Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 244, Two Steps, Chapter 45: Virtual Invasion, a Critical Attack

In the vast starry sky

A dozen plundering spaceships surrounded a luxurious and handsome spaceship in the middle, with hundreds of gun barrels stretched out, ready to go.

In the main ship, the boss of the plundering ship "Yin Puppet" Rhodes laughed loudly:

"Haha, I didn't expect that the goddess of luck would also favor me. She actually let me run into a high-end cargo. The top-notch small spaceship 'Seiya' deluxe version produced by the Federation of Radiance is worth nearly 20 million innars. Brothers, we want to Get rich!"

In the control room, many star thieves howled with excitement like baboons.

"Connect to the communication channel on the other side and tell him to surrender."

Yin Puppet put his hands behind his back and said very domineeringly.

"It's the boss!"

The driver connects to the wide area channel and conveys the boss's message to the other side.

"We are the Yin Puppet Robbery Group. We are now officially informing you to take down the shields immediately and capture them without mercy. Otherwise, don't blame our artillery for not having eyesight."

An ugly face appeared on the big screen in the central control room. Su Mo's eyes twitched and he was speechless.

Originally, the Seiya was sailing in a normal curvature state. Who would have thought that it would encounter a space trap here.

Space traps are a commonly used device in space warfare. They can interrupt the jump or curvature navigation of a spacecraft. They are widely used in military battlefields. They are also a means for many star thieves to wait and see.

Star thieves set traps on popular routes, and it is easy to catch some travel ships or transport ships.

Of course, it is also possible to encounter an entire armed fleet.

It depends on their luck.

"What bad luck!"

Su Mo shook his head.

"Captain, let me go and deal with them!"

Qian Liuyu smiled slightly at the side, looking calm and gentle, as if what he had to do was simpler than trampling a bunch of ants to death.

A natural disaster level expert can completely destroy a fleet by himself.

In Qian Liuyu's eyes, these "beggar's version" spaceships are almost like his son's toys.

"Brother Su Mo, I'll come, I'll come!"

Hutao picked up her little hammer and rushed to say, "I'll deal with them!"

Seeing Hu Tao being so active, Qian Liuyu smiled and said nothing.

With Hutao's terrifying power and the assistance of general-level armor, it is not difficult to kill this raiding team, it just takes a little time.

"Hu Tao, we have to rush to the destination as soon as possible to rescue Haide. We can't delay even a second." Su Mo touched Hu Tao's head.

"Oh~ right, right~"

Hu Tao came to his senses and nodded repeatedly: "Then let Qian Liuyu take action."

Qian Liuyu smiled and said: "Captain, then I..."


Su Mo raised his hand, with a hint of curvature at the corner of his mouth:

"I have a faster way to kill them!"

A faster way?

Hearing this, Hu Tao and Qian Liuyu suddenly showed expressions of confusion, while Meng Duo on the side stared at his confused eyes, not knowing what everyone was talking about.

"Pooh, do it!"

"It's the master!"

The virtual invasion begins!

As the treasure of the universe [Endless Arms], Pooh's intelligence level will continue to grow stronger as the database increases.

Nowadays, Pooh has copied almost all the mechanical weapons and equipment on the market on Zatanvi, and also copied a large number of advanced Colt civilization machinery, spaceships, etc., and his own computing power is almost as good as that of a natural disaster-level mechanic who is proficient in virtual technology. Comparable.

The dozens of shabby ships in front of them, with smart firewall levels barely reaching Level 2, were as if they were undefended in front of Pooh. He gently pushed the door open and took away the control authority of the ship.

"Boss, there is no reply from the other party!"

The driver said to Yin Puppet.

"Hmph, I still want to put up a stubborn fight! Brothers, let me drive... get closer and engage in battle!"

Yin Puppet almost yelled and changed the order in time. He was not willing to fire on such a luxurious spaceship. Even if the outer shell coating was damaged a little, the price might be reduced by tens of thousands of yuan.


Each plundering ship sent a reply, and the control ship was about to rush towards the Seiya. However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

I saw that all the plundering ships removed their energy shields at the same time, and then all the plundering ships fired at the main ship where Yin Puppet was.


Hundreds of light cannons were fired one after another, drawing bright traces of light in the dark space, like a paintbrush sketching on a blackboard.


Yin Puppet's expression changed in shock, his eyes turned into a vast white, hot breath steamed on the soles of his feet, and then——

In the silent explosion, the main ship bloomed into a bright firework, and everyone inside also turned into cosmic dust.

This scene not only shocked the other star thieves who looted the ship, but also shocked Hu Tao and Qian Liuyu.

