Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 203 Su Mo returns and iron-blooded suppression


Hundreds of missiles were fired from a distance, trailing long tail flames, aiming directly at the Holy Light Mercenary Group's station.


At this time, high-energy rays burst out from every corner of the station, accurately intercepting the missiles above.

The missile exploded and brilliant fireworks bloomed in the sky.

However, at this moment, there was no trace of excitement or joy on the faces of the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, but instead they were filled with heaviness.

"Jarvis, how long can our energy last?"

Andolf held the staff and asked in a deep voice.

Jarvis said calmly: "At the current intensity, all energy will be exhausted in another 20 minutes."

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present changed and their hearts sank to the bottom.

"Do your best~"

Ming said coldly, with a touch of determination in his voice.

"Ming, your body..."

Andolfo looked at Ming with concern. His handsome face was sickly pale, his lips were bloodless, and his eyes were filled with deep exhaustion.

Ming's condition is very bad.

More than ten days ago, a food supplier employee of the Holy Light Mercenary Group was intercepted and kidnapped by the Ghost Wolf during a certain transportation. After some coercion and inducement, this person agreed to cooperate with the Ghost Wolf's actions.

Knowing that one of the strongest members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, Ming, had the habit of eating alone, and all food was specially provided, Ghost Wolf targeted Ming.

He poisoned Ming's special food. It was a strange mental toxin that was colorless and odorless and difficult to detect. Once taken, the mental power would be contaminated, and the more mental power was used, the greater the pollution. deep.

Unprepared, Ming was indeed tricked.

Fortunately, after Ming noticed the poisoning, he immediately detained the employee who was transporting the goods, and through an interrogation, he learned who was behind the scenes.

As soon as the incident happened, Andolfo made a prompt decision and ordered the mercenary group to enter a state of emergency combat readiness and recall all members.

Seeing the reaction of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, Ghost Wolf realized that his conspiracy had succeeded, so he immediately united with the White Night Mercenary Group to launch a fierce attack on Hongmaple Ridge.

Facts have proved that the Skynet Territory Defense System is indeed a good thing.

When Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye marched from land and air to encircle and suppress the Holy Light Mercenary Group, the 10,000 guard robots and 100 special warfare energy cannons that had been hidden for a long time quickly gave them a head-on blow.

More than a dozen aircraft were shot down, causing damage and loss of life.

Two to three hundred people died tragically under the sneak attack of the guard robot.

This is definitely a painful experience for the two mercenary groups, Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye.

After all, at their peak, the two mercenary groups only had more than 1,000 members each. Due to the last defeat of Ghost Wolf, more than 400 members were "absorbed" into useless people by Su Mo, leaving only about 800 effective combat members. .

After losing so many men in such a sudden move, both Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye were heartbroken and bleeding.

However, the gunfire of war has already started, and there is no reason to take it back.

After some discussion, the two decided to proceed step by step, eroding the guarding power of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, blocking all external passages in Hongmaple Ridge, and trapping the people inside to death.

This strategy was successful.

More than ten days have passed, and the food of the Holy Light Mercenary Group is still sufficient. However, under the endless bombing of the two major mercenary groups, the defense system is operating at high load and the energy is consumed rapidly. It has now bottomed out.

During this process, the Holy Light Mercenary Group also thought of ways, such as sneaking into the opponent's camp quietly, wreaking havoc, setting their backyard on fire, and attracting other enemies such as Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye to come in and surround Wei and rescue Zhao.

Unfortunately, the infiltration plan was discovered, and nearly 90% of the members who executed the plan were killed or injured. If Jin Zhan hadn't sacrificed an arm to force his way out, the entire army would have been wiped out.

After the failure of this operation, the Holy Light Mercenary Group fell into a state of complete shrinkage until today.

"I'm fine~"

Ming shook his head, his cold voice full of murderous intent.

"Leave the ghost wolf to me. Even if I die, I will drag him to hell with me. You guys, try your best to break out of the encirclement."

"Master Ming! I won't leave!"

"Brother Ming! I'll stay with you!"

