Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 145: Federal Killing Move, Shocking Moment

When Su Mo stood on the stage, boos and curses could be heard one after another.

In recent days, Su Mo has become completely popular within the federation.

After being pinched by the media and left in the middle, Su Mo has become a maniac who molests and beats women, violently beats federal members, and challenges the prestige of the federation.

The reputation is stinky.

Therefore, when he appeared, the entire Federation instantly boiled, and each of them transformed into a Zaun, going crazy.

"You wretched man, die!"

"You're shameless when you hit a woman!"

"Reyev, beat him to death!"

Oh, the people of the Federation are so enthusiastic~

Su Mo smiled slightly and didn't take the noise into his heart at all.

However, his smile was magnified through the entire system of projections and appeared in front of everyone.

"Still laughing? You're laughing so hard!"

"You're shameless, I'm going to tear your mouth apart!"

"Ahhh, I can't stand it anymore. If Reyev kills him, I will marry you!"

There was a huge uproar around him, but Reyev's heart was not touched at all, and instead he became calmer.

He remembered the promise made to him by the Life Consortium yesterday.

"Defeat Su Mo and win the exchange meeting. You and your family will receive a reward of 10 million yuan."

Ten million is enough for his wife and son to live a happy life.

As for himself...

Reyev knew very well that after this battle, his body was likely to collapse, and he himself did not want to continue living like a ghost.

The ugly face and increasingly cold emotions made the gap between him and his family wider and wider.

What's the point of living like this?

Reyev's eyes were half closed, waiting quietly for the battle to begin.

"Both sides prepare!"

With much anticipation, Goodell shouted those two words: "Start!"


Reyev raised his mechanical arm, and a circle of gun barrels popped out, aiming at Su Mo with a series of shots.

The blue light beams poured down like a shower, but were all blocked by a layer of golden light.

Puff puff puff~

The blue light hit the mask, causing ripples, but it was still unable to make any progress.

Su Mo walked towards Reyev leisurely, his eyes unblinking, and he acted unusually calm and indifferent.

This scene also caused the scolding at the scene to slow down, and everyone looked at the ring nervously.


Reyev raised the other mechanical arm, and a blue light emitted from his palm. Then, a laser beam with a diameter of half a meter shot out from his palm, aiming at Su Mo.

The power of this laser beam has been demonstrated before. It can leave a one-meter-deep hole on a special metal table, which shows its strong penetrability.

Faced with such a laser beam that could defeat the peak war king, Su Mo just slapped his hand, a rich golden light glowed in his palm, and directly scattered the beam with a slap.


Su Mo clicked his tongue and said, originally, he was trying to imitate the scene in Dragon Ball to see if he could bend the beam and fly into the sky.

As a result... if it weren't for the Sun family, it might not be possible.


In an instant, there was a gasp of air-conditioning at the scene, adding to the greenhouse effect.

With an understatement and a slap, everyone who followed the game saw Su Mo's terrifying strength.

He is so strong that he deserves to be called the Great Demon King.

The audience members who were still cursing immediately shut their mouths and clenched their fists nervously.

Reyev, you are not going to lose!


Su Mo suddenly spoke, the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Be careful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Mo's figure disappeared from Reyev's sight.

"So fast!!!"

Reyev's pupils shrank, and the induction magnetic field covering the entire arena captured Su Mo's movements. He raised his right arm and blocked it in front of his temple like a shield. Then, there was a dull collision sound.

"Response quite quickly?"

A faint laughter appeared in his ears, and Reyev quickly lowered his body and avoided Su Mo's sweeping leg.

The howling wind hurt his scalp, and Reyev was horrified. If there was no induced magnetic field, he might have been kicked to the head.


"What a speed!"

In the audience, Goodell's eyes were solemn.

In his opinion, Su Mo definitely has the physical fitness of a God of War. This terrifying explosive power is even more terrifying than those martial arts masters who have just become the God of War.

"He's improved again!"

In the main city of Wildfire, Chalmers looked at the screen calmly, but his heart was filled with turmoil.

Only two months have passed since the two of them fought.

In the past two months, Su Mo's strength has improved significantly, and his talent is beyond his imagination.

Could it be that I was really wrong before?

"So fast!"

In the VIP area, the two war gods of the Federation looked at each other with deep shock in their eyes.

In their opinion, Su Mo's speed was no less than their own, but the force fluctuations in his body were still at the destructive level.

A destructive level superpower actually possesses such terrifying physique and explosive power.

What a monster!


Golden feathers were inserted on his feet. Suddenly, Su Mo's speed increased by 20%. This time, even though the electromagnetic induction captured Su Mo's movements, Reyev's body had no time to react.

In desperation, he could only use the defensive weapon at the bottom of the box - a full-power ionization shield.


The blue ionization shield was like a slender pen cap, protecting Reyev within it and resisting Su Mo's fierce punch.

"Hey, it's not bad~"

Su Mo narrowed his eyes and continued to attack mercilessly.

