Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 171 Bombing the deserted island, great fear

"Comrades, the food is served!"

Su Mo wore an apron and placed the last dish of sweet and sour pork ribs on the dining table.

"Wow, Brother Mo, I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good!"

Ji Qiqi looked at the large table full of dishes with surprise written on his face.

"Hehe, of course, my cooking skills are definitely not inferior to those of some hotel chefs."

Su Mo took off his apron, sat next to Han Jia, and said with a smile, "Come and taste it and see how it tastes."

Ji Qiqi picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs.

The ribs are bright in color, sprinkled with some white sesame seeds, and even brushed when picked up. It looks professional at first glance.

After stuffing the whole short rib into his mouth, Ji Qiqi's eyes lit up, he puffed up his cheeks and gave a thumbs up: "Absolutely awesome!"

This cooking skill is really no worse than that of a hotel chef!

"I'll try it too~"

Lu Fan, Han Jia, and Jamie moved their chopsticks one after another.

Squirrel fish, stir-fried kidney, roast beef with potatoes, salivating eggplant...

Eight dishes and one soup, every dish is amazing.

"Brother Mo, when I save enough money, I will buy the house downstairs from you. From now on, I will go to your house to earn money every day." Lu Fan said in a serious tone.

"But the houses here are very expensive." Jamie smacked his lips, "It costs at least 70 to 80 million."

Buying a house for 70 to 80 million feels a bit uneconomical.

"Save slowly." Lu Fan shrugged, "My current salary is quite high, and with the bank loan, I will be able to afford it in a few years."

He and Brother Mo have been living together since childhood. Even if they start their own families in the future, they should at least live upstairs~

"Then let me buy a set too~"

Ji Qiqi said excitedly, "We all live together, and we can go up and downstairs to visit at any time in the future."

"Ah, do you want to buy them all?"

Jamie scratched his head and said, "Well, then I'll save some money and buy a set."

Everyone is buying it, so I can’t be the only one who leaves the team.

However, when he thought about having to bear tens of millions of loans in the next few decades, Jamie felt a twinge of Alexander~

Young people, it’s not easy, woo woo~

Regarding everyone's idea of ​​buying a building with him, Su Mo just smiled and said nothing.

In the next few years, they will definitely break out of the planet and head towards the vast sea of ​​​​stars. By then, a shabby house will be nothing.

After making money, one person can buy a planet directly.

Wouldn’t it be beautiful to be the master of the planet~

"Watch some TV!"

Su Mo turned on the TV and found a variety show for dinner. Everyone watched and chatted while eating, laughing constantly.

However, at this moment, Pooh suddenly panicked and said:

"The master is in trouble. An alien spacecraft suddenly appeared near the low-Earth orbit of Tianyuan Star and is now speeding towards the surface."

What! ! !

After hearing the news, Su Mo's expression suddenly changed.

"Brother Mo, what's wrong?"

The change in Su Mo's expression startled everyone present and they quickly asked about the situation.

Su Mo stood up, bit his lip, and said in a hoarse and low voice that he had never heard before: "The alien civilization has arrived."


This news was like a heavy hammer hitting the head. For a moment, everyone was stunned, and their hearts seemed to have stopped beating at this moment.


At this moment, the TV screen suddenly distorted, and then, an alien with red skin and tentacles on its head appeared on the screen, grinning widely.

"Hey, hello, humans from Tianyuan Star. I am the captain of the Lucky Expedition from the Silver Blue Empire, Babata."

For a time, the entire Tianyuan Star, whether it was a TV, a computer or a mobile phone, as long as it was a device connected to the Internet, all played this picture without control.

"What's going on? Is this a new program on the TV station?"

"I'll go, what the hell, who hacked my computer, at least let me delete the study files first!"

"Is this a mobile phone advertisement? The character model is too ugly!"

People who didn't know the reason thought it was someone's prank and complained one after another.

However, when they learned about the alien civilization, the top management of Wildfire and the major financial groups in the Federation were immediately shocked.

Amethyst Supreme stood up suddenly. He, who had always been calm and indifferent, showed a rare look of panic at this moment.


The document in his hand fell to the ground. Xiao Zhongyuan stared at the phone, his lips trembling slightly.

"It's over!"

Wu Feng's brain was confused, and his whole body seemed to have been cast by a spell. His body was stiff and his face was as pale as paper.

