Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 243 Divine Tree Star Power Tree Envoy

sacred tree star

Green grassland, vast and boundless

Lush weeds grew taller than people, and huge beasts were playing around the lake, or mating as if no one else was around.

The "dwarfs" among these beasts are also taller and stronger than the adult giant elephants of Tianyuan Star. The most terrifying giant beast is simply like an enlarged version of the Tyrannosaurus rex in the Jurassic Century, with a body length of more than 50 meters from head to tail. , the scales are like black iron, the ferocious fangs are exposed, and it carries an extremely vicious aura.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex raised its head and roared, and a black mass was quickly discharged from the bottom of its tail, falling to the ground with a crackle. This feeling of flying down three thousand feet made the Tyrannosaurus Rex feel a sense of relief.

I've been eating too much meat recently, and I'm a little constipated. Next, I should eat some fruit to clear my mind... Tyrannosaurus rex thought to himself.

At this moment, a loud explosion suddenly sounded in the distance, startling the Tyrannosaurus rex, and tightened its tail suddenly, forcibly cutting off the Xiangxiang that had not yet finished its discharge.


The Tyrannosaurus rex opened its mouth, its eyes were bloodshot, and it was extremely angry.

who is it!

How dare you disturb this great king's production of Jin Ke La?

As the well-deserved overlord of this area, Tyrannosaurus Rex felt that his authority was offended. Sparks came out of his nostrils and he turned his head to look in the direction of the explosion.

I saw two very small "bugs" quickly shuttled through the grass. They were not as tall as the grass. They were so thin that they were almost invisible.

Normally, these two bugs wouldn't even be able to fill the space between its teeth, and they would pass by without even looking at them.

But now, this king is very angry, so I will reward you with a gift of fire.

The Tyrannosaurus rex stepped forward with its long, strong legs, stamping on the grass with a thud, causing the ground to tremble slightly, leaving behind a series of large and clear footprints.

After getting close to the little bug, the Tyrannosaurus rex opened its mouth, and a bright fire bloomed in its throat, and then a fireball with a diameter of dozens of meters suddenly shot out, like a flaming meteor, hitting the ground.

No creature can survive its explosive fireballs.

By the way, except for those legendary tree masters... Tyrannosaurus rex thought.

However, just as the Tyrannosaurus rex was waiting to see the little bug being burned to ashes, a cold and cold voice sounded in front of him.

"Three Swordsman Style: Ghost Slayer!"


Three black lights flashed, and the huge fireball was cut into three pieces. The cuts were extremely smooth. Then, a purple-black figure broke through the fireball, soared into the air in an instant, and came to the front of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


The short and powerful tearing sound was particularly clear, and the purple-black figure passed by the Tyrannosaurus Rex's neck, and then stood firmly on the grass.

The next second——

Poof! ! !

A blood line suddenly appeared on the thick neck, and blood gushed out like a fountain.


The Tyrannosaurus rex's eyes protruded and its mouth opened wide. Then, the head and half of its neck slowly moved downwards, and finally landed with a crash.

"Hmph, looking for death!"

The purple-black arrogance subsided, and a slender and tall figure emerged, with jet black hair, strong features, and an indelible evil spirit in his eyes. He held a slender sword in his left and right hands, and his teeth were actually biting the handle of the knife. It looks extremely strange.

"Asura, run quickly, he is coming after you."

A green figure passed by, grabbed Asura's arm and ran forward.

This man had brown hair and black eyes, wore leather armor, and had a slightly anxious look on his face. He was the man who sent a distress message to Su Mo not long ago.

Speaking of his experience during this period, Hyde really doesn't know whether to describe it as lucky or unlucky.

Two months ago, he, Frank, and Peggy rescued a martial artist who was seriously injured and dying in an accident. After being treated with a healing potion, the martial artist recovered from his injury and accepted his invitation. , become a new member of the lucky expedition team.

The martial arts master's name is Asura. He is a high-level leader. He has the blood of Asura. He has superb sword skills and extremely amazing fighting power.

After Asura joined the team, the four of them started their interstellar adventure again, and soon found another undiscovered new planet.

This planet is very strange, and all living things are extremely large, as if it is a world of giant beasts.

However, what shocked them the most was that this planet actually had a towering sacred tree.

The word "towering like a cloud" is not an exaggeration at all.

