Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 246 Three Tree Envoys

"Brother Mo, Hutao is...?"

Hyde looked at the starry eggshell in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

At this time, Mengdo also looked at Su Mo with a worried look on his face and said dullly:

"What happened to Walnut?"

Su Mo touched his chin, his tone uncertain:

"I think Hutao should be improving."


Hyde, Mondo and others were very surprised.

They had never heard that someone would turn into an egg when they advanced.

However, Hutao has reached the peak of leadership, and with the fruit he just ate, it is indeed very possible to hit a natural disaster.


Qian Liuyu looked at the Starlight Eggshell with interest.

During the years of treating his son, he had visited many planets and seen all kinds of strange races.

Some races will be very different from usual when they advance, such as turning into stones, eggshells, or even a puddle of mud.

But what surprised him was that even he couldn't resist the devouring power emanating from the eggshell. He could only avoid the loss of energy in his body by keeping distance.

Hutao, which race does he come from?

Qian Liuyu suddenly became very curious about Hu Tao's origins.

A race that has no strength of its own but possesses a physique comparable to that of a natural disaster martial artist when it leads, as well as such a powerful devouring power, should not remain unknown.

"Brother Mo, what should we do now?" Haide asked.

As soon as Su Mo came, his brain automatically shut down.

Just listen to Brother Mo in everything, and you won't go wrong.

This was an important conclusion he reached after his trip to the Shenyao Empire.

Su Mo shrugged and said, "I have no choice but to wait."

At present, with the eggshell as the center, a radius of about one kilometer has become a devouring force field. As long as you enter the force field, the energy in your body will flow away quickly, and you will be sucked dry before you get close.

So, there is really no good way now.

We can only wait until Hutao's advancement is completed.

"Okay, now that I have nothing to do, let me introduce it to you first."

Su Mo raised his hand and pointed at Qian Liuyu beside him, and said with a smile: "Qian Liuyu, a high-level natural disaster user, is now also a senior cadre of the Holy Light Mercenary Group."

What the hell?

Hyde, Frank and others were shocked, showing expressions of disbelief.

They originally thought that this high-level natural disaster expert was a foreign aid that Su Mo spent a lot of money to invite. Who would have thought that he was actually a cadre of the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

No, we have only been separated for two or three months, and the Holy Light Mercenary Group is already so awesome?


Qian Liuyu smiled gently. His smile was like a ray of sunshine, warm and gentle, which could dispel all the gloom in a person's heart.

Wow, so handsome~

Paige's eyes were filled with stars.

Qian Liuyu was definitely the most handsome and charming man she had ever seen in her life, bar none.

This smile is so lethal.

", hello."

Frank rubbed his hands nervously on his trouser legs, trying to reach out and looking hesitant again.

At this time, Qian Liuyu took the initiative to stretch out his hand and said with a smile:

"Frank, it's nice to meet you. I often heard the group leader and Hu Tao talking about your stories along the way."

Frank quickly held Qian Liuyu's hand and said:

"Thank you. In fact, Brother Mo has been taking care of us all this time, and we haven't done anything."


Qian Liuyu shook his head and said: "The leader said that each of you has a very unique shining point. Hyde is brave, kind and full of justice. Frank is smart and decisive. He is the brains of the team. Paige is beautiful, Generous, attentive, and a steward of the team, he gained a lot from you.”

Hearing these comments, the three people in Hyde couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and emotion in their hearts.

It turns out that this is how Brother Mo views us.


"Brother Mo, Mengduo, and Mr. Qian Liuyu, let me introduce them to you."

Hyde pulled Asura in front of him and said, "This is our new partner in the Lucky Expedition. Asura is the leader of a high-level martial artist. He is very powerful."

Asura, this name is kind of cool~

Su Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, and the [Eye of Insight] showed Asura's information.

Asura, the leader of high-level martial arts masters, has a talent called [Asura Ghost and God Body]

Not only can it use the power of ghosts and gods to strengthen martial arts moves, but it can also cultivate its own evil and murderous aura through killing, so as to continuously stimulate the Shura bloodline in the body and enhance its strength.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as a terrifying talent that can become stronger by killing someone.

Gee, all the partners Hyde has found are geniuses~

Su Mo couldn't help but sigh, whether it was Hyde with [Mechanical Affinity], Peggy with [Spiritual Mind Body], or Asura with [Shura Ghost Body], they were all geniuses in their respective professions. It has the potential of natural disaster level.

