Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 207 Team Expansion Auction Begins

boom! ! !

The violent explosion shook the sky and the earth.

The ground shook, ripples visible to the naked eye spread in all directions, and strong winds swept across, making the team members watching the battle almost blind.

There were cracks on the special material under Jin Zhan's feet. Anderson turned over and stepped on the ground, one leg shaking slightly.

"You are strong."

Jin Zhan retracted his fist, with a hint of praise in his calm voice.

Sparring with bare hands was obviously more beneficial to him, a physically powerful gold martial artist.

If both sides used weapons, it would definitely be a different story.

The speed of the ghost, coupled with the sharpness of the weapon, gave him a headache just thinking about it.

"You're awesome too!"

Anderson said solemnly, although he is unruly, he always respects the strong.

The calm and indifferent man opposite me is definitely not inferior to him in strength. Coupled with the sharpness and hardness of the metal martial arts, it may be very difficult to defeat him.

Of course, his original plan was to deliberately lose the game and join the Holy Light Mercenary Group through failure.

So he rewrote the script, fought a few more moves, found an opportunity to get punched, and then "helplessly" gave in.

Hehe, it's time to test my acting skills.

The corners of Anderson's lips raised slightly, and he shouted boldly:

"Come on, let's fight for another three hundred rounds!"

But just then——

"Okay, you can stop."

A faint voice sounded.

Stop... stop?

Anderson's face froze, the script was already written, why not let people continue to act.

Su Mo jumped onto the ring, walked slowly to Anderson, smiled, and said, "You are a real strong man. If we continue to fight, I'm afraid you two will be injured, so this duel will end here. "

"There is no victory or defeat, Gefusi does not need to apologize, and you do not need to join our Holy Light Mercenary Group."


Anderson was anxious. He didn't expect Su Mo to say this.

It's quite considerate and saves face for both parties, but... this is not what I want!

"No, as a man, I spit out nothing but a nail in my mouth. There must be a winner today." Anderson insisted.

Su Mo shook his head: "Look, my team members and your team members are all here. Whoever loses will be embarrassed, so let's forget it."


Anderson held Su Mo's hand and begged, "Brother, just let me continue to fight. I beg you, I'm not afraid of embarrassment."

Su Mo said seriously: "You are not afraid of embarrassment, but our instructor Jin Zhan is afraid of embarrassment. What if he loses?"

"He can't possibly..."

Anderson blurted out, but fortunately he reacted in time and suppressed the last word.

Grandma's, the secret was almost exposed.

Anderson opened his mouth, preparing to reorganize his words, but at this moment, he saw the smile in Su Mo's eyes.

Could it be that he saw it?

Anderson's face turned red, he came closer and asked in a low voice: "Captain Holy Light, do you know everything?"

Su Mo smiled: "What do you think? Bai Ye's enemy, Mr. Anderson~"

Ah, it turns out he knows!

Seeing that his little idea was discovered, Anderson was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

I thought my script could deceive everyone, but I didn’t expect that people had already seen through it. I’ve been a clown for a long time. It’s really embarrassing~

On the side, Jin Zhan heard the two whispering, and a smile appeared on his usually calm and indifferent face.


Suddenly, Su Mo raised his voice and spoke solemnly.

"I, the leader of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, formally extend an invitation to you. Are you willing to join my team?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene was in an uproar.

How could someone who was fighting life and death just now send an invitation to the other party in the blink of an eye?

Anderson's eyes lit up, and he understood that this was the step Su Mo gave him, a reason to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

Inviting the group leader in person is no more honorable than any other method.

Without hesitation, Anderson said loudly:

"I do!"

Wow! ! !

Suddenly, both the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group and the White Bird Mercenary Group cheered enthusiastically.

For members of the Holy Light, it is of course a great blessing to have another high-level leader in the team.

As for the members of White Bird, they have really been deceived by their boss in recent years. Missions have frequently failed, investment losses have been serious, and they can hardly afford to pay next month's rent. If it were not for the friendship they have had for many years, Many people have already left the team and fled.

Now that there is a new boss, joining a brand new mercenary group with great potential will definitely make you happy for a while.

"Brother, my name is Sewu, and we will be a family from now on."

"Brother, how many people are there in our group now? Are wages paid on time?"

The members of Shiratiao are all veterans, and they all chatted with the people around them familiarly to find out about the new team.

"Hey, Big Beard, we will be companions from now on."

Anderson looked at Gefus provocatively, "It's okay, let's discuss it more!"

Geforth snorted coldly, "Zombie, there are more people in our group who can beat you, so don't be so rampant."

