Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 205 BUFF potion, affecting fermentation

Early the next morning, several waves of slave traders arrived at the Holy Light Base.

"Hello, Captain Holy Light~"

Several leaders shook hands with Su Mo one after another, their attitude was very polite.

After exchanging a few words, the slave merchants began to "inspect the goods."

The inspection process is relatively simple. After all, these captives are registered mercenaries. As long as you log in to the backend of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, you can query their detailed information, including code names, occupations, strength, record, etc.

"Captain Holy Light, I'm interested in the Poison Widow and the Green Knight, and I'm willing to pay 50,000 innars." A goblin businessman made the first offer.

"I'm also interested in them. I'll offer 55,000."

said another burly businessman.

Hey, the bidding has started.

Su Mo raised the corner of his mouth slightly, happy to see this scene.

"I'll pay 60,000."

The goblin merchant raised the price again.

The Poison Widow is the only woman among the 10 commanders. She has a charming appearance and a hot figure. Because of her twisted personality, she likes to seduce men and poison them, so she is called the Poison Widow.

If the poisonous widow was turned into a slave, I believe many men would be interested in this powerful, charming and hot commander-level master.

There should be something special about training a woman with this kind of personality.

As for the Green Knight, he is the most powerful among the 10 people. He is a high-level commander and an experienced mercenary. Naturally, he is also a hot commodity.

"I'll pay 70,000!"

Another slave merchant joined the bidding, and the price went up by 10,000 as soon as he opened his mouth.


The goblin merchant gritted his teeth and raised the price by 10,000.

This was the highest price he could offer.

If you only buy these two people, the price can be even higher by ten thousand or twenty thousand.

However, before coming, Colin informed the rules that for every commander purchased, 10 elites and 50 prisoners below elites must be purchased in bundles.

In the slave market, slaves below the elite level are relatively difficult to sell. Considering this, his price can only be so high.

Once the 80,000 came out, no slave traders would say anything.

Therefore, the Poison Widow and the Green Knight belong to the goblin merchants.

Next, the scene was like a small auction and vegetable market. The slave merchants were bidding and selecting people, and the scene was very lively.

This group of prisoners are all experienced mercenaries with good overall abilities. They can plug and play without much training.

Therefore, in the end, all the nearly 1,000 people were sold, and no one was left.

The total income was similar to Su Mo's expectation, 770,000 innars. After being transferred into the public account of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, the account balance exceeded one million in one fell swoop.

"Tsk tsk, this money comes so fast~"

Looking at the long list of numbers on the account, Su Mo almost burst into laughter.

More than one million inal can buy several Tianyuan stars.

War is indeed one of the fastest ways to make money

Didi didi~~

With the prisoners' expressions ashen as death, the slave merchant inserted slave chips into the backs of their heads one by one. Afterwards, Su Mo also unlocked the light sealing technique.

"Captain of the Holy Light, Mr. Colin, we will take the people away. If you want to buy or sell slaves in the future, you can contact us. The price is absolutely fair."

"haha ok!"

After a polite farewell, the slave traders boarded the spaceship and disappeared into the sky.

After the slave traders left, Su Mo patted Colin on the shoulder and said:

"Colin, come with me for a walk~"

"Okay, Captain!"

Su Mo and Colin strolled leisurely through the base.

Within more than a month of carrying out the mission, the base construction has been improved a lot, the training ground has become more open, bars, shops, and restaurants have been built in the entertainment and leisure area, and the size of the machinery factory has expanded several times.

In the early morning, Jin Zhan led many team members to start daily training. Andolf studied Caspero's magic book seriously. Frank and Gefus consulted with Jarvis on mechanical problems. Walnut, Mondo and Hyde, the foodie trio, While eating and sleeping again, Paige learns telekinesis skills from Ming...

There is also Lao Mei, who is taking the newcomers to visit the base and introducing some common sense things.

In the entire mercenary group, Mercedes is the most popular person.

He is the consultant and mentor of the team. If everyone has questions they don’t understand, they will come to him for consultation. In addition, Lao Mei has a good personality. Not only does he have no airs, he also often likes to drink with the team members and talk about his glorious experiences. .

It seems that I haven't heard Lao Mei brag for a long time.

Su Mo smiled, and the scene of meeting Mercedes for the first time could not help but appear in his mind.

Without that meeting, there would be no Holy Light Mercenary Group today.

Lao Mei is also his noble person~

Entering the office in the headquarters building, Su Mo closed the door and motioned for Colin to sit down.

"Colin, there is one more thing you need to do next."

"Captain, please tell me."

Su Mo took away all the items on the table, then took out a dozen groups of potions and spread them on the table.

"Colin, you should be aware of some of the abilities I have, such as healing injuries, restoring energy, healing souls, increasing strength, speed, etc."

