Xian Ao

Chapter 899 Fang Cun Zhenyi, the Third Demon Lord

Second update


This old man's eloquence was not as honest as his appearance, but he was full of talk, and he told the story of the treasure hunting experience of the four of them.

Everyone listened, and Lord Jingxin secretly transmitted the message:

"Don't listen to him. This man, Li Yuhan, is the leader of the Black Lotus. He is both good and evil. He is a cultivator in the far west. He saved Qianji Zhenyi back then. Their relationship is irreversible.

Despite his honest appearance, he likes to talk nonsense, but this person has real skills.

Back then, he saved Qianji Zhenyi, but was thrown into the abyss of the extreme west. However, he obtained the innate spiritual treasure Blue Light Black Lotus there. With the essence of Blue Light Black Lotus, he condensed the essence of the five elements into a sword seed, and then practiced hard. After more than a hundred years, the sword technique was perfected. The green light black lotus sword came out, swallowing souls and souls. Wherever the sword lotus passed, not a blade of grass grew. He became the first person in the extreme west.

He founded the Black Lotus Sect and called himself the Master of the Black Lotus. He taught his followers to practice the Black Lotus Sutra for Black Lotus disciples. Talented and intelligent people can use his power of thought to condense the Black Lotus Sword Seed. The Black Lotus Sect is prosperous and powerful. Enter the door-to-door queue.

His current purpose is to sell treasures, as you will see in a moment. "

Sure enough, the leader of the Black Lotus said at the end and began to say:

"Finally, we found seven Immortal Qin Jingyuan Pills in the treasure house. This Immortal Qin Jingyuan Pill was specially prepared for us to return to the virtual reality. If we take one, our heavenly will dissipate within three years and we can return to the Yuan Dynasty. In the infant realm, you can then understand the laws of heaven again. By understanding multiple laws of heaven, you will not be far away from understanding the power of divine power.

It's a pity that the four of us have these seven Immortal Qin Jingyuan Pills, how do you want us to distribute them, so we decided to sell three of them. If you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible. Transmission, the price is not cheap. Don't keep secrets if you are poor. "

Someone was immediately interested. This Immortal Qin Jingyuan Pill has been discovered by someone before. It can be tested. There are only three of them. There are not many opportunities. First come, first served.

The leader of the Black Lotus had a sincere face, and he was constantly trading with people. Yu Zecheng carefully looked at the more than 20 True Ones here, and a dozen of them had happy expressions on their faces. They were all the True One God Lords they had purchased. Even the God of Fire is like this. He also bought one or three coins. It can be said that as many as he bought, he sold as many as he bought. This leader of the Black Lotus is really good at making money.

After the sale was over, everyone saw the problem, but no one said anything. Those who wished took the bait. This Immortal Qin Jingyuan Pill is really useful, but it is just a bit more expensive.

The four of them, Black Lotus Shinichi and Senji Shinichi, began to divide the spoils, but soon there was a quarrel among them, and one of them, Shinichi Divine Lord, was about to leave. Black Lotus seemed a little angry, and finally they started to quarrel.

Na Zhenyi Shenjun said:

"Qianji, Heilian, let's go. There is no end to desire. Let's stop when we're ready. Let's go back?"

Qianji Zhenyi said:

"Opportunities are rare. They only come once in 365 years. This is the first time that we have been so successful. If you see the greedy wolf, you will be lucky if you survive the catastrophe. I will try it again.

You get benefits through us, now burn bridges and leave. "

In the end, the Return to the Void True One couldn't convince them, and Black Lotus couldn't keep him, so he left sadly. With him leaving, one person was missing in combat strength, and the team had a shortage of personnel. Qianji and Black Lotus were very dissatisfied with him. It seems that in the future None of my friends can do it.

At this moment, Yu Zecheng suddenly seemed to understand the purpose of leaving the passage.

"So that's it, that passage is simply an alchemy stone. Regardless of success or failure, retreat and escape, as long as you walk in there, you can leave Tianlai Ancient City safely.

Some people gain nothing and are frightened and heartbroken, and they can escape there. Some people gain a lot, control their desires, and leave victoriously. Some people are undecided, extremely hesitant, and finally choose to stay. Some people have received countless benefits and want to get them, and will never leave.

That is not a door, but a gateway of choice. Friends, relatives, and classmates all have to go through choices before that passage. "

Yu Zecheng silently guessed in his mind and began to determine the exit channel.

Suddenly he felt a hateful gaze sweeping over him. Yu Zecheng, the great spiritual master, took a closer look and saw that there were two people among those Zhenyi. Although they were not looking at Yu Zecheng, Yu Zecheng had a strange feeling. I feel that these two people hate me, both of them have hatred, and the hatred of the two is superimposed, making me feel that they are both.

Yu Zecheng turned around and chatted with Jingxin Zhenyi, and after two sips of wine, Jingxin Zhenyi regarded Yu Zecheng as a good friend. He shouted:

"Lao Wu, come over and have a drink too."

This person should be his friend. He walked over slowly. He looked at Yu Zecheng. Yu Zecheng was also stunned. It was very like an elder looking at a younger generation and having an indescribable affection for Yu Zecheng. .

This person is wearing a plain white robe and a white sun and moon crown. He has a ruddy face and a pair of shining eyes. He is holding a book in his hand. His hair looks even more hairy against the white robe. Must be black and shiny. It can be said that the spirit of immortality comes out of the dust.

Jingxin Zhenyi introduced:

"The way to ascend to immortality is one square inch, Li Wusheng."

Yu Zecheng also introduced himself:

"Xuanyuan Sword Sect, destroy the true king, and the rest will succeed."

