Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 236 S-level talent Bright Holy Dragon

Su Mo went to Railton to explain the situation, and applied to leave early and return to Zatanvi.

After learning what happened, Railton readily agreed.

Logically speaking, the mission of Gru Star is not over. The mercenary alliance needs to stay for half a month until the Silver Sky Stone is mined.

But considering that the Holy Light Mercenary Group had a reason for the incident, and that Su Mo had become his important trading partner, Railton would naturally open the door to convenience.

Not only did they complete the mission of the Holy Light Mercenary Group ahead of schedule, but they also specially arranged a high-end assault ship for Su Mo, which was much faster than the previous large travel spacecraft Shuttler.

The journey that originally took half a month now only takes about seven days to reach Zatanvi.

Before leaving, Su Mo met with members of the Illuminati and a few close friends. He said a brief farewell and agreed to bring all the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group with him after they reunited on Zatanvi. Take the spaceship back to Zatanvi.


Seven days passed in the blink of an eye~


The spacecraft slowly landed on the star port of Zatanvi. The hatch opened. Su Mo, Ming, Hu Tao and other senior officials walked out first. As soon as they stepped out of the hatch, they saw a familiar face.

"Eh? Lao Mei, why are you here!"

Su Mo raised his brows. In addition to Mercedes, there were hundreds of members of the Holy Light in front of him. They were all wearing Holy Light uniforms and their backs were straight, just like soldiers greeting the leader, making the atmosphere quite impressive. vast.

Mercedes laughed:

"Captain, our group is now a star in the mercenary world. Of course, this pick-up ceremony must be grand to avoid being laughed at."

After speaking, Mercedes pointed around.

It can be seen that many people are watching not far away, some are taking pictures, some are discussing, and most of the eyes are focused on Su Mo and Ming.

Su Mo felt okay after being stared at by so many people, but Ming felt a little uncomfortable and frowned slightly.

Seeing this, Mercedes said:

"Captain, I have arranged an airship to take us back to the base directly."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work!"

Su Mo patted Mercedes on the shoulder.

Mercedes smiled and said: "It's a small thing...ah, I almost forgot about it."

Mercedes slapped his forehead, then looked at Ming, smiled and said: "Ming, congratulations on breaking through the natural disaster!"

Hearing this, Ming's brows relaxed, his expression softened, and he nodded:


Due to his personality, there were very few people he was close to in the group, and Mercedes was one of them.

Not only because they were both members of the first batch of veteran members, but most importantly because Mercede, as a consultant, often helped him and the Dark Moon tribe solve common problems in life or the mercenary world, and answered questions.

Without Mercedes, it would definitely take them a long time to integrate into this completely unfamiliar era of the universe.

"Captain, Ming and everyone else, let's go this way!"

Merced led everyone to the location where the airship was docked. At the same time, the news about the return of the main force of the Holy Light Mercenary Group quickly reached the ears of the major forces.


Burning Legion~

Archimonde sat on a chair, looked at the message he had just received, and said in a serious voice: "Maxi, do you think the Holy Light can convince Qian Liuyu to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group?"

Next to him, a man in a mage's robe fell into thought. After pondering for a moment, he said:

"Logically speaking, Qian Liuyu, as a high-level natural disaster expert, should look down on the Holy Light Mercenary Group. After all, the strongest member of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, Ming, is only at the elementary level of the Natural Disaster, and Holy Light himself can only command the elementary level. Rank, the strength is really far behind Qian Liuyu."


Maxi paused and then said:

"Qian Liuyu values ​​his child Yu Zhiguang most. If I were Holy Light, even if I had the ability, I would not cure Yu Zhiguang right away. Instead, I would try to tie Qian Liuyu up as much as possible on the grounds of long-term treatment. By your side.”

Archimonde tapped his fingers on the table and asked:

"Do you think the Holy Light would do this?"

Maxi shook his head:

"It's hard to say. Judging from the intelligence, Shengguang is a leader who is generous and generous at home and decisive and cruel externally. He can rise so quickly in such a short period of time, which shows that his skills and temperament are definitely above ordinary people. From what I can think of, There is a high probability that he can imagine it."

"Whether he will do that or not, it's hard to tell, but I'm more inclined to assume the worst."

Archimonde frowned slightly and said solemnly:

"You said, if Qian Liuyu really joins the Holy Light Mercenary Group, should we choose to cooperate and support, or suppress him with all our strength?"

