Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 204 Big spoils of war

"The dead!"

A trembling voice broke the dead silence of the scene.

Suddenly, a strong sense of fear swept through the hearts of thousands of members of Ghost Wolf and White Night. Although they were currently numerically superior, most of them had already had the idea of ​​​​escape, including many commander-level cadres.

The two armies faced each other, and before the battle even started, one's own general was decapitated. Who could bear this?

What's more, the two captains died too suddenly, and they were too powerless to fight back.

If the fight continues, who can stop the monsters on the opposite side?

Am I going to use my own life to create a chance for others to live?

Damn it, I’m not that great!


Without hesitation, the white ghosts of the White Night Mercenary Group immediately escaped into the secondary dimension and fled.

And his escape was like a trigger. Many members saw that the commander-level cadres had fled, so what were they waiting for? Without a moment's hesitation, they ran away.

When it comes to escaping, as long as one person takes the initiative and seven or eight people follow, the defeat will be unstoppable.

In less than 10 seconds, the two mercenary groups, totaling more than a thousand people, showed off their magical powers and suddenly dispersed.

"Want to run?"

Su Mo snorted coldly and ordered: "Give them all to me. Catch them if you can, and kill them if you can't!"


The members of the Holy Light shouted excitedly and rushed towards the crowd with howls, like wolves entering a sheep's den, unstoppable.

On the other side, Ming, Andolfo, Mercedes and other cadres also acted quickly. Their pursuit target was of course the commander-level master on the opposite side.


Ming floated up and looked down at a commander-level martial artist who was running fast. His eyes turned cold, and he dropped a sword that was condensed from the power of his mind.

"not good!"

The martial artist below suddenly felt his temples beating wildly and his scalp numb, and he quickly activated his martial arts flames to protect his whole body.

However, he was only a leading mid-level martial artist. No matter how he responded, he could not stop Liao Ming's Nian Zhan Nian Dao.

The martial artist felt his eyes go dark, instantly lost consciousness, and fainted to the ground.

Ming remembered Su Mo's instructions and tried his best to capture him alive. If he had used all his strength to attack, this martial artist would definitely be in a state of shock.

"The first one~"

Ming Yao looked ahead, his mental power spreading rapidly around like ocean waves, and he soon caught the second command-level aura.

"Wind Binding Technique~"

Andolfo tapped his staff lightly, and a green wind blast shot forward, entangling a tall and burly commander-level martial artist in the blink of an eye.


The martial arts expert struggled to break free, his martial arts arrogance rising, the veins on his forehead popping out, and the wind belt was opened little by little.

"it's useless!"

Andolf said calmly, and lit the staff again. Immediately, the martial artist's feet were frozen by the ice. The frost spread all the way upwards, instantly freezing the martial artist into an ice sculpture, and his frightened and desperate expression was lifelike.

boom! ! !

A blue beam of light fell from the sky, creating a large crater nearly ten meters in the ground.

A female cadre with a charming face stopped suddenly and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, he was going to be blasted into pieces.


Geforth came with a Frisbee on his feet, a cigar in his mouth, and pointed the ferocious barrel of his gun at the woman, saying:

"Little girl, please stop for me."

The woman raised her head and begged pitifully:

"Brother, please let me go. It was Bai Ye's idea to attack the Holy Light Mercenary Group. I have never hurt any of your people."

Geforth took off the cigar with one hand, blew out the smoke ring, and said slowly:

"Sorry, our boss has spoken. Today you must either surrender or die. There is no third way."

Hearing this, the woman gritted her teeth, unbuttoned her collar, revealing the bottomless ravine, and said with tears in her eyes:

"Brother, as long as you let me go, you can do whatever you want~"


Geforth raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth: "Anything is okay?"


The woman nodded heavily, pulled her collar lower, and whispered coyly with a red face: "Let's go over there, where there are fewer people."


Gefus jumped off the Frisbee, puffed out his cigar on the ground, and walked towards the woman with a hearty laugh.