The Dark Moon clan members spoke out one after another, with excitement, worry, and deep shame in their eyes.

They hated themselves for allowing Master Ming to fall into a villain's plot.

But now, not only can they not share the pressure for Ming, but they need Ming to sacrifice himself to fight for their chance of survival.

"Shut up!"

Ming shouted coldly, "Kill them all out, don't forget the blood feud of our Yihe lineage!"

"Master Ming~"

The Dark Moon tribe member clenched his teeth, his eyes were red, and his heart was in agony.

Yes, if we die, who will avenge the blood feud of Yihe's lineage?

But, in order to take revenge, do we have to abandon Master Ming?

"Lao Mei, is your space magic really not working?"

Beside him, Geforth asked with a cigar in his mouth.

Merced said helplessly: "No, there are space distortion force fields around Hongmaple Ridge. Using the space portal in this situation is tantamount to seeking death."


Geforth blew out a smoke ring, the machine's compound eyes flashed red, and said unhurriedly:

"It seems that we can only fight with them~"

"It just so happens that I have just made a new type of multi-turn cannon, so let's try it on them."

"Lao Mei, if I can get out alive this time, remember to take me to the elf club you mentioned. I have never seen an elf woman in my life~"

Mercedes smiled bitterly and said, "I will remember it."

Bang bang bang~

Jin Zhan stood there, looking at the fireworks blooming in the sky, and a cute little face could not help but appear in his mind.

Nini, I'm sorry, dad may have broken his promise.

Jin Zhan lowered his head and looked at his empty right arm with a bitter taste in his mouth.

After losing his dominant hand, his combat effectiveness was reduced by more than 20%.

Once entering the stage of hand-to-hand combat, Gui Lang and Bai Ye will definitely take the lead in focusing fire on him, the injured commander-level cadre. It will be difficult to survive if he wants to survive.

Colin hid under a bomb shelter, anxious.

More than ten days ago, he sent a request for help to the Megan family, but this request for help was rejected by Madam Theresa.

First of all, the Megan family has always been the most neutral business family on Zatanvi. Unless there are special circumstances, they will never participate in the struggle between mercenaries.

Secondly, the Megan family values ​​Su Mo. As long as Su Mo is fine, the family doesn't care whether his men live or die.

The officials of the Holy Light Mercenary Group did not blame the Megan family for standing idly by.

After all, the Meghan family is just investors, not nannies, and it is impossible to take care of them all the time.

If you want to survive, you still have to rely on yourself!


As the special warfare cannon on the ground made a hollow sound, everyone immediately realized that the reserve energy was completely exhausted.

Dozens of missiles rushed over, creating white waves in the air, pointing diagonally downwards at the Holy Light Mercenary Group's station.

At this time, Andolfo raised his staff, and the powerful magic power boiled. In an instant, fireballs filled the sky like cannonballs, shooting straight into the sky and colliding with missiles.

Boom boom boom~~

The missile exploded, fireworks exploded, the sound was deafening, and the air was filled with smoke and hot breath.

After this wave of collision, the missile offensive came suddenly, and not long after, two groups of people appeared near the station.

The leaders are none other than Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye wearing an iron mask.

"Holy Light Mercenary Group, where is your leader, Holy Light? Why didn't I see him?"

Ghost Wolf came over with a sneer and said:

"Could it be that he abandoned you and fled for his life alone?"

"Bah, how can our leader be such a cold-blooded person like you?"

Gefors spat and shouted: "Hey, people from Ghost Wolf, please listen to me. The more than 400 people who were killed before were not killed by us. It was completely directed and acted by Ghost Wolf. He took the blame." …”

"Shut up!!"

Ghost Wolf shouted angrily: "At this time, you still want to sow discord? Since my debut, I, Ghost Wolf, have never harmed my brothers. I want to use rumors to shake our military morale. I tell you, it is delusional!"

"Tch, you know it yourself, right?"

Geforth smiled coldly and said no more.

He believed that what he just said would definitely plant seeds of doubt in the hearts of the members of the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group.

