Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 167 Strange Power LV5

hold head high! ! !

The bright light gold-eating python roared and rushed towards the Amethyst Supreme.

The walls of amethyst that stood in front of him were as fragile as building blocks, falling down at the first touch.

Seeing this, Amethyst Supreme's pupils shrank and he quickly retreated.

His retreat method is very unique. He manipulates the amethyst to form a narrow and slender track, steps a little, and then, like an ice skater, moves backward on the smooth amethyst track at a very fast speed.

boom! ! !

Luo Tang rushed forward again. Facing the even more powerful Mingguang Gold-Eating Python, he decisively used his own unique skill - the Heaven-Swallowing Battle Jue.

The fat wrapped around the arms, thighs and other parts of the body quickly dissolves, forming pure energy.

In an instant, he transformed from a somewhat bloated man into a strong and muscular devil. His strength increased greatly, and his martial arts arrogance became even more majestic. He raised the heavy hammer and smashed it hard on the head of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python.

call! ! !

The bright light gold-eating python did not dodge, facing Luo Tang's heavy hammer, and spit out a mouthful of blazing golden flames at him.


The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, and the lingering sound was extremely harsh.

The area where the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python was hit was obviously dented, and Luo Tang's body-protecting aura was also penetrated by the golden flames, causing his whole body to burst into flames and fly backwards dozens of meters away.

The arrogance exploded and extinguished the flames on his body. At this moment, Luo Tang's skin was severely burned, and the blood and scorch were intertwined, making him look particularly scary.

Uh-huh! !

A golden light fell in time, and the burnt skin fell off quickly like molting, and new skin grew out.

hold head high! ! !

Mingguang Gold-eating Python saw that Luo Tang was not very flexible and was best dealt with, so it focused all its firepower on him.

Bang bang bang! !

Balls of flames fell from the sky like meteorites, blocking all Luo Tang's escape routes.


At this time, a thick wall of amethyst suddenly rose up around Luo Tang to protect him. However, in front of the terrifying fireball, these walls of amethyst only resisted for a moment, and spider web-like cracks appeared on the surface. collapse.


Luo Tang shouted loudly and swung his heavy hammer continuously, hitting the fireballs.

His speed was slower, only compared to extraordinary beings of the same level, but in Su Mo's eyes, Luo Tang's hammer swings were as fast as thunder, with violent momentum, hitting the fireballs accurately and powerfully, scattering them all.


While Luo Tang was trapped by the fireball, the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python suddenly charged in, swung its long tail, made a thunderous explosion, and threw it at Luo Tang with great ferocity.

Luo Tang gathered all his strength and swung his hammer towards the giant tail.

when! ! !

The hammer head hit the tail, and the powerful force was transmitted along the arm to the whole body. Luo Tang's body shook, and he was knocked away again, accompanied by a series of bone explosions.

Even though he used the Heaven-Swallowing Battle, the power gap between him and the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python was still too big.

The Mingguang Gold-eating Python has absorbed all the unicorn essence that has been cultivated for decades, and its power is not inferior to some of the peak commander-level beasts. It is quite rare for Luo Tang to be seriously injured by its full blow and not die.

[Healing Holy Light] falls again to restore Luo Tang's injuries.

Luo Tang stood up and struck with the hammer again.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Amethyst storm, martial arts arrogance and golden fire are entangled together, and there is no complete piece of land within a few kilometers.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the roars were loud and clear.

Su Mo tried his best to provide auxiliary work, provide buffs, and timely treatment, and saved the lives of Amethyst and Luo Tang many times. However, as the battle continued, the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python became more familiar with its own abilities, and its attack methods became more and more familiar. More flexible and tricky.

Once, Amethyst Supreme almost hit its path. If Luo Tang hadn't blocked the blow with severe injuries, Amethyst Supreme would have been dead.

"No, we can't fight like this anymore."

Su Mo frowned.

He originally thought that the outburst of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python was just a burst and would soon weaken. Unexpectedly, this guy became more and more fierce. If it continued to learn and evolve, Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang would be in real danger.

"Pooh, is there any weapon that can make the Mingguang Gold-eating Python lose consciousness for a moment?" Su Mo asked.

Pooh: "Yes, a high-frequency buzzer can stimulate its hearing system and make the brain dizzy, but I can't guarantee how long this will last. What do you think?"

Su Mo said calmly: "I want to get into its body, destroy it from the inside, and absorb its vitality."

