Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 238 Recruiting Disciples and Rapid Expansion

After Qian Liuyu joined the Holy Light Mercenary Group, his wife Xiang Lin also applied to join the group and became a member of the mercenary group.

Su Mo was so happy that he was joined by two masters of high-level natural disaster and peak command in one go.

Afterwards, Qian Liuyu took the initiative to propose that Yu Zhiguang become Su Mo's teacher and learn how to better control and develop the power of light.

Su Mo naturally accepted this readily.

No one would reject an S-level genius.

What's more, this genius has the same ability as him. Maybe a few years later, Yu Zhiguang can also imitate [Chain of Light] [Healing Light] [Guardian of Holy Light] [Judgment Light Thunder] and [Fist of Heaven] ] and many other moves.

The perfect heir to the mantle.

"Xiaoguang, you will be my chief disciple from now on."

Su Mo touched Yu Zhiguang's head and said with a smile.

Yu Zhiguang blinked his big eyes and shouted smartly:


"Hey, what a good apprentice!"

Su Mo happily picked up Yu Zhiguang and pinched his little face gently.

After being nourished by the power of the Holy Light, Yu Zhiguang's face grew fleshy flesh, which was smooth and smooth when pinched, just like jelly, making people want to take a few sips.

In addition, this little guy has perfectly inherited the good looks of his parents. He has big eyes and a straight nose. He is a cute baby with big eyes. If you put him in a kindergarten, he will be the most handsome boy, the kind who is chased by little girls. .

He has a powerful father, a cheating master, and he is also an S-level talent holder.

Tsk tsk, I think you are the destined protagonist~

With an additional layer of closeness, the titles between Su Mo and Qian Liuyu no longer need to be so harsh.

The two agreed that when outsiders were around, Su Mo would call Qian Liuyu by his first name, and Qian Liuyu would call Su Mo the leader.

But in private, Su Mo called Qian Liuyu Brother Xiaoyu, and Qian Liuyu called him Su Mo.


"Come out, come out!"

When Su Mo and Qian Liuyu's family of three walked out of the office building, all the members immediately became nervous, their eyes full of anticipation.

In recent days, the group has been discussing a topic, that is, whether the group leader can keep Mr. Qian Liuyu in the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

This discussion is not groundless.

Everyone can see that Qian Liuyu attaches great importance to his child, and the leader is the only person who can save his child.

Therefore, as long as the group leader uses some tricks, there is a good chance that this great master can be retained.

Can it be done?

For a moment, the environment suddenly became quiet, and thousands of pairs of eyes were fixed on Su Mo.

"Hey, we're all waiting~"

Su Mo looked around at everyone, raised the corner of his mouth and said loudly:

"I announce that from today on, Mr. Qian Liuyu and his wife Ms. Xiang Lin will officially join our Holy Light Mercenary Group."

boom! ! !

This sentence was like a bomb, causing the scene to boil instantly.

"Wow, that's great!"

"Hahaha, the leader is awesome, the Holy Light Mercenary Group is awesome!"

"Two natural disaster masters, you really can't even dream of it!"

The members shouted excitedly and cheered, and everyone's face was filled with excitement and joy.

Two natural disaster experts!

In the entire Zatanvi planet, there are no more than 10 mercenary groups with such a configuration, including six major legions.

Besides, don't forget, Qian Liuyu is a high-level natural disaster transcendent, on the same level as the commanders of the four major legions, the Sky Sword Legion, the Frost Legion, the Poison Tide Legion, and the Black Dragon Legion.

In other words, in terms of natural disaster combat power alone, the Holy Light Mercenary Group ranks among the top ten on Zatanvi, almost seventh or eighth.

With the two powerful natural disaster men in charge, our group is really going to take off.

Not far away, many members of the Dark Moon tribe secretly glanced at Ming's reaction, only to find that their young master didn't even have the slightest expression on his face, as if nothing had happened.

In fact, there was still a small wave of emotion in Ming's heart.

However, he did not think that Qian Liuyu's joining would threaten his status as others thought.

This kind of mentality never appears in him.

He just thought that after Qian Liuyu joined, he could finally find time to do what he had always wanted to do——

revenge! ! !

Shui Wuxie, we will meet soon.

Ming's eyes were calm, but a cold murderous intent flashed deep in his eyes.


"Another double knock...another natural disaster!"

Anderson's mouth opened wide, as if a tornado was blowing up in his heart.