Once this seed is planted, someone will surely save it unconsciously later to avoid being seriously injured, losing its value, and following in the footsteps of those more than 400 people.

Just as Gefus thought, the atmosphere of the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group turned a little weird.

In fact, some people thought that the death of more than 400 members, including the deputy leader, was too sudden.

On the way to a medical rehabilitation facility, the airship exploded, killing more than 400 people.

Although the leader claimed that this must be the black hand of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, and the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group was determined to avenge the brothers, however, there were many human beings among the mercenaries, and many people thought of another version.

Everyone in the group knows that the bodies of these 400 people have completely collapsed, and it is almost impossible to recover. Therefore, could this be a self-directed act by the group leader to get rid of the bad reputation of the Holy Light Mercenary Group? These 400 heavy burdens.

Now that Gefusi mentioned it, many people who had not thought about it before began to doubt the ghost wolf.


The ghost wolf was naturally aware of the strange atmosphere in the team. He gritted his teeth and stared at Geforth with murderous intent.

Damn bearded guy, I'll do it to you first!

"Ghost Wolf, stop talking nonsense to them."

Bai Ye said in that unchanging electronic voice, and at the same time glanced around with solemn eyes.

To be honest, there has never been a person who can make him feel as scared as Su Mo.

He checked Su Mo's information and found that this person was not a member of a big family. On the contrary, Su Mo's background was extremely humble and he came from an indigenous planet in a remote area.

But in such a destitute situation, Su Mo actually developed the Holy Light Mercenary Group to such an extent in a short period of time, with seven commander-level cadres and hundreds of extraordinary members.

When the foothold is not stable, the joint encirclement and suppression by Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye can be repelled.

With such a bad neighbor with unlucky luck and tough tactics, anyone would have trouble sleeping and eating.

The struggle between mercenary territories is always cruel and ruthless.

As long as it is strong enough, it will annex surrounding forces without hesitation.

Therefore, he could not let Su Mo continue to develop, otherwise the White Night Mercenary Group would sooner or later be swallowed up by this evil tiger.

It's a pity that Su Mo is not at the station at the moment. This is like a thorn in his heart, making him feel a little uneasy.


The ghost wolf licked the corner of his mouth, his eyes cold.

If it were another mercenary group, maybe he would choose to surrender tentatively.

However, the Holy Light Mercenary Group "killed" hundreds of his members, and the blood feud cannot be easily forgiven.

What's more, he knew very well that these people were basically slaves bought by Su Mo, and there was no possibility of betrayal.

So he decisively ordered:


"Do it!" Bai Ye waved his hand.

boom! ! !

There were more than 500 people in the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group and more than 700 people in the White Night Mercenary Group. They immediately erupted with a powerful and terrifying momentum. The air within a few kilometers suddenly became thicker and the ground trembled slightly.

This time, the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group dispatched 5 commander-level cadres and 70 elites, and the White Night Mercenary Group dispatched 10 commanders and 100 elites. These elite-level or above combat capabilities alone are enough to crush the current Saints. Just a mercenary group.

After all, after Su Mo, Hu Tao, and Meng Duo left, the Holy Light Mercenary Group had only five commanders and more than 30 elites left, among whom Jin Zhan and Ming Huan were both injured.

No matter the top combat power or the total number of people, they are far behind.

"Let's fight!"

Andolfo took a step forward, and in an instant, the powerful magic power surged around him like a tide, and his silver beard and hair fluttered.

At this moment, Andolfo changed from his usual wise and elegant temperament and showed his true strength in commanding the peak magicians.

"Andolfo, leave it to me~"

Bai Ye said calmly.

Ghost Wolf smiled cruelly: "Just in time, I'll deal with Ming, this guy has killed several of my cadres~"


Ming snorted coldly, and three bright crescent moons appeared in his dark eyes.

Eyes of the Dark Moon, activated.


Following the orders from Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye, the two mercenary groups, totaling thousands of people, formed a large circle and rushed towards the Holy Light members in the middle.

"Start fighting!"