"Captain, how did you do this?"

Qian Liuyu asked in disbelief.

This technique seems to be something that only mechanics can do, or in other words, some top technicians who are proficient in virtual technology.

As for the group leader, it wasn’t that he was deliberately shady. It seemed that the last time he tutored his son Yu Zhiguang on a temporary basis, he almost failed to solve a primary school math problem. He didn’t look like such a smart Yazi.

Su Mo put his hands behind his back and said calmly:

"No more pretending. In fact, in addition to being a superpower, I am also a top virtual programmer."

"What is the binary number of 512?"

"Ahem... It wasn't me who did it just now, it was the advanced virtual intelligence of the spacecraft that did it."

As they spoke, the remaining plundering ships shot at each other, and dazzling fireworks bloomed in the space, dazzling and accompanied by the death of life and the death of sin.

"Advanced virtual intelligence~"

Qian Liuyu suddenly realized that top-level spaceships would indeed be equipped with advanced virtual intelligence.

But he didn't expect that this advanced virtual intelligence could invade the opposite control system so easily.

The intelligence gap is a bit too big~

Sure enough, you get what you pay for~

"Master, all spaceships are destroyed." Pooh said in Su Mo's mind.

"Okay, let's go on!"


The spacecraft trembled and the curvature navigation state was reactivated.

"Pooh, how long until we reach our destination?"

"According to the fastest sailing speed, it will take another day and a half!"

"One and a half days...Hide, you must hold on!"


"Hyde, I can't hold on any longer. You take Peggy and leave first. I'll cut off the queen for you!"

Frank wiped the blood from his mouth, his soles softened, and he almost fell to his knees, and said with a helpless smile.

Hyde didn't answer at all. He grabbed Frank's arm and with a slight exertion, he put Frank on his shoulders like a sack and ran forward in silence.

On the other side, Asura carried the unconscious Paige on his back and ran side by side with Hyde, never missing a step.

"Hyde, Asura, alas~"

Frank's head was tilted downward, his eyes showing both emotion and deep exhaustion.

Their team has been avoiding the pursuit of the Rikishi for 18 days. Now they have run out of ammunition and food, all the medicine has been used up, all his mechanical army has been defeated, Paige has fallen into a coma, and Hyde and Asura have also suffered more than him. He was seriously injured, but now he is just struggling to hold on.

He knew that with the current state of the team, they might not be able to survive today.

"That's all, even if we die, we must die together."

Frank sighed. He looked at the obviously sunken fist mark on Hyde's back, and a deep guilt flashed in his eyes.

This fist seal was caused by Hyde resisting Rikishi's punch in order to save him.

They were able to survive because they picked up a few fruits rich in life force in the wild.

The effect of these fruits was a little worse than the healing potion, but they also allowed Hyde to successfully save his life.

"Shameless thieves, where else do you want to run!!!"

That nightmarish rough voice sounded behind him, Frank's heart shrank, and then he smiled sadly.

Brother Mo, it looks like we can't hold on until you come.

It takes about a month to travel from Planet Zatanvi to Planet Sacred Tree, but only 18 days have passed now.

"Hide, Asura, we can't run away, let's fight to the death!"

Frank said as he lay on Hyde's shoulder.

At this time, Hai Hai and Asura looked at each other and nodded.


Frank and Peggy were put down by the two of them.

Hyde looked straight ahead and said, "Frank, take Peggy and hide beside you."

Frank was silent for two seconds and nodded: "Okay!"

All the machines were smashed by the Rikishi user. Now he has almost lost his ability to attack. At most, he can hold a few laser guns and shoot two rounds at the side.

For Rikishi, it doesn't matter at all, and it's okay to pick it up with his face.

Frank held the unconscious Peggy and hid beside him, but he didn't hide too far.

Because he knew that as long as Hyde and Asura were defeated, even if he hid in the ends of the earth, he would still be found by the Rikishi. He might as well stay here and accompany his two companions on their final journey.


Hyde turned his head and glanced at Asura's scarred body and asked, "Can I still fight?"

Asura crossed his arms and said coldly:

"I could fight him all day."


Hyde showed a bright smile, "Then let's work together to kill him."

"Just you two weak little bugs?"

The powerful tree warrior walked over with heavy steps and said in a disdainful tone: "Why don't you run away now?"

Hyde activated his superpower and entered a half-dragon state. Thick and dense dragon scales appeared on his body. His palms and soles turned into dragon claws. The dragon's tail dragged on the ground. He said in a low voice:

"If I want to kill you, I won't run away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hyde stepped forward directly. Lightning flashed around his arm. He charged up his right fist and pulled it back. Like a fully drawn bow, he punched the Rikishi user fiercely.


