Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 237 Qian Liuyu joins

S-level talent—Bright Holy Dragon!

Su Mo was extremely surprised. He did not expect that the skinny little boy in front of him, who was brought to see a doctor by his parents, turned out to be an S-level talent holder.

In such a long time, he has only met two S-level geniuses.

One is Han Jia and the other is Yu Zhiguang.

Han Jia's flames of judgment can burn the body and burn the soul. By killing criminals and absorbing the evil force, Han Jia can achieve rapid growth in combat effectiveness.

Although Yu Zhiguang's Bright Holy Dragon does not have similar attributes, it is both an S-level talent and must be extraordinary in some aspect.

[Eye of Insight] glanced down, and Su Mo saw a mini dragon lying in the abdomen of Yu Zhiguang's body.

The size is about the same as his finger, and the shape is more like an oriental dragon. It has no wings, two dragon horns stand upright, and the whole body is light golden. The dragon scales are fine and neat, and the eyes are round and big. It has a Q version of cuteness.

With a glance from the corner of his eye, Qian Liuyu and Xiang Lin also had different phantom species on their abdomens.

The cyan phoenix with spread wings, the purple and strong purple electric tyrannosaurus.

Phantom Seed, what a magical training system!

Su Mo withdrew his gaze, pointed to the sofa next to him, and said with a smile:

"Let's sit down and talk~"

After sitting down, Su Mo looked at Qian Liuyu and asked:

"Mr. Qian Liuyu, I know your intention here, but I would also like to ask you to explain in detail what caused Xiaoguang's current physical condition."

In his opinion, Yu Zhiguang was too thin and his body was severely deficient. He did not look like an S-class genius at all.

What he didn't know was that after a few days of recuperation, Yu Zhiguang was much "plumper" than before. At least some flesh had grown on his arms and thighs, and he was no longer as skinny as before, like an interstellar refugee.


Qian Liuyu nodded and began to tell the story of the matter.

First, Qian Liuyu introduced the unique phantom species system in his hometown.

In his home planet of Moissan, every newborn will be taken to the Phantom Temple to be baptized on the full moon.

During the baptism process, the free phantom species in the temple will be attracted to certain newborns and actively merge with their bodies.

And these newborns became the smallest phantom warriors.

The phantom species will grow with the children, absorbing spiritual energy and nourishing the body, so that these children will have a stronger body than ordinary people from an early age.

Phantom species are divided into five levels from low to high.

Beast level, spirit level, respect level, emperor level, god level

Xianglin's purple electric tyrannosaurus is a noble-level phantom species, and Qian Liuyu's phoenix is ​​an emperor-level phantom species.

Their child, Yu Zhiguang, is the second lucky person to inherit the god-level phantom species in the thousands of years of history of Moissanite.

His appearance made the entire Moissanite star excited.

Qian Liuyu himself did not expect that his son could actually integrate the god-level phantom species [Bright Holy Dragon], so he was naturally overjoyed.

However, before he was happy for long, he discovered something very bad.

Originally, newborns who were fused with the phantom species grew much faster than ordinary children, and rarely got sick.

But Yu Zhiguang is not like this.

Not only did he not grow up healthily, on the contrary, he became weaker and weaker day by day.

Such an abnormal thing immediately attracted strong attention from all walks of life on Moissanite.

After careful inspection, it was discovered that it was because the [Bright Holy Dragon] was too powerful and could not draw enough energy from the outside world, so it began to extract the vitality of Yu Zhiguang.

After learning the reason, Qian Liuyu took many measures to replenish the energy of the Holy Dragon of Light, but soon he discovered a fatal problem, that is - the Holy Dragon of Light was particularly "picky about food".

That’s right, it’s a picky eater!

The Holy Dragon of Light is only interested in pure light energy and has no regard for other energies.

This made Qian Liuyu extremely worried.

He found many light-type phantom warriors, but found that none of them had the energy to meet the needs of the Holy Dragon of Light.

As a last resort, he could only leave Moissanite with his wife and children and head to the universe to find treasures or extraordinary beings that could stably provide energy to the Holy Dragon of Light.

In the past five years, their family of three has visited dozens of planets and visited hundreds of famous light powerhouses, but still no one can meet the conditions, not even several natural disaster powerhouses.

Relying on some "impure" light energy, Yu Zhiguang barely managed to survive until the age of five, but his body was already very weak and it would be difficult for him to survive the next year.