Pooh already knew that he could absorb life force and strengthen his body, so he was not too surprised by it. He just regarded it as a concrete form of superpower.

Such domineering powers are no longer rare in the universe. Not to mention absorbing life force, there are even powers that deprive others of their powers for their own use.

This ability makes Pooh more confident in Su Mo. The stronger his body, the higher his survivability. Not to mention, Su Mo also has his unique BUFF ability.

He seems to be an auxiliary superpower, but he is actually physically stronger than martial artists of the same level, and his attack power is quite good.

Taken together, there are no weaknesses.

Such Su Mo will be a nightmare for many enemies in the future.

"This is very risky. You must seize that precious moment and enter the body of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python. In addition, the gastric juice of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python is very corrosive. Can you withstand it?" Pooh analyzed. road.

"Isn't there still you?"

The corner of Su Mo's mouth raised slightly, "You become a protective shield, coupled with my light shield and powerful healing ability, is it possible to give it a try? I can guarantee that after draining the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python, your body will definitely reach Commander level."

After hearing the last sentence, Pooh said decisively: "Okay, I will help you as much as possible."

Commander-level, looking at the universe, can be regarded as the most powerful one. The highest combat power of most planets is the commander-level.

Of course you can't miss the opportunity to directly step into leadership.

The road to becoming stronger for any strong person will not be smooth and smooth. There will always be various risks and uncertain events.

After his calculation and analysis, Su Mo's proposal has a very high probability of success, and it is completely worth taking the risk.


Su Mo nodded, his eyes suddenly becoming extremely sharp and calm.

"Supreme, God of War, create an opportunity for me to let the Mingguang Gold-eating Python open its mouth. I have a way to subdue him." Su Mo shouted. Although Amethyst Supreme and Luo Tang were both promoted to the commander level, he and Luo Tang Others are still accustomed to calling these two the Supreme and the God of War.

The Supreme and the God of War sounded more imposing and more powerful than the Commander. In addition, the two of them also acquiesced in this title.

Is there a way to subdue the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python?

Hearing what Su Mo said, Amethyst and Luo Tang showed a look of surprise on their faces.

Neither of them could solve the problem of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python, and they were even at a disadvantage. How could Su Mo, a Supreme, come up with any good ideas?

However, the situation was urgent, and they were willing to believe in Su Mo and create an opportunity for him.

boom! ! !

Luo Tang stood up from the ground, black arrogance erupted, like a magic star, rushed towards the bright light gold-devouring python, and raised the heavy hammer high to hit it hard.

At the same time, the amethyst blades all over the sky were like a blizzard, densely shooting towards the bright light gold-devouring python's face door.

hold head high! ! !

The Mingguang Gold-eating Python opened its mouth and spewed out a huge fan-shaped golden flame, covering Luo Tang and the amethyst blade. Compared to before, it was obviously more skillful in controlling the flames.

"It's now!"

The moment he saw the flames spurting out, Su Mo dived down quickly. The next moment, an extremely harsh high-frequency noise suddenly resounded between heaven and earth, as if two huge blackboards were rubbing against each other. It sounded both harsh and disturbing. People are going crazy.

Pythons do not have external ears, but have inner ears that allow for better hearing.

Pooh made a detailed calculation and analysis based on the various body data of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python, and obtained the specific frequency noise that would hurt it the most, and released it.

Sure enough, the moment he heard the noise, Mingguang Gold-Eating Python felt a sharp pain in his head, as if a knife had been stabbed in, and his eyes suddenly turned white.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Mo flapped his wings and swooped down towards the open mouth of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python.

The Mingguang Gold-eating Python is over a hundred meters long, and when its mouth is open, it is larger than an ordinary cave entrance.

When approaching the mouth, Su Mo suddenly retracted his wings and then got in smoothly.


Seeing that the method of subduing Su Mo said was to enter the body of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python, Amethyst and Luo Tang were immediately shocked, followed by a wave of deep worry.

The inside of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python's body is definitely much softer than its scales, but don't forget, why is it called the Gold-Eating Python?

That terrifying gastric juice can corrode even high-grade metals.

Su Mo went in without any protection. Can his small body be able to stop him?

Amethyst Supreme clenched his fists. If he and Luo Tang could successfully capture the Bright Light Gold-eating Python, why would Su Mo take such a risk?

"Su Mo, you must come back safely!"

There was a hint of self-blame in the faint sigh, and the chaotic battlefield fell into a brief calm.