Maxi said decisively:

"Cooperation is priority! In fact, the main business of the Holy Light Mercenary Group does not conflict with ours. There are even many places where we can cooperate, such as Holy Light Potion."

"Legion Commander, I know what you are worried about, but I think that the Holy Light Mercenary Corps can solve all financial problems by selling Holy Light Potions alone. Therefore, even if it becomes the Seventh Legion in the future, it is unlikely that it will It is easy to enter fields such as colonization, armed escort, and war employment that require long-term reputation accumulation, but will focus on the pharmaceutical business."


Archimonde nodded. Indeed, as long as the Holy Light Mercenary Group sells Holy Light Potions in the open, they can make more money than if they go out to fight exhaustingly. It can be said that they can make money just lying down.

Oh, I’m envious~

"Okay, let's wait for the results~"

Archimonde said seriously: "No matter whether Qian Liuyu joins the Holy Light Mercenary Group or not, the purchase of the Holy Light Potion must be pushed forward as soon as possible."

"Yes, legion commander!"

Maxi nodded.



The airship landed on the tarmac and the hatch slowly opened.

All the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group had been waiting here for a long time. When the hatch opened and Su Mo and Ming were revealed, the scene instantly erupted into cheers.


"Master Ming!"

Everyone was excited, their faces flushed, and they raised their arms and shouted wildly, as if to welcome the return of the hero.


Su Mo's shoulders shook, and he was startled by everyone's enthusiasm.

Of course, he knew that this enthusiasm was mainly aimed at Ming.

As the leader of the group, he probably shouted in passing to avoid embarrassing the leader.

Su Mo stepped off the airship and glanced around. He didn't see the person he expected and raised his eyebrows slightly.

At this time, Andolfo stepped forward and said with a smile:

"Captain, welcome home, Mr. Qian Liuyu is waiting for you in the living room."

Hearing this, Su Mo lowered his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"Master Andolfo, and Colin, you two have worked hard in the past few days."

During the time when he returned on the spaceship, the reconstruction work of the Holy Light Mercenary Group fell entirely on Colin and Andolf.

In just seven days, the Holy Light Base has gone from a ruin to a scene with many high-rise buildings and is even more prosperous than before.

This included various tasks such as re-planning and design, supervising construction, etc. In addition, the two also had to deal with temptations and cooperation from various forces, and basically did not sleep a wink for seven days.

As a master of leadership, Master Andolf can survive seven days without rest.

But Colin is miserable. His physical fitness is only slightly better than that of ordinary people. He has been relying on nutritional supplements and stimulants these days. Now he has panda eyes with bloodshot pupils, as if he was fighting in an Internet cafe. I felt like I was about to die suddenly for three days and three nights.


A ray of healing holy light fell on Colin, and he immediately felt relaxed. His eyelids were cold, no longer like before, he was almost too tired to open his eyes.

Su Mo patted Colin on the shoulder and said:

"Colin, I'll give you a day off and have a good sleep. I don't want my Minister of Commerce to die suddenly in front of me before he can do anything."

Hearing this, Colin rubbed his temples and said:

"Captain, I really need to have a good sleep."

Although the healing light has relieved his fatigue a lot, he may even be fine if he continues working for a whole day.

But as a normal person with sleeping habits, if he doesn't get a good sleep, he always feels that there is something wrong with him and he can't cheer up.

"Go quickly~"

Su Mo smiled and had to say that Colin was becoming more and more important to him now.

If Colin were missing, I really don’t know what kind of chaos some things in the group would be like.

It is tiring enough for Colin to manage a business department. If he is allowed to continue to take charge of finance and logistics, I am afraid that he will "lose" this capable person in a short time.

We still need to continue recruiting people~

The Holy Light Mercenary Group is about to enter the fast lane of development. It not only needs combatants, but also talents in various fields such as logistics, business, scientific research, and spacecraft commanders.

After Qian Liuyu's problem is solved, we will start recruiting people... Su Mo thought to himself.

"Andolfo, take me to see Mr. Qian Liuyu, and let everyone else go about their own business," Su Mo said.

At this time, Ming said:

"Captain, do you need me to go with you?"

Su Mo thought for a while and said:

"Forget it, no need!"

With Qian Liuyu's high-level strength, if he really wanted to harm him, even if Ming was by his side, he wouldn't be able to stop him.

It is better to go directly and openly to show respect for the savior.


