Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 206 Cadres come to vote Birdman Anderson

"President, I heard that a new Holy Light mercenary group has appeared in the past two days. It is very powerful and has killed two neighbors around it. Why don't we let them try this escort mission?"

"Holy Light Mercenary Group... OK, let them try it. If they are capable, we can establish long-term cooperation in the future."

"Brother, I really can't afford the rent next month. How about we go to Hongmaple Ridge to have a try? I heard someone said that the Holy Light Mercenary Group in Hongmaple Ridge is very powerful. They killed two mercenaries in one go. The Corps is just getting started there, so the rent will probably be much cheaper.”

"Oh, okay, it's up to you..."

"Boss, this is a report our department has just prepared. The investment target is Hongmaple Ridge. The expected return rate may exceed 300%."

"Hongmaple Ridge, Holy Light Mercenary Group, okay, I agree. Let's go and circle a piece of land first, and then we can start construction after the land price rises."


"Boss, this guy Bai Ye was slaughtered!"

The younger brother burst into the house excitedly and shouted loudly.

"What, Bai Ye is dead?"

In the room, a man stood up suddenly. He was more than two meters tall, with white and wide wings on his back. His hair was combed high like a pineapple. Except for his face, his skin was engraved with tattoos that were visible to the naked eye.

His name is Anderson, codenamed "Birdman."

"Really, now it has spread in the circle that Bai Ye was killed with one move and his mercenary group is also finished." The younger brother said cheerfully.

Hearing this, Anderson slammed the table excitedly and laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, Bai Ye, you bastard killed my elder brother, and now the retribution has finally come. I can't kill you, but someone can."

"If you can kill Bai Ye with one move, he must be a natural disaster level expert, right?"

The younger brother said excitedly: "It's not a natural disaster strongman. Bai Ye was killed by his neighbor, the Holy Light Mercenary Group. Although the strongest person in this group is not as good as the natural disaster, he is much stronger than the ordinary peak leader, so he can... Kill Bai Ye instantly with this move."

"This guy Bai Ye is also mentally ill. He took the initiative to attack the Holy Light Mercenary Group, but was killed by others. He was really not strong enough and yet he got involved and committed a crime. He deserves to die."

"Holy Light Mercenary Group?"

Anderson raised his eyebrows, "It seems that I have never heard of this name."

"Boss, the Holy Light Mercenary Group was just established three months ago. It's normal that you haven't heard of it." said the younger brother.

"It's only been established three months?"

Anderson sounded surprised: "Isn't this a mercenary group secretly supported by a big force?"

The younger brother shook his head: "Boss, you guessed it wrong. The leader of the Holy Light Mercenary Group comes from an indigenous planet. He built his fortune with his bare hands. Now he is highly regarded in the circle. I There are several acquaintances around me who are interested in joining him."

At this time, a fat man next to him said in a dull voice:

"Boss, didn't you say at the beginning that if anyone could kill Bai Ye to avenge Brother Bird, we would follow him in the future?"

Hearing this, Anderson's face froze, he had indeed said such a thing before.

The situation at that time was that his brother "Big Bird" Bird was killed by Bai Ye, and he could not match Bai Ye in terms of personal combat power or team power. It was in that desperate and angry mood that he made such an oath.

But now that Bai Ye is dead and he has been the boss for so many years, he is a little reluctant to become someone else's subordinate.

The younger brother saw Anderson's thoughts and reminded him in a low voice:

"Boss, our money may not last until next month."

Suddenly, another look of embarrassment appeared on Anderson's face.

When his brother Bird led the team before, although the team was not large in size, it went smoothly in all aspects. The task completion rate was high, the reputation was good, and a lot of money was made.

But since Bird died and the team was handed over to him, everything has been going badly. Missions have frequently failed, reputation has plummeted, and all the money invested has been lost.

As for the reason, he actually knew it in his heart.

His brother Bird is stable by nature. Although he has a little tendency to show off, this does not affect his leadership qualities. He can do everything steadily and rarely makes mistakes.