At this time, Qian Liuyu and his wife did not give up. They found out that there was a natural disaster-level magician called Lester on Zatanvi who was proficient in light magic, so they came to visit.

Although Leicester failed to meet the conditions of the Holy Dragon of Light in the end, Qian Liuyu learned about Holy Light from the heated discussions in the mercenary community and managed to obtain several healing potions.

The healing potion, which was originally just a trial without much hope, turned out to be surprisingly effective, making the Holy Dragon of Light very satisfied.

Therefore, Qian Liuyu brought Yu Zhiguang to the Holy Light Mercenary Group to seek help from Su Mo.

After learning the cause of the incident, Su Mo couldn't help but sigh.

It turns out that S-level talents are not that easy to acquire.

Fortunately, Yu Zhiguang has a strong father who can lead him through many difficulties and persist until now. Otherwise, this child may not live to be half a year old.

"Mr. Qian Liuyu, I already understand the situation!"

Su Mo said seriously: "Now I want to use my own energy to try it and see the reaction of the Holy Dragon of Light. Do you think it's okay?"


Qian Liuyu nodded quickly.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try."

Su Mo pulled Yu Zhiguang in front of him, placed one hand on his abdomen, and said warmly:

"Xiaoguang, if you have pain or other uncomfortable feelings later, remember to speak up in time~"

"Yeah, okay, Uncle Holy Light!"

Yu Zhiguang nodded softly, rubbed the corners of his clothes nervously, and raised his head to look at his father.

Seeing this, Su Mo gently touched his little head and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong golden light erupted from Su Mo's palm, penetrating the power of holy light into Yu Zhiguang's body.


In an instant, the Holy Dragon of Light suddenly raised its head and let out a burst of excitement. It opened its mouth and swallowed the power of the Holy Light. Its body exuded a golden light, and a comfortable and happy thought passed into Yu Zhiguang's mind. .

"Xiaoguang, how are you?"

Karen asked nervously.

Yu Zhiguang blinked, "Mom, it is very happy and enjoying it now."

"Okay, great!"

Xiang Lin's eyes were red with excitement, she held Qian Liuyu's arm tightly with both hands, and tears couldn't stop falling from the corners of her eyes.

Qian Liuyu patted her hand gently. He could understand his wife's current mood. Years of hard work and persistence, repeated failures and blows, finally ushered in the dawn today.

It’s not easy~

Qian Liuyu breathed a long sigh of relief. The heavy burden on his body was lifted at this moment, and he felt relieved.

The energy infusion continues.

The Holy Dragon of Light seemed to be determined to make up for all the energy it had lost before, like a water pump, constantly devouring the power of the Holy Light.

While absorbing energy, the Holy Dragon of Light also differentiates into tiny golden energy, which flows along the meridians to all parts of Yu Zhiguang's body, nourishing his bones, muscles, organs and other organs.

It can be seen that the size of the Holy Dragon of Light is slowly growing, and Yu Zhiguang's little face is becoming more and more rosy, his eyes are bright, and there is a faint golden light flashing.

"Hey, you have such a big appetite!"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows. The energy he instilled during this period was enough to add a buff to thousands of people at the same time.

Tsk tsk tsk, it is indeed an S-level talent.


One minute, two minutes, five minutes...

Yu Zhiguang stood straight on the spot, wanting to move but not daring to move. When he was bored, he began to secretly look at Su Mo in front of him.

Uncle Shengguang, you are so young.

But he’s not as handsome as my dad, hehe~

By the way, is he as good as his father?

Even my father couldn't cure my disease, but Uncle Shengguang could.

If only I could do this every day, I would soon be as powerful as Uncle Shengguang and my father.

Ten minutes later, the Holy Dragon of Light finally "satisfied", closed its mouth, and curled up into a ball.

"Uncle Shengguang, can you stop?"

Yu Zhiguang said politely.


Su Mo smiled slightly and took his hand away from Yu Zhiguang's abdomen.


Xiang Lin and Qian Liuyu squatted beside Yu Zhiguang, while using their mental power to explore his physical condition.

With his mental power swept away, Qian Liuyu's eyes suddenly widened with a look of surprise.

What a change!

First of all, the size of the Holy Dragon of Light has increased several times, basically reaching the level expected of a 5-year-old phantom species. Secondly, Xiaoguang's body has obviously improved, and all organs and tissues are exuding abundant vitality. and vitality.

It can be said that in just ten minutes, Xiaoguang has changed from the weak and thin little boy whose life was hanging by a thread to the phantom warrior who is now healthy and lively, and even has a certain fighting ability.