According to visual inspection, this sacred tree is at least 10,000 meters high, connecting the sky and the earth. A leaf is larger than a house, and the tree is full of fruits.

The fruits come in many varieties and contain extraordinary energy.

When they landed on the Sacred Tree Star, they happened to see the Sacred Tree lifting its branches and leaves as if stretching its body. Then the fruits all over the sky fell from the branches and disappeared after touching the ground.

This scene surprised the four of them, and they immediately came up with the idea of ​​exploring this world.

When the spaceship docked in an open space and everyone stepped out of the spacecraft, two fruits rolled to his feet.

After Frank's mechanical inspection, one of the fruits contained very pure soul energy, and the other fruit contained a trace of dragon blood.

After an ordinary beast eats the second fruit, it can greatly strengthen its body, and even have the opportunity to merge with the dragon's blood and become a sub-dragon species.

The soul fruit was eaten by Paige, allowing her to upgrade two levels in a row and reach the elite peak.

He ate the Dragon Fruit himself. This fruit fit perfectly with his power [Blue Dragon Transformation] and helped him break through from the intermediate level of leadership to the high level of leadership, reaching the same state as Asura.

It's all luck that's come to this, just like the name of his team.

But then, something terrible and unfortunate happened.

Just as they were exploring the world and looking for more fruits, a creature named Li Shuyu suddenly appeared in front of them, claiming that they were shameless thieves and despicable intruders, and wanted to escort the four of them to the sacred tree. Accept the judgment of the sacred tree.

Everyone felt very unjust for the accusation made by Li Shushi. From the beginning to the end, they had never killed a single creature on this planet. They also picked up the two fruits from their feet. How could they become thieves and intruders?

He tried to explain, but Rikishi didn't give him a chance to explain, so he just picked up his fist and did it.

There was no other way. He and his teammates had no choice but to fight. As soon as they met, they discovered——

Lishu Envoy is actually a natural disaster level expert.

In that battle, Frank and Peggy, two elites, had no ability to participate in the battle. They could only rely on him and Asura to support themselves. If it weren't for Brother Mo who gave him a large amount of BUFF potions before leaving Zatanvi. , he and Asura have died dozens of times without knowing it.

Fortunately, this Rikishi user seemed to have a bad mind, and he and Asura used a trick to get rid of him in the end.

However, after that, their team seemed to be equipped with a locator. No matter where they were hiding, they could be found by the Lishu. In addition, the spacecraft was smashed by the Lishu, making it difficult to escape. In desperation, he sent a message to Brother Mo. S.O.S.

It takes at least a month to get from Zatanvi to the Sacred Tree, and now more than half a month has passed.

Although he, Asura and the other two companions have improved in strength under the pressure of the powerful tree user, after all, the gap between the natural disaster and the commander is too big.

All the healing potions in the space equipment have been consumed. If he is seriously injured again, he will have to wait for death.

Therefore, when they were found by the powerful tree user again, they could only run away.

Run, run, run, run...

But in the end he was caught up.

"Shameless thief!!!"

An angry voice exploded from behind, and then, green energy as powerful as a long river surged out, pointing directly at Hyde and Asura.


Hyde and Asura exchanged palms in a tacit understanding. With the help of the reaction force, the two of them instantly bounced away and avoided the energy offensive.

boom! ! !

The green energy hit the ground, and suddenly, a deep pit of more than ten meters appeared. Grass clippings flew around, and the soil was churned. When the nearby giant beast heard the movement, it ran away in fright.


Hyde turned over and stood firmly on the ground, then turned his head and glanced at the burly figure that simply penetrated into his soul.

The Riki Shushi looks a bit like his good friend Mondo, with his whole body covered in green.

Rikishi is not as big as the giant beasts on the planet. He is about 4 meters tall, with hair hanging back like vines. In addition, he does not have the bulging muscles of humans. The body is round and chubby, but full of strength.

After taking a glance, Hyde quickly ran away and shouted at the same time:

"Riki Shushi, I am really not a thief. I have never stolen anything from you!"

"Asshole, you ate the Dragon Fruit secretly, and you still claim you're not a thief!"

In fact, Hyde could not understand the language spoken by Li Shu, but what was strange was that when these words reached his ears, they were automatically translated into words he could understand. This should come from a certain soul of Li Shu. The ability to communicate is an ability shared by certain creatures in this world.