Less than three months after joining the Holy Light Mercenary Group, the group first trained a direct natural disaster, and then attracted a high-level natural disaster expert.

I never realized before that my luck could be as good as this.

Could it be that I have the legendary koi physique and can bring good luck to my family?

Leader, I want a salary increase!


"I really kept Qian Liuyu."

Mercedes murmured to himself, suddenly feeling alienated from the rest of the world.

He still clearly remembered that when he first met Su Mo, the other party asked him such a question.

"If I want to develop the mercenary group to the level of six super first-line mercenary groups, what should I do first?"

When he heard these words, he almost choked on the wine in his mouth, and he directly regarded Su Mo as a young boy who didn't know the heights of the world.

But later, he felt that this young man was quite interesting, so he introduced him to Madam Theresa, obtained the first angel investment, rented Hongmaple Ridge, and thus took the first step of the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

But who would have thought that in just a few months, the Holy Light Mercenary Group would now have two natural disaster experts, becoming the top mercenary group on Zatanvi Star, and even very promising to challenge the throne of the Seventh Legion. .

The original "bold talk" seems to be close at hand.

"Lao Mei, I would like to invite you to join my mercenary group."

"I will not join other mercenary groups. But I can be your advisor. If you want to know anything, I will definitely answer it."

Mercedes recalled the scene when he met Su Mo for the first time, with a smile in his eyes.


"Mundo, I've been squeezed down one more spot. Now I'm only the third master."

Hutao lowered his head, pursed his lips, and said in a frustrated tone.

Mundo sat on the ground and said with a simple smile:

"You are much better at eating than them."

Hearing this, Hutao seemed to be inspired, grinding her little tiger teeth, and hummed:

"That's right, I eat more than them, and I will definitely be better than them in the future."

"Mundo, you have to eat more. From now on, I will be the number one master, and you will be the second master."



The news that Qian Liuyu joined the Holy Light Mercenary Group was like a bomb that once again detonated the mercenary world.

"Have you heard that Qian Liuyu has joined the Holy Light Mercenary Group?"

"What! Really fake!"

"Of course it's true. Now it's spread throughout the circle."

"Damn it, the two natural disasters and the Holy Light Mercenary Group are too awesome."

"I decided to disband the mercenary group and take my brothers to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group."

"Let's go, let's go with you!"

Burning Legion——

Archimonde shook his head helplessly and said:

"Maxi, you guessed it right, Holy Light indeed left Qian Liuyu behind."

Maxi said:

"It seems that Holy Light is indeed a very resourceful person and did not miss this golden opportunity."

"Legion Commander, now that the facts have been established, it's time for us, the Burning Legion, to respond. I believe the other five legions are waiting for us to express our stance."


Archimonde nodded and said: "Send a big gift to the Holy Light Mercenary Group in my name, and you will go in person to discuss cooperation with the Holy Light Potion."


Burning Legion, Purple Gold Legion, Heavenly Sword Legion, Frost Legion, Poison Tide Legion, Black Dragon Legion

The six major mercenary regiments congratulated the Holy Light Mercenary Group at almost the same time, and each sent a natural disaster-level deputy captain to negotiate multiple cooperations with the Holy Light Mercenary Group, the most important of which was the establishment of long-term procurement of Holy Light medicaments. relation.

The six major legions took the lead, and other forces immediately followed and came one after another.

Financial groups, chambers of commerce, mercenary groups...

Representatives from various forces almost broke through the threshold of Su Mo's office, and several warehouses were filled with gifts alone.

After a whole day of reception, Su Mo couldn't bear it anymore and handed over this glorious and arduous task to Colin again.

Of course, he didn't have time to be lazy.

The six major legions have reached a long-term pharmaceutical procurement cooperation with the Holy Light Mercenary Group, and the order volume is a very large number. Therefore, he must stay in seclusion day and night for several days to complete the first wave of pharmaceutical delivery.

However, before he retreated, he announced a major decision: to start recruiting people.

Recruitment is divided into two steps.

first step:

First of all, Su Mo gave sufficient funds to the leaders of the three major races, Ming, Manshan, and Yingfeng, so that they could go to the slave market to buy their own tribesmen.

Secondly, Su Mo also gave Kurosawa Bei a huge sum of money and asked him to be responsible for bringing family members or friends of other members of the three tribes back to the mercenary group.

The Holy Light Mercenary Group is about to enter a stage of rapid expansion. The number of members will grow explosively, but the increase in the number of members will also bring management chaos. Therefore, he must expand the core team to achieve better control over the mercenary group.

