Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 146 The dust has settled and debt collection begins


The chain of light was detonated under Su Mo's control, exploding into brilliant golden light fragments. The power was quite impressive, but unfortunately, it did not break the ionization shield and hurt Reyev behind him.

However, at this moment, Reyev's heart hit rock bottom.

After the high-frequency Hertz buzzer and repulsive field driver were activated, the energy reserve had dropped below 17%, and was on the verge of forced dormancy, let alone launching a counterattack.

In other words, he will definitely lose this battle.

"Goodell, your life consortium has a good idea, but it's a pity..." Wu Feng walked up to Goodell and patted him on the shoulder, not concealing the pride and teasing in his eyes: "The little monster met our wildfire."

A cloud of white smoke held Wu Feng's hand and moved it away. Goodell's face was as dark as water, and he didn't want to say a word.


Joseph shook his head, feeling regretful and helpless.

The consortium has made adequate preparations, but unfortunately, there is only one last step left.

No one could have imagined that in such a tense situation just now, Su Mo could remain calm and use his own abilities to return to the ring.

A crime other than war~

What a pity... The other leaders of the consortium also sighed deeply. Seeing that victory was about to be achieved, it suddenly took a turn for the worse. This feeling of disparity was difficult to accept even for them, who were accustomed to the wind and rain.

"Ah ah ah, why, it's just the last step!!!"

"He is already out of the ring, he just didn't hit the ground, so he should be considered a loser!"

"Reyev, keep fucking him!!!"

The audience beat their feet and chests one by one and roared fiercely.

"It's over~"

Su Mo looked at Reyev, curled his lips, and then suddenly kicked off the ground and exploded.


A figure suddenly appeared behind Reyev as if teleporting, and with a fist glowing with dazzling golden light, he slammed into the ionization shield.

Warning, energy dropped by 1%

Warning, energy dropped by 1%

Reyev's eyes flashed with warning reminders like waterfalls. The power system was about to enter forced hibernation. But at this moment, he was powerless and could only wait quietly and dejectedly for that moment to come.


Finally, the energy could no longer be sustained. The protective shield shook violently and then suddenly shattered. A heavy punch drove straight in and hit Reyev in the back of the heart. He was instantly knocked dozens of meters away and fell heavily under the ring.


Reyev spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes dim.

Seeing this scene, the scene suddenly became quiet and silent.

"In this battle, Yehuo Su Mo wins."

As Goodell's heavy voice sounded over the stadium, the entire federation instantly boiled.

Swearing, yelling, venting, beating...

Countless chaos occurred in every corner of the Federation.

On the contrary, Wildfire fell into a general carnival. People rushed out of their homes, hugged each other with strangers on the street, sang and danced, and vented their inner excitement and excitement.


Su Mo jumped off the ring and was immediately surrounded by his teammates.

"Su Mo, you're awesome!"

Wu Yao hugged Su Mo's neck tightly, shook it excitedly, and almost kissed him.

It was so thrilling. To be honest, his heart almost stopped just now and he was almost in despair. He didn't expect that Su Mo could use such a magical method to return to the ring.

“Awesome, awesome!”

Victor, Xiao Jie, and Meng Shi also gathered around Su Mo excitedly, high-fiving each other. Caroline stood aside and looked at everyone with a smile.

"Goodell, I agree, haha!!!"

Wu Feng laughed heartily, looking at Goodell's increasingly gloomy face, his laughter became even more unrestrained.


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

"Waste, it's all waste."

In the Omah Hotel suite, Hiro was so angry that he smashed everything he saw in front of him.

The last step, just the last step! ! !

It was okay not to have any hope at first, but when I saw that I was about to win the game, but was overturned by the Jedi, this feeling was like having thousands of knives stuck in my chest, and my whole body was shaking with pain.

"Su Mo, I don't believe you can win forever!"

Hiro gritted his teeth, bloodshot eyes bursting out, like a ghost.

The outcome of the exchange meeting has been decided, and major actions have been launched within Wildfire and the Federation.

Wildfire's army is ready to go. After the two parties formally sign a five-year contract, the garrisoned troops will move to new strongholds to expand the scope of their defense.

The businessmen excitedly informed the factory to increase their power and produce at full capacity.

Many companies have received a snowflake of orders.

In contrast, the situation within the federation was gloomy. The police were dispatched one after another to suppress the chaos on the streets. The military quickly held a meeting to arrange the next deployment. Various financial groups were arguing endlessly and quarreling over their interests.