"I didn't eat it secretly, the fruit was delivered to my feet by itself!"

"Huh, if you're not stealing, why are you running away?"

"If you don't chase me, I won't run away!"

"Asshole, you still want to lie to me and seek death!!!"

boom! ! !

Another beam of light burst out like a rainbow piercing the sun, mixed with terrifying and violent energy.


Hyde kicked off the ground fiercely with both feet and soared into the air. During the ascent, tight and thick dragon scales quickly grew on his body. A bulging dragon horn appeared on the top of his head. A thick dragon tail grew rapidly, and both of his legs grew rapidly. His fists and feet also turned into dragon claws covered with scales.


Hyde turned around and roared, and in the next moment, blue-purple lightning fell from the sky, like a curtain of rain, covering the head of the powerful tree user.

At the same time, Asura on the side also stopped. Purple-black flames appeared on the blades of his left and right hands, and a shadow of ghosts and gods rose behind him.

"Asura Evil King Beheaded!!!"

Uh-huh! !

The purple-black Crescent Blade Qi burst out, containing evil and cold energy. Wherever it passed, the turf on the ground turned into powder, leaving deep black marks.

"Huh, useless struggle!"

Rikishi snorted coldly, raised his chubby hand, and shattered the purple-black sword energy with a casual wave. As for Hyde's thunder baptism, it was like scratching an itch for him, so he didn't need to care at all.

"Shameless thieves, today is the end of you!"

The powerful tree roared loudly, and the sound spread over more than ten kilometers, and the ground shook slightly.

"Brother, you have said this sentence no less than ten times!"

Hyde secretly complained, but all the healing potions had been exhausted. If they were hit by the powerful tree user, he and Asura would really be in trouble.

"Frank, Peggy, have you done it over there?" Hyde asked quickly.

"It's done. You and Asura go 15° northeast. The cave is right there."

Frank's calm voice came from the tiny earphones.



Hyde and Asura nodded in agreement, and then they took out a bottle of speed potion from their waists at the same time, popped the cork and took a sip, then ran towards the direction Frank said.

"Want to run!!!"

The Riki Shu user followed closely behind, punching out with both fists, and unleashing cannonball-like energy.

However, after more than half a month of chasing each other, Hyde and Asura had already figured out the tricks of the Riki Shushi and evaded all attacks very skillfully.

"Fortunately he's not fast!"

Feeling the force tree user chasing behind him, Hyde couldn't help but secretly feel happy.

The strength and majestic energy of the Lishu user has definitely reached the level of natural disaster level, which is comparable to that of natural disaster level martial arts masters. However, this guy's speed is an obvious shortcoming.

This is also one of the reasons why they can frequently escape from the pursuit of Rikishi.


Seeing the unique mark on the ground, Hyde and Asura simultaneously released an energy move backwards, then lifted up the turf on the ground and jumped decisively into the hole.

"Want to run?"

Lishu Shi also jumped into the hole, but his fat body was stuck by the hole.

at this time--

boom! ! !

The bomb that Frank had installed in advance detonated, and the flames rose, directly blowing the power tree into the sky.


A few seconds later, Li Shu squatted on the ground with one buttocks, his body was intact, but his face was gray.


Rikishi spit out the dirt on his lips and stood up, with deep anger in his eyes.

"You can't run away!"



Sliding all the way down the tunnel, there was a violent earthquake above my head, and the soil fell rustlingly.

After his feet were firmly on the ground, Hyde stood up, patted the dirt on his butt, and finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"Frank, luckily you moved fast enough, otherwise Asura and I wouldn't be able to see you two."

"Stop chatting and leave quickly. The higher ups won't be able to stop him for long."

Peggy got two pairs of night vision goggles for Hyde and Asura, and then the four of them moved forward along the dug tunnel.

It took Frank nearly ten days to build this tunnel using a ground-burrowing robot.

Hyde and Asura were used as bait to deal with the Lishu envoys.

He and Peggy focused on digging holes and creating an escape route for the team.

However, they also knew in their hearts that no matter how they tried, no matter where they escaped, the Riki Shushi would always be able to find them.

Therefore, the only thing they have to do now is to delay until reinforcements arrive.

After Su Mo arrives, even if they can't defeat the natural disaster-level force trees, they can still escape from the planet through a spaceship.

Brother Mo, how long until you arrive?

Hyde, Frank and Peggy thought silently.

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