Inside the dungeon~~~

Chalmers got up instantly, his face almost touching the TV.

This TV was specially installed for him by Xiao Chongyuan. Usually, he learned about the actual facts about wildfires through the news on TV.

But today, the picture on TV brought him a huge surprise.

"Haha, they are finally here, finally here!!!"

Chalmers was like an old madman, throwing his head back, laughing maniacally, and dancing.

Life Foundation——

"This is an alien civilization!"

Joseph's pupils were shaking, and great panic arose in his heart.


"Friends of Tianyuan Star, you are really lucky to live on such a beautiful and rich planet with abundant resources. What a huge population and what a sweet air. I would like to congratulate you here. It won't be long. , you will be able to enter the age of the universe."

At this time, Babata suddenly showed a devilish smile: "It's just that he is a slave."

boom! ! !

Babata's words immediately made everyone in front of the screen feel like they were struck by lightning, and an uncontrollable panic quickly spread throughout Wildfire, the Federation, and the entire continent.

"Aliens are real, this is not a prank!"

"Oh my god, aliens are really invading."

"Mom, I'm afraid!"

There was silence in the room. Su Mo stared at the screen and communicated with Winnie secretly.

"Pooh, can you invade this spaceship? I want to know what the so-called Babata's strength is? Also, can you control this spaceship and let it land near the wildfire?"

After all, there are only a few natural disaster-level experts, and there are only a few dozen natural disasters in the entire galaxy-level civilization.

As long as it wasn't a natural disaster, he could hope to detain the aliens and prevent the news from spreading.

"No, I can't do it!"

Pooh said helplessly: "My current intelligence level is too low to invade the backend system of the spacecraft. In addition, being able to control all the equipment on the planet in an instant means that there must be a master of virtual technology in this spacecraft."

Hearing Pooh's reply, Su Mo's heart sank, and the hope he had just raised was instantly extinguished.

At the same time, the Star Network, the largest quantum network in the universe, quietly started a live broadcast.

The live broadcast was hung under a section called "Survival Game". As soon as it started, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Wow, another planet won the prize."

"This Babata is a bit ugly, and its antennae are short and asymmetrical."

"Reward 20 Star Network Coins, let's get started. I can't help but want to see the desperate expressions of these natives."

After "Babata's Survival Game" was aired, the number of viewers soared to hundreds of millions within 5 minutes, and it continues to rise.

Several hundred million people, this number has exceeded the total population of Tianyuan Planet, but in the vast universe, it is just a very inconspicuous number.

"Captain, the number of viewers has exceeded one billion!" The little green skinned man whispered beside Babata.

One billion!

Babata's eyes lit up and he began to get excited.

In the first few minutes of the live broadcast, it attracted the attention of one billion people. Then by the time the game reaches its climax, wouldn’t it be easy to exceed one hundred billion or even one trillion?

I’m going to get rich~


Babata cleared his throat, and under the translation of the translator, the voice spread to Tianyuan Star:

"However, I, Babata, am a benevolent captain and adventurer. I don't want all of you to become slaves, so I give you a chance."

"If there are people on your planet who can defeat the soldiers I sent, then I will leave immediately and promise not to expose the coordinates of the planet to others."

"This island is the battlefield I choose."

The screen turned and captured a huge gourd-shaped island.

"Well, the island on the left is a bit of an eyesore, so let it disappear."

Suddenly, a dozen red beams of light fell from the sky and landed in the middle of the island on the left.

In an instant, a dazzling light filled the screen, rumbling like the end of the world. When the screen was restored, the island, which was as large as a small city, had completely disappeared.

Huge waves rolled, the sky and the earth roared, soil, sand, gravel, trees, and countless animal carcasses were swept into the waves, and the clear blue sea was instantly dyed black.

This devastating scene made everyone in front of the screen feel cold all over.

"He is demonstrating~"

Su Mo murmured.

Babata's intention with this move is very obvious, that is, to let the rulers on the planet see that he has the ability to destroy a city in an instant and destroy the central system of any regime.

So, don’t engage in petty tricks.

"No, still not!"

Xiao Zhongyuan sat in front of Zhi Nao, his hands flying, his eyes fixed on the screen, and a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Currently, the entire Tianyuan Star network, including radar systems, high-altitude satellite systems, and even communication systems, are all controlled by aliens.

