Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 239 Elite Finals Showdown between Old and New

The sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly

The Holy Light Arena, which can accommodate 100,000 people, was packed with seats. There were not only more than 30,000 Holy Light members in the audience, but also merchants, residents, tourists, etc. in the base.

Everyone stared at the central arena with anticipation, waiting for the final to begin.

"Dear viewers, the exciting elite finals are finally about to begin!"

On the stage, the professional host held a microphone and spoke impassionedly:

"Now please allow me to introduce the players from both sides again."

"The first one is Kurosawa Kita. He is the one with the lowest paper strength among the top eight players. He is only an elite intermediate player. However, Kurosawa Kita relies on his aurora-like speed, domineering and blazing pure dark flame, and a solid body. With his unbreakable general-level armor, he defeated powerful enemies all the way, defeated many elite elites, and finally stood on the elite-level final stage. Let us welcome Kurosawa Kita to the stage with warm applause."

Bang bang bang~~

The scene immediately burst into thunderous applause.


I saw a yellow flash suddenly appear from the left channel, crossing a Z shape, and finally stopped on the center stage.

Kurosawa Kita thrust the lightsaber into the ground and folded his hands on the hilt. He was wearing a golden armor with a gorgeous and noble shape, like a golden saint, with a calm temperament and a hint of arrogance.

This set of armor is the general-level armor produced by Colt Civilization - Aurora. It has a built-in powerful propeller, which can greatly accelerate the user's speed. At the same time, the armor is equipped with many modules such as weapons, shields, flight, scanning and energy. , to meet the needs of combat situations in various environments.

The Aurora Armor is perfectly adapted to Kurosawa Kita's special ability [Flash], allowing his speed to reach a new level, reaching a level that can be called terrifying.

Many elite peak extraordinary people cannot catch Kurosawa Kita's figure with the naked eye. This is also the key to his ability to win all the way.

"Kurosawa Kita's player has already appeared. Next, I want to announce the next finalist. He is the warrior from the Mosa tribe, the strong shield - Orista."

Dong dong dong~~

A burly and muscular bull-headed warrior strode onto the stage. He was four meters tall, his skin was dark purple, and his muscles were bulging like giant rocks. He had two horns standing upright. He held a shield in his left hand and an ax in his right hand. His aura was as heavy as a mountain. .

As Orista took the stage, the host introduced him eloquently:

"Player Orlista is an elite peak martial artist. He has a body as strong as steel and superb shield and ax skills. So far, among all the opponents Orlista has experienced, no one can break him. shield, and let him shed even a drop of blood.”

"Friends in the audience, when the ultimate attack meets the ultimate defense, when the ultimate speed confronts the ultimate power, who will make it to the end? Let us wait and see!"

As the host raised his arms and shouted, the atmosphere at the scene was suddenly pushed to a climax.

"Kurosawa, come on!!!"

"Ollista, blast that equipment monster for me!!"

It can be seen from the cheers that the Holy Light Mercenary Group has been vaguely divided into two camps, the newcomers and the old.

The old man is headed by Andolfo, Geforth, Jin Zhan, Anderson, Shadow Feng, Manshan and others, with the Shadow Clan, Ice Barbarian Clan, and Dark Moon Clan as the backbone.

This group of people has been with Su Mo for the longest time, and currently controls many important positions in the Corps, such as the new barracks, Anbu, Imperial Guards, Logistics Department, etc.

The newcomers include many members who joined within this month, such as hundreds of leading cadres, thousands of elites, and other ordinary members.

Newcomers generally believe that this group of so-called veterans only joined the corps a few months earlier than them, but they control many resources and enjoy too many benefits that are far beyond their capabilities, which is really enviable.

For example, Kurosawa Kita on the stage is obviously just an elite mid-level superpower, but with the pure dark holy flame that does not belong to him and the general-level armor that even the commander-level powerhouses dare not dream of, he finally stood in front of him. on the final stage.

Without these "plug-ins", Kurosawa Kita might not even be able to pass the top 32, let alone the finals.

Therefore, many newcomers are not convinced by Kurosawa Kita and choose to cheer for Orista loudly.

The old people believe that they have spent the most difficult period with the mercenary group, defeated the two evil neighbors of Ghost Wolf and White Night, and conquered the Gru Star. Without them, there would be no current Holy Light Mercenary Group, which is better than the newcomers. Enjoying more privileges is reasonable and deserved.