"Captain Holy Light, thank you!"

Qian Liuyu and Xiang Lin bowed deeply to Su Mo, their voices full of gratitude.

"You're welcome, you two!"

Su Mo helped the two of them up and said with a smile:

"Mr. Qianruha, Ms. Xianglin, Xiaoguang is fine. However, considering that Xiaoguang is still young and his body is not fully developed, if it is not controlled, what happened before will happen again."

"So, I came up with two solutions."

"First, I have an ability called the Light Seal Technique, which can temporarily seal the Holy Dragon of Light. When Xiaoguang reaches adulthood or his body is fully developed, the seal can be unlocked. By then, there will be no need to worry about the threat of the Holy Dragon of Light. "


Qian Liuyu shook his head secretly, sealing the Holy Dragon of Light meant that Xiaoguang would lose more than ten years of growing up. He would not choose this option unless he had no choice but to do so.

On the other side, Xiang Lin didn’t accept it very well, so she asked:

"Captain Holy Light, what about the second plan?"

Su Mo said: "The second plan may be a little more troublesome for you."

"Through the observations just now, my power of Holy Light is quite consistent with the Holy Dragon of Light. If you don't mind the trouble, you can bring Xiaoguang to me regularly and receive energy infusion. This will not only protect Xiaoguang, but also Accelerate the growth of the Holy Dragon of Light."

"Or, you can leave a fixed address and I will send someone to transport the Holy Light Potion there every once in a while. In this case, you don't have to go back and forth."

After hearing these two plans, Qian Liuyu and his wife fell into deep thought.

To be honest, Su Mo's two plans were somewhat beyond Qian Liuyu's expectations.

He originally thought that Su Mo would invite or even vaguely force him to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group on the condition of treating his son.

Being able to recruit a high-ranking natural disaster expert under his command, even if the methods are somewhat disgraceful, I believe that many people will not miss this golden opportunity.

However, Su Mo did not do this.

His two plans were entirely considered on the side of their family of three, so as to reduce their traveling as much as possible.

This made him feel very warm.

In addition, through his contact with the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group in the past few days, he had a rough understanding of what kind of person Holy Light was.

He is strong and domineering externally and never suffers.

Internally he is a very generous and generous person.

The vast majority of the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, including several senior cadres, were slaves bought by the Holy Light. However, he never bullied or abused the slaves, but did his best to cultivate them.

This alone made him impressed and fond of him.

After thinking for a moment, Xiang Lin turned to look at Qian Liuyu and signaled for him to make the final choice.

Qian Liuyu touched his son's head and used his mental power to sense the thriving bright holy dragon, with a firm look in his eyes.

"Captain of the Holy Light!"

Qian Liuyu looked at Su Mo and said with a smile, "I wonder if your group is short of people, can I join?"

The two plans given by Su Mo were both good, but there was a hidden danger that could not be ignored, that is, nothing could happen to Su Mo.

Once Su Mo has an accident, disappears or dies, Xiaoguang will return to his previous state.

He didn't think that he could be so lucky to find a second person who could meet the needs of the Holy Dragon of Light.

Therefore, he decided to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

On the one hand, he can protect Holy Light and prevent him from accidents.

On the other hand, after joining the Holy Light Mercenary Group, Xiaoguang can stay with the Holy Light for a long time and receive the energy infusion from the Holy Light.

In this way, the growth of the Holy Dragon of Light will be greatly accelerated and the potential of the god-level phantom species will be fully unleashed.

The most important thing is that after traveling around the universe for several years, their family is physically and mentally exhausted, and it is time to find a place to settle down.

Qian Liuyu actually wanted to join?

Hearing this, Su Mo's eyes suddenly widened with a look of surprise.

Without any hesitation, Su Mo nodded decisively:

"Of course, Mr. Qian Liuyu is willing to join. It is an honor for our Holy Light Mercenary Group."

To be honest, he had never thought about tying Qian Liuyu, a great master, to his side through some means.

But this idea only flashed through his mind for a moment, and he gave up immediately.

He is not an upright and upright person. At certain moments, he will use underhanded tactics or some less honorable means to achieve his goals.

However, no matter what, he will not use these thoughts and methods on his friends or people who have helped him.

This is his bottom line as a human being.


Qian Liuyu stepped forward, held Su Mo's hand, and smiled brightly:

"Captain, please give me your advice in the future."

A good friend got married and it was a busy day. There were too many people getting married recently and money was pouring out, which made me feel distressed.

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