Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 168 Great improvement in strength


A stream of heat erupted from the soles of the feet and flowed throughout the body along the limbs and bones. Wherever it passed, the skin, muscles, bones, meridians, and internal organs increased at a terrifying speed.

Cell activity is greatly enhanced, and genes evolve in a more perfect direction.

Class B, also known as the Commander Class, is a watershed in the universe.

If you are less than B level, you can only be regarded as a soldier or a fish among the major forces, doing some low-end cannon fodder work.

When reaching B level, even the three major civilizations in the universe will entrust them with important responsibilities, and they will definitely be trained as the backbone of some large mercenary groups.

"Master, I can't hold on any longer!"

Seeing Su Mo's successful breakthrough, Pooh's pressure dropped sharply. After saying a word, he removed the metal cover and entered the self-repair state. Of course, his consciousness did not fall asleep due to this, and it was still paying attention to Su Mo's movements.


The sour and smelly gastric juice surged in. Su Mo opened his eyes, and a golden light flashed in his eyes, revealing majesty, nobility and an invisible sense of oppression.

A thick and wide light shield appeared around him, like a wall, blocking the gastric juices from outside.

After absorbing the vitality of the Bright Light Gold-eating Python, not only did his strange power increase rapidly, but the force in his body also soared at an alarming rate, making his condensed light shield harder and thicker.


The gastric juices corroded the light shield crazily, and the effect was spectacular, causing the light shield to become thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Regarding this, Su Mo did not panic at all, but concentrated on extracting life force.

After the body reaches the leader level, the speed of life force extraction is greatly accelerated, from a trickle just now to a surging river now.

The vitality of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python is quite astonishing. After all, it is large in size. Coupled with the talent of being the body of the sun, it can be said that there are few creatures within B level that can surpass it in terms of vitality.

The life force he extracted just now was less than one-fifth of the total life force of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python, and he could still continue to suck in another wave.

Strange power +1

Strange power +1

As he became more proficient, Su Mo's aura became calmer and heavier, and all the organs in his body were moaning in comfort.

But at this moment, the gastric juice also corroded the last layer of light shield, and then turned into a turbulent wave, directly submerging him.


The gastric juices came into contact with the skin, leaving terrible scars in an instant. The blisters swelled and burst one after another, and the pain invaded the brain like a tide.

However, after experiencing various incidents, Su Mo's tolerance for pain has become very strong.

He closed his eyes tightly, and his body's strong recovery power fought against the gastric juices. At the same time, the [Holy Healing Light] fell from time to time, relieving the injuries and pain.

As the last amethyst knife was corroded, Su Mo directly poked his hand into the inner wall, acting as a weapon to draw out life.

Strange power +1

Strange power +1

The strange power continues to increase, and the skin becomes tougher and tougher. Gradually, the corrosive effect of gastric juice on the skin becomes worse and worse. In the end, it is almost like water, with no effect.


The Mingguang Gold-Eating Python let out its last weak moan, and its eyelids were as heavy as a mountain, and they slowly closed.

When there was no more life left, Su Mo pulled his hand out of the inner wall.

Strange power LV5——242/1000

The vitality of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python was much more abundant than he imagined. Not only did it allow his strange power to reach LV5-242, but at the same time, the bright energy contained in his vitality also caused his original force to soar to a level close to supreme perfection.

I feel like I’m full~

What he didn't know was that originally, the vitality of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python was not so abundant, but just now, it had released all the unicorn essence it had accumulated for decades to strengthen its physique. Therefore, its vitality had made a quantum leap. .

Speaking of which, the Mingguang Gold-eating Python is also unlucky. It has just completed its evolution today and has grown a horn. Its heart is extremely swollen and it wants to attack human cities and enjoy a delicious meal of blood.

Human flesh and blood is both delicacy and tonic to him.

But he didn't expect that not long ago, Amethyst Supreme and God of War Luo Tang were both promoted to the leadership level. At the same time, Su Mo obtained the infinite weapon of the universe treasure and had the ability to fight it head-on.

With the cooperation of the three people and Su Mo's bold risk-taking decision, the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python cultivated its vitality for hundreds of years and finally took advantage of everyone else.

If it had completed its evolution one month earlier, it would have definitely been able to overwhelm Military Base No. 2 and treat humans as supplements. Now - it has become the supplement itself.

So, this is life~

Many times, luck is more important than strength.

The gastric juices receded like a tide, and Su Mo's palms glowed, lighting up the dark environment.

The red inner wall turned a little white, the huge heart not far away had stopped beating, and there was a faint smell of corruption that had not been seen before.

"You can go back!"