Bang bang bang~

In the eyes of the audience, Reyev has been forced into a desperate situation, barely able to maintain himself by relying on a thin protective shield. Black shadows flickered continuously like ghosts, making the protective shield tremble violently and on the verge of collapse.

Are you going to lose again?

At this moment, the hearts of the federal audience gradually fell to the bottom, and they were silent.

Too strong, too strong.

Are such people really under 30 years old?

"Didi didi, the energy is reduced by 2%, the remaining energy is 45%!"

The smart chip warned Reyev that within just a minute or so of the war, the energy reserve had dropped from 95% to 45%, a full loss of half.

If he continues to be beaten passively like this, within half a minute, he will fail due to exhaustion of energy.

"That weapon must be activated."

Reyev's eyes were calm. He knew that once that weapon was used, his body would collapse quickly and it would be difficult to survive the day.

But, this is his mission!

From a waste with mutilated limbs, he became a hero of the Federation, allowing his family to enjoy tens of millions of dollars in rewards.

His life is worth it!


The robotic arm quickly changed, and a strange-looking device popped out of the forearm. Then, a harsh high-pitched sound hit Su Mo's eardrums.


The sound was like an iron block rubbing against a blackboard. It made Su Mo go crazy, and his brain also felt severe pain. He felt like the world was spinning.

The high-frequency Hertz buzzer uses extremely high Hertz noise to vibrate the eardrums. After continuous strengthening and testing, even the God of War will be greatly affected.

This weapon is one of the trump cards prepared by the Federation for Su Mo.

Caught off guard, Su Mo was indeed attacked.

The noise released by the high-frequency Hertz buzzer is a physical attack and cannot be cured by [Soul Healing Wind]. Fortunately, any form of damage is applicable to [Healing Light].

Just when Su Mo quickly activated [Healing Holy Light] to heal himself, Reyev's biggest trump card came!

A powerful invisible force burst out from Reyev's body, instantly lifting Su Mo into the air and falling towards the high platform.

【Repulsion Field Driver】

This is the real trump card prepared by the federation.

When activated, the driver will release an extremely powerful repulsive force, pushing everything around it away. The lighter the weight, the greater the impact.

It is true that Su Mo is strong. His muscles are dense and his weight is much higher than that of a person of the same size. But after all, he is not an elephant, and he was ejected without any precautions. He was about to fly out before his eyes. Arena.

The Genius Exchange Club uses an arena battle. Anyone who falls out of the arena for any reason will be immediately judged as a loser.

The Life Consortium carefully studied Su Mo's actual combat effectiveness and finally concluded that it was almost impossible to completely defeat Su Mo with Reyev.

But if we work together and use the rules, we can win the final battle.

Therefore, when Reyev realized that he was no match for Su Mo, he decisively launched this plan.

Whether it is a high-frequency Hertz buzzer or a repulsive field driver, it consumes a lot of energy and will cause great pressure on his body and the brain nerves connected to the chip.

After activating these two devices, his life will soon enter a countdown.

But, it's worth it, isn't it?


This sudden change of scene immediately shocked everyone present.

The federal people opened their mouths wide and looked at the figure flying upside down with joy.

Caroline, Wu Yao, and all the Wildfire people in front of the TV felt their hearts skip a beat, and their hearts seemed to stop beating at this moment.



We are going to win! ! !

Seeing the figure getting closer to the ground, the federal people had raised their hands, holding the cheers in their throats, about to burst out.

But at this moment, a change occurred——


A milky-white chain hundreds of meters long suddenly appeared, flew to the high platform like a sharp arrow, and quickly wrapped twice around Reyev's body.

In mid-air, Su Mo twisted his body, faced the ground, clapped his hands, and released two thick golden light pillars from his palms. The reaction force stopped the falling trend in time. As he suddenly pulled the chain, his body flew towards Reyev. Go, in the blink of an eye, stand on the high platform again.

What! ! ! !

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Federation, including Goodell, suddenly changed their expressions.

“Fuck, that’s awesome!!!”

Wu Yao, Victor, Xiao Jie and others suddenly jumped up, shouted loudly, and hugged each other excitedly.

Without any help in the air, Su Mo used his abilities flexibly to perfectly resolve what should have been a fatal situation.

Awesome, really awesome! ! !

Wow! ! ! !

Over the wildfire shelters, there was a deafening cheer, which almost knocked off the roofs.

"Good boy!"

Amethyst Supreme's hanging heart was relieved, and a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.


Xiao Chongyuan smiled slightly.

"Huh, you scared me to death!" Wu Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, and his tense body immediately relaxed.

"so close!"

On the ring, Su Mo also had a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

He really didn't expect that Reyev's plan was to push himself out of the ring. Just a little bit, this plan worked.

Fortunately, he activated a large amount of force in time and condensed an extended version of the chain of light. He also had an idea and used the plot of Dragon Ball to release the beam to form a reverse thrust.

Otherwise, he would have been tricked by Reyev.

Turning his head and looking at Goodell's gloomy face and the silent scene, Su Mo couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth.

It's time to end this battle.

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