Colin nodded and praised: "Of course, the members of our group often talk about this topic, and they all say that your ability is so comprehensive. By the way, in your hometown dialect, this is called BUFF, right?"

Su Mo smiled and said:

"Yes, it's called BUFF. Not long ago, I was promoted to the Commander level and gained a new ability, which is to bestow these BUFFs on certain carriers."

Hearing this, Colin was shocked. He slowly opened his eyes, pointed at the potions on the table, and said in surprise: "Then these are..."


Su Mo nodded, then picked up a light golden potion and introduced:

"The healing potion, after taking it, can instantly heal the injuries on the body. Even if there is only one breath left, it can bring him back to life immediately. In addition, it can also achieve the effect of rebirth of a broken arm."

Then, Su Mo picked up another white potion and said:

"Purification potion, after taking it, can remove all negative conditions on the body, including poisoning, curses, petrification, etc."

"Courage Potion, enhances strength and intelligence, and restores a large amount of vigor."

"Soul potion heals soul wounds and provides a layer of soul barrier to resist soul attacks."

"Magic speed potion, greatly increases speed."

"Resuscitation potion, restore physical and mental strength."

"Resistance potion, improves physical resistance and magic resistance."

As Su Mo introduced them one by one, Colin's eyes opened wider and wider, full of surprise and excitement.

"These are the seven types currently."

Su Mo said: "In the future, the Holy Light Mercenary Group can provide these seven potions in large quantities. As for who to sell them to and how much they cost, it depends on you."

Hearing this, Colin's hands trembled with excitement:

"Captain, this is a great way to make money!!!"

Su Mo smiled slightly. Of course he knew how much wealth selling these potions could bring to the mercenary group.

In fact, it is not uncommon to find potions that provide healing, acceleration, energy restoration, etc. Many magicians, such as Andolfo, are proficient in medicine.

However, the process of making magic potions is relatively cumbersome, and the requirements for raw materials and pharmacists are very high. If there is a slight mistake, all previous efforts will be wasted, so the output has not been able to increase.

But on his side, as long as he has clean water, pigments and suitable utensils, he can continuously create BUFF potions, and in terms of effects, they are definitely stronger than those magic potions.

Colin took a few deep breaths, calmed down his inner excitement, and asked:

"Captain, is it a big burden on you to produce these medicines? What is the approximate daily output?"

Su Mo: "It's not a big burden. If you only do this one thing all day long, you should be able to have... 50,000."

50,000…1 day!

Colin's mouth opened wide, and there was a buzzing in his head, as if he heard the sound of gold coins falling.

Licking the corners of his dry mouth, Colin analyzed calmly:

"Captain, we can't sell in large quantities at this stage. After all, the amount involved is so huge that even the six major legions will be tempted."


Su Mo nodded in approval.

Indeed, 50,000 potions, even if each one sells for 10 yuan, is still 500,000 yuan.

500,000 Innars per day, let alone the six major legions, even the god-king-level forces would probably be jealous.

What's more, if you want to buy a potion that contains the flesh and bones of the living dead for only 10 yuan, you are totally thinking nonsense!

"I think it's best to put the first batch of medicines at auction. On the one hand, we can see the market response and facilitate our subsequent pricing. On the other hand, we can also build a reputation."

"The quantity is tentatively set at 7,000, with 1,000 for each medicine. If the response is good, we will auction it regularly."

"The auction format can create a feeling that the output of pharmaceuticals is low, and can also maximize the income from a single pharmaceutical."

"By the way, Captain, I have another idea."

Colin said seriously: "Can these seven potions be divided into three levels according to primary, intermediate and advanced levels? The more diverse the products, the higher our profits will be."

"Of course, this can be done later. At this stage, we will use high-end potions to make a name for ourselves. Once our group has fully established itself, preferably with one or two natural disaster-level experts, we can sweep the entire market."

"Well, your idea is very good!"

Su Mo gave Colin an appreciative look and said, "Grading is very simple and can be done."

Beginner, intermediate, and advanced, the difference is nothing more than the amount of force injected into them.

Colin has the right idea.

These potions on the table, especially the healing potions, can bring seriously injured commander-level masters to life. If used on elite-level, or even D-level and E-level extraordinarys, it would indeed be a bit of a waste.

But within a force, D-class and E-class are the largest groups.

As his strength increases, he will be able to produce more and more potions every day. When he reaches the natural disaster level, it is not impossible to make millions of potions a day.

Although in the universe, millions of potions are nothing, but considering that he will inevitably sign long-term supply agreements with certain forces in the future, the potions are too high-end, and the business will not be so easy to maintain.

"Just do what you said, find a reliable place to auction, don't be fooled." Su Mo said.

Colin quickly said: "Don't worry about this. The Megan family has a large auction house. It can be ranked among the top three on Zatanvi. Its reputation is absolutely guaranteed."