A huge thunder and lightning dragon condensed into shape in an instant, opened its mouth, roared and rushed towards the force tree user. At the same time, Asura activated the Shura battle body hidden in his blood.

Puff puff puff~~

I saw Asura's left and right arms shaking violently, and then split into three at the same time, from two arms to six arms, his pupils turned blood red, and the bloody aura exploded.

Immediately afterwards, Asura poured martial arts flames into the long knife in his hand. The long knife suddenly burst into purple-black light and quickly split into seven identical long knives.

Six hands held the long knife tightly, and his teeth bit the handle of the last long knife.

Asura's body was low, like a cheetah gathering momentum, blood flashed in his pupils, and his arrogance exploded covering his whole body. Ghosts and gods appeared behind him. He kicked the ground and rushed towards the powerful tree user.

"Seven Swordsman Style Shura Ghost Hunting!"


Seven purple-black saber energies formed a chaotic and intersecting force, and the thunder and lightning dragon roared violently.

As the target of the fire, Lishuji just smiled disdainfully, and punched out with his left hand. The majestic martial arts flames formed a beam of light, and collided with the thunder and lightning dragon. His right hand reached out like lightning, and actually punched out the seven sword qi one by one. All the ground was crushed.

Seeing this scene, Frank, who was hiding behind, couldn't help but look deeply desperate.

The gap is too big~

The natural disaster level and the commander level are completely the realm of heaven and earth.

Even if Hyde and Asura tried their best and exhausted all means, they still could not be Rikishi's opponent.

However, for Hyde and Asura, the word "retreat" does not exist in their life dictionary.


Hyde opened his mouth and spit out dragon breath that was comparable to the temperature of magma. On the other side, Asura stepped forward, seven long knives filled with cold purple-black flames, stabbing at different vital points of the powerful tree user.

Rikishi didn't react at all, didn't even blink his eyelids, and used his body to resist the dragon's breath and seven slashes.

The dragon's breath drowned the force tree, and the seven swords actually stabbed the target.

However, there was no trace of joy on the faces of Hyde and Asura, instead they were full of solemnity.

"Is this your last ditch effort?"

A rough voice sounded, and a burly and huge body emerged from the firelight.

Rikishi shook off the flames from his hair and looked down at Asura beside him, with a ferocious smile on his lips.

"too weak!"

boom! ! !

A heavy fist was thrown out, hitting Asura's chest.

The air wave spread violently, and a body flew backwards several hundred meters away. After landing heavily, it turned over a dozen somersaults and finally fell to the ground. He tried to get up, but it was always difficult to do so. A large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. Mixed with some offal fragments.

"It's your turn!"

Rikishi grabbed Hyde's neck and threw it hard. The moment he let go, a sound barrier exploded.

Hyde was thrown straight away and turned into a black dot in his sight in the blink of an eye. He broke a dozen giant trees in succession and fell to the ground.


Hyde stood up with difficulty. All the bones in his body seemed to be broken. Severe pain hit his nerves like a tide, making even the slightest movement extremely difficult.

However, looking at the force tree user walking towards Frank and Peggy step by step, Hyde gritted his teeth, used his steely will to overcome the physical pain, and shouted with all his strength:

"Don't hurt my companions!!!"


Hyde kicked off the ground and jumped, Qingfeng dragged his scarred body and charged towards the Lishu user again, like a fighting hero who never flinched in front of a tank, using his flesh and blood to build an iron wall for his comrades.


Looking at the speeding figure in the distance, Frank's heart seemed to be hit and touched hard, and his eyes instantly turned red.

"Hmph, looking for death!"

The force tree user snorted coldly, charged up his right fist, gathered the majestic energy, and was about to blast towards Haide.

However, at this moment, Li Shushi's expression suddenly changed. He raised his head and watched a thick and holy beam of light soaring down from the sky, drowning him.

boom! ! ! !

In an instant, the world turned white.

Dust is flying, the earth is shaking, and hurricanes are sweeping in all directions.

Frank used his body to block the falling gravel for Peggy, and Hyde immediately stopped and looked in front of him.


The smoke dispersed, and four figures of different heights appeared in front.

"that is……"

Looking at the three familiar figures among them, Hyde and Frank's eyes slowly opened wide.

"Looks like we came at the right time~"

A faint laugh echoed in my ears.

This voice was very familiar to Hyde and Frank, and they shouted excitedly:

"Brother Mo!!!"

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