Chaos gradually arises~





Several glasses clinked together gently, making a crisp sound.

The entire Wildfire delegation, including the logistics staff, a total of dozens of people, gathered in the private room to celebrate the successful conclusion of the exchange meeting.

The Martial God of War and the Hellfire Team were sitting at the main table, chatting happily.

"Su Mo, all the top body strengthening potions and other potions have been sent to the main city of Wildfire. They will be tested and ensured that there are no problems before they are handed over to you." Wu Feng put down his wine glass and said cheerfully.

"Thank you~"

Su Mo's eyes lit up. The effect of the top-level body-enhancing potion was several times that of the advanced body-strengthening potion. After using it, the strange power should be increased by dozens of points.

The most important thing is that the substantial enhancement of his body can lead to the growth of his force power.

Currently, his force level has reached the level of destruction and is close to breaking through to the supreme level.

After taking this bottle of potion, there is really hope to break through the supreme level in one fell swoop and acquire new skills.

"Comrades, let's go have some fun later?" Wu Yao opened his eyes and suggested.


Victor curled his lips: "If you go out with this face, don't you worry about others spitting or peeing in your wine?"


Wu Yao was stunned for a moment. Indeed, they are now very famous in the Federation, and almost everyone knows about them. If they encounter an extreme situation, they might really be able to do what Victor said.

Even now when a group of them eat, there are professionals guarding the kitchen to ensure the safety of the dishes and wine.

"Okay, let's have a good night's rest and then go back and have fun tomorrow."

Wu Yao continued to eat with chopsticks. Everyone was going back tomorrow anyway, so there was no rush for this night.

After the dinner, everyone returned to their rooms.


After the door was closed, Su Mo looked at the extra black backpack on the bed, with a cold arc at the corner of his mouth.

Hero, brother is coming to collect debts.


At twelve o'clock in the evening, Su Mo walked into the bathroom, holding a thin human skin mask in his hand.

This mask was found in a cave after he, Lu Fan, and Jamie killed the king of beasts, the porcupine. He called it a handsome mask.

Put the mask on your face, and in an instant, the mask seems to come alive, constantly squirming, and a cold touch comes, as if you are getting a facial massage.

After more than ten seconds, the mask stopped moving.

In the mirror, the handsome and handsome young man disappeared, replaced by a perfectly handsome man with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. His face was as sharp as a knife and an axe. His skin was so smooth that no pores could be seen. He looked like a super handsome man.

"Tsk tsk tsk, as expected, my looks have unlimited potential~"

Su Mo rubbed his chin and sighed.

Putting on the black trousers, a wide windbreaker and a pair of slightly heavy shoes from his backpack, Su Mo put on the micro headphones and whispered: "How is the situation~"

A steady voice came from the headphones:

"The surveillance has been changed and you can leave."


Su Mo put on a peaked cap, opened the door, took a quick look, walked quickly into the stairwell, and walked downstairs step by step.

Arriving at the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, Su Mo lowered his tongue slightly and took his time. Several people glanced at him and felt strange, so they didn't pay attention.

After walking two streets, Su Mo flagged down a taxi.

“Blackstone Bar~”


20 minutes later, the taxi stopped in front of a lively bar.

Blackstone Bar is the bar with the highest consumption level in the federal capital. The per capita consumption is tens of thousands of yuan. Ordinary people will not come here to join in the fun.

When they reached the door of the bar, several bodyguards in black saw that Su Mo was dressed strangely in all black, so they stepped forward to inquire.


"What's up?"

Su Mo took off his peaked cap, revealing his flawless handsome face, which immediately silenced the bodyguard.

Yes, this is probably another little piece of meat kept by those rich women.

So handsome~

Walking into the bar, the dynamic music and the gorgeous swaying lights immediately made people's blood boil. Su Mo glanced at it calmly.

In the booths, there are many men hugging each other, and the women around them are all hot and beautiful. They are probably the goddesses in the eyes of those licking dogs.

Feeling sorry for the corruption of capital, Su Mo walked slowly and leisurely around the bar. When he reached a certain booth, a charming voice came to his ears.

"Handsome guy, come and play alone~"

Turning around, he saw a mature woman wearing a low-cut dress and flaming red lips. She stood up and came to Su Mo with a gust of fragrant wind. Her round and white arms were like a water snake, wrapping around Su Mo. Mo's neck, the warm moisture spat on his ears, making it itch.