The woman lowered her head even further, a sly look flashed in her eyes.

A little closer, a little closer, a little more...


The strong electric current stimulated the body, and the woman danced for a while, foamed at the mouth, and finally fainted to the ground with her eyes rolled back.

Geforth walked up to the woman and said jokingly:

"Poison Widow, your name, photo and abilities have long been published on our group's focus list. I don't want to be the 250th man poisoned to death by you."

"hold head high!!!"

The roaring thunder dragon danced out wildly, knocking a short man with a sharp beak and monkey cheeks several dozen meters away. His whole body was shaking violently, black smoke was spitting out from his mouth, and he soon fell unconscious.

"You guy, you run pretty fast~"

Hyde stepped forward, grabbed the little dwarf by the back of his neck with one hand, and lifted him up into the air like he was carrying garbage, flying towards the Holy Light Station.

Mercedes, Jin Zhan, Hu Tao, and Mondo all captured one or two prisoners. The strength gap between the two sides was too great. These commander-level cadres did not even have the capital to resist, and they were knocked unconscious or injured in a few blows.

Twenty minutes later, ten of the remaining 13 commander-level cadres of the two mercenary groups were captured. Only White Ghost and two other cadres who were good at concealment escaped.

In addition, members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group also captured nearly 1,000 prisoners. Some surrendered voluntarily, and some were seriously injured. These people were brought back to the station, squatting on the ground, and anxiously waiting for trial.

"Captain, what are you going to do with these people?"

Gefus came closer to Su Mo and asked in a low voice.

Su Mo smiled faintly, and that smile looked particularly cold:

"Of course it's the old rule of mercenaries. After draining all the value, sell them into slaves."

The struggle between mercenaries is so cruel.

The loser is often drained of every last bit of value in his body and then sold as a slave.

As for recruitment, it often happens before the war.

Once the battle officially begins, except for some special talents or special circumstances, few people will choose to surrender. After all, no one can guarantee whether any of the people you killed before include their relatives or close friends.

The Universe Age is not like the Three Kingdoms, where talents are scarce.

Here, as long as you have money and power, you can recruit any talent, and there is no need to take risks.

The cold voice spread, causing panic.

Some people were unwilling to become slaves, and opened their mouths to call on others to resist. But at this moment, a terrifying mental pressure came over, and most of the people were knocked unconscious, leaving only those who did not faint. , also under the cold gaze of Ming, Andolf, and other cadres, helplessly turned into an ostrich, lowered his head and said nothing.

A slave is a slave, it is better than death.

After all, these people in the Holy Light Mercenary Group are also slaves~

What if I can find a good buyer~

Su Mo came to the 10 commander-level prisoners who were under centralized guarding.

Among the 10 people, 6 fell into a coma, 2 were relatively conscious, and the remaining 2 were dying, with their chests severely collapsed. At first glance, they were the work of Hu Tao.

Su Mo glanced at them, then raised his hand, a golden light glowed in his palm, and a mysterious rune mark could be faintly seen.


With a slap of his palm in the air, golden runes shot out and landed on an unconscious cadre.

The golden runes sank into the body, and then, golden chains separated from the runes, penetrating the meridians, wrapping around the bones, and penetrating the soul sea.

[Light Seal Technique]

Condensate sacred runes to seal all power in the target's body

Strength, including physical strength, mental strength, and physical strength.

After being struck by the seal of light, this commander-level master lost all means of using force and was at best a thick-skinned ordinary person.

Bang bang bang~~

The palms were slapped continuously, and 10 sacred runes were planted.

"No, my power!!"

The two conscious prisoners exclaimed loudly, with deep fear and panic in their eyes.

"This is……"

Ming, Andoro and many other officials looked at Su Mo in surprise.

They could clearly feel that after the runes were planted, the auras of the two conscious prisoners began to decline rapidly, as if they suddenly lost their power and turned into ordinary people.