That Fang Cun Zhenyi Li Wusheng looked at Yu Zecheng and said:

"I know you. I've known Jingchu since I was a child. She mentioned you to me."

As soon as he said this, Yu Zecheng bowed respectfully and said:

"I've met senior."

Li Wusheng said:

"I was in seclusion at that time and didn't know about Jingchu. I hated the green mountain path. Oh, poor Jingchu.

By the way, I found thirty-one kinds of flowers this time. We can raise enough of these one hundred and eight kinds of flowers earlier. "

Yu Zecheng said:

"Yes, I also found thirty-six species this time. Seniors, let's exchange with each other. You and I will work together to speed up the reproduction of these flowers."

The two of them started to exchange, but there were seventeen kinds of duplicates. They all found them in Tianlai Ancient City. Naturally, there must be duplicates, but this is not bad. There are fifty kinds of novel flowers in total.

During the exchange between the two, Yu Zecheng felt more and more like he had heard of this person, and gradually remembered this person. Luo Jingchu had mentioned him before.

When Li Wusheng was not practicing immortality, he was a military advisor in an army. After his country was destroyed and his army was destroyed, he fled into an abandoned Taoist temple and accidentally learned the techniques of ascending to immortality from a mural.

This path to immortality emphasizes fate and determination of all methods. You cannot find the mountain gate without first discovering the skills. After practicing hard in the mountain gate for hundreds of years, your skills are extremely strong. However, due to your early experience, the shadow of failure is lingering, which makes you scheming and indecisive. He likes to think about everything for too long and is a little too cautious.

This person was good friends with Luo Jingchu's mother, but his personality caused him to fall in love with Luo Jingchu's mother, but he was never fully sure, so he didn't speak or act. Finally, Luo Jingchu's mother met Cao Zhi, and he was completely lost. Chance.

That depressing experience enabled him to understand the supreme method of ascending to the Immortal Path, and he became the True One of Returning to the Immortal Path. The treasures of the Immortal Path were countless, and the secret method was super powerful. Yu Zecheng doubted that he had divine power.

During the chat, Yu Zecheng did not forget his purpose and found out who hated the two of them.

One of them is very ordinary, with nothing special about his facial features. At most, his forehead is slightly higher and wider than the average person. However, his skin color is light brown, and his entire face looks like it is carved from stone. There is no soft feeling like normal skin. And the deep wrinkles on his face looked like they were carved on stone flakes.

This person is the True One of Return to the Void and the True One of Ten Thousand Chongs in the Weiyue World of the Outer Realm. He declares his name as Qiu Qian and uses summoning all beasts as his method. Some of them had seen him summon seven true dragons to aid him in battle.

Yu Zecheng secretly guessed:

"It's strange. I have never seen this person before. Why does he hate me?"

This has not been answered for a long time.

As soon as the other person mentioned her name, Yu Zecheng knew who she was.

That person is the True Lord of Danyan of the Wuyan Sect, a Nascent Soul cultivator, a female monk, with a fitted white robe, with green knotted tassels at the bottom of the sleeves, long eyebrows flying sideways, eyes as sharp as swords, and a nose as straight as a knife, red Hong's lips pursed like a sword again.

The facial features and eyebrows are as clear as the carvings of a sword. Although the color is bright and bright, like light, the aura is sharp and alive, just like a beautiful sword unsheathed, making people want to take a second look.

Her long hair is flowing, black and natural, matching the white robe and fair skin. Her right hand is lightly holding the sleeves of the robe, and her attitude is very solemn and elegant.

She is the master of the Xisheng Hall of the Wuyan Sect, and practices the Great Sound and Xisheng of the Wuyan Sect and the Elephant Invisible Technique. With such a grand event, it is impossible for the Wu Yan Sect not to send people to observe and obtain first-hand information for the Wu Yan Sect. So she can come here as a true king.

This Jurchen has a grudge against Yu Zecheng. Her master is the Forbidden Words True One Divine Lord of the Bu Yan Sect, who is also the Liuzhen True One Divine Lord of the Dark Demon Sect. Because of Yu Zecheng, he split the Divine Light Stone and refined it into three innate spiritual treasures. In the end, the tribulation failed, and there was no hope of ascension.

Yu Zecheng has been paying attention to this matter, and he can't hide his anger on paper. It seems that the other party knows about it, so he is extremely hostile to him.

Yu Zecheng couldn't help but lower his head towards this Dan Yan Zhenjun. Although the other party was plotting against him, he still felt wrong and it was better not to talk to her.

At this time, there was a lot of discussion over there. In the process, Yanhua Shinichi joined Qianji's team to supplement their strength.

Qianji Zhenyi wants to explore the Immortal Qin ruins again. As soon as they move, others will also take action. Bing Xin Zhenyi will definitely follow them into the ruins and go to the Immortal Weapon Research Institute.

At this moment, a white light suddenly flashed on the square, which was a sign that new people were coming.

Two people appeared here in an instant. After these two people appeared, all the Shinichi present were shocked and put themselves on guard.

True Lord Bing Xin couldn't help but said in surprise:

"No way? Why are their two great demons here too?"

The two men were all disheveled, and they seemed to be fighting one after another, and then another person appeared there.

When this person appeared, many of the Returning Realms showed joy, and one of them said:

"Meet Master Su Santai."

This voice keeps coming and going, which shows the prestige of this person.

The person who arrived here first shouted:

"Su Santai, you are an old monster. You have been entangled in the void with our three great demons for a year, and you didn't let us two end up here in the end?"

The man said calmly:

"At least I blocked Demon Lord Lichen."

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