Of course Anderson knew that there was a master in the Holy Light Mercenary Group who could kill him instantly, but this man was definitely not a bearded man.

"Are you afraid and don't dare to fight?"

"Am I afraid of you? Come on, hit me now, see if I don't pluck all your hair out!"

Su Mo saw this scene in his eyes and couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

Come on, another pair of bickering men.

"Lao Mei!"

Su Mo called Mercedes to his side, pointed at Anderson and said, "I'll leave Anderson to you. Tell him the rules of our regiment."


Mercedes nodded and then smiled:

"Anderson, I am the consultant of the Holy Light Mercenary Group and the commander of the high-level magician, Merced."

Lead the high-level magicians!

Anderson was shocked, stretched out his hand and said politely: "Hello, Consultant Merced."

Merced held his hand and smiled: "During this period, I will introduce you to the situation of the Holy Light Mercenary Group in detail, as well as the team discipline. I also ask you to restrain your former subordinates and not to violate the group rules."

There was a hint of warning in Merced's words, and Anderson also heard it. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he knew that this was the price he had to pay for joining other teams.

"I see!"

Anderson nodded.


After the interlude, Su Mo continued to negotiate cooperation with many caravans and companies.

Seeing that a new commander-level master has joined the Holy Light Mercenary Group, this group of businessmen have become more confident in cooperation, so the conditions have been appropriately relaxed.

After handling these matters, Su Mo went to the mercenary city without stopping to fulfill his promise - to buy people.

After some careful selection, he spent 700,000 inal to buy back nearly 800 slaves, including the Shadow Clan, Ice Barbarian Clan, Dark Moon Clan, superpowers with potential B level or above, as well as many business, logistics, and technical people. Talent.

When he returned to Red Maple Ridge with his new slaves, he immediately caused a sensation.

"Satsuki! Satsuki!"

"Aww, brother, I miss you so much."

"Master Ming, I never thought I would see you again!"

"Ahu, my brother, your good days are coming soon!"

"Brother, aren't we slaves?"

"Bullshit slaves, from now on we will be official members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, and we will get paid."

"What, there's still money?"

"Money is nothing, but there are many benefits. Let me tell you..."

The Shadow Tribe, Ice Barbarian Tribe, and Dark Moon Tribe welcomed the new tribesmen enthusiastically and excitedly. Many of them knew each other and were even relatives of each other.

For a time, cries, laughter, and shouts came and went.

Seeing this scene, the other slaves who had no clansmen and were uneasy couldn't help but relax a lot.

It seemed like I had arrived at a humane place.

At the same time, Colin also completed the auction matters and returned to the base with good news.

Almost all members of the mercenary group arrived, and Su Mo immediately decided to hold a grand welcome party to welcome the newcomers.


At night, the base is brightly lit.

The long table was filled with food and wine, and people were chatting excitedly in small groups.

The old man introduced the situation of the mercenary group to the newcomers. The newcomers listened carefully and exclaimed from time to time.

It can be seen that the leaders of Ming, Yingfeng, and Manshan are surrounded by people.

Ying Feng calmly and seriously explained the rules to the new clan members. He refused to refuse anyone who came to Manshan and kept drinking with the people around him. Ming, who was always aloof, always had a smile on his face.

Walnut, Mundo, and Hyde once again demonstrated the terrifying appetite of the Big Eaters, shocking many newcomers.

Geforth and Anderson were two very popular old men. Although they were foul-mouthed and would even kick someone when they were anxious, they never put on airs and could get along well with their subordinates.

Lao Mei sat on the open ground, drinking and telling his glorious stories passionately, which made many newcomers excited and applaud loudly.

The lively and joyful atmosphere perfectly resolved the worries and barriers of new members.

They quickly integrated into the team and were full of yearning and expectations for the future.

"Captain, I have already arranged the auction."

Colin came to Su Mo and reported:

"I took out two thousand potions as samples and sent them to many partners of the Megan family. The response was great. Some people have tried to find out the manufacturer behind the potion, but I have stopped them all."

"Four days later, 8,000 potions will become the opening items of this auction."

Hearing this, Su Mo nodded with satisfaction.

Colin is indeed a very capable and reliable business talent.

"Colin, what's the reaction from the Megan family?" Su Mo asked with a raised brow.

Colin said quickly: "Everything is very cooperative, and no one in the family asked too much, including the clan leader."

Hearing this, Su Mo smiled and spoke more highly of Madam Theresa.

He believed that Madam Theresa would not fail to see the value of the BUFF potion, but she did not ask any more questions and asked the family to fully cooperate. This is a truly smart person.

"Colin, send me an invitation letter and auction list for the auction."

