Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 143 Cyborg Rayev Human Ice Device Project

After Goodell announced the start, O'Quil took the lead and rushed forward. The majestic flames condensed on the serrated sword, and he held the knife with both hands and slashed hard towards the top of the stone.

The moment he entered the war hammer, Meng Shi's expression changed, from the honest and honest before, to an emotionless coldness. The same black martial arts arrogance attached to the war hammer, silently hitting the war sword hard.


The sound of the clashing of gold and iron was extremely harsh and lingering. The audience closest to the high platform quickly covered their ears, showing a look of pain.

"What a terrifying strength."

The huge force that Peimo could not control was transmitted along the blade to the arm, causing Oquier's muscles to tremble slightly, his bones to feel numb, and his body to take three steps back uncontrollably.

However, Mengshi was not affected at all. Instead of retreating, he advanced, and the heavy hammer whizzed down, like a falling black meteor, carrying an extremely violent and ferocious force.

For a moment, the space solidified.

O'Quil felt like a passerby standing under the landing of a meteorite. He had nowhere to hide. He could only bite the bullet, mobilize all his strength, and swing upward with a roar.


The swords and hammers struck each other, and this time the sound was even more harsh and loud. Almost the entire audience covered their ears and felt a little dizzy.


An even more terrifying force surged forward. O'Quil's knees softened and he almost knelt on the ground. At this moment, his arms could not stop shaking, as if he had Parkinson's disease. He was not controlled by his brain at all, and his heart turned pale with horror. .

Too strong, how could his power be so powerful?

As a powerful martial artist, O'Quil is extremely confident in his own strength. He has always been a powerful prodigy in the eyes of everyone since he was a child.

When he is seven or eight years old, his body shape is not inferior to that of teenagers.

Even if he later became a martial artist, he was undoubtedly the king of strength among his peers.

And just today, he encountered a monster whose power completely crushed him.

Judging from the strength of the energy released by Meng Shi, he, like himself, is a martial artist in the middle stage of the War King, but his power is powerful enough to rival the peak War King.

How on earth did he do it?

Is it due to martial arts, martial arts, or innate divine power?

There was no time to think too much, because Meng Shi's third hammer was about to fall.

boom! ! !

The heavy hammer crashed down, thunder exploded, this hammer was like an unstoppable divine punishment.

At this moment, even Goodell on the side couldn't help but show a look of shock, and the smoke condensed, ready to block O'Quil's blow at any time. The violent hammer hit him head-on. O'Quil felt his eyebrows itching and the hairs all over his body standing on end. There was a sign of impending disaster.

However, the martial arts master's passion and stubbornness made him suppress some of his cowardice in his heart. He mustered up his strength, his eyes flashed with light, and with a roar, he concentrated all his inner strength on the long sword, and swung the sword diagonally again. .

The heavy hammer wrapped in black aura and the long serrated knife attached to black aura finally collided in mid-air.


Suddenly, the roar sounded again, and ripples of power visible to the naked eye erupted from the contact point, spreading wildly around, the air waves rolled, and the audience in the front row only felt the strong wind blowing on their faces, and their heads were thrown back.


Cracks appeared on the alloy serrated sword. The cracks became larger and larger, spreading to the entire blade, and finally shattered.


O'Quil spat out a mouthful of blood, and his knees kept crackling. Finally, at a certain moment, he could no longer support his body, and he knelt on the ground with a bang, and the broken knife in his hand slipped out of his palm uncontrollably.

"In this battle, Yehuo Mengshi wins!"

Goodell duly announced the results.


A gentle breeze blew through the stadium and there was silence.

Lost, lost again.

From Brand, to Mary, to O'Quill just now, all of them were defeated like a stone.

The winning games were either when the opponent gave up on their own initiative, or they won with extraordinary difficulty.

Even ordinary people can see the difference very clearly.

"Real food!"

"Geneva, refund your money!"

"Get out of here, don't be embarrassed!"

The extreme audience began to roar loudly and became extremely emotional.

The Genius Martial Arts Exchange Meeting has been held for many times, and ordinary people have also learned what victory or defeat means.

If it loses the exchange meeting, the Federation must make concessions in various aspects such as politics, military, and trade, and this concession will last for five years.

Five years is enough time to have an important impact on military officers, businessmen, and even ordinary people.

Seeing their own players losing so ugly, how could they not be angry or furious.


Listening to the increasingly unpleasant curses around him, Oquier spat out a mouthful of blood again, feeling sad in his heart.


He didn't expect that Meng Shi would completely defeat him with just three hammers.

Even though he had consumed a lot of energy in his previous battle with Caroline, this did not become an excuse for his disastrous defeat.

He didn't lose because of lack of strength, but because of the strength he was proud of, he was completely crushed by Meng Shi.

This was what was most difficult for him to accept.

Bang bang bang~

At this moment, Oquier heard the sound of metal stamping behind him. He turned around and saw Reyev, wearing a black robe, walking up to the high platform step by step, and finally stood beside him.

"Trash, get down quickly."

A hoarse, low voice sounded from behind the mask, full of disdain and ridicule.


O'Quil was angry in his heart, but under the gaze of hundreds of millions of people, he could only reluctantly pick up the broken knife, gritted his teeth and walked off the platform.

In the finale, Reyev finally took the stage.

Although most people in the Federation believe that it will be difficult to come back from this exchange meeting, they will still look forward to Reyev.

As the finale player, Reyev must be the strongest, and his image of wearing a black robe, covering his whole body, also gave the audience enough mystery and expectations.

Could he be the last Mr. Fantastic?


Su Mo stared at the black-robed figure on the stage, and an inexplicable crisis suddenly emerged in his heart.

He knew that this sense of crisis must not be groundless.

Reyev is likely to have the ability to threaten him.

"Meng Shi, be careful!" Su Mo reminded in a deep voice.

On the stage, Meng Shi was shocked that Su Mo could remind him in this tone. It was obvious that the mysterious black-robed man opposite him was certainly not simple.


The stone jar nodded angrily.

"Both sides prepare! Start!"

As soon as Goodell finished speaking, Mengshi changed his previous strategy and decided to attack first.

The seemingly bulky body actually burst out at a terrifying speed, and the flames condensed on the hammer head, whizzing towards Reyev.

Reyev did not carry any weapons. Under his loose black robe, he suddenly raised his right arm. He actually chose to resist the heavy hammer of Meng Shi with his fist!

Such a scene immediately caused the scene to scream.

Does he not want his life?


Unexpectedly, the expected sound of bones breaking did not sound, but the sound of metal colliding.

The majestic air waves tore through the air, tearing Reyev's black robe into pieces.

When Reyev's true face was revealed to everyone, the audience, participants from both sides, and even the God of War Wu Feng all showed deep shock.

Standing in front of everyone is a modified man who combines human body and machinery. In addition to his head and torso, his arms, legs, and fists are all made of machinery. The power arms are covered with various weapons. The bright silver steel reflects white light under the scorching sun, and the perfect combination of flesh and blood and mechanical originals gives people a strange sense of beauty and shock.

"Reinvent humans! Human Ice Device Project!"

Caroline lost her voice.

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