"Fuck, it stinks so bad!"

As soon as he entered the body of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python, a fishy and sour smell hit his face, like thousands of stinky socks piled together, it was so stinky that one could leave the body.


With a retching sound, Su Mo simply closed his mouth and nose. With his current lung capacity, holding his breath for 20 minutes was nothing.

The holy force bloomed, illuminating the surroundings and revealing the internal structure of the Bright Light Gold-Eating Python.

The red inner wall was uneven and wrinkled, and there was a layer of mucus on the surface. It went all the way down, passed through the left lung of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python, and finally stopped near the heart.

Further down, we reach the area near the stomach, which is the most dangerous place.

The heart is the key point of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python. If it can't hold on any longer, just blow it up.


The heart of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python is unusually large, with a height of more than two meters. It cannot be hugged by two adults. The blood vessels are connected to the heart and other organs, expanding and contracting, constantly pumping blood.

"here we go!"

Su Mo took out a sharp piece of amethyst, which he just picked up on the ground. The shape is irregular, but the edge is extremely sharp. It can be used as a dagger. Its hardness is also much higher than ordinary daggers. .


The dagger penetrated the inner wall smoothly, and when the mucus touched the surface of the amethyst, a burst of white smoke suddenly appeared.

"Halo, this thing is so corrosive!"

With a rant, [Vitality Plunder] was suddenly activated.

A pure life force with bright energy poured into the body.

Due to the big physical difference between Su Mo and the Mingguang Gold-eating Python, the speed of looting can only be said to be so-so, but the advantage lies in the high quality. Almost every second, the strange power can increase by 1 point.

hold head high! ! !

Feeling some pain in his body, the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python immediately became aware of Su Mo's presence and became furious.

You, a little human, dare to crawl into my body.

court death!

boom! !

The sour and smelly gastric juices rolled upwards, rushing toward Su Mo like ocean waves.



Pooh quickly turned into an alpha-grade alloy extended protective ball, which expanded from a black iron block into a spherical metal shell to protect Su Mo.


When the acid contacted the surface of the shell, it immediately corroded and emitted a burst of white smoke. The smooth coating became pitted, and the corrosion continued to intensify.

"Master, I can only hold on for 5 minutes. After five minutes, I must enter the autologous repair state."

"Five minutes, that's enough!"

Su Mo gritted his teeth, threw away the amethyst piece that was corroded by the mucus, and replaced it with a new one.

He just picked up a dozen amethyst pieces and prepared them for now.

Strange power +1

Strange power +1

The strange power continues to rise, approaching LV5 little by little.

Feeling the rapid loss of vitality in the body, the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python panicked, let out a low groan of terror, and then rolled crazily on the ground, trying to force Su Mo out in this way.

However, Su Mo was like a sea-fixing needle, with his feet on the upper and lower walls of the metal shell, his hands holding the amethyst knife, his body swaying back and forth, but he always stood firm.

"Su Mo, was it successful?"

Outside, Amethyst and Luo Tang looked at the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python rolling in pain, their eyes lit up, and then they attacked it in unison.


The heavy hammer hit the front door, and the snowflake-like amethyst blade sliced ​​off pieces of flesh.

The Mingguang Gold-Eating Python screamed, spitting out flames, forcing Amethyst and Luo Tang back, but there was deep fear in its eyes.

"Haha, he's scared!"

Luo Tang laughed heartily. He had been beaten for so long and his bones had been broken at least five or six times. Now, it was finally his turn to collect debts.

Bang bang bang!

Luo Tang and Amethyst did not stop. While ensuring safety, they continued to harass the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python, making it difficult for it to concentrate on dealing with Su Mo inside its body.

Strange power +1

Strange power +1

The later the stage, the slower the monster power increases.

Fortunately, as the body becomes stronger, the speed of extracting life force will increase accordingly.

The combination of the two factors allows the monster power to maintain a constant rate of increasing proficiency in a few seconds, constantly rising.

"Master, how long do you have until you succeed?"

The thick metal shell was corroded to only one third, and Pooh couldn't help but give a reminder.

Once the shell is completely corroded, it will fall into a self-repair state and be unable to protect Su Mo.

Just relying on that layer of light shield is still quite dangerous.

"Hurry! Hurry!"

Su Mo murmured, his eyes getting brighter and brighter, and finally when only a thin layer of the outer shell was left——


A terrifying energy exploded in the body.

The strange power breaks through LV5!

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