"Captain, is this a new ability you learned after being promoted to commander?" Geforth asked curiously.

They had long discovered that their leader had been promoted to the Commander level. After all, there was a clear difference between the Commander level and the Elite level, which could be easily judged by just looking at the breath.


Su Mo nodded and released himself a [Hymn of Courage] and [Light of Recovery] to restore his original power and spiritual power.

The stronger the sealing object, the more force and mental power it takes to condense the sacred runes.

Sealing 10 commander-level masters in one breath is quite a burden for him.

Fortunately, the BUFF is powerful enough to make him like a perpetual motion machine without worrying about consumption.

Next, Su Mo continued to seal the remaining nearly 1,000 prisoners.

Despite the large number of people, the process is simpler and smoother.

With a clap of one hand, more than a dozen runes flew out, sealing these E-class and D-class mercenaries, almost effortlessly.

In less than ten minutes, Su Mo sealed all the prisoners.

"Jin Zhan, take someone to lock them up and keep them under strict supervision." Su Mo ordered.


Jin Zhan's response was sonorous and forceful, and he still maintained his military demeanor.

"Andolfo, you, Ming, Mercedes, and Gefors will lead two teams and a few prisoners to White Night Ridge. Move as many as you can."

Su Mo continued: "I will take Hutao and Mengdo to Ghost Wolf Ridge. Let's do it. Don't let others pick the peaches."

"By the way, Jarvis, you go with Andolfo and the others."

Su Mo thought that if there was a password or something in Baiye's warehouse, Jarvis, Winnie's clone, could solve it.


The two teams split up, one heading to Baiye Ridge and the other heading to Ghost Wolf Ridge.

Su Mo took more than 100 people with him and boarded the aircraft at full speed. In less than half an hour, he arrived above the Ghost Wolf Base.

At this moment, the Ghost Wolf base was in chaos.

Those members who stayed at the base received the news dozens of minutes ago that the group leader Ghost Wolf was dead, and the remaining members ran away and caught them.

The Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group no longer exists.

As a result, these people started to loot like crazy, packing everything they could take away, and then hurried away to avoid being found by people from the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

Therefore, when Su Mo stepped out of the hatch, he saw a mess in front of him.

"Where is your warehouse?"

Su Mo took out a prisoner and asked coldly.

The prisoner pointed carefully in a certain direction:

"Over there, I'll take you there!"

The captives took Su Mo to the warehouse of the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group. It could be seen that the door of the warehouse was violently destroyed and the contents inside were scattered all over the floor. It was obvious that someone got there first.

Fortunately, not everyone has space equipment. Only a few can be looted, and they are light-weight items. Most of them are still kept in warehouses.

Su Mo waved his hand and asked the team members to move everything out of the warehouse.

Boxes upon boxes of food, weapons and equipment, medicine, precious metals...

It has to be said that the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group has been established for so many years, and its family fortune is still quite rich.

At a glance, these miscellaneous things are worth at least 300,000 innars.

"Take them all away!" Su Mo ordered.


The team members actively carried it, and everyone smiled happily.

Sure enough, there is a reason why the robbing business has endured for so long.

This feeling of getting something for nothing is so satisfying.

All the supplies were loaded onto the aircraft, and Su Mo led the team members back home with a full load.

Not long after they left, more than a dozen airships roared over. Hundreds of people stepped off the airship. Looking at the empty warehouse and the messy base, they could only slap their thighs bitterly, regretting that they came a step too late.

Su Mo's side went very smoothly, but Andolf and Ming encountered a little trouble.


"Are you from the Holy Light Mercenary Group?"

The two forces stood in two distinct waves, looking at each other from a distance with the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

"who are you?"

Andolf asked in a deep voice.

"Hundred Demon Mercenary Group, Leopard King."

A monster with a leopard head and a leopard tail shouted hoarsely like a leopard.

"Lei Luo mercenary group! Lei Luo!"

Another burly and strong man who was more than 3 meters tall said in a dull voice.

