippled outwards, causing the giant tree to shake violently and the leaves to fall.

A small body flew out upside down, but after adjusting its body in the air, it landed smoothly on the ground.

Even with many BUFFs, Hutao's power is still inferior to Lishu's, but judging from this battle, Hutao has initially gained the strength to wrestle with natural disasters.

"I'll try it too!"

Su Mo was happy to see that he was hunting. After his physical improvement, he had never really experienced the feeling of a full-power explosion, and the green monster in front of him was a good target.

"Pooh, Silver God Arms!"



The precise mechanical components stretched on his body, turning into a set of handsome silver armor in the blink of an eye.

The Silver God Arms is a masterpiece from the natural disaster-level mechanic Bobo Zatanvi.

Its performance is better than that of general-level armor and reaches the level of marshal-level armor.

The holy light condensed in the palm of his hand and transformed into a huge Holy Spirit Hammer engraved with complex secret patterns.

Su Mo's body crouched slightly, and he suddenly rushed forward, like a golden lightning, so fast that even Li Shushi was caught off guard.

【Flash Raid】


An uppercut hit the Rikishi user in the abdomen, sending him flying more than ten meters high.

After knocking the opponent into the air, he must follow up with a combo of moves.

Su Mo stood up, the holy angel wings appeared on his back, and appeared next to the Lishu user almost like a flash. The terrifying and majestic power condensed in his arms, and he smashed a hammer towards the Lishu user's head.

【Holy Blow】


Li Shuji raised his arms in time to block, and a majestic force like the sea was transmitted along his arms to his whole body, turning him into a cannonball that flew hundreds of meters away.

Seeing this scene, Haide and others once again showed expressions of disbelief.

This power...

We haven’t seen each other for a few months. Is he still the Brother Mo I know?

At this moment, even Qian Liuyu couldn't help but be shocked.

"What a terrifying power~"

Qian Liuyu fixed his gaze on Su Mo and was secretly frightened.

Judging from the strength Su Mo showed just now, it was almost on par with him.

You know, even if he is not a natural disaster-level martial artist who is known for his strength, after years of transformation by the phoenix phantom species and the racial sublimation of the natural disaster, his pure physical fitness will not be weaker than that of the first-level natural disaster martial artist. Where to go.

As for Su Mo, a superpower who is supposed to be in the auxiliary direction actually possesses such terrifying power. What a monster~

By the way, there is more than one monster.

Qian Liuyu looked at Hu Tao, who was once again excited to step forward to fight. The steps he was about to take out were retracted, with a faint smile on his lips.

Let the two of them try it!

Bang bang bang~~

Two figures, one large and one small, were fighting fiercely beside Rikiji.

the same golden flame

Same with the hammer

And that terrifying force that is just as arrogant and unreasonable.

I didn’t know, I thought these two were siblings~


The heavy punch penetrated the Holy Light Shield and hit the breastplate. Suddenly, there was a sound of bone cracking in the chest, and the energy and blood in the body surged, causing Su Mo to spit out a mouthful of blood.

But at the same time, the Rikishi user also felt his breath hitched and his chest stung.

[Thorns Anti-Armor] takes effect, reflecting back 20% of the damage he caused to Su Mo.

The golden light flickered, and the slightly sunken chest returned to its original shape in an instant. Su Mo stepped forward again, exuding a hearty fighting spirit from all over his body.

Cool! So cool!

He most likes to fight with this kind of powerful melee warrior.

There are not many methods, just go straight and don't be wary of underhanded tricks.

Moreover, his thorns anti-armor can greatly restrain melee combat, not only reducing damage by 20%, but also rebounding it by 20%, making the opponent more depressed and frustrated the more they fight.

"Yeah, give me a hammer!"

Hutao jumped up, and the war tiger armor sprayed out white turbid gas, and the power was turned to the maximum. The flames of the hammer head rose, and it hit the head of Rikishi with extremely violent force.

Li Shushi blocked Su Mo's heavy hammer with one hand, turned slightly sideways, and prepared to block Hu Tao's attack with the other hand.

At this moment, Su Mo's eyes flashed with golden light, and his lips whispered:


7 layers of sacred marks were instantly detonated, and true damage was activated.

Immediately, Li Shuji's body erupted with bright green energy, as if blood was spurting out from a normal person, and his original movement of raising his hand suddenly stagnated.

boom! ! !

Walnut's flaming hammer hit the powerful tree user's head without any pretense, making a loud muffled sound.

But what surprised Hu Tao was that the Rikishi user who was hit by her was neither fainted nor dazed. He just punched her away with his backhand as if nothing happened.


A golden chain wrapped around Hu Tao's body and pulled her down.

Hutao stood firm and said in surprise:

"Brother Su Mo, he..."