Being able to gather these geniuses around requires not only strong personality charm, but also great luck.

As expected of a super European emperor~

"Hello, Asura!"

Su Mo extended his hand to Asura cordially.

Asura held Su Mo's hand and said, "Hello, Mo...Su Mo."

Although other members of the team called Su Mo Brother Mo, given his personality, he really couldn't call a man he had just met directly called Brother Mo, so it seemed a bit awkward to speak.


At this moment, an inappropriate voice sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that it was Hyde's stomach that was protesting.


Hyde scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "I haven't eaten much recently, I'm a little hungry."


Su Mo took out a huge blanket from the space equipment and spread it on the ground. Then he took out a lot of food and said with a smile:

"Come on, let's eat and chat here until Hutao's advancement is over."

When he saw the food, Hyde's eyes almost shone, and Frank, Peggy, and Ashura beside him couldn't help but secretly swallow their saliva.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the powerful tree envoys, it was difficult for them to set aside time to eat. They basically just dealt with it, and they were all very hungry now.

Ah woo~ ah woo~

Hyde stuffed food into his mouth like a starving ghost reincarnated.

Mondo saw it and joined the eating team with a smile. The two foodies started the familiar food competition again, and the scene was filled with a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere.

"Hyde, tell me about your recent experiences~"

"Hmm, okay~"

After Hyde swallowed what was in his mouth, he began to tell a series of things that the Lucky Expedition experienced since leaving Zatanvi.

On the fifth day after leaving Zatanvi, they encountered a spaceship that was about to be broken into pieces. After approaching the spacecraft, they rescued the only survivor in the spacecraft, Zeller Covey. From the mechanical civilization of steel and fire.

After Zeller Covey woke up, he told Hyde and others about the difficulties currently facing the steel-fire mechanical civilization.

Originally, the Steel Fire Mechanical Civilization was a very prosperous civilization. It also had two natural disaster-level mechanics who had gained a certain reputation in the nearby star region.

However, after the two natural disaster mechanics passed away one after another, the knowledge and technology of the Steel Fire Mechanical Civilization attracted the covetousness of the outside world. A certain natural disaster grade mechanic personally went to work and stole all the knowledge and materials of the Steel Fire Civilization. He was also very vicious. Destroy all the data in the planet's brain.

Since then, the Steel Fire Civilization has plummeted, and even commander-level mechanics cannot be cultivated, let alone natural disasters.

Not long ago, a certain cosmic team arrived on the planet of Steel Fire Civilization. They set their sights on the Steel Fire Civilization's most important inherited sacred object, the Throne of Steel Fire, and so they started to snatch it.

There was a commander-level strongman in this team, who defeated the top combat power of the Steel Fire Civilization.

In desperation, the Steel Fire Civilization could only send out several teams to look for reinforcements in the universe, while the Great Elder took the Steel Fire Throne to hide and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

After learning what happened, the Lucky Expedition team decisively chose to help Zeller Covey. They came to the Steel Fire Ball, defeated the cosmic team, and helped the Steel Fire Civilization survive the disaster.

Before leaving, Frank transferred a lot of technology and knowledge in his database to the Planet Intelligence Brain.

After studying with Jarvis for a period of time, his database contains a lot of knowledge about high-end machinery, energy, virtual technology, etc.

After gaining this knowledge, the Steel Fire Civilization was overjoyed. In order to repay Hyde and Frank for their selfless help, they allowed Frank to undergo a Throne of Steel Fire tempering.

During that training, Frank's mechanical strength greatly improved, and his knowledge reserve had already reached the standard, and he successfully broke through to the leadership level.

After that, the Lucky Expedition went to a certain transit star to rest for a while, and accidentally ran into Asura who was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Hyde is not a person who refuses to save anyone. He used healing potions to cure Asura, and later helped Asura's bloody enemies. So Asura gladly accepted Hyde's invitation to join the group and became a member of the Lucky Expedition Team. .

Immediately afterwards, they arrived at the Sacred Tree Star.

After eating two fruits, he was chased by the powerful tree envoys.

After listening to Haide's story, only one thought flashed through Su Mo's mind, and that was——

Ou Huang is indeed Ou Huang~

First, Zeller Covey was rescued and Frank was promoted to the commander level.

He saved Asura again and successfully added a super powerful person to the team.

