Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 144 The Terrifying Cyborg

"Human Ice Plan?"

Su Mo quickly asked: "Caroline, what is this?"

Caroline explained solemnly: "This is a plan to transform humans first proposed by our wildfire."

"Every year, Wildfire has a large number of soldiers who become physically disabled due to fighting. For these people, Wildfire will proactively install robotic arms to ensure a normal life."

"It's just that the flexibility of the robotic arms is far less than their own limbs. Therefore, when these soldiers become disabled, their combat effectiveness will be significantly reduced and they will have to retire."

"Later, Professor Wildfire Scott King raised a conjecture about whether some weapons could be mounted on the robotic arms of these disabled warriors, thereby ensuring or even improving their combat effectiveness and reducing combatant losses."

"Professor Scott King's conjecture attracted the leader's attention. The two started researching this field together, but soon discovered the first problem."

"That is, how to make these weapons controlled by the brain in real time? Robotic arms can be surgically integrated with human muscles and nerves, but these weapons cannot."

"However, this problem was solved by the leader. His method was to implant a chip in the human brain, connect the chip to the brain nerves, and then indirectly control the weapons."

"The experiment was successful. A large number of disabled soldiers underwent transformation and became cyborg soldiers."

"However, it didn't take long for the problem of the transformed people to appear. First of all, the bodies of ordinary soldiers simply cannot support the full load operation of various weapons. The internal organs, including muscles and bones, will be injured by the reaction force of the weapons, unless they are Cyborgs at the level of war generals and kings of war. But the most serious problem is that when a chip is implanted in the brain, the cybernetic warriors will gradually lose their emotions and eventually become a robot with no feelings at all and only obey the orders of its superiors."

"At this time, the leader had serious differences with Professor Scott King. Professor Scott King believed that this influence would allow Wildfire to control a large number of powerful warriors who would never betray. Therefore, he named this plan For——Human Ice Container Project.”

"However, the leader believes that these soldiers have been disabled because of the wildfires and are now depriving them of their emotions and separating them from their families. This is a very inhumane plan that is likely to cause huge hidden dangers, so He strictly prohibited the continued implementation of the Earthly Ice Container Project."

"But what no one expected was that shortly after the leader made his decision, Professor Scott King suddenly disappeared, along with a large number of smart chips."

Caroline looked at Reyev on the stage with complicated eyes and said, "It seems that Professor Scott King has defected to the Life Consortium and continues to be obsessed with this human ice weapon project."

After listening to Caroline's story, Su Mo and Victor and others beside him felt emotional.

In their view, the leader's decision was correct. For the sake of the continuation of combat effectiveness, these soldiers should not be deprived of their emotions and create a group of emotionless killing machines.

In comparison, Scott King is like the villain scientist in the movie. He is obsessed with anti-human science and is really despised by others.

However, under the current circumstances, the transformed human Rayev he created may cause a lot of trouble to Wildfire.

"Goodell, it turns out that Scott King was hidden by your life consortium." Wu Feng's voice had a hint of coldness.

Goodell smiled: "Professor Scott King prefers our federal academic atmosphere of freedom and equality, and we are willing to fully support his research."

Wu Feng glanced at him and said calmly: "Yehuo will not let any traitor go."

Goodell smiled and said: "The Federation will resolutely protect all talents."


"Oh my god, what is this?"

The audience at the scene and in front of the TV were deeply shocked by Reev's appearance.

All the limbs were replaced by silver-white mechanical arms, and the face was covered with a mask. It didn't look like a human being at all, more like a killing robot produced in a factory.

"What a shame, how can such a person count?" Yehuo people were indignant.

"Mom, he is so scary~"

The children of the Federation hid in the arms of their parents, looking at the cold body in horror.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid~"

The parents patted their children's backs gently, feeling both frightened and expectant in their hearts.


wildfire main city

Xiao Zhongyuan looked at the reformer Reyev on the screen and shook his head helplessly.

"Notify Hummingbird!" Amethyst Supreme ordered coldly, "Efforts will be made to search for Scott King's whereabouts and kill him without mercy."



"Both sides prepare!"

Goodell yelled, “Go!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Shi immediately activated his martial arts arrogance and rushed towards Reyev on the opposite side.

