Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 170 Aliens Arrive, Survival Game

"Captain, ahead is the planet that emits a general wave signal."

In the cockpit, the pilot opened the star map, pointed at a small light spot on it and said.

Babata stared at the star map excitedly, the tentacles above his head shook slightly, and his voice became sharp.

"Invade the local network, compile the information, and give me an assessment report of the planet."

As a commander-level mechanic, it would be most efficient if he left this job to himself, but a captain must have the character of a captain and do everything himself, so what else do his subordinates do?


The co-pilot on the side used the spacecraft's own smart terminal to invade the Tianyuan star satellite system, connect to the local network, and obtain a series of huge and complex information flows, including text, pictures, videos, etc.

From this huge amount of information, he picked out content related to the value of the planet, such as population, mineral reserves, technological development, strength of the strong...

After several hours of combing, a detailed planet assessment report was finally compiled.

When this report was handed into Babata's hands, the red facial skin quickly turned green at a speed visible to the naked eye, which showed that he was really angry.

"What the hell, he's a useless star!"

Babata gritted his teeth.

On this huge planet, due to a cataclysm 200 years ago, most of the continental plates became dead areas, and the population dropped sharply from several billion to just over 200 million.

Moreover, the local race is still a low-level cosmic human race. The life span of ordinary people does not exceed 100 years, and the life span of extraordinary people is less than 200 years. They have no unique racial talents, and the level of technological development is low. Even slave traders do not bother to collect such low-level cosmic human races. .

In addition, there are no rich mineral deposits or magical treasures on the planet.

At the end of the report, what is the estimated price given?

170,000 innars!

What is the concept of 170,000 innars? The spaceship he is now on cost nearly 200,000 innars to buy at the time.

The key is that this 170,000 innars is the final price that can only be estimated after all humans have been sold, all mineral deposits have been dug out, and the ground has been dug three feet.

So the question is, which slave trader would be willing to buy these low-level humans?

Among the more than 200 million people, half are the elderly and children who cannot work.

The remaining young and middle-aged people have poor health, short lifespan, and are not good at mining. They will definitely lose money if they buy them.

In addition, which resource company would go to this desolate area to transport a bunch of worthless mineral deposits back?

Damn, why am I so unlucky~

Babata sat slumped in the chair. Things had not gone well in the past few years. He had not made a penny. Instead, he had spent seven or eighty-eight dollars of his previous savings. Now he could hardly afford the energy bills of the spacecraft.

Now, I finally found a primary planet. I planned to sell it to make some money, but who would have thought that it turned out to be a useless planet.

Dear God of Silver and Blue, have you really abandoned your devout believers?

For a moment, the entire cockpit fell into silence.

Everyone is aware of the current predicament. If the fleet no longer has income, then everyone will have no choice but to disband and explore this cold and cruel universe alone.

By then, how many people will be able to survive safely?

"Captain, I have an idea."

At this time, a thin green-skin crew member said cautiously.

"what idea?"

Babata turned to look at the little greenskin.

The little green skin plucked up the courage and said: "Recently, a special adventure mode has become popular in the Chaos Star Territory, called the survival game. I think this mode is very suitable for solving our current predicament."

Babata's tentacles swayed, as if grasping a life-saving straw, and asked excitedly: "Tell me more specifically, what is this survival game about?"


After receiving the captain's affirmation, the little green skin's tone became excited.

"The survival game was created by a team called Blacklight Expedition. They also discovered a low-value primary civilization planet that was difficult to sell, so a certain team member thought of a way."

"They invaded the local network and informed everyone on the planet that the space expedition team has discovered this planet. If they don't want to be invaded by other civilizations and become slaves and sold to all parts of the universe, then they will send out several of the planet's most powerful Strong ones, fight the members of the expedition.”

"If the natives win, the expedition team will leave directly and promise not to sell the planet coordinates to anyone else."

"But if we lose, then a vast space fleet will soon descend on this planet."

"At that time, the Black Light Expedition broadcast the battle process live on the entire Internet. This novel mode attracted a lot of attention. Many people who had been invaded and colonized by aliens were paying attention to this survival game, and some people even live broadcasted to reward them. , encouraging indigenous resistance.”

"What's the result?" Babata asked curiously.

Little Green Skin: "In the end, the natives were defeated. The Black Light Expedition made hundreds of thousands of innars through the live broadcast. Although the planet was not valuable, it was sold by the Black Light Expedition for 400,000 innars because of the attention. The high price of Inar, in total, I made a profit of 1 million Inar.”


Babata's eyes widened instantly.

1 million can buy the five spaceships he is currently on, can buy a lot of high-tech mechanical knowledge, can comprehensively upgrade his mechanical equipment library, can...

Suck it~~

Swallowing back the saliva, Babata licked the corners of his mouth, hugged the little green leather's shoulders, and said excitedly:

"Gargamel, your proposal is great. If this survival game makes money, I will directly promote you to a level 2 crew member and reward you with 5 million silver and blue coins."

"Thank you Captain!"

The little greenskin immediately kowtowed in thanks. The silver-blue coins were certainly not as good as the universal currency of the universe, Enar, but to him, they were already quite a huge sum of money.

With this money, even if the fleet is disbanded in the future, he will be able to settle down and buy a house in the big city of the Silver Blue Empire and be a stable social worker.

Hearing Babata's promise, the other crew members were envious.

5 million silver and blue coins are enough to cover their salary for several years.

However, they know that if the survival game can really make money, then the captain, who has never been stingy, will definitely give everyone bonuses.

"Captain! Who are we going to send out in the survival game?" a crew member asked curiously.

Babata opened the summary report and found the key information.

"Amethyst Supreme, Luo Tang War God, Successfully Promoted to Commander Level"

"A small elementary planet can actually reach two commander levels, which is quite powerful." Babata thought for a while and said:

"Just send Mundo to fight!"


Upon hearing this name, everyone suddenly showed subtle expressions.

It seems that the captain does not intend to let the natives win~

"that's all!"

Babata waved his hand and said: "The deserted area is not connected to the star network. I need to build a temporary network and check the relevant videos of the survival game."

"Tomorrow, the survival game will officially start!"

"Humans of Tianyuan Star, start trembling, haha!!!"

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