As for himself, he has a hot-tempered and impulsive personality, and does things without considering the consequences. Several mission failures were caused by his temper.

"Damn it, a manly man, he does what he says."

Anderson gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Brothers, let's go and join the Holy Light Mercenary Group."

"Let's go!!"

Dozens of people were shouting excitedly, as if they were looking forward to joining the new team.

"Captain Holy Light, I'll leave this mission to your group."

"No problem, I guarantee it will be completed successfully."

"Haha, I also believe in the strength of your group, so I won't disturb you anymore, farewell~"


After sending the caravan manager to the airship, Su Mo rubbed his face. He felt that his face was almost frozen with laughter.

In the past two days, there has been an endless stream of forces coming to cooperate with the Holy Light Mercenary Group. Some are applying to open a store, some are negotiating supply cooperation, and some are assigned tasks.

Since Colin was involved in the auction, he or Mercedes were mainly responsible for the negotiation work.

Among the other cadres, Ming is too cold and can choke people to death with his words, Jin Zhan is too rigid, one is one, two is two, and does not know how to adapt at all. Master Andolf is experienced, but during this time he has been addicted to magic and has never been able to do anything. If he doesn't have time, Geforth is a bandit who doesn't hesitate to scare people away. As for Mundo and Hutao, well, there's no need to mention them.

Therefore, in the absence of Colin, the only cadres who can be responsible for negotiating and making decisions are him and the smooth and mature Mercedes.


At this moment, a bolt of yellow lightning suddenly came from a distance, leaving a trail of light, and finally stopped in front of Su Mo.


A young, energetic young man wiped his sweat and panted slightly: "There is a caravan leader over there who wants to talk to you in detail about cooperation."

"Xiao Bei, don't worry, take a breath first."

Su Mo patted the young man's shoulder and smiled.

The young man in front of him is named Kurosawa Kita. Among all the superpowers in the Holy Light Mercenary Group, he is the only genius with superpower potential above A level.

His ability is called [Flash], with A-level potential. Not only is he extremely fast, but he also has pretty good attack power.

Currently, Kurosawa Kita is the key training target in the group.

He himself is very confident. Not long after receiving special training from instructor Jin Zhan, he successfully broke through to the elite level. He usually takes his work very seriously and never takes advantage of others.

In the past few days, Su Mo deliberately brought Kurosawa Bei with him to let him get in touch with some key affairs of the regiment and broaden his horizons.

"Which caravan is he from? What does he want to talk about?" Su Mo asked.

Kurosawa Kita said: "Giant Crocodile Caravan, they mainly want to talk to you about the sales of red maple wine."

Su Mo said helplessly: "As for Lao Mei, it would be better if Lao Mei decides not to do this."

Kurosawa Kita explained: "Consultant Mei is discussing cooperation with a real estate company, and we really can't get away from it."

Wow, real estate companies are also coming to join in the fun.

Su Mo sighed and decided that a commerce department must be established in the future to be responsible for negotiating cooperation. Otherwise, just him, Lao Mei, and Colin would be too exhausted to finish the business.

After all, the Holy Light Mercenary Group's foundation is still too thin, and all kinds of talents are in short supply. Next, we can't just recruit extraordinary people, but also logistics, business, and technical personnel must be taken into consideration.

"Okay, I'll go over now."

Red maple wine is an important specialty of the territory. If the sales are good, it can bring hundreds of thousands of profits every year, so it should be taken seriously.

Under the leadership of Kurosawa Bei, Su Mo walked quickly. Suddenly, Pooh issued a reminder:

"Master, a group of mercenaries have applied to enter Hongmaple Ridge for the purpose of discussing cooperation."

Mercenary group?

Su Mo raised his eyebrows. This was the first time that a mercenary group wanted to discuss cooperation with him.

"What are their backgrounds?"