Reyev raised his right arm, and in an instant, a gap quickly opened in the forearm, a circle of gun barrels popped out, and then bursts of blue light beams were shot out.


The laser beam shot towards Mengshi like a dense rain of arrows, creating waves in the protective aura.

Meng Shi had no expression on his face, holding an eight-edged silver hammer, staring at the laser beam and rushing forward, then raised the heavy hammer and hit Reyev hard on the head.

The strong wind was raging, and the eyes under the mask were extremely cold.

The left arm of the machine was raised, its fingers spread out, like a suddenly tightened net, holding the hammer head in the middle.


The metal vibrated, and when he felt the strong grip coming from the hammer head, Meng Shi immediately hit his knees and hit Reyev's chest.

The torso is the only part of Reyev's flesh and blood besides his head. Although his chest is protected by a steel plate, it is still his weak point.


A blue plasma light shield suddenly appeared in front of Reyev's chest, blocking Meng Shi's knee. At the same time, Reyev opened his right hand, a gap suddenly opened in his palm, and a metal net was suddenly sprayed out towards him. Shrouded in stone.

Caught off guard, Meng Shi had no time to pull out the heavy hammer, so he could only let go of his hand, jump behind him, and leave the scope of the net.


The heavy body landed on the ground, and at this moment, a deep look of solemnity appeared in Meng Shi's eyes.


Seeing Meng Shi throw away all his weapons, the scene immediately erupted in cheers.

Reyev's mystery, strangeness, and power gave the Federation people hope for a comeback.

"Reyev, come on!!!"

"come on!"

"come on!!!"

The sound of cheering was like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, resounding over the stadium.

Reyev casually swung the stone-covered hammer away from the stage. The metal mesh quickly tightened and slid back into his palm.

"Meng Shi, use all your strength."

Under the stage, Su Mo shouted in a deep voice.

At this moment, he remembered Goodell's previous attitude.

In the communication between Goodell and the God of War, it was revealed between the lines that the Federation hopes to win this exchange meeting. This shows that Goodell believes that Reyev is fully capable and can compete with him, who has killed the Beast God alone. The strong compete with each other.

Therefore, the safest way at this time is to let Meng Shi take the initiative and let him deal with Reyev.

However, Su Mo knew very well that although Meng Shi didn't like to talk on weekdays and always looked honest and gentle, as a direct disciple of the God of War and once the strongest fighting force in the Hellfire team, Meng Shi's inner pride was not at all. No less than Caroline, Wu Yao and others.

It is definitely not his style to retreat without a fight under the spotlight.

That's why Su Mo asked him to use all his strength to protect himself and at the same time force out Reyev's trump card as much as possible.


Meng Shi nodded, and then, black arrogance suddenly erupted, and the thick layer of fat outside the muscles quickly dissolved, turning into the purest energy and pouring into the limbs and bones.

In two dazzling moments, Meng Shi changed from the big white fat man just now to a devilish muscular man with gnarled muscles, bulging veins and sharp cheeks.


This change instantly made countless people sit up and look shocked.

This...what ability is this?

As a fat person, I also want to learn~

"Is this the Heaven-Swallowing Battle Technique created by Luo Tang?" Goodell's eyes were surprised and he couldn't help but sigh, "Old friend, these two disciples of yours are really more powerful than the other."

Wu Feng curled his lips and said he didn't want to talk to you.


Without any words, Meng Shi rushed towards Reyev, his speed was obviously 30% faster than before. His right arm accumulated strength, like a big bow stretched out. The majestic power condensed on his fist, and with a spiral force, way, slamming forward.

【God of War Fist】

Didi didi~

A warning sounded in his mind. Reyev's expression remained unchanged, his knees were slightly bent, the mechanical arm roared, and a micro energy block was attached to increase the energy supply. Blue lightning-like energy appeared on the surface of his fist, and the electric heat cutting started, emitting Amazing heat, punch to punch.

boom! ! !

The fists collided, and the flames and electric energy were annihilated by friction, stirring up the brilliant colors of blue and black.

Meng Shi's fist was extremely heavy, and with the blessing of his martial arts arrogance, he could crush even a piece of steel with one punch.