The virtual technology he was so proud of was like an immature child in front of the opponent. He didn't even have a chance to fight back and was instantly knocked to the ground.

Babata continued: "The location of this island is XX, XX; I can give you one hour to prepare. After one hour, if no one arrives, I will tacitly admit that you have given up, and then the planet coordinates will be sold immediately To other civilizations.”

"So, the humans of Tianyuan Star, hurry up and send your five most powerful warriors to join this survival game, hahahaha!!!"

Sharp and arrogant laughter echoed throughout the continent.


The screen disappeared, and all TVs, mobile phones, and computers returned to normal.

However, what happened just now plunged the entire continent into endless panic.

"I don't want to be a slave, I don't want it!"

"Oh my god, who can save us!"

"Where are our Supreme and God of War? Now is the time to use them. Let them go quickly!"

"What's the use of our Federation's Supreme and God of War? Now the strongest people on the planet are Wildfire's Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang. They should be allowed to set off as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, who can inform them? Don't dare to waste time. They must arrive within an hour, otherwise the whole planet will be destroyed."

At this moment, the top management of Wildfire also exploded.

Military meeting

"Can we use nuclear bombs to knock them down directly?"

"No, we can't locate the specific location of the aliens at all now."

"Then what should we do? Can we just follow the arrangement of this red-skinned monster?"

"Otherwise, what else can you do?"

"Fuck, what are you talking about? I'm trying to think of a way. Why are you so weird?"

"Who's so angry? I'm pointing out your stupidity!"

"Damn it, do you want to fight?"

"Come on, who is afraid of you!"

The military generals who had been enjoying themselves during this period were as if they had eaten explosives.

There is nothing we can do, everyone is under too much pressure.

What we are facing is the invasion of alien civilization and a war that will determine the future of the planet.

If they lose, the planet coordinates will be sold to other alien civilizations. Soon, a large number of fleets will arrive, Tianyuan Planet will become a colonial star, and everyone present will also become slaves.

But if he wins, will this alien named Babata really leave on his own initiative and not sell the planet coordinates to others?

I don’t know, no one can guarantee it.

This is what worries everyone the most.



The solid wood table was smashed with a palm, making a huge noise. Suddenly, the conference room suddenly became quiet.

The commander-in-chief of the Wildfire Military Department, Li Yuanlang, said sternly with a gloomy face:

"We are facing a formidable enemy. As a senior general of Wildfire, you are like a shrew in the market. Do you think this is a vegetable market?"

After hearing the commander-in-chief's reprimand, the officers lowered their heads and remained silent.

"Please be quiet. The ones under the greatest pressure now are not us, but Supreme Amethyst, Luo Tang War God, and... Supreme Su Mo."

Li Yuanlang scanned the audience with his falcon-like eyes and said in a deep voice:

"The fate of the entire planet will be in the hands of these three people. What we have to do is to control the situation as soon as possible. We must not let the rear catch fire and wildfire civil strife at this moment. Do you understand?"

"I understand!" everyone said in unison.

"Okay, then start taking action, notify all the armies, and immediately seal the city on the spot. Those who commit crimes while taking advantage of the chaos-"

Li Yuanlang's eyes flashed with ruthlessness: "Kill to death!"


The generals shook their bodies and responded loudly.


Li Yuanlang gave the order, and the senior generals immediately followed his instructions and gave orders to the armies, asking the soldiers to enter the city as soon as possible to enforce martial law, blockade the streets, and never allow crimes, plundering of resources, etc. to take advantage of the chaos.

At the same time, major federal consortiums were trying to blow up the Wildfire official phone number.

Without exception, everyone is urging, when will Amethyst Supreme and God of War Luo Tang set off?

If you don't start now, it will be too late.

The people of the Federation knew very clearly that in this battle that would determine the fate of the planet, they would definitely not be able to count on the Supreme and God of War on their side. All their hopes were pinned on Amethyst and Luo Tang.

Facing the Federation's life-threatening series of calls, Wildfire directly closed all communication channels, which made the Federation even more anxious. It wanted to fly to Wildfire immediately, hold Amethyst and Luo Tang's thighs, and beg them to act as soon as possible.

Just as the entire continent was in chaos, the three wildfire giants, plus leader Xiao Chongyuan, started an emergency call.

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