"Okay! The Meghan family's auctions are all online. After four days, you can directly enter the virtual auction through the electronic invitation."

"There are two ways to collect the items photographed. One is that Meghan's family will send someone to deliver it, and the other is that you can collect it offline in person, and the entire process will be kept confidential."

"This is a good way!"

Su Mo nodded. In fantasy novels, there are often scenes of being intercepted and killed right after leaving the auction house.

But in the form of a virtual auction, no one knows who bought the thing they are interested in, so there is no murder.

Sure enough, technology makes life more exciting.

"Colin, I have bought back a group of business talents. You can train them well and set up a commerce department. From now on, the reception and negotiation will be handed over to the commerce department. I will sign the final signature." Su Mo said.


Colin nodded.

In fact, he has been a manager in the Megan family for so many years, so he naturally has many close associates under him.

However, it was a bit hasty to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group at that time, and he could not explain to the people around him why he wanted to join a small team that had only been founded for a few days. Therefore, he could only come to the Holy Light Mercenary Group alone and take up the role alone. The regiment's financial, commercial, logistics and other aspects of affairs are indeed somewhat incapacitated.

Therefore, cultivating a team is also a top priority.

"Have a good rest tonight. There are still a lot of things waiting for you to deal with tomorrow." Su Mo patted Colin on the shoulder.


Colin showed a smile. He was not afraid of tiredness or hard work. On the contrary, the more things he had to do, the more he proved the leader's trust in him.

Isn't this why he came to the Holy Light Mercenary Group?

After Colin toasted with a glass of wine, he left to gather his men and learn about the team's situation in advance.

"Pooh, is that done?"

After Colin left, Su Mo took a sip of wine and his eyes flickered slightly.

"Already done."

Winnie responded: "Currently, every member has my Trojan seeds in their personal optical brains. All messages, calls, and every move in the virtual world are monitored."


Su Mo nodded slowly.

Currently, the number of the Holy Light Mercenary Group exceeds one thousand, including a large number of purchased slaves and outsiders like Anderson.

Slaves can be fully trusted, but these outsiders must be treated with caution.

Therefore, he asked Pooh to think of a way to monitor the calls and messages of everyone in the group to avoid the appearance of traitors.

Soon, Pooh came up with a Trojan horse program.

After joining the Holy Light Mercenary Group, each member must download the exclusive APP of the Holy Light Mercenary Group in their personal light brain to take on tasks and view contribution points.

As long as this APP is downloaded, the Trojan horse program attached to the APP will immediately invade their personal optical brain and form round-the-clock monitoring.

Perhaps at present, the second and fifth boys will not appear, but as the Holy Light Mercenary Group continues to grow and expand its manpower, this kind of thing will definitely happen.

Some have their own goals when they come in, while others are lured by the outside world and betray the organization.

Therefore, he must take precautions to prevent such things from happening.

Only by being careful can you sail the ship of ten thousand years~

Su Mo drank the wine in the glass and then opened the background information of the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

Currently, there are more than 1,300 extraordinary members in the mercenary group. Counting him, there are a total of 9 commander-level masters. From high to low, they are Andolfo, Ming, Hutao, Merced, Geforth, and Jin. War, Anderson, Mundo, and himself.

After being strengthened by BUFF, Andolf, Ming, and Hu Tao can achieve combat effectiveness beyond the peak of leadership, and the remaining cadres can also reach the peak of leadership.

In addition, there are a total of 102 elite-level transcendents in the team.

The rest are all below elite level.

Looking at the Delong continent, although the number of the Holy Light Mercenary Group is not large, its overall combat strength is definitely above average, and its potential is huge.

After all, most of the members were carefully selected by him. They either have outstanding physical talents or have abilities above level B.

"In three months, it has grown to this scale. I even admire myself~"

Su Mo smiled slightly.


In the blink of an eye, four days passed

Newcomers quickly integrated into the environment, became familiar with the rules, obeyed orders, and began daily training and work.

More and more caravans and employers came to visit, and some even asked Ming by name to do an escort mission.

For the sake of reward and contribution points, Ming took a small team to perform the first mercenary mission in his life. The escort journey was not long and he could return in a few days.

At the same time, Su Mo's long-awaited auction is finally about to begin.

The consciousness sank into the optical brain and entered the virtual world.

Su Mo took out an exquisite invitation letter from his inventory, squeezed it hard, and the invitation shattered.


Suddenly, the environment around him changed drastically, and colorful lights and shadows flowed past him, as if a long river of time had passed by.

Soon after, the light and shadow disappeared, and the environment suddenly changed.

This is a spacious seat, ten meters wide and 20 meters long, with soft cushions under the buttocks. Su Mo simply curled up together, lay down comfortably, and glanced around.