However, the machinery all over Reyev's body is made of the most advanced alloys. It was originally designed to withstand the God of War offensive. Therefore, without weapons, Meng Shi's flesh and blood body is really difficult to compete with. The cold machinery competes with it.


The bones of his fist made a cracking sound. Meng Shi's expression remained unchanged. He raised his other fist and hit Reyev's face with lightning speed. However, the moment he raised his hand, it was captured by the motion capture device in time. And sent a reminder to Reyev.


The huge steel claws clasped Meng Shi's fist. Under the mask, Reyev showed a cold and cruel smile, and then suddenly exerted force.

Boom boom~

Under the terrifying squeeze, Meng Shi's fists were crushed to pieces, making a series of bone-numbing sounds that made people feel numb.


Meng Shi groaned in pain, the severe pain stimulated his nerves, causing a rare look of madness to appear in his eyes.

He suddenly took a step forward, exerted force on his head, and hit Reyev's mask hard with a hammer.

Along with a muffled sound, blood flowed from Meng Shi's forehead, and Reyev's mask quickly cracked and shattered under this move.

When Reyev's true face emerged, there was a gasp of air from the scene.

His face was covered with cuts and burns, with almost no intact skin visible. It looked like a bumpy moon surface. A simple glance would make your pores burst open and give you nightmares at night.

The mask came off, and there were horrified whispers around him. Reyev felt the pain of a scar being violently uncovered. He was filled with anger. He raised the other mechanical arm, with a blue light on his palm, and pointed it at Meng Shi's head, saying hoarsely. :"die!"


Blue light burst out, forming a dazzling beam of light that shot into the ground.

The metal floor made of high-grade alloy has a hole of nearly one meter, which shows the power of its beam.

"Hey, where is the person?"

To the surprise of the audience, Meng Shi, who was supposed to bear Reyev's angry blow, suddenly disappeared.

"He's there!!!"

Soon, everyone discovered Meng Shi.

At some point, Meng Shi left the high platform and stood next to his teammates. A handsome young man in white was putting his hand on his injured fist, with a bright golden light shining on his palm. The other teammates were nervously surrounding him. Beside Meng Shi.

In addition, there is another person, the Martial Wind War God of Wildfire.

Everyone immediately understood what had just happened.

The God of War, Wu Feng, must have sensed that Meng Shi was in danger and brought him off stage.

However, at such a critical moment, the strength of Wufeng God of War to be able to rescue Meng Shi from Reyev was truly terrifying.

"Su Mo, how are you? There won't be any side effects, right?"

Wu Yao asked nervously. Meng Shi's fist was already shapeless, like soft mud. It was obvious that all the bones had been crushed.

In this case, can Su Mo's healing ability really restore Meng Shi?

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Su Mo gave an affirmative answer.

After absorbing the energy of the Beast God's Death Sandworm, his total force power increased significantly, and now he has reached the level of perfect destruction level, one step away from breaking through to the supreme level.

The improvement of the force will also increase his healing ability, and treating comminuted fractures will not be a problem at all.

He even had a hunch that when he broke through to the supreme level, that is, C level, the [Healing Holy Light] might be enough to achieve rebirth of severed limbs.

"In this battle, Federal Reyev wins!!!"

When Goodell announced the results, thunderous cheers and applause immediately erupted.

Reyev is a bit ugly, but he is really strong! ! !

Meng Shi, who defeated Oquier with three hammers, was easily taken down by him. How can the remaining pretty boy Su Mo be any better than Meng Shi?




The audience at the scene shouted the name of the Federation in unison, and the momentum was rising steadily, soaring into the sky.


Su Mo removed his hand from Meng Shi's fist and said with a smile: "It's 100% original. Try it yourself?"

Meng Shi clenched his fist, smoothly and naturally, still as powerful, and said with a simple smile: "Thank you."

Then, he turned around again and bowed to Wu Feng: "Thank you, Master."

Wu Feng nodded, then looked at Su Mo and said:

"Be careful and win steadily."

Wu Yao said angrily: "Kill him to death and avenge Meng Shi!"

Su Mo raised his lips slightly and said, "Don't worry, we will win this battle!"

Under the boos of the federal people and the nervous gaze of the wildfire people, Su Mo stepped onto the ring step by step without carrying any weapons.

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