Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 169 Undersea Salvage Crisis Is Coming

When the news of the death of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python reached the military headquarters, it immediately aroused cheers.

For a long time, the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python has been the Sword of Damocles hanging over Wildfire.

It is precisely because of it that the strange beasts in the Wild Wind Plains mutate, and beast tides break out from time to time to attack military fortresses.

The military department wants to get rid of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python all the time, but because of its strength beyond the Supreme, no one is its opponent, and no lethal weapons can hurt it. Therefore, they can only tolerate the presence of people on the side of the bed. The powerful enemy is sleeping soundly.

Now that the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python is dead and there is no longer a threat to the Wild Wind Plains, the soldiers from Military Base No. 2 can be mobilized to prepare for the next battle of unification.

Thinking of this, the military department immediately held a meeting to make operational arrangements. At the same time, the news of the death of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python also spread to the federation through various channels.


Life Foundation

"The Mingguang Gold-eating Python was killed by Amethyst and Luo Tang."

Joseph put down the document in his hand and sighed deeply.

"Amethyst and Luo Tang have indeed been promoted to a new level. After this news is confirmed, people in other consortiums will definitely be unable to sit still."

Apollo remained silent. Originally, many consortiums, including the Life Consortium, were always holding on to a sense of luck, thinking that the news of the previous wildfires might also be a smoke bomb, hoping that the federation would be thrown into chaos.

Now it seems that Yehuo is not lying. Amethyst and Luo Tang have indeed broken the ceiling of human combat power and have been promoted to the supreme level, the commander level.

Only in this way can the two of them work together to kill the most terrifying creature on the planet - the Bright Light Gold-Eating Python.

"Apollo, how did you do what you were told before?" Joseph asked.

Apollo said seriously: "Everything is ready."


Joseph nodded, and then sighed slightly: "We cannot leave the initiative in the hands of Wildfire. We must leave ourselves the safest and most secure escape route."

After saying that, Joseph looked out the window, worried.

The split of the Federation is a foregone conclusion. Where should the Life Consortium go from here? Alas~

Thorns Consortium, Sword and Shield Consortium, Tulip Consortium...

After the news came, the eight major financial groups immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss the matter.

Just as Joseph thought, after seeing the definite evidence that the Mingguang Gold-eating Python was killed by Amethyst and Luo Tang, almost all the consortium gave up their last chance.

Now, it is necessary to plan in advance to ensure that the consortium can safely survive the next major changes.


"Brother Mo!"

After Su Mo returned to the shelter, Lu Fan, Jamie and others immediately gathered around and asked with wide eyes:

"Is the Mingguang Gold-eating Python dead?"

Su Mo smiled and said, "Dead, completely dead."

"Very good!"

Everyone cheered, their faces full of excitement and happiness.

Once the Mingguang Gold-eating Python is dead, there will no longer be any need to worry about the invasion of beasts.

Shelter No. 2 can expand outwards with confidence, and the city will also usher in great development.

If the city develops well, everyone's life will get better and better.

At least, the salary can be increased a lot, right?

"Let's go, to celebrate this victory, I'll treat everyone to a big dinner!" Su Mo waved his hand.

This time, his gains were great.

His strange strength has exceeded LV5, his physique has reached the command level, his total force power has skyrocketed, approaching the level of supreme perfection, and his overall combat effectiveness has increased several times.

When you encounter such a happy event, of course you should celebrate it.

"I want a seafood dinner!"

"let's go!"


In the next few days, Su Mo gave himself a holiday and had a brief discussion with Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang War God.

There is no winner or lose in the competition, but Su Mo already has a relatively clear judgment on his own strength.

Currently, his physical strength is far greater than that of Luo Tang, but this does not mean that he can easily defeat Luo Tang.

Martial arts masters are not only stronger than the physical body, they are also superb in the use of energy.

Qi power allows a martial artist to explode with strength and speed several times their own, forming martial arts flames to protect the body and balance offense and defense.

As a commander-level martial artist, Luo Tang is as powerful as the sea and has superb martial arts skills. Even with various BUFFs, it is difficult for him to gain a clear upper hand.

Of course, if it was a life and death battle, he was confident of defeating Luo Tang. After all, no matter how strong a martial artist's endurance was, he could not be stronger than his perpetual motion machine. There would always be a time when his physical strength and energy were exhausted.