Pooh: "The White Bird Mercenary Group, its leader is named Anderson, codenamed Birdman, and leads high-level martial artists. It has a total of 72 members. In recent years, the mercenary group has failed many missions, and its credibility level has dropped from level 3. level 4."

"Well, this group is a bit rubbish~"

Su Mo's mouth twitched. The continuous mission failures showed that there must be some kind of problem within the White Bird Mercenary Group.

If you work with a team with this kind of problem, you may not lead your own mercenary group into a ditch.

"Refuse... forget it, let them come in, notify Gefus to receive them briefly, and send them away as soon as possible."


Su Mo didn't worry too much about this matter. He followed Kurosawa Bei to the person in charge of the giant crocodile caravan. After a few polite words, he began to discuss the specific details of the red maple wine.

"Mr. Holy Light, our caravan is willing to go out..."

boom! !

Just then, an explosion stopped the conversation.

Su Mo turned around and frowned. Angel wings floated on his back. After explaining, he quickly flew to the explosion site.


"Grandma, you idiot, do you have the guts to say what you just said again?"

Gefus put away the pistol with smoke coming from the muzzle, opened his eyes wide and cursed.

On the opposite side, Birdman Anderson retorted unceremoniously:

"Big Beard, who are you trying to scare with a toy gun? I'm here with sincerity, but you want to send me away with just a few words?"

Geforth became angry, pointed at Anderson's nose, and yelled:

"You are so stupid, you want to discuss cooperation with our Holy Light Mercenary Group? Get out of here, if you keep talking nonsense, I will turn you into a bald bird!"

"Hmph, come if you feel like it!!!"

Anderson's eyes widened, and the green martial arts flames surrounded him, creating a whirlwind.

Gefusi laughed angrily and said: "Zangmaoniao, you really have something wrong with your brain, how dare you do something on our territory?"

After saying that, blue mechanical power erupted, wrapping around Geforth like lightning.

The two momentums collided, and the situation became tense.

At this time, members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group arrived quickly and surrounded Anderson and others with evil eyes.

The team members behind Anderson had wry smiles on their faces and felt extremely helpless inside.

Alas, it starts again~

What a sin~

Plop, plop, plop~~

There was a sound of flapping wings in the sky. Anderson looked up and his eyes widened instantly.

Is this... meeting someone of the same race?

Su Mo slowly descended in front of Gefus, retracted his angel wings, and said in a serious tone: "Gefusi, what's going on?"

Geforth pointed at Anderson and snorted:

"This bastard was rude to me, so there was a bit of a conflict."

The root cause of the conflict was that he wanted to send this group of people away as soon as possible, but the miscellaneous feathered bird on the opposite side was unwilling, so the quarrel broke out.

However, it was the group leader's intention to send him away, and he couldn't point it out in public, so he changed his explanation.

Su Mo frowned slightly and looked at Anderson.

Born with a pair of wings, a strange hairstyle, a large area of ​​tattoos, and unruly eyes, he is a maverick at first glance.

When Su Mo was observing Anderson, Anderson was also quietly sizing him up.

Is this the founder of the Holy Light Mercenary Group? I don't think he is very strong, that is, he is the leader of the primary level.

"Birdman Anderson."

Su Mo said slowly: "What is your purpose in coming to our Holy Light Mercenary Group?"

Anderson raised his chin and said, "I originally wanted to discuss cooperation with you, but now I have changed my mind!"

After speaking, Anderson pointed at Gefus and said loudly:

"Big Bearded, if you dare to fight with me, if I win, you call me grandpa. If I lose, I will join the Holy Light Mercenary Group as your younger brother."

Geforth made a sound and said disdainfully: "Our Holy Light Mercenary Group does not need a younger brother like you."


At this time, Pooh said: "I just found out some interesting news. Anderson's eldest brother Bird was killed by White Night a few years ago. Since then, the White Bird Mercenary Group has been in a sharp turn, and is now almost bankrupt." degree."

Hearing this, Su Mo narrowed his eyes and suddenly had a suspicion.