"Why haven't I seen you before, handsome boy~"

"This... this is my first time here. I heard it's very expensive here. I want to come and experience it."

Su Mo said shyly.

"It turns out he is still a shy little boy~"

The mature woman chuckled and put her hand on Su Mo's chest. She felt the solid and powerful muscles and her eyes lit up. "Oh, you have such a great figure. Little handsome guy, don't you want to know more? My sister is treating me tonight." .”

After saying that, the mature woman forced Su Mo to sit next to her.

After sitting down, the other women in the booth saw Su Mo's handsome and perfect appearance and exclaimed:

"Wow, he's so handsome. Graia, please let him go to me, right?"

"Handsome guy, come to my place. My sister will buy you a drink too."

"Go, go, go."

Graia held Su Mo's arm and said angrily: "The person I like is not worthy of you coquettish ones."

"Come on, handsome, I don't know your name yet."

Greya handed a glass of wine to Su Mo and stared at that perfect profile face, as if the goblin in Pansi Cave had seen Tang Seng, his eyes shining brightly.

He's so handsome. I haven't seen such a handsome man in years!

"My name is Sean~" Su Mo gave himself a name that was a combination of Chinese and Western, and put the wine glass to his mouth to cover up the corners of his mouth.

Target, take the bait.

Graia was his tool to enter the Omach Hotel.

The Omaha Hotel adopts a membership system, and non-members are not allowed to enter unless they are brought in by a member.

Considering this, Su Mo asked Ye Shu to collect and frequently enter the membership list of Omahe Hotel a month ago, and soon locked in one person, that is Graia next to him.

Graia, the daughter of the senior president of the Sword and Shield Consortium, has a slutty nature and is constantly surrounded by men. She especially likes to have one-night stands with handsome men. She is a frequent visitor to the Omach Hotel.

Therefore, Su Mo immediately formulated a plan to use the handsome mask to get close to Graia, believing that there was a high probability that this woman would take the bait, and then use her to enter the Omahe Hotel.

After that, he would use the gadgets he prepared in advance to kill Hiro.

"Miss Graia~"

At this time, a handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes next to Graia spoke up and glared at Su Mo unkindly.

He also looks very handsome, which is enough for him to be a model, but compared with Su Mo, who is so handsome that he has no flaws at all, he is still obviously more than one level behind.

"You, go and accompany my sisters~"

Graia waved her hand as if to shoo away flies. Who cares about that bite of white bread when there are exquisite desserts.

The handsome blond man's face froze, and he pursed his lips unwillingly. He glanced at Su Mo hatefully, then moved his buttocks sincerely and sat among the women next to him.

"Sean, how old are you this year~"

Graia put her plump thighs on Su Mo's legs, put one hand against her chest, exhaled like blue, and looked seductively in her eyes.

"22~" Su Mo moved his body pretending to be shy and said softly.

And the look of his innocent little sheep made Graia's heart flutter even more, and her legs tightened.

It's great to be 22 years old. It's the time when your firepower is at its strongest, and your body is still in such great shape. I really enjoyed it tonight.

After having a few glasses of wine with Su Mo, Graia couldn't wait to drag Su Mo out. Don't drink too much. Some things won't work if you drink too much.

"Drive, Omaha Hotel."

After pulling Su Mo into a luxury car, Graia said to the driver.

The driver glanced at the man in the back through the rearview mirror and immediately started the car.

"Sean, what are you working on now?" Graia put Su Mo's hand on her black silk stockings and said coquettishly.

"I just graduated." Su Mo whispered.

"You just graduated. It's hard to find a job in today's society. How about I arrange one for you? What do you think of the Sword and Shield Consortium?" Graia offered.

This was the first time she had seen such a handsome man. If she didn't stay with her, wouldn't she be taking advantage of other little fairies~

"Sword and Shield Foundation, of course that's good~"

Su Mo said in surprise: "However, my grades are not very good, can I still enter the Sword and Shield Consortium?"

"Of course, your face is enough." Graia pinched Su Mo's face. It was smooth and delicate, making even a woman like her feel jealous.

"Thank you, Miss Gloria." Su Mo said slightly excitedly.

"Don't call me Miss Graia, call me dear." Graia said with a smile.

"Uh..." Su Mo took a breath and said with difficulty: "Dear."

Jiajia, I can't help myself either. You will definitely understand, right.

One chapter has been blocked. It will be posted later.

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