"The Hundred Demons Mercenary Group and the Leiluo Mercenary Group are the neighbors and mortal enemies of the White Night Mercenary Group." Jarvis explained in a timely manner.

Andolfo and Ming looked at each other and frowned.

It seems that these two mercenary groups are well-informed. When they learned that the Baiye mercenary group had suffered heavy losses, they came over immediately to take advantage of it.

Waiting for others, it's still a little late.

Andolfo stepped forward with a serious expression:

"Baiye led his men to attack our Holy Light Mercenary Group, and they have been killed by us. Therefore, Baiye's Mercenary Group should be the spoils of our group. Do you do this because you want to make an enemy of our Holy Light Mercenary Group? "

Hearing this, a deep fear flashed in the eyes of the two leaders.

They had an insider inside the White Night Mercenary Group, so they learned what had just happened.

Bai Ye, this always mysterious and powerful opponent, was actually punched in the head, leaving him dead without the ability to fight back.

To be honest, when they heard the news, their first reaction was disbelief.

After all, Bai Ye is not an ordinary person. This guy is the leader of a peak martial arts master. Except for the natural disaster level expert, he is not weak against anyone. How could he be killed instantly with one punch.

Could it be said that there are natural disasters in the Holy Light Mercenary Group?

This is even more impossible!

Bai Ye is not mentally retarded, so how can he have the courage to actively provoke natural disaster-level forces?

But as more and more information came out, they had to believe that fact.

Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye were easily killed instantly.

The strongest member of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, although he has not yet reached the natural disaster, is much stronger than the peak leader.

Therefore, when facing the two masters Andolf and Ming, Leopard King and Lei Luo would naturally become nervous.

"We have no intention of becoming an enemy of the Holy Light Mercenary Group."

The Leopard King was the first to speak and asked his subordinates with his light brain. When he learned that he had moved a lot of good things, he said, "Let's leave now!"

After saying that, the Leopard King and his men slowly retreated from sight.

"Let's go too!"

When Lei Luo saw the Leopard King retreating, of course he did not dare to face Andolf and Ming alone, so he also chose to leave.

When the two mercenary groups Bai Yao and Lei Luo disappeared, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, Andolfo was completely bluffing just now. Once a conflict really breaks out, they will not be enough to watch.

Fortunately, the two men were obviously frightened and did not dare to antagonize their own mercenary group, which was gaining momentum.

"Go and have a look. I guess there won't be many good things left."

Andolf said a little helplessly.

Sure enough, the White Night Mercenary Group was in a mess, the house was smashed, and the entire door of the warehouse was missing. It couldn't be said to be empty inside, but there was indeed not much left.

Andolf led the team members to search carefully and moved away all valuable things before returning to the Holy Light Base.


"Hundred demons, Lei Luo~"

Su Mo narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Forget it, let's put this account aside for now, we will deal with them sooner or later."

After saying that, Su Mo waved to Colin, the financial steward at the side.

"Colin, take some inventory of all these supplies and store them in the warehouse."


Colin nodded and quickly led the people to start work.

"Shadow Front~"


Ying Feng, the leader of the ANBU, stood respectfully in front of Su Mo.

"Next, you ShadowClan will be busy."

Su Mo patted him on the shoulder and said: "No matter what tricks you use, you can squeeze out all the bank deposits, assets, etc. of those captives."

"It will be completed by tonight. Are you confident?"

Ying Feng said confidently: "Captain, I promise to complete the mission."

In addition to lurking, assassination and intelligence, interrogation is also the Shadow Clan's specialty.

At present, those prisoners have lost their strength, and the difficulty of interrogation has been greatly reduced. What's more, the mercenaries are not fighters or soldiers with iron will. It is too easy to open their mouths.


Su Mo smiled slightly.

The 10 commander-level cadres are estimated to have a lot of savings and assets. As for the other nearly 1,000 captives, although their strength is a bit lower, each of them should have tens or hundreds of innars in savings. In total, it is A huge sum.