Geforth picked up the huge 100-turn cannon in his hand, with a cigar in his mouth. He pointed the barrel at the crowd and was about to pull the trigger with his index finger.

Mercedes' eyes were solemn, he clenched the staff in his hand, and space blades circled around him, ready to attack.

Just as the battle was about to begin and the two sides were about to confront each other, an unusually harsh sound of breaking wind suddenly came from the sky.


A small fighter plane with a full sense of science fiction flew through the sky, and hundreds of laser beams poured down like a shower towards the two mercenary groups.

Seeing this scene, the leading masters of Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye immediately stopped and each showed their magical powers to protect their own members.

Magic shield, thunder fist, wind barrier...

After using many methods, all laser rays were blocked.

"who is it!"

They glared at the sky, only to see four "angel" figures with wings.

"That is……"

Geforth squinted his eyes and suddenly shouted in surprise:

"Damn it, the leader is back!"

Except for the unknown young man, the other three were Su Mo, Hu Tao, and Meng Duo! ! !

"The leader is back!"

"The leader is back!"

Looking up and seeing the appearance of Su Mo, Hu Tao, and Meng Duo, the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group immediately cheered. After all the previous deeds, Su Mo has become the anchor of stability in the hearts of all members. As long as the leader is around, everyone will Don't be afraid of any enemy.

"You're finally back~"

Mercedes quietly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Su Mo comes back, Ming's soul poison and Jin Zhan's broken arm can be cured. Although there is still a gap in strength with the opponent, at least he has the strength to fight. .

What's more, he always has an intuition that Su Mo will bring unexpected surprises to everyone next.

Looking at the familiar figure in the sky, Ming's eyes suddenly burst into light.

In the past, the wounds of his soul that had been torn for many years could be resolved by the leader, so the poison in his soul now was naturally no problem.

"Su Mo!!"

The ghost wolf raised his head and twisted his lips into a cruel smile,

"I didn't expect that you would rush back to die~"

Bai Ye squinted his eyes and looked up at Su Mo.

Su Mo's return should have been a good thing.

As long as Su Mo is killed, there will be no worries.

But for some reason, an inexplicable uneasiness suddenly arose in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

"Ghost Wolf~Bai Ye~"

Su Mo looked down, his eyes cold, and his indifferent voice echoed throughout the world.

"You two will definitely die today."

As soon as he finished speaking, the four pairs of wings burst into dazzling light at the same time, and then, the sky was full of light feathers shooting downwards, like arrows, shooting towards the two mercenary camps.

Feeling the fiery energy contained in the light feathers, the cadres of Ghost Wolf and Baiye all changed their expressions, and once again showed their magical powers to stop these light feathers.

Boom boom boom~~~

The feather of light exploded, turning the whole world into blazing white, making people unable to help but close their eyes.

Just when the strong light passed and Guilang and Baiye opened their eyes, what happened next shocked everyone.

boom! ! ! !

Several terrifying and domineering auras suddenly rose up, like a volcano erupting. The pressure was so strong that thousands of people found it difficult to breathe.

" is this possible!!!"

Ghost Wolf, Bai Ye, and even all the commander-level cadres looked ahead in disbelief, their souls trembling violently.

This momentum is actually at the peak of leadership, and - beyond leadership.

"Hahaha, captain, your ability is so awesome!"

Gefusi laughed wildly, blue mechanical power lingered around his body, and his momentum was high, no less than that of the two mercenary captains opposite, Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye, who were at the peak of their command.

Jin Zhan looked at his regrown right arm, and a smile appeared on his resolute and serious face. His aura had also reached the peak of leadership.

Mercedes looked at Su Mo, feeling filled with emotion.

Ming and Andolf stood side by side, their momentum stirring up the wind and clouds like a tornado, their eyes full of excitement and shock.

Is this power beyond the leader level~

Leader, this is amazing!

Su Mo stood in the middle of the team with a calm expression and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Ming's soul poison and Jin Zhan's broken arm were instantly resolved by [Purification] and [Healing Light].

