Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 166 [Sacred Seal] Showing power, the bright light gold-eating python fights with all its str

"Sure enough, the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python is not that easy to kill~"

Looking down at the scene below, Su Mo murmured.

The Mingguang Gold-eating Python is a B-level beast with high defense, strong recovery, and a lot of meat. Amethyst Supreme and God of War Luo Tang have just entered B-level. Even with the blessing of his ability, it is extremely difficult to fight this kind of human shield.

Not to mention the high consumption, the key point is that it is difficult to cause serious damage to this guy.

If the fight continues, the situation will tilt in the direction of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python.

Therefore, he would rush back in time while the BUFF expired. Otherwise, if he was given another half hour, he might be able to break through LV5 with his strange power.

During the period just now, with the AOE of Judgment Light Thunder and the long chain knife transformed by Pooh, he had a great time, which directly increased his monster power to LV4-372/500, which was only more than 100 points away. Promoted to LV5.

However, as you get to the later stages, it becomes more difficult to increase your monster power.

Only by sucking up ten beast generals can the monster power increase by 1 point. As for the beast soldiers, they are even less worth mentioning.

"So, I still have to rely on you~"

Looking at the shining gold-eating python below, Su Mo licked the corner of his mouth, with a touch of fire in his eyes.

hold head high! ! !

Seeing that the damn little bug from the beginning appeared again, the Mingguang Gold-eating Python roared and sprayed a ball of blazing fire into the sky.

"Tch, you can master these two moves by tossing and turning!"

With a flap of his wings, Su Mo easily dodged the blow.

Now, he and Pooh's cooperation is becoming more and more tacit. When a spark comes out of the mouth of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python, Pooh activates the repulsion field and pushes him away.

The Mingguang Gold-eating Python is fleshy, but its attack methods are not very rich.

Just one breath of fire, one flick of the tail, and at most one roar.

Maybe it hasn't encountered any decent opponents since the beginning of its evolution, and its fighting methods are simple and clumsy.

With most of their physical strength, original strength, and mental strength restored, Amethyst and Luo Tang continued to kill the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python without hesitation, and their moves became more aggressive and fierce.

With such a powerful assistant like Su Mo, they can completely let go without worrying about injuries.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Luo Tang hit the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python with one hammer after another, making it scream in pain.

The Amethyst Supreme stood not far away, holding it with one hand. In the next second, an amethyst prism with a thickness of more than ten meters and a length of nearly a hundred meters quickly condensed in mid-air, like a mountain of amethyst swords. It fell to the ground and stabbed The bright light gold-eating python below.

hold head high! ! !

A sense of crisis arose in his heart. The Mingguang Gold-Eating Python tightened its body and was about to escape. However, how could Luo Tang just watch Amethyst's killing move that consumed a lot of force fail in vain.

He dodged and raised his hammer to stand in front of the Bright Light Gold-Eating Python, and breathed out a scorching hot breath to stop it in place.

boom! ! !

The amethyst sword mountain hit the vital part of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python, which is the seven-inch position of a normal snake. The gravity of hundreds of tons directly smashed it into the ground. The body showed an exaggerated twist, accompanied by a burst of bone explosion.

hold head high! ! ! ! !

The Mingguang Gold-eating Python screamed miserably, and this move made it feel unprecedented pain.

"Wow formidable!"

Su Mo was amazed, how much force power would be consumed to summon such a huge amethyst sword mountain?

The Commander level and the Supreme level are indeed two different worlds.

While the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python was injured and pinned to the ground, Su Mo dived down, stood on the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python's back, and slapped it with both hands, leaving five sacred marks.

[Holy Mark]: Plant an imperceptible sacred mark on the target and maintain it for a period of time. When the number of marks reaches 5 layers, it can be detonated at any time, causing up to 20% true damage to the enemy.

"What is he doing?"

Amethyst and Luo Tang couldn't understand Su Mo's actions. To the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python, a slap with such intensity might not even count as tickling, right?

However, the next second, the two people were stunned.

The bright light gold-eating python had just broken free from the Amethyst Sword Mountain, but its body suddenly shook. Then, a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from its mouth, and it wailed miserably.


The two of them opened their eyes wide and were shocked.

You know, they had been fighting for so long, but they had never beaten the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python to vomit blood, and Su Mo just slapped the opponent a few times to create this effect.

What kind of evil trick is this?

"Hehe, the real damage is still fierce!"

Quickly rising into the air, Su Mo smiled.

With his current attack power, even if he uses the most ferocious Holy Spirit Hammer, it will not be able to hurt the Bright Light Gold-eating Python. However, [Holy Mark] is a true damage that ignores defense, and the maximum percentage of blood is deducted.

Meat doesn’t work either!

Of course, [Holy Mark] also has limitations. The greater the strength gap, the lower the maximum percentage of blood deduction. If the opponent is a natural disaster level powerhouse, I am afraid that this value will not exceed 5% at most.

But looking at it from another perspective, an elite level can knock out 5% of the natural disaster level's HP, which is unique in the universe.

The opportunity was created, and Amethyst and Luo Tang would not waste it. They bombarded them with all kinds of moves and greeted Mingguang Gold-eating Python with all their might.


The Mingguang Gold-Eating Python was beaten until its face was covered in blood, and its screams of pain could not be heard.

It is true that its resilience is strong, but the mental pain is something it has never experienced before and is unbearable.

Finally, the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python couldn't stand it anymore, and decided to use that trick that was very harmful to the body but used to fight for its life.

hold head high! ! !

Accompanied by a thundering roar, the horn on the head of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python suddenly burst into bright light, and then, as if melting, it disappeared above its head.

In an instant, an extremely violent and powerful momentum erupted from the body of the Mingguang Gold-eating Python, and its body actually expanded again.

The effort that took decades to gather together has failed today.

The Mingguang Gold-eating Python is completely crazy. Today, it will not only kill the three humans in front of it, but it will also never let go of the human gathering place dozens of kilometers away.

Go to hell, go to hell!


With a flick of its tail, the Mingguang Gold-eating Python burst out at an extremely astonishing speed, at least 20% faster than before, and appeared in front of Luo Tang like a phantom.

"So fast!"

Luo Tang's pupils shrank, feeling horrified.

At the critical moment, Luo Tang showed the ability of the mainland's number one martial artist. He exploded with arrogance and fiercely blasted out a hammer, hitting the door of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python.

With the help of the reaction force, Luo Tang flew back, but at this moment, the tail of the Mingguang Gold-Eating Python followed closely and whipped him hard.

boom! ! !

Luo Tang's body was directly embedded into a hillside a few hundred meters away, a large mouthful of blood spurted out, and most of his bones were shattered.

Seeing this, Su Mo and Amethyst Supreme looked horrified at the same time.

You must know that Luo Tang is a commander-level martial arts master, and his body is much stronger than the two of them. If they were the ones who suffered the flick just now, I am afraid they would have been shattered into pieces by now.

[Healing Holy Light] flew several hundred meters and landed on Luo Tang.

Soon, all his injuries recovered.

Luo Tang stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, held a heavy hammer, and looked at the bright light gold-eating python from a distance.

At this moment, the eyes of the three people became extremely solemn.

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