But it's just a discussion, just fight until you have fun.

Compared to Luo Tang, Amethyst Supreme is more difficult to deal with.

The Supreme's abilities are ever-changing, including amethyst needles, amethyst walls, amethyst stone forests...

The complicated and flexible attack methods made Su Mo suffer a lot. Since his awakening, he had never faced an opponent with such a style, and he was very uncomfortable at first.

With constant discussions and consultations, he learned many skills in controlling supernatural powers from Amethyst Supreme, and his strength also improved significantly.

In addition, after the discussion, his names for Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang also changed.

Since his strength is already on par with the two of them, it would be inappropriate to call him Supreme or God of War.

Considering that Han Jia, Caroline, and Meng Shi were all close disciples of the two, he simply called them Uncle Jiang and Uncle Luo.

On the one hand, it showed respect for the two, and on the other hand, it further deepened the relationship between the three.

At present, the news that Su Mo's strength has reached the leadership level has not yet been announced to the public, but some senior officials who know the inside story have called him, Amethyst, and Luo Tang the three wildfire giants.


"Pooh, I'm going to go to the bottom of the sea again."

"What are you doing at the bottom of the sea?"

"I want to salvage some useful equipment."

"I've checked before. There are all mechanical wreckage there, and there are no complete weapons and equipment."

"Who said a gun needs to be complete to become a weapon? A gun without a tip can still kill people~"

Su Mo opened the closet and took out a diving suit that had been prepared in advance.

The idea of ​​going to the bottom of the sea to salvage equipment suddenly came up after the battle with the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python.

At that time, if he had the remains of a natural disaster-level weapon, would he pick up amethyst fragments and use them as daggers?

In addition, if there is a large shield in front of him, Pooh does not have to turn into a metal shield and enter a dormant state after being corroded by gastric juice.

There is no shame in picking up rags, as long as the rags are useful.

Some of the remains, if polished, might become more useful than the current weapons.

"Hey, yes, you are right."

Pooh realized that he had personally participated in the manufacture of many natural disaster-level weapons, so he did not pay attention to the ruins that had become tatters.

However, for Su Mo now, these wreckage still have high value. Even if they cannot be reproduced by Endless Arms, they can be used as weapons.

"Pooh, you can tell me which wreckage has the highest hardness later. When we pick up rags, we also have to pick up the good and expensive ones."

"Set off!"

Su Mo arranged for a Phantom fighter to take him directly to the underwater mechanical cemetery.


Bailing Sea Area~


A figure jumped from a high altitude and fell straight into the sea.

The seabed is still the same as before, covered with all kinds of mechanical debris.

Since the dozen wildfire shelters are all inland and have no ports, there are no large ships that can salvage these mechanical wreckage.

However, the main city's scientific research institute has begun to arrange a team to study the shipbuilding project. It is believed that with their scientific research capabilities, they will soon be able to build a suitable salvage ship to transport all the wreckage back to the main city.


Su Mo used his hands and feet to swim down quickly like a swordfish.

"This looks good."

Su Mo picked up a blade-shaped weapon that was broken into two parts. Although the middle part was broken and most of the tip was missing, the length of the entire blade was still about one meter and two meters.

He put his hand on the edge of the blade, and without much force, he drew a trail of blood.

"This is the standard long knife of humanoid hunting combat robots. The main material is Harpertan special-grade metal. It has high hardness and is very sharp." Winnie introduced.

"Is it a natural disaster-level weapon?" Su Mo asked.

"Of course~" Pooh said, "Most of the mechanical debris down here come from natural disaster-level weapons."

"Okay, let's take this one!"

Putting the broken knife into the space ring, Su Mo continued his "rag picking" path.

A broken shield larger than two doors, a strange weapon that can be used as a dagger, a guard robot with one arm broken off...

This seabed salvage lasted for several hours, and the space equipment was crammed full of various wreckage, including some for his own use and some for his friends around him.

"Get it done and call it a day!"

Stuffing the last hammer weapon into the space ring, this seabed salvage activity officially ended.


Putting his head out of the sea, Su Mo wiped the water stains on his face, smiled slightly, then transformed into angel wings, soared into the sky, and entered the phantom fighter.


Blue tail flames erupted, and the fighter plane turned into a stream of light, passing through the sky and heading towards Shelter 2, thousands of miles away.