The Shadow Clan, Ice Barbarian Clan, Dark Moon Clan and the first batch of superpowers are his most trusted direct troops.

In the second step, the Holy Light Mercenary Group officially announced its recruitment plan.

On the day of the announcement, hundreds of thousands of free mercenaries poured into Hongmaple Ridge.

According to the process, the mercenaries first submitted their application materials and submitted them to the backend of the Holy Light Mercenary Group for review.

The backstage of the mercenary group is naturally Winnie.

Pooh eliminated those mercenaries who were particularly weak, or had bad records and low credibility, and then arranged interviews for qualified mercenaries.

The interviewers were mainly senior cadres. The combatants were interviewed by Mercedes, Andolfo, Gefus, Jin Zhan, Anderson, Yingfeng, and Manshan. The interviews were conducted by non-combatants such as logistics, finance, and business. etc., and leave it to Colin's team for the interview.

After the interviews of these cadres, Su Mo will take a certain amount of time to interview all those who passed the test that day, and use the [Eye of Insight] to select the most talented people.

He will not immediately give special preferential treatment to these people, but will focus on them and promote them when appropriate opportunities come up.

In this way, the Holy Light Mercenary Group began its vigorous expansion.

Base construction is accelerating, and new buildings can be seen rising every day.

Hundreds of chambers of commerce and consortia have settled in, and have opened hotels, restaurants, casinos, romantic venues, etc. in the Holy Light Base, making the Holy Light Base suddenly become the most lively and prosperous place in the nearby area, attracting more foreign residents to settle in, forming a A virtuous cycle.

At the same time, various forces sent orders to the Holy Light Mercenary Group to purchase Holy Light Potions. The order volume was a very huge number. Su Mo's temples jumped when he saw it. The original plan of five days of seclusion was extended in an instant. to one month.

But looking at the soaring balance in his account, Su Mo finally realized what happiness is.

A month later, the number of members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group reached 30,000, including 105 leading masters and more than 2,000 elites.

Since then, Su Mo has temporarily stopped recruiting people.

The more people in the mercenary group, the better.

A large number of people will cause management chaos.

For example, disunity among people leads to overt and covert fights among members, affecting the harmony of the atmosphere.

Another example is that some members are carrying the banner of Holy Light, doing evil and damaging the reputation of the corps.

These will take time to resolve.

After Su Mo reorganized the organizational structure with many senior cadres, the latest internal hierarchy system of the Holy Light Mercenary Group was introduced.

The Corps divides its members into two levels, ordinary member level and cadre level.

The ordinary member level is further divided into 7 levels, ranging from seven stars to one star from high to low.

There are 5 levels in total at the cadre level, ranging from five stars to one star from high to low.

When entering a mercenary group, the backend will grade the members based on their strength and test results. For example, an elite transcendent can be directly graded as a 3-star member, and an elite pinnacle can be graded directly as a 4-star member.

Commander-level experts will be directly assigned to the cadre level when they join the group, but the maximum will not exceed 2-star cadres.

After leveling, members need to complete tasks to earn contribution points to improve their personal level.

The higher the level, the higher the salary and bonus, and you can enjoy various benefits and privileges of the corps, such as forming a personal team, free villas, low discounts for treasure exchange, guidance from natural disaster-level masters, etc.

Currently, Ming and Qian Liuyu, the two natural disaster experts, are the highest 5-star cadres.

Hu Tao, Mercedes, Andolfo, Jin Zhan and other seniors are all 3-star cadres.

As for non-combatants, there is another set of evaluation criteria, and corresponding status and treatment will be given based on their abilities and contributions.

In this way, the first batch of personnel expansion of the Holy Light Mercenary Group officially ended.

During this period, the Corps did not take on too many tasks, but concentrated on training personnel. The main purpose was to set rules, clarify rewards and punishments, and promote team harmony.

During the training process, there were some troublemakers who were unwilling to cooperate, violated management regulations, and even refused to change despite repeated admonitions. The Corps showed an extremely tough attitude toward such people, and after severely punishing them, they were told to leave.

The effect of killing chickens to scare monkeys is very significant. All new members actively integrate into the new environment, abide by group rules, and conscientiously complete the tasks assigned by their superiors.

In order to further promote team integration, select talents, and demonstrate abilities, the Holy Light Mercenary Group held an event——

The first Shengguang Martial Arts Exchange Conference.

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