By the evening, everything was accounted for.

First of all, the total supplies of the Ghost Wolf and White Night regiments were estimated at 350,000 innars. In addition to food, weapons, and building materials, the most valuable thing was a plant called Blue Moon Flower.

This plant is produced in Guilangling and is an important raw material for certain medicines.

Guilangling can earn a stable income of about 300,000 innars every year thanks to Blue Moon Flower.

Secondly, under the professional and cruel interrogation of the Shadow Clan, all the captives handed over their account balances and assets.

Facts have proved that Su Mo overestimates their financial resources.

Mercenaries are a profession that licks blood on the edge of a knife. They pursue instant gratification. If you have wine today, you will get drunk tomorrow. Therefore, many people not only have no assets, but also have very little savings. Especially those low-level mercenaries, they even owe money to the bank. money.

In the end, a total of 280,000 inal in liquidity was extracted from these prisoners, and all of them were transferred to the public account of the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

It's a pity that the public accounts of the two major mercenary groups, Bai Ye and Ghost Wolf, are in the hands of the two group leaders. Once these two people die, the money in the accounts and their personal savings will become dead accounts. This is A pretty hefty sum.

But the good news is that after Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye died, a piece of space equipment was stripped from each of them.

The space is not too big, about a dozen cubic meters, but there are a lot of good things stored in it, and these two pieces of space equipment alone are worth a lot of money.

At night, the Holy Light station is brightly lit, and the open-air square is filled with long tables. The members eat and drink with glowing faces, drinking and talking, expressing their inner happiness and joy.

The leader has returned, and the two evil neighbors have been separated. From now on, our mercenary group will be the overlord of this area, and we can also go sideways~

"Here, let me introduce you~"

Su Mo smiled and introduced to many cadres:

"Hyde, Peggy, and Frank, the three of them are my employers for this mission, and they are now my good friends."


The cadres expressed their goodwill to the three people.

Just now, Hyde, Peggy, and Frank all helped a lot, especially Hyde, who personally captured a commander-level prisoner. Everyone would naturally applaud and welcome such a friend.

"And these warriors behind me~"

Su Mo turned half sideways and introduced Harland and other 30 imperial elites to everyone.

"They were brought back by me from the planet where I went on this mission. They are quite capable. They will be members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group from now on."

"Lao Mei, these people will follow you first. Their planet's civilization is relatively low-level and they don't understand many common sense things. You have to pay more attention and help them integrate as soon as possible."


Mercedes nodded.

In fact, most of the people in the Holy Light Mercenary Group, including the Shadow Clan, Ice Barbarian Clan, Dark Moon Clan, Andolf, etc., all came from low-level civilizations.

Therefore, what he has been doing during this period is similar work to help the team members become familiar with the environment of the universe era.

"Colin, there is something you need to do!"

"Captain, please tell me~"

Colin said quickly, but in his heart, he already guessed what he was going to do.

As expected, Su Mo said:

"Use your channels and connections to contact a few reliable slave traders and sell all these captives."

The market price of a commander-level slave ranges from 2W to 10W.

The strength of this group of captives is relatively average. Most of them are at the beginning or middle level of leadership. In addition, they are sold to slave merchants. The price may be lower, but they can still be sold for more than 100,000 innars.

Elite slaves, the market price is 3000-1W.

There are 132 elites among the prisoners, which can be worth two to three hundred thousand.

As for the remaining hundreds of captives, selling them for 200,000 is not a problem. After all, these are mature mercenaries and are more valuable than slaves from indigenous planets.

Based on this calculation, approximately six to seven hundred thousand have been obtained. Coupled with the deposits squeezed from these prisoners and the current funds in the group, the account amount of the Holy Light Mercenary Group can even exceed one million.

No wonder people always talk about war money and war money.

Just selling slaves can make a lot of money.

"Okay, I'll contact you right away!"

Colin responded with a smile on his lips.

It's finally time for me to show my value.

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