After adding his full set of BUFFs, Mercedes, Geforth, and Jin Zhan, who were originally high-level leaders, immediately jumped to the peak of leadership. Ming and Andolf, who were already at the top of leadership, were directly strengthened to the level of leadership. Although there is still a big gap between them and the natural disaster level, the two of them, Explosive Hammer Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye, simply cannot take it easy.

Now, let’s compare the commander-level combat power of both sides.

Although Guilang and Baiye sent a total of 15 commander-level cadres, only two were at the top of the command. Most of the rest were at the beginning or middle level, and only two or three were at the high level.

As for the Holy Light Mercenary Group, including Hutao, there are three people who have surpassed the leadership level, three people are at the peak of leadership, including Mondo whose defense has reached the peak of leadership, Haide who is helping out with friendship, and Su Mo himself.

9 vs. 15, although the number is small, the strength will definitely crush the opponent.


The golden stream of light spread across the sky like a curtain of rain, falling on all the members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group. Suddenly, more than 400 members were refreshed, and hundreds of auras exploded, completely able to compete with the thousands of people on the opposite side.

Upon seeing this, Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye's expressions immediately darkened, and a trace of fear and uneasiness could be seen deep in their eyes.

"I said……"

Su Mo looked at Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye calmly, his voice was indifferent, and at the same time there was a chill that pierced his heart.

"Today, you two will definitely die."

As soon as the words fell, Ghost Wolf and Bai Ye's pupils shrank suddenly, and a great sense of crisis arose spontaneously, as if they were being targeted by wild beasts, and their scalps instantly became numb.

The two immediately activated all their strength to protect themselves.

Ghost Wolf is a supernatural being with the ability [Storm]. A series of blue whirlwinds formed a set of tight wind barriers around him.

Bai Ye is a martial arts master. The majestic martial arts aura erupts to form a body-protecting aura. Its defensive power is stronger than the ghost wolf's wind barrier. The martial arts master's endurance is no joke.

However, in front of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, all these efforts are useless!


Ming Qing's cold voice resounded throughout the world, and the next moment, dark flames suddenly appeared on the ghost wolf's body. The flames seemed to have no temperature, so that the people around him could not feel a trace of heat. However, the ghost wolf in question let out an extremely shrill scream of pain, and his face was ferocious. distortion.

Eye of the Dark Moon - Divine Flame

Ming's signature pupil technique, the spiritual fire condensed by the power of thoughts, burns the soul.

In the past, Ghost Wolf would not be as painful as he is now after suffering from the divine flames. After all, he is also the leader of peak powers. Although his mental strength is not as good as that of Ming, at least he will not be seriously injured by the divine flames.

However, when Ming was strengthened by BUFF and his strength surpassed the peak of leadership, the fate of Ghost Wolf was already doomed.


At the moment Ming shouted "death", Andolf raised his staff, and a giant sword condensed from the elements of wind and fire suddenly appeared and shot towards the ghost wolf.


The giant sword was as powerful as breaking bamboo, penetrating the wind barrier. One sword pierced the ghost wolf's heart, and the flames exploded. It was blown to pieces from the sternum to the abdomen. The pair of green eyes were full of pain, unwillingness and regret.

At the same time, another leader, Bai Ye, also suffered a disaster.


Su Mo's eyes shone with golden light, and a golden eye appeared above his head. It was arrogant and indifferent, like the eyes of a god, and invisible waves descended on Bai Ye's body.

In an instant, Bai Ye's body froze. Whether it was the martial arts aura or the various organs in his body, it was as if someone had taken control of him and was completely out of his control.

This change made all the dead souls in Baiye scream:


Before he could say anything, a small body appeared in front of him like a flash of light.

The white and tender little fist hit Bai Ye's mask, and there was a bang, and the head exploded like a watermelon.

Until his death, no one had seen the true face behind the mask.

The two mercenary captains fell in the blink of an eye.


The breeze was blowing, and it was supposed to be a refreshing cool breeze, but at this moment, it made the thousands of members of Ghost Wolf and Baiye feel a chill to the bones.

Leader, dead...

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