Chapter 147 Hero——Death!

"Miss Graia!"

When the mature and beautiful Graia walked out of the car with Su Mo on her arm and stood at the door of Omahe Hotel, the security guards in front of the door immediately bowed slightly and made way for a passage.

They were already accustomed to the fact that Graia and a strange man came to the hotel to spend the night.

However, I have to say that this guy tonight is really cool looking.

Graia hummed, like a proud peacock, holding Su Mo's arm and walked straight to the front desk, saying:

"Give me a luxury suite."

"Okay, Miss Gloria."

The front desk clerk immediately handed a room card to Graia and said respectfully: "Your room number, 2003."

After receiving the room card, Graia and Su Mo got into the elevator together.

As soon as the elevator door closed, Graia put her hands around Su Mo's neck, and her lips came close, but Su Mo blocked her with his hands.

"There are surveillance cameras in the elevator, so the impact is not very good." Su Mo said pretending to be shy.

"Haha, you are such a cute little sheep."

Graia hooked Sum Mo's chin with her fingers, smiled charmingly, and the fire in her heart grew even higher.


As soon as the elevator door opened, Graia quickly pulled Su Mo to room 2003. She swiped the room card and opened the door.


Like a hungry she-wolf, Graia pushed Su Mo into the room, hooked her round calves on the door, and kicked hard, and the door slammed shut with a bang.

Then, she took off her shirt, breathed heavily, put her hands around Su Mo's neck, and exhaled like a orchid: "Kiss me!"


A hand knife struck her neck. Graia rolled her eyes and collapsed to the ground.

Tool man, offline~

Su Mo threw Graia on the carpet, glanced at the room, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Hiro, we are going to meet again soon, don't be too excited~"

Su Mo put on the hat that came with his windbreaker and covered the back of his head, then put on a pair of black gloves.

Pressing a button on the lining of the windbreaker, his figure twisted in an instant and disappeared from the room.

[Light and shadow invisibility cloak]

The principle of light distortion is used to blend the clothes with the surrounding environment, creating a visual invisibility effect.

In a bright place, the traces of light distortion can still be clearly seen, but at night, more than 20 stories high, who can notice it?

"Night Rat, turn off the pressure sensing system." Su Mo said in a deep voice.

"Reply to the special envoy, the pressure sensing system has been turned off." Night Rat's voice came from the earphones.

A few days ago, Night Rat quietly hacked into the backstage of the Omah Hotel terminal and was able to turn off the pressure sensing system installed on the glass curtain wall at any time.

When it comes to virtual technology, Agent Hummingbird is definitely at the top. Invading the backstage of a hotel is as easy as drinking water.

"Okay!" Su Mo raised his lips slightly.

He opened the window and touched the glass curtain wall with one hand. Soon, suction cup-like tentacles emerged from the fingertips of the black gloves, which were firmly attached to the glass and could not be pulled off easily.

Then, like Spider-Man, he followed the Night Mouse's instructions, avoiding the windows of rooms with residents, and steadily climbed up.

The Omaha Hotel only has the 24th floor, and the room he left is on the 20th floor. The distance between the fourth floor and the fourth floor is very short. In less than two minutes, he clung to a window and reached his destination.

This is Hero's room.

The windows were closed tightly and the curtains were drawn inside, but the light coming through the gaps in the curtains proved that there was someone in the room.

Hiro was in the room, but Night Squirrel had actually found him using the hotel's surveillance system.

Hiro has not left this suite since last night. Three hours ago, a pair of twins entered the room and never came out again.

"Twins, you guys really know how to play~"

Su Mo curled his lips, pulled his right hand away from the glass, and then...


The window shattered, and a figure rolled into the room vigorously.


Shiro was shirtless and sat up from the bed suddenly. He saw an unbelievably handsome man wearing a black windbreaker and a peaked cap.

"Ah ah ah, who are you!"

The two innocent sisters screamed.

Without hesitation, Hero immediately activated his ability, his muscles exploded, and he shouted: "Come on..."

Before he could say the word "human", his neck was strangled tightly.

"You bitch, you dare to steal my woman?"

In front of the sisters, Su Mo's tone was cold, as if he was staging a cuckold's revenge plan.

However, when Hero saw those eyes, his pupils shrank suddenly.

It's him! It's definitely him!

His mouth opened wide, his face turned red, and he wanted to speak out, but his voice was stuck in his throat.

"Wori, he won't recognize me!"

Su Mo noticed the hatred and shock in Shi Luo's eyes and muttered secretly.

Sure enough, the person who knows you best is your enemy.

Da da da~

There were hurried footsteps outside the door, and Su Mo stopped nagging and directly pinched Hero's neck.

With a click, Hiro's neck tilted a full ninety degrees.

The dead can no longer die!

That bitch is finally dead.

Su Mo let go of his hand and felt relieved.

From the Adele incident, to the Chalmers life extension incident, to the recent slander, Hero was involved every time. This guy was like a fly, endlessly annoying.

Unless Hero is killed, it will feel like a thorn in his heart, making him feel uncomfortable.

Now, I finally feel comfortable.


The sisters screamed and fainted when they saw Hiro tilting his head, his eyes ferocious.


At this time, the door was violently kicked open, and a group of bodyguards rushed in. Seeing the tragic death of Hero on the bed, they instantly turned pale with horror.

"catch him!"

The leading bodyguard of the War King roared angrily, bursting out with azure arrogance, and rushed towards Su Mo fiercely.

The other bodyguards followed closely behind and came over with great fury.

"court death!"

Su Mo snorted coldly, and the black aura suddenly bloomed, like the demonic aura from hell, biting and cold.

The power color changing method was discovered in the cave together with the handsome mask.

Over the past few months, he has mastered the knack of the color change method, and now it comes in handy.

Bang bang bang~

The lightning-fast fists knocked several people away and hit the wall behind them.

"So strong!" The War King's bodyguard covered his chest, terrified.

He is a martial arts expert in the middle section of the War King, but now he was defeated with one punch. Could it be said that this ridiculously handsome man in front of him is the peak War King?

But why did he want to kill Master Shiro?

Su Mo did not kill them all. These people were the ones he deliberately left alive to prove the existence of the black arrogant martial artist Sean.

He turned around and glanced at the open black backpack on the table. It was filled with starlight-colored potions, which looked very valuable.

Without thinking much, Su Mo easily carried the black backpack away, and under the angry, shocked, and frightened eyes of everyone, he jumped out of the window.

When the bodyguards regained their composure and stood up and came to the window, Su Mo was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing Hero on the bed with his head tilted at 90 degrees and his eyes bulging, the bodyguards looked at each other and felt dizzy.

The sky is falling!

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