Not convinced?

Just hold it in!

Su Mo had a clear view of the current situation within the corps, but he did not stop it too much.

The struggle between newcomers and old people is an inevitable problem for any force.

As the saying goes, there are no factions in the party, and there are all kinds of strange things.

As long as no obvious conflict breaks out or each other is held back, moderate competition can stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of members, which is a good thing.


Senior cadre area

"It's open, it's open!"

Geforth shouted loudly: "The time has come to test your vision. Who can beat Kurosawa North and who can beat Orista."

"I'll beat Orista for 5,000 Innars."

A male cadre wearing heavy armor and a majestic face took the lead in placing the bet. His name was Marit, who was the leader of the peak martial arts master and the leader of the newcomer sect.

Half a month ago, Marit was still the leader of a mercenary group with thousands of members and a territory of his own.

However, when the Holy Light Mercenary Group started its recruitment plan, Marion, after careful consideration, finally resolutely disbanded the mercenary group and joined the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

He was able to make such a decision, on the one hand, because of the golden signatures of the two natural disaster experts, and on the other hand, because he saw the terrifying development potential contained in the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

In terms of military force, the Holy Light Mercenary Group has two natural disaster experts in charge, one of whom is a high-level natural disaster and a master of the legion commander level.

In terms of financial resources, the Holy Light Mercenary Group has a well-known money-making machine, its leader Shengguang Su Mo.

The two most important conditions for the development of power are force and financial resources.

This also means that the Holy Light Mercenary Group will become the seventh largest army on Zatanvi, which is almost around the corner.

Therefore, Marit decided to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group despite the dissuasion of many people.

The Holy Light Mercenary Group has money, resources, and immeasurable development prospects. Here, he will have the opportunity to obtain treasures or resources that he could not obtain before despite all his life savings.

In addition, with the rapid development and expansion of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, as a senior cadre, he can gain greater power and make higher-level connections, which he could never have the luxury of living in a small place before.

Maret is an ambitious person. He hopes to occupy a high position in the Holy Light Mercenary Group, so as soon as he joins the mercenary group, he begins to make friends and win over many commander-level cadres, becoming the most prominent leader among the newcomers. .

Of course, Marit's behavior has also aroused dissatisfaction among many old people. For example, Geforth and Anderson, who often bickered and quarreled before, are now surprisingly united and often confront Marit.

No, as soon as Marrett placed her bet, Anderson followed immediately.

"I beat Kurosawa Kita, 1W Inar!"

Anderson transferred 10,000 to Gefus and said leisurely:

"Alas, now we have nothing but money! I went on an expedition to Planet Gru with the leader before. After the mission, the leader directly gave me a bonus of 200,000 Innars, and also gave me a set of general-level armor for free. , which makes me feel embarrassed.”

Hearing this naked show off, many new cadres on the side were so angry that they wanted to punch Anderson's arrogant face.

Damn it, people like Gefors, Jin Zhan, and Andolf really came early, so it’s okay for them to enjoy some privileges.

You guy, you came here three months earlier than us, and you only did one mission with the captain, and yet you actually consider yourself a veteran and show off your meager achievements every day. It's really shameless.

I bother!

"I beat Orista, 3000 Inal!"

Another snake cadre said in a hoarse voice.

"I'll beat Orista too, for 2,000 Innars."

"Me too, 1,000 innars."

More and more cadres are suppressing Orista. On the one hand, it is out of a battle of emotions, but more importantly, it is out of trust in Orista's strength.

From the preliminaries to the finals, Orista crushed his opponents almost every time. His superb shield-axe combination skills, as well as his powerful strength and defense, gave even the masters a headache when they saw him.

On the other hand, Kurosawa Kita's speed advantage of superpowers and armor allowed him to stand on the final stage as an elite mid-level transcendent.

Facing Orista's solid defensive counterattack style, Kurosawa Kita's speed advantage will be greatly limited.

Therefore, the new cadres still believed in Orista and chose to bet on him.

As more and more people put pressure on Orista, Kurosawa Kita's odds directly reached 1:27, and even continued to rise.

Seeing this, Jin Zhan, who had always been taciturn, also joined the bet.

"I press Kurosawa, 2W Inar."

Kurosawa Kita was once a student of Jin Zhan, and the two were close.

In this showdown between newcomers and old men, Jin Zhan decisively chose to support his own people.