"That's no problem."

Su Mo still has great trust in the Megan family. After all, Colin is from this family, and the patriarch of the Megan family, Mrs. Theresa, has also given him great financial support.

With this relationship, he could safely hand over the pharmacy business to Colin.

"Colin, don't reveal the specific origin of the potion to anyone yet."

Su Mo patted Colin on the shoulder with a meaningful look in his eyes: "Including Madam Theresa."

Colin's body was shaken and he said quickly: "Captain, I will claim to the outside world that this was developed by the pharmacist of our regiment. The current production is limited and can only be supplied regularly."


Su Mo smiled and moved his hand away from Colin's shoulder.

Colin was a smart man and understood immediately what he meant.

Although he trusted Colin, after all, the interests involved behind the potion were too great, so he had to be extremely cautious.

In fact, in addition to the pharmacy business, he also has a big money-making project, and that is - weapon enhancement.

It's just that you have to eat the rice one bite at a time, and throwing too much at once is not necessarily a good thing.

In addition, he prefers to treat weapon enhancement as a high-end and more personal business. Only close friends or partners are qualified to let him enhance weapons.

"Colin, before tonight I will prepare 10,000 potions and give them to you to round up the total. You will have to worry about the next auction."

Su Mo said: "Also, remember to notify me before the auction starts. I also want to feel the atmosphere of the auction and see if I can get anything good."

"Okay leader!"

Colin nodded and said: "The Megan family holds an auction every month, and the next auction will days later."



At this moment, Pooh suddenly said: "There is a caravan of spaceships applying to enter the Red Maple Ridge. The reason is that they want to discuss cooperation."


Su Mo raised his eyebrows and asked, "What caravan?"

Pooh: "The Hebra Caravan is quite famous on this continent. Its business mainly focuses on catering and entertainment."

Su Mo thought for a moment and said, "Okay, let them in."


"Colin, have you heard of the Hebra Caravan?" Su Mo asked.

Colin nodded: "I've heard that it is considered an above-average caravan within the Delong continent."

Su Mo stood up and said, "This caravan will be arriving soon and wants to discuss cooperation with us."

"No surprise~"

Colin smiled and said: "This group of local businessmen are very well-informed. After learning that we have destroyed the two major mercenary groups of Ghost Wolf and Baiye, some people will come to invest and build relationships with us."

"Haha, this is also a good thing for us." Su Mo said with a smile.

If Hongmaple Ridge wants to develop rapidly, it is not enough to rely on the Holy Light Mercenary Group alone. It must continue to attract investment and attract talents from different professions to settle down through a good enough environment and atmosphere. Develop this place into a very large city that accommodates millions or even tens of millions. By then, you can make a lot of money just by collecting rents and taxes.

"Let's go, they're already here!"

Su Mo and Colin walked out of the headquarters building.

At this time, a spaceship was slowly landing on the tarmac of the base. Many members quickly ran over and gathered around the spacecraft, alert and on standby.


The hatch opened and three silver-skinned humans came out.

Seeing a circle of mercenaries around him, the man in the middle bowed slightly and introduced himself:

"Everyone, I am Kabir, the director from the Hebra Caravan. I am here today to discuss cooperation with the Holy Light Mercenary Group."

"Hello, Director Kabir!"

Colin and Su Mo walked through the crowd and came to the spacecraft.

"I am the business manager of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, Colin, and this is our leader, Mr. Holy Light." Colin introduced.

"Mr. Colin, Captain of the Holy Light, hello!"

Kabir smiled and said: "I heard that your group defeated two powerful neighbors, Ghost Wolf and Baiye yesterday, and currently there is no rival in the area. Considering the stability and safety of your group's environment, our Hebra Caravan wants to rent land here. Go down to a few shops and do some small business and see if it’s feasible.”

On the Delong continent, there are only a few hundred territories, and if there is any slight disturbance, it will immediately spread within the circle.

The destruction of the two mercenary groups of Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye yesterday really shocked many people.

You must know that Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye are not mediocre. These two mercenary groups have been entrenched in their respective territories for a long time. The total number of members exceeds a thousand, and they have more than 10 cadres under their command. They are mid-range forces.

However, these two major mercenary groups were actually killed on the same day, which naturally aroused shock and curiosity from the outside world.

Through multiple inquiries, more details were gradually revealed.

The two major mercenary groups, Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye, were killed by the Lord of Hongmaple Ridge and the Holy Light Mercenary Group who were sandwiched between their territories.

What is shocking is that it has been less than three months since the establishment of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, with less than 500 members, far behind the two major mercenary groups.

However, the Holy Light Mercenary Group relied on its super top combat power to almost kill the two captains Guilang and Baiye with one move, causing the morale of its members to collapse. They could not escape but were caught. The two mercenary groups Then it suddenly disintegrated.