"Wutao, he is not a normal biological structure."

Su Mo retreated to Hu Tao and said calmly:

"This guy doesn't have bones, muscles, and various organs like us, so don't expect to knock him out or make him feel pain."

Through the [Eye of Insight] observation, the green fat man in front of him can only see flowing green energy and a branch-like skeleton, but nothing else. He looks a bit like an energy creature.

"I see!"

Hutao nodded, and then rushed towards the powerful tree user again.

"Despicable intruder!"

At this moment, Li Shu felt both angry and aggrieved.

The two people in front of him were obviously inferior to him in terms of strength. If they had fought normally, he would have defeated them long ago.

However, one of them actually has a powerful healing ability similar to that of a tree-bearing person. No matter how injured he is, he can recover quickly.

This feeling of being able to win easily but not being able to defeat the opponent is simply more uncomfortable than Cha Xiang.

“Come again!!!”

Hutao shouted, and the flame war hammer crashed down again.

"you wanna die!!!"

The force tree user roared, and the green light burst wrapped around his fist, bursting out with fierce light. He did not block Walnut's heavy hammer, but swung his fist towards Walnut's head.

I want to see if you can smash me to death, or if I can blow your head off.

"Huh, give me a rest!"

Su Mo's eyes shone with golden light, and a golden eye appeared above his head. It was arrogant and indifferent, without a trace of emotion, like a god looking down on all living beings.

An invisible wave instantly locked on the force tree user, causing his movements to freeze, as if he was frozen, motionless.

【Eye of God】Stabilize the body

boom! ! !

The heavy hammer hit his head, and the ground beneath his feet cracked open, causing sand and dust to fly.

"Brother Xiaoyu!" Su Mo shouted.

Qian Liuyu understood this and raised his palm, a spiral of cyan flame condensed on his index finger, like a high-speed rotating drill, and shot towards the powerful tree user.

The spiral flames were so fast that when Rikishi just broke out of his immobilization, it was like a sharp arrow piercing his chest.


Green juice splashed out, and a big hole appeared in the chest of the powerful tree.

An expert will know if there is one as soon as he takes action.

Su Mo and Hu Tao fought for a long time without causing any injuries to the Lishu user, but as soon as Qian Liuyu made a move, he immediately caused a very serious wound to the Lishu user.


The loud and clear phoenix chirping sounded, and Qianliu Yu suddenly appeared above the head of the Lishu user. The green flames condensed on his feet, like a pair of sky-covering phoenix claws, which trampled the Lishu user to the ground with one kick.

boom! ! ! !

The ground shook violently, as if a magnitude 10 earthquake had occurred. The cracks continued to spread outward until as far as the eye could see, and the dust stirred up, like a sandstorm.

This scene completely stunned Hyde, Frank, Peggy and Asura.

Is this the strength of a high-level natural disaster expert?

Everyone was shocked and silent for a long time.

After a while, the dust gradually fell, and the world became quiet at this moment.

"Hey, where is the person?"

Hu Tao blinked, why did the big green fat man suddenly disappear?

Was he kicked to pieces by Qian Liuyu?

It's not like this without fighting, right?


At this time, Qian Liuyu bent down, raised a green fruit the size of a pumpkin, and said in an inexplicable tone:

"Come and see this."

Su Mo stepped forward and opened his eyes slightly:

"Is this the one just now...?"

"That's right!"

Qian Liuyu also showed a look of surprise: "That's him."


Su Mo had a black question mark on his face. He actually fought with a green fruit for a long time and almost failed.

At this time, he didn't notice that Hu Tao's eyes were staring at the fruit, and glistening saliva remained at the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Xiaoyu, I..."


Like a puppy pouncing on food, Hutao jumped up and snatched the fruit from Qian Liuyu's hand in one gulp. His mouth suddenly became very big like a special effect, and he bit and chewed it before Su Mo and Qian Liuyu could react. Come over, she swallowed the fruit.

"Hu... walnut!!!"

Su Mo immediately picked up Hutao and gritted his teeth and said:

“How dare you eat things you don’t know how they work!!!”

Hutao smiled stupidly:

"Brother Su Mo, I think this thing must be delicious. I..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, Hu Tao's body burst into brilliant light like starlight, accompanied by an extremely powerful devouring force.

Feeling that the power in his body was flowing away rapidly, Su Mo quickly let go of his hand.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a shocking scene.

When the wind blows suddenly, the walnut is like a black hole, frantically absorbing all the energy from the outside world.

Although they were several meters apart, or even hundreds of meters apart, everyone could still feel the energy in their bodies passing away rapidly.

In desperation, everyone could only retreat to a safe position and watch helplessly as a starry eggshell wrapped the walnut inside, expanding and shrinking, as if giving birth to a certain life.

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