Looking around, rows of seats formed a circle, like the structure of a colosseum, with a circular stage in the middle for displaying auction items.

There is a vague single-sided light and shadow shield in front of each seat to prevent people from seeing the inside and block all sounds. The safety aspect is indeed excellent.

Su Mo made a rough count and found that there were at least 70,000 to 80,000 seats in total, but he didn't know if they could be filled.

after an hour.


A clear voice spread and echoed in the auction room.

A middle-aged man wearing a Meghan family uniform appeared on the stage. At the same time, a screen popped up in front of everyone's seat, clearly broadcasting everything on the stage.

"Welcome to this edition of the Meghan Family Auction, I am the host Ned"

The man had a smile on his face and a gentle voice that was as refreshing as spring breeze.

"Before we begin, let me first introduce the auction process."

"In addition to the opening auction items, we will still proceed in the order of treasures, weapons, technology, slaves, and others."

"When quoting, everyone only needs to shout out the price and click the confirmation button on the right side of the seat."

"Okay, without further ado, the auction has officially begun."

"The opening product is seven kinds of potions refined by a certain pharmaceutical master. The first one is called——"

"Healing potion, heal all injuries on the body."

As soon as he finished speaking, a video appeared on the big screen.

It was a man who was seriously injured and on the verge of death. There was a big hole in his chest, and his left arm was completely broken off. He was obviously on the verge of death, but after he was fed a pale golden potion, a magical change immediately occurred in the man's body.

The blood hole in the chest healed quickly, and the broken left arm grew back at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just two seconds, all the injuries on the man's body disappeared, which also made him look in disbelief.

Ned's voice continued.

"After our professional testing, the healing potion can make extraordinary people below and including the elite level recover to their best condition instantly. No matter how serious the injury is, even if there is only one breath left, they can immediately be full of energy and vitality."

"And for commander-level masters, the effect of healing potion is also very impressive. With it, you can save most of your life."

After the introduction, many people showed expressions of surprise.

The Meghan family has an excellent reputation and will never boast or exaggerate on auction items.

This potion is really good stuff.

"This potion is good! Take some pictures and give them to my son."

A strong man with a horn on his head smiled lightly and was ready to spend money.

"Healing potions, buy 100 of them as much as possible."

A stone man with lava flowing all over his body murmured lowly.

He is the leader of the Lava Mercenary Group and a regular partner of the Megan family. A few days ago, he received an express delivery from the Megan family.

There are a total of seven potions in the express delivery, three bottles of each potion, along with instructions for use and a video showing the effects.

After testing, he found that the effects of these medicines were surprisingly good, especially the healing medicine, which surprised him even more.

You must know that he is a member of the Lava tribe, and his body organs are very different from those of the humans in the universe. Common therapeutic potions or treasures in the universe have no effect on him at all.

Therefore, whenever you get injured, recovery can be extremely difficult.

However, after testing, he found that this healing potion fit his body perfectly, and the therapeutic effect was very good.

So this time, he had to buy a batch of healing potions for himself and his tribe.

There are many people who have the same idea as the Lava Stone Man. They all received samples from the Megan family. After testing, they were very satisfied with the effects of the seven potions. This time they also prepared funds and prepared to purchase a wave.

"The video is over. I believe that many distinguished guests are already interested in this healing potion."

"Healing potions, 20 in a group, a total of 70 groups, 1,400 in total. The starting price for a group is 5,000 Innars. The increase in each bid cannot be less than 1,000 Innars. The auction begins!"

As soon as Ned finished speaking, the numbers immediately started scrolling on the big screen next to him.

Starting from 5000, it rose to 8000 in the blink of an eye, and then immediately jumped to 1W, and it is still rising.

For most people, healing potion means one life below the elite level, half a life at the commander level, and no matter how much money is spent, it is not an exaggeration.

But after all, there are 1,400 healing potions in 70 groups, so there is no need to rush in the first group.

The price continued to rise on a rolling basis, and when it broke through 5W Enar, the rate of increase slowed down significantly.





When the number stopped at 5.6W Inal, it finally stopped changing.

"5.6W Enal once!"

Ned's high-pitched voice sounded in the auction venue.

"5.6W Inar twice!"

"5.6W Inar three times!"

"Congratulations to VIP No. 073 for taking the first set of healing potions."

Bang bang bang~

Electronic applause sounded, instantly igniting the atmosphere in the auction venue.

At the same time, Su Mo opened his mouth slightly and had only one thought in his mind.

"Damn it, I'm rich!"

Thanks to the book friend whose tail number is 3466 for the reward

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