Anderson has done so many things, isn't it just to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group?

In fact, Su Mo guessed it right.

Although Anderson is impulsive and violent, when he is not impulsive, he is still very thoughtful.

If he directly stated that he wanted to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group, the other party might doubt his purpose of joining. Even if he told the story about Bird and Bai Ye, it would be hard to tell whether he would believe it or not.

Moreover, if you join directly like this, you will easily be looked down upon or ignored.

Therefore, on the spaceship, he thought of a way to retreat and advance, that is, to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group as a challenge. On the one hand, he could show his strength in battle and win respect. On the other hand, he would not be able to tell anyone about it. Shameful.

We only joined after losing the challenge, not just begging for nothing.

As for the match against Big Beard, he wasn't worried at all.

Judging from the momentum, Big Beard is a commanding high-level mechanic, the same level as himself, but in a one-on-one duel in a limited environment, how can the fragile mechanic compare with him as a martial artist.

The victory or defeat is completely in his own hands. Later, he only needs to let go without leaving any trace and lose a small amount, and then he can legitimately join the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

Hehe, I'm a fucking genius.

Anderson secretly praised his wit, but little did he know that Su Mo had already seen through his little thoughts.

"Pooh, how's Anderson's reputation?" Su Mo asked.

Pooh: "Nothing bad. He's just famous for his short temper and impulsiveness."

"That's it~"

Su Mo still valued the fact that he had no evil deeds.

Although mercenaries often have to walk in gray areas, he does not want his subordinates to be evil people with heinous crimes and numerous crimes.

"Big Beard, are you scared?"

Anderson provoked: "If you're afraid, just shut up and go back to your mother's place to nurse!"

"You are looking for death!"

Geforth cursed angrily, and the compression ball on his waist suddenly burst open, transforming into an unusually ferocious and huge cannon. The barrel of the gun was thicker than a human brain. There was no need to doubt its terrifying power.

"That's it?"

Anderson curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Even if the barrel of the gun were ten times thicker, you wouldn't be able to touch a hair on my head."

He is from the Tianyu clan, he is fast, and he practices wind martial arts. How could he be hit by artillery in a face-to-face situation.

"Then give it a try!"

Geforth activates the mechanical power and hovers over the artillery. With the mechanical power, he can control the machine without using his hands, and it can also effectively increase the power of the weapon.

It’s not like I have never killed someone who leads a high-level martial arts master!

"Wait a moment!"

When the battle was about to break out, Su Mo stepped forward, held Gefus's shoulders, and said calmly:

"How can you, a gunnery master, fight in a duel with a martial artist of the same level?"

"Instructor Jin Zhan, show your skills to your students today."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin Zhan walked out of the crowd with a calm and powerful voice:

"Yes, Captain."


Anderson looked at the man in front of him, who had pale golden skin and was as calm and cold as metal, and couldn't help but be wary.

"Go to the training ground!"

Su Mo said a word, then turned and walked towards the training ground.

Everyone followed, and Anderson followed without hesitation.

On the spacious training ground, Jin Zhan and Anderson were a hundred meters apart, looking at each other from a distance.

"Lao Jin, beat this bastard to death and pluck out all his feathers!" Geforth shouted in support.

Anderson glanced sideways at Geforth, curled his lips, and thought to himself:

"If it weren't for the change of people, I would definitely give you a slap in the face."

He has no objection to replacing Geforth with Jin Zhan. Anyway, his purpose is to show his ability and value through fighting and gain respect. As for who comes to fight him, it is actually the same.

By the way, it can't be the master who surpasses the leader, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to be killed by one move like Bai Ye.

But it seems that the cold man in front of him is not the great master.

Because it was a sparring match, neither Jin Zhan nor Anderson took out their weapons, but for martial artists, the body is the best weapon.

"Friends, come on!"

Anderson hooked his hand towards Jin Zhan, and the cyan martial arts spun up, agile and elegant.