Later, she came to the Sacred Tree Star and after eating the fruit, Paige broke through to the elite peak.

Although he was chased, he finally got his own rescue.

It sounds like he is a perfect protagonist in a novel, not only leading himself to death, but also bringing others around him to life.

If you think about it carefully, every time he is with Hyde, he always encounters all kinds of good things.

When he was in the Shenyao Empire, he discovered the Divine Stone of Gathering Thoughts, achieved a breakthrough in strength and obtained the treasure of Soul Refining Pot.

This time when we arrived at the Sacred Tree Star, as soon as the battle ended, Hutao began to break through the natural disasters.

After Hutao breaks through, the Holy Light Mercenary Group will officially have three powerful natural disasters, and its top combat power will be no less than that of the six major legions.

It is even said that if they really fight, the legions at the bottom cannot defeat the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

Qian Liuyu, a high-level commander, is on the same level as several legion commanders. He possesses the A++ level talent [Phoenix]. He has no shortcomings and has few opponents at the same level.

Ming, a natural disaster primary telekinesis master, is the most common nemesis of professional martial arts masters.

Hutao, the starry sky beast, the star-devouring beast, has always been an invincible little monster at the same level, and can easily leapfrog challenges.

The Frost Legion, the Poison Tide Legion, and the Black Dragon Legion all have one high-level natural disaster commander and two primary-level natural disaster commanders and deputy commanders, and among them there are many martial arts masters.

We are not looking down on martial arts practitioners, we have professional contempt for them.

As the most common extraordinary system in the universe, martial arts masters have high attack and defense, rough skin and thick flesh, invincible in close combat, and can unleash waves from a distance, making them the king of individual combat.

However, when encountering the soul school telekinesis master Ming and the starry sky beast Hu Tao, martial arts masters of the same level can only be the younger brothers and have to be hung up and hammered.

"Brother Mo, tell us your story too."

Peggy looked at Su Mo with curiosity, then secretly glanced at Qian Liuyu, and asked, "To what extent has the Holy Light Mercenary Group developed now?"

"That's right!"

Hyde and Frank also nodded repeatedly with curious faces.

Su Mo smiled and began to describe the development process of the Holy Light Mercenary Group during this period.

Taking over the mission of Gru Star, massacring the undead, Ming was promoted to a natural disaster, Qian Liuyu joined the corps, and aggressively recruited troops...

The experience of the Lucky Expedition is like a fantasy novel, with constant adventures and ups and downs.

The experience of the Holy Light Mercenary Group is more like a biography of a character, with steady progress, step by step, and a farming development route.

When they heard that the Holy Light Mercenary Group currently had two natural disasters, with more than 30,000 members, and assets exceeding 1 billion, Hyde, Frank, and even the always cold and calm Asura showed shock.

"This is too exaggerated~"

Frank murmured.

I think back when they first came to the Holy Light Base, the Holy Light Mercenary Group was being attacked by the two major mercenary groups, Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye, and they were almost wiped out.

In just two or three months, the Holy Light Mercenary Group has become a giant in the mercenary world, pointing its sword at the Seventh Legion.

If you tell me this, who would dare to believe it?

"One billion~"

Paige's mouth opened slightly, and the sound of gold coins falling kept ringing in her ears.

As a team housekeeper who has a fanatical pursuit of money, she can no longer imagine what 1 billion innars is.

Probably 100 of her home planets?



At the moment when the powerful tree was swallowed by the walnut, the 10,000-meter-high sacred tree suddenly shook violently.

In a flash, an earthquake occurred within a radius of dozens of kilometers, and countless beasts ran around in panic.

"The Rikishu user is dead!"

"What? Who killed him?"

"It must be those outsiders."

"Are those outsiders that strong?"

"Now how to do?"

"I'm going to avenge the Lishu envoy and kill those outsiders."

"No, they have all killed the Rikishi. It's not safe for you to go alone."

"Nagarjuna Envoy, Beast Tree Envoy, and Shengshu Envoy, you three go and kill those outsiders and avenge the Lishu Envoy."

"Yes, Wisdom Tree!"

At the top of the sacred tree, three figures slowly squeezed out from the thick branches, and finally stood on the crown of the tree.

"Huh, I haven't been out for a long time."

"Nagarjuna, you have become stronger again."

"Well, you're not bad either."

"Let's go, let me see who can kill the Riki Shushi."


I wish all book friends a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and will update another chapter tomorrow.

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