Ming nodded and said nothing more.

"Andolfo, let's go~"


After Su Mo left, the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group immediately surrounded Ming. Among them, the Dark Moon tribesmen were in the innermost circle, looking at Ming with excitement and expectation.

"Master Ming, can we go back for revenge?"

A Dark Moon tribesman asked with red eyes, a faint tremor in his voice.

All his family members were killed by his enemies and died in front of him.

Over the years, he would have nightmares every night, dreaming of the wailing and screaming of his relatives, as well as the reluctance and despair in his eyes before death.

There are many people like him, and even Ming is one of them.

"I'll go back."

Ming looked around at everyone and said in a cold voice: "But not now!"

Ming didn't explain the reason, but many tribesmen could guess it.

The Holy Light Mercenary Group is currently at the cusp of the storm. As the strongest member of the group, Master Ming cannot leave easily.

Hearing what Ming said, the other members couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.



Su Mo opened the door and walked into the living room.

"Captain of the Holy Light!"

Qian Liuyu had heard the footsteps long ago, pulled Yu Zhiguang to his feet and waited for Su Mo at the door.

After seeing Su Mo come in, he took two steps forward, stretched out his hand, and showed a smile.

"I am Qian Liuyu."

"Hello, Mr. Qian Liuyu!"

Su Mo held Qian Liuyu's hand and his eyes were slightly stunned.

Damn, he’s so handsome!

This was his first reaction when he saw Qian Liuyu.

Qian Liuyu looked like a male protagonist from a comic book. With his blond hair and fair and handsome face, he was so perfect that he couldn't find a single flaw.

The most important thing is that his smile is very approachable, and anyone who sees him can't help but feel good about him.

If there is an attribute panel, Qian Liuyu's charm value will definitely be 500+

In fact, in terms of appearance alone, Ming is not inferior to Qian Liuyu, but he is too cold, and strangers are not allowed to enter. Except for some special fans, most people still prefer Qian Liuyu.


At this moment, Su Mo was quite surprised by the Qian Liuyu information presented by the [Eye of Insight].

【Character】Qian Liuyu


[Ability] Phoenix (Phantom Species—A++)

[Talent] Spiritual Affinity

Phantom species?

what is this?

Su Mo's expression remained unchanged, and doubts arose in his heart.

Judging from Qian Liuyu's combat performance, the phantom species should be classified as a superpower among the five major professions.

I just don’t know what the difference is between the phantom species system and the normal superpower system.

Phoenix is ​​an A++ level phantom species, which shows that Qian Liuyu still has room for improvement in the future and is expected to reach the peak of natural disasters.

In addition, Qian Liuyu also has a talent called spiritual affinity, which has the effect of increasing the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy by 30% and increasing the control of spiritual energy by 35%.

The two abilities are superimposed together to become a super genius.

Among the people with powers he knew, apart from Han Jia, only Hyde, the super European emperor, could arm-wrestle with Qian Liuyu in terms of talent.

Handsome, strong and charming~

Sure enough, God is unfair~

After letting go of his hand, Qian Liuyu first pointed to his wife next to him and introduced:

"This is my wife, Xiang Lin."

"Hello, Ms. Xianglin."

Su Mo smiled and nodded while scanning Xiang Lin's information.

【Character】Xiang Lin


[Ability] Purple Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex (Phantom Species—B++)

Compared with Qian Liuyu, Xiang Lin's talent is undoubtedly far behind. The phantom species potential is B++, which shows that she has developed her ability to the extreme and there is no possibility of improvement.

Of course, as a leader of peak extraordinary beings, Xianglin's strength is actually quite good.

Most mercenary captains are at this level.

The Purple Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex will have to be seen another day.

"Hello, Captain Holy Light!"

Xianglin nodded politely, then touched Yu Zhiguang's head and said:

"My son's name is Uncle Shengguang."

"Hello, Uncle Shengguang!"

Yu Zhiguang raised his head, his voice childish.


Hey, it turns out that at the age of 20, you are old enough to be called uncle.

Su Mo smiled slightly and said, "Hello, little Yu Zhiguang."

After saying this, Su Mo's eyes were stunned, he blinked a few times quickly, and then he felt a huge wave in his heart.

【Character】Yu Zhiguang


[Ability] Holy Dragon of Light (Phantom Species—S)

[Talent] Spiritual Affinity

Damn it, S-level talent! ! !

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