2W Inar, for him, an instructor in the new military camp, it was just a small amount of money.

"Jin Zhan has already participated, so let me join in."

Andolf stroked his beard and smiled, "I'll beat Kurosawa Kita, 3W Inar."

"Haha, Master Andolf has also come to join in the fun, so I will also raise 1W." Anderson said with a grin.

Gefusi said hehe:

"Dealer, beat Kurosawa North 3W."

"I play too, I play too!"

At this time, Hutao also extended his little head to join in the fun and said excitedly:

"Geforth, if I press both ends, I will definitely make a profit without losing anything."


Geforth looked embarrassed. He didn't dare to fool this little aunt.

"Wutao, there is no such thing as a guaranteed profit in a gambling game. Just place your bet on whoever you like. The odds of Kurosawa Kita are now 1:14, which means you bet 10,000 on Kurosawa Kita. If he wins, If you do, you can win 14W.”

"Wow, so high!"

Walnut's eyes lit up and he said directly: "Then I'll bet 10W. If Kurosawa Kita wins, I can earn 140W, hehe."

"That's not how it was calculated!"

Gefuss quickly explained, "If you bet 100,000, the odds of Kurosawa North will change and it will not reach 1:14."

Hearing this, Hutao wrinkled her little nose and hummed:

"Then tell me how much compensation you can pay."

Gefusi pursed his lips to the side: "Then it depends on whether they still place their bets. Walnut, are you still betting on Kurosawa?"


Hutao nodded, transferred 10W to Geforth, and muttered:

"Brother Su Mo just transferred me 1,000,000 yuan for food some time ago, and now I only have 40,000 yuan left. I hope I can earn more this time."

Hiss, 100W

Next to them, many cadres, including Marit, had their eyes twitching.

They knew that the group leader doted on Hu Tao, but they didn't expect that he doted on Hu Tao to such an extent.

100W Inal is actually just Hutao’s food money.

Leader, I also want to be your sister, is that okay?

"Geffus, I'll beat Orista 1W again."

Marit said solemnly, as a former mercenary leader, he still had a lot of personal savings.

Now, it is obvious that it is time for the old and the new to confront each other again. As the leader of the new faction, of course he has to stand up and take a stand.

"I also beat Orista by 3000."

"I beat Orista by 2000."

The other cadres followed suit.

The "ugly" faces of Anderson, Geforth and others who spent money like water made them very unhappy.

Humph, don't you believe that boy who relies on external forces? Then I'll cut your flesh hard this time.

As more and more people pressured Orista, the odds between the two sides changed again. In the end, more than 80% of the cadres participated, and even Mondo also made a bet under Hu Tao's encouragement.


"Captain, don't you take control of this situation?"

In the chairman's seat, Qian Liuyu held Yu Zhiguang in his arms and asked with a smile.

Su Mo fed Yu Zhiguang a small biscuit, patted the crumbs on his hand, and said slowly:

"Every expansion of personnel will inevitably lead to the current situation. When the number of legion members reaches one million or higher, these new members will now be classified into the old camp."

"So, as long as it doesn't cause a big mess, then don't worry about them."

Hearing this, Qian Liuyu suddenly smiled: "It turns out that the leader has already made up his mind, but I was overly worried."

At this time, the little guy Yu Zhiguang also enthusiastically cheered:

"Master, you are so awesome!"

Su Mo laughed: "Xiaoguang, when you grow up, the master will give you one million people to take care of."

Hearing this, Yu Zhiguang's eyes lit up and he said excitedly:

"Master, I will grow up quickly."

Qian Liuyu pinched his son's face in a funny way, then looked at Ming and asked:

"Ming, who of the two on stage do you like more?"

Ming simply replied:

"Kurosawa Kita."

"Where are you, Captain?"

"I also believe in Kurosawa Bei more." Su Mo said with a smile.

"Oh, to be able to trust you two so much, it seems that Kurosawa Kita has a side that he hasn't shown yet~"

Qian Liuyu suddenly became interested and turned his attention to the central arena.

Under the spotlight, Kurosawa Kita and Orista stood on both sides of the ring, looking at each other from afar.

"Friends from the audience, the highlight moments of the two players have been shown, and then the battle will officially begin. Please prepare for both sides!"

Following the announcement from the host in the audience, a pale white energy shield suddenly appeared on the ring, like an eggshell, buckling the huge central ring within it.


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