Jin Zhan responded in a deep voice, his pale golden skin covered with a thick layer of golden aura, looking like a golden iron statue, exuding a sharp and sharp aura.


Anderson struck first, kicked off the ground, flapped his wings, and rushed forward at an extremely fast speed. His feet were completely off the ground, his palms glowed with green light, and then he slashed diagonally forward with a hand knife.

Swish Swish Swish~~~

The green energy that filled the sky was like a blade of wind, shrouding Jin Zhan from all directions, bringing with it a sharp and harsh sound of breaking wind.

Jin Zhan raised his head slightly, his eyes unblinking, indifferent as iron, and allowed these wind blades to chop at his body.

Ding ding ding~~~

The sound of gold and iron sounded like a symphony.

The protective aura on Jin Zhan's body is almost motionless, like a pair of thick armor, giving people an unshakable feeling.

Seeing this scene, many team members in the audience immediately cheered and shouted:

"Instructor Jin Zhan is mighty!"

"Instructor Jin Zhan is mighty!"

"Captain, what's going on?"

Mercedes approached Su Mo and asked in a low voice.

Su Mo smiled and said, "I guess the guy on the stage might want to join our Holy Light Mercenary Group, but he felt it would be a bit embarrassing to join directly, so he came up with this idea."

Hearing this, Mercedes raised his eyebrows.

In the past two days, many mercenaries came to Hongmaple Ridge and applied to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group. After Su Mo's assessment and review, only 5 were accepted, and the rest either had bad records or poor abilities. In the end, Being turned away.

Although the Holy Light Mercenary Group is short of people, it cannot accept everyone.

However, this is the first time that a commander-level master has taken the initiative to seek refuge.

"The high-ranking leader is very powerful~"

Mercedes looked at the fierce collision on the field and couldn't help but sigh.

“It’s really not bad!”

Su Mo nodded with a smile and turned his attention back to the battlefield.


Swish swish swish~~

Afterimages flickered around Jin Zhan like ghosts, and the shadows of fists in the sky came crashing down, falling on Jin Zhan like a curtain of rain.

At this moment, Jin Zhan operated his titanium body to the extreme, and his pupils turned into black gold.

Bang bang bang~~

The shadows of fists fell one after another, but they seemed to hit an indestructible piece of steel that could not be shaken at all.

"Damn, this kind of iron knot is the most annoying thing."

Anderson flapped his wings and stood high in the sky, cursing in his mind.

He is a wind martial artist who is best at using his powerful speed to attack the enemy's weaknesses and find opportunities to win. However, the man at his feet was as solid as an iron mountain, with no flaws.

After working so hard for a long time, the opponent didn't even lose a hair, which is really discouraging.

Of course, he can't hurt the opponent, and the opponent can't touch him. It can only be said that each has its own advantages.

With his mind racing, Anderson looked down and shouted:

"Friends, how about we decide the outcome with one move?"

Jin Zhan said in a deep voice: "Come on!"

boom! ! !

Golden aura rose, a fierce and powerful aura erupted from Jin Zhan's body, and a richer golden light condensed on his fist.

In the sky above, Anderson's eyes flashed, and green flames rolled in. In an instant, fierce winds arose within a kilometer radius. The nearby doors and glass frames were ringing, sand and gravel were flying, and tiny green wind blades were cutting the sky in disorder. .

"So strong!!"

Seeing such a majestic scene, many members were shocked, and a sense of awe and respect for the strong arose in their hearts.


Anderson shouted loudly, and in the next moment, the green wind blade and Gang Qi rotated at high speed around him, suddenly forming a huge green tornado drill.

"Kamikaze Dragon Diamond!"

Accompanied by a clear and loud sound, the tornado drill swooped down violently, aiming directly at Jin Zhan's head.


Jin Zhan shouted loudly, with a high fighting spirit rising in his eyes. He charged up his right fist and swung it out boldly, like a spear piercing the sky, upright, sharp and domineering.

Under everyone's nervous and excited gaze, one green and one gold, two energies collided.

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