"Where have you been~"

After returning home, looking at her boyfriend who was all wet, Han Jia couldn't help but ask curiously.

Su Mo walked to the bathroom, with the door ajar, took off his diving suit, and said, "I just went to the bottom of the sea I told you about before and salvaged a few pieces of equipment."

"Now, this is for you."

A long sword with only the tip broken was handed to Han Jia through the crack in the door.

This long sword came from an assassination humanoid robot. A few centimeters were broken off at the tip, but the overall preservation was very high. The length of the blade and the ease of the hilt were both good, making it very suitable for Han Jia.

Han Jia took the long sword. The sword was completely black. The hilt was not wrapped with material, but was made of pure metal. It was slightly slippery to hold.

However, when she waved it twice, she could immediately feel its extraordinary quality.

An ordinary sword would make a whistling sound when it is swung, but this sword did not, it was silent, and it did not even bring about the slightest air movement.

This is really terrible.

If this sword was in the hands of those assassins, it would be chilling to think about it.

This sword comes from the bottom of the sea.

Han Jia knew exactly where this so-called seabed was.

There, various mechanical remains were buried, as well as damaged alien spacecraft.

It was through that spaceship that Su Mo learned about various alien deeds and brought back valuable knowledge, which enabled the Amethyst Supreme and the God of War Luo Tang to break through the command, and the basic science of wildfire ushered in explosive development.

"Alien weapons~"

Han Jia carefully looked at the sword in her hand and couldn't put it down.

Her main weapon is the sword, and she has achieved some success in swordsmanship. With such a precious long sword in her hand, her combat effectiveness can at least be improved to a higher level.

"Thank you~" Han Jia frowned and smiled sweetly.

"Thank you for what."

In the bathroom, there was the sound of the shower being turned on.

"If you really want to thank me..."

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the crack of the door and pulled Han Jia in as she screamed.

"Then take a bath with me, hehe!"


"Wow, Brother Mo, is this for me?"

"Yeah, everyone has one."

Su Mo gave the weapons he carefully selected to Lu Fan, Jamie, and Ji Qiqi, and introduced: "I salvaged these from the bottom of the sea. Although they may have flaws in appearance, they are more lethal than what you have on hand." The weapons are much more powerful."

"They are all made by natural disaster-level mechanics, and the materials used are all high-grade alloys from the universe."

This is a natural disaster-level weapon! ! !

The three people's eyes suddenly opened wide, showing expressions of ecstasy.

Natural disaster level, they are the top experts who almost destroyed the planet in a single battle. The weapons they create are absolutely priceless~

Several people quickly clenched their weapons and looked at them carefully.

The blade is sharp, the lines are natural, and the length is moderate. Even the break on it looks a little cute at this moment.

"Thank you, Brother Mo!"

Ji Qiqi thanked him excitedly. As a swordsman and a martial artist, a good sword would be unimaginable for him.

Just imagine, during the battle, he cut off his opponent's weapon in one fell swoop. Do you still have to guess the ending?

With this sword, he doesn't even take the Peak War King seriously anymore.

"Little things~"

Su Mo patted Ji Qiqi's shoulder and smiled.

If you want to gain a foothold in the vast sea of ​​​​stars in the future, you will definitely not be able to work alone. You must have your own team.

The core members of the team are undoubtedly the few around them and the five members of the Hellfire Team.

Everyone has good talents, and it will definitely not be a problem to be promoted to commander. People like Han Jia, Lu Fan, including Caroline, Ji Qiqi, even have a good chance of being promoted to natural disaster level.

Of course, he must do his best to cultivate this kind of partner with unlimited potential.

"Haha, I got the new weapon, who dares to fight me?"

"You're so arrogant, I'll do it!"

After the death of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python, Su Mo's life suddenly became leisurely. He usually focused on cultivation and occasionally participated in high-level meetings to deploy the next combat strategy.

However, just when everyone in Wildfire was ambitiously planning to annex the Federation and unify the continent, a huge crisis was approaching the entire planet.


In the dark universe

"Captain, we can reach the planet in three days."

"Haha, okay, I hope this is a planet rich in resources. When the money is sold, I will give each of you a salary increase!"

"Thank you Captain!"

Just one chapter today, officially entering the universe plot tomorrow

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