After discussions with the caravan's senior management, they all agreed that the Holy Light Mercenary Group had extremely high potential and could make bets in advance to establish cooperation, so they rushed to Hongmaple Ridge early the next morning.

"Of course, the Holy Light Mercenary Group very much welcomes caravans to settle in."

Colin stretched out his hand and said politely: "Here, please, I will show you our living and entertainment area."

Colin and Su Mo led the three of them towards the living and entertainment area. After hearing the news, many members also came to join in the fun.

"Well, the infrastructure here is good and the planning is very reasonable."

The three silver-skinned businessmen looked at the shops along the street with satisfaction and said as they walked:

"A restaurant can be opened here, a clothing store is suitable here, this building is good, let's open it into a hotel."

When he said the word "jiyuan", the businessman's expression was very natural.

Mercenaries are a profession that licks blood on the edge of a knife. They are under a lot of mental pressure. Often after a mission, they need to use various ways to relieve stress, such as fine wine, delicious food, beautiful women, well, beautiful men can also be used.

Su Mo knows very well that certain morals and laws only apply to the country in his previous life, so he will not object to this proposal.

When they heard that a hospital would be opened in the base in the future, many team members' eyes lit up and they looked at each other with expressions that all men knew.

Fox girl, elf, succubus...

Beauties from all races in the universe, my brother will always take care of you in the future.

"Mr. Colin, how many members does your group have now?" Kabir asked with a smile.

Colin said: "Less than 500 people."

Kabir looked surprised: "I didn't expect that your group could defeat the two major mercenary groups of Ghost Wolf and White Night with such a small number of people. It's really impressive."

Colin smiled, he heard the implication of Kabir's words.

The number of people in the Holy Light Mercenary Group is too small and their spending power is limited, so the caravan’s initial investment is only this amount for the time being.

"Mr. Kabir, after yesterday's battle, the Holy Light Mercenary Group has completely established its foothold."

Colin spoke eloquently: "Next, our group will focus on expanding our manpower, developing our base, attracting investment and foreign personnel to settle in. The number of people will definitely exceed this mere 500 people."

At this time, Su Mo also spoke.

"The Holy Light Mercenary Group is about to start recruiting, and the number is tentatively set at two thousand."

Upon hearing this, Kabir's eyes flashed and he smiled:

"I believe that with your current reputation, you will be able to recruit all 2,000 people soon. Mr. Colin, let's... go there and have a look."


Colin took Kabir and the others to continue the tour, but Su Mo stopped following. He wanted to make the 10,000 potions as soon as possible.

Turning around, Su Mo paused and noticed that Man Shan, the leader of the Imperial Guard, was looking at him hesitantly.

"Man Shan, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't be coy." Su Mo said with a smile.

Manshan rubbed his hands and said a little embarrassedly:

"Captain, I just heard you say that our group should continue to recruit people. I was wondering if we could buy another group of brothers from our Ice Barbarian Tribe."

"Compared with those outsiders who don't know the truth, our brothers from the Ice Barbarians are definitely more loyal and reliable."

Hearing what Man Shan said, the eyes of the Shadow Clan and Dark Moon Clan members immediately lit up.

Yes, everyone's life is so good now. They have food, drink and dignity. The mercenary group has great potential for development and there are many strong people.

If possible, they certainly hope to rescue more tribesmen from the hands of slave traders.

"Captain, our Shadow Clan brothers are also absolutely loyal."

"So do we, the Dark Moon Clan!"

Everyone shouted excitedly.

Looking at the pairs of expectant eyes around him, Su Mo fell into deep thought.

Originally, according to his plan, he was not going to continue spending money to buy slaves.

After all, buying slaves costs money, and he himself is not a slave owner who desperately exploits them. In fact, the price-performance ratio is not as cost-effective as recruiting them directly.

But considering that the group currently has ample funds, and will continue to rely on BUFF potion energy to earn wealth, money is no longer a problem.

Then, next, we can indeed purchase another batch of slaves to expand the direct army.

In the future, there may be tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, but the ones he trusts the most are definitely the people at the beginning, the Shadow Clan of the ANBU, the Ice Barbarians of the Imperial Guard, and those who are proficient in telekinesis. The Darkmoon Clan.

"Okay, I agree."

Su Mo nodded.

"Wow, long live the leader!!"

Everyone cheered excitedly and was extremely excited.

If you buy another group of tribesmen, there will most likely be family members or friends among them.

"After bringing them back, the task of adapting to the environment will be left to you~" Su Mo said with a smile.

"no problem!"

"Captain, it's on us."

Looking at the excited faces, Su Mo smiled and thought to himself, he has been very busy these past two days.

Just when Su Mo started making potions behind closed doors, the subsequent impact of the Holy Light Mercenary Group's destruction of Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye was rapidly fermenting.

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