Su Mo stretched his body and his bones crackled, but at this time, he discovered a problem.

That is, now he is naked, and his clothes have long been corroded. When he lowers his head, he sees that he is even more naked, and his hair is gone. When he touches his hair again, well, his hair is gone.

Baldhead + Qinglong, who can stand this?

[Healing Holy Light] fell, blood boiled, and hair grew again.

Squatting down, he picked up the space ring that he had worn around his neck but had just fallen to the ground. Not to mention, the quality of this space ring was really good. After being soaked by gastric juice, there were no traces at all. It is indeed a product of alien civilization.

He took out a set of fitting clothes from the space ring, put them on, and rushed to Shekou quickly.


"It's dead!"

Walking to the Mingguang Gold-eating Python, Luo Tang kicked it twice and said in a loud voice.

Amethyst Supreme exclaimed: "Enter the inside of the body to cause destruction, this kid's courage is really unbearable!"

If it were him, he would never take such a radical and risky decision.

However, Su Mo dared to do this and succeeded in the end.

The passion and courage of young people are always enviable.

boom! ! !

The closed huge mouth opened, and a tall figure walked out.

At this time, Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang suddenly tensed up, with a look of shock in their eyes.

When Su Mo appeared, the two of them felt as if a terrifying beast had come out of seclusion, and the hair on their bodies stood up.

"Su Mo, your body...?"

Luo Tang opened his eyes wide. As a martial artist, he could sense the terrifying power contained in Su Mo's body from every move he made.

Su Mo's power definitely surpassed him.

Luo Tang's judgment was not wrong.

You know, Su Mo was promoted to LV5 from the full level of Wei Li LV4.

When the monster power reaches LV4-200, Su Mo's physique is almost the same as that of the God of War. When the monster reaches LV4-500, looking at the entire universe, he is definitely the most physically terrifying being among the elites.

Perhaps only certain special races, such as giant dragons, can compete with him.

After the strange power is promoted to LV5, even if the proficiency is only 1 point, the body will definitely be stronger than Luo Tang, not to mention that the current strange power proficiency has reached LV5 - 242/1000.

It couldn't compare to the Bright Light Gold-eating Python just now, but it still crushed Luo Tang easily.

"My physique has grown a lot and I have reached the leader level now!" Su Mo said with a smile.

What! ! !

As soon as the words fell, Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang's eyes widened, full of shock.

Commander level?

Not long ago, Su Mo's force power had just reached the supreme level. Now, his physical strength has reached the command level.

This is too monster!

Amethyst and Luo Tang looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

After decades of hard work, he finally broke through to the top, and now he was easily overtaken by a kid under 20 years old.

This made the two proud people feel sour and helpless.

Now, they finally understand how others see themselves. The huge gap in talent really makes people unable to even feel envious.

In addition, the two of them had some rough guesses as to why Su Mo was able to upgrade his physique to the leader level, but neither of them would take the initiative to talk about it.

Every genius has his own secret.

Outsiders, no matter how close the relationship is, should not mention it rashly.

"Su Mo, you fly back to the base first and inform us of the battle situation here." Amethyst Supreme said sternly, and then glanced at the huge golden python in front of him, "In addition, send heavy machinery troops to drag this big guy back. This scaly It can’t be wasted.”


Su Mo nodded, and the next moment, the holy angel wings appeared behind him, lightly fanned into the air, and flew quickly towards the base.


Above the steel city wall, Wu Feng and the officers were waiting anxiously.

Just now, they watched the phantom fighter plane carrying Amethyst Supreme and God of War Luo Tang pass over the city wall, feeling a little relieved.

However, whether something happened to Supreme Su Mo, and whether the two masters can defeat the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python.

These two worries have always been lingering in everyone's minds and cannot be dissipated for a long time.

"Su Mo, Amethyst, and Luo Tang, you three must return safely~" Wu Feng clenched his fists and prayed silently.

At this moment, a golden figure suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance and flew quickly towards the base.

Upon seeing this, someone immediately shouted in surprise:

"That's Supreme Su Mo, Supreme Su Mo is back!!!"


Su Mo landed firmly in front of Wu Feng, retracted his angel wings, and smiled under the expectant eyes of everyone:

"The Mingguang Gold-Eating Python is dead, we have won!"

Wow! ! !

As soon as the words fell, the officers on the entire city wall immediately became excited.

"Great! We won, we won!"

"Haha, I knew we would win!"

"How can a mere beast be the opponent of Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang War God?"

Soon, the good news spread to the entire base, and the entire army immediately burst into cheers and celebrations like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Wu Feng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at everything in front of him with a smile.

From then on, there was no threat to the Wild Wind Plains.

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