Xian Ao

Chapter 898 Lord Tianlong, the image of all living beings

This look includes some who are envious, some who are surprised, some who don't believe it, and some who are sighing. Under these many looks, under the various looks of these world-famous and powerful people in the world of immortality, I It is as immovable as a mountain.

He didn't show any expression, he just took another big sip of Jingxin Zhenyi's fairy wine, and then threw it back to him. He took out a pot of fairy wine in his own Pangu world, threw it to him casually, and said:

"This is my brewed paradise. Please try it. How does it taste?"

This paradise is no longer the paradise that Yu Zecheng used to brew in the Pangu world. Yu Zecheng has now become the Nascent Soul Lord. After the evolution of the Pangu world, the original wine pool has now evolved into ten places dedicated to brewing wine. palace.

There are countless winemakers in these palaces, with over a hundred wine pools and hundreds of wine cellars, so they can brew countless immortal wines for Yu Zecheng.

This is the best fairy wine specially brewed by those brewing palaces. Yu Zecheng still calls it Paradise to commemorate the past.

Jingxin Zhenyi took Yu Zecheng's Paradise and said:

"By the way, it seems that you brewed the Paradise of Paradise back then. Let me try it."

After saying that, he drank it in one gulp. The wine tasted completely different from the Yuansen Guiyuan Wine. After drinking it, a raging fire rushed straight into the Yuan Shen, and then turned into spiritual energy and spread within the Yuan Ying, making people flutter. I want to be immortal, I can't stop, it's like taking another sip, it's really an immortal wine.

Jingxin Shinichi shouted:

"Okay, good wine. If you can brew such good wine, you won't be a bad person. You are a good friend."

Yu Zecheng also smiled. He was an upright person and could be friends with him.

At this moment, two people rushed out of a passage on the side of the hall. The two people were covered in blood, and they looked like two beggars.

After these two people rushed to the main hall, they lay directly on the ground, breathing heavily. It took a long time for one of them to stand up for treatment.

People nearby were talking a lot:

"The Yuan family's grandparents didn't come out. It seems they died inside."

"Hiko Shinichi, it seems that the North Pole Magnetic Shield is also broken. What kind of injury is this?"

"I don't know if the two of them will leave. Five people entered and two came out. Remember that passage and never enter it in the future."

At this time, a person walked over. Although Yu Zecheng had never seen that person before, he felt familiar.

The man was dressed like a hawker walking around the streets, with a cargo rack on his back. He was a replica of Liu Yifan. The more he looked at him, the more familiar he looked. To be able to get here, this guy must be a traveling trader from the Wanli Yunyou Sect. Liu Yifan's senior brother.

He seemed to be saying something to the two of them, and it seemed like there was a deal. Then he came back, and the two of them gradually returned to normal and stood up.

But the two of them started to quarrel, and the more they talked, the louder they got. Finally, one of them turned around and walked away. He came to the largest passage among the one thousand and one passages in the hall and entered instantly.

The remaining person watched his friend leave, feeling silently sad, but he returned to normal in an instant and entered the crowd.

Jingxin Zhenyi saw Yu Zecheng's expression of confusion and said:

"This person is Yanhua Zhenyi, Li Yanhua, who is good at Yuanqi Qi, and has a ninth-level magic weapon, the Arctic Yuanqi Shield.

There were five of them in total, including the ancestors and grandsons of the Yuan family of the Golden Jingjian Sect, Shinichi Hanlei of Donghai Pavilion, and Shinichi White Crow of Moon Sky Island. The five of them explored a passage together, and in the end, he and Shinichi White Crow came back alive. The ancestors of the Yuan family Sun, Hanlei Zhenyi is afraid that everything is in danger.

The white crow was already heartbroken. He wasn't willing to give up even if he left here. He wanted to give it another try. "

"Yanhua Zhenyi, the energy of Yuanci."

Yu Zecheng secretly paid more and more attention to him, remembering this person's appearance. This person suffered such a catastrophe, and his magic weapon was broken, but he could still recover in an instant. It can be said that he has a refined mind and will never regret it until his death.

Yu Zecheng asked:

"Where does the largest passage lead to?"

Jingxin Shinichi said:

"That is the exit passage. After entering, you will appear directly in the outer area of ​​the Tianlai Star Territory. You can leave here, but that passage can only be exited but not entered, and there is no return."

Yu Zecheng nodded secretly. He was still wondering how to leave here, but it turned out that the passage was right in front of him.

Yu Zecheng thought silently:

"I always feel that something is wrong with this passage. It seems to be used to facilitate the return of these returning real ones who come here to hunt for treasures. Could it be that it was specially prepared? It's strange. Why do I have such an intuitive feeling?

Why is there a direct passage for them to leave here? "

Yu Zecheng kept guessing.

Nayanhua Shinichi returned to the crowd and continued chatting with the others. In fact, he was looking for other teams and wanted to join other people's teams.

In this ancient city of Tianlai, relying on one's own strength is a matter of life and death. Only with the cooperation of everyone can we move here smoothly.

But everyone here had their own teams before this. Who would let him join? Youdao is unpredictable and no one believes in him.

In the end, no one in the team was willing to accept him, but Yanhua Zhenyi was not angry or anxious, and still had the same tepid expression.

One of them, Hui Xu Zhenyi, kept mocking him with words, and Yan Hua Zhenyi was not popular either.

This Huixu Zhen has a vicious tongue, as if Hiko Shinichi and his team had taught him a lesson here before, so now he started to take revenge.

When Yu Zecheng looked at this person, he had an indescribable feeling, as if this person seemed familiar to him. He had never seen this person before, but his aura seemed like he had seen him there several times.

Seeing Yu Zecheng's hesitant gaze, Yanhua Zhenyi said:

"This man is the supreme elder of Dizhou Shenlong Sect, Lord Tianlong. Don't pay attention to him. This man is petty. He likes to play pranks and watch the fun. He likes to brag and sarcastically when he has nothing to do.

When we started here, Yuan's ancestors gave him a small lesson because of his bad mouth, and now it's his turn to succeed as a villain. "

Although these words were transmitted using the laws of heaven and only two people could hear them, Yu Zecheng had a feeling that Lord Long Tian seemed to have heard these words and looked towards here.

Yu Zecheng opened his mouth and said:

"I feel good about this person. He is happy with his grudges and has no bad intentions. He was taught a lesson and now he comes back after being scolded. I like the personality of Lord Tianlong."

This was said completely without thinking, and it was not Yu Zecheng's original intention at all, but for some reason, he intuitively felt that he should say this.

After saying this, it seemed as if Master Long smiled at him that day. When Yu Zecheng took a closer look, it was all an illusion. The Dragon Master was still there that day, sarcastic and sarcastic.

Yu Zecheng suddenly thought of something:

"By the way, isn't the Dizhou Dragon Sect the same sect that sent troops to destroy the six evil sects during my foundation-building trial? Ah, I see. Maybe I saw him at that time and felt something about him?"

At this moment, someone else walked out of the passage, and four people walked out there. These four people were all Return to the Void True One, but all of them were extremely happy. Seeing their appearance like this would make Return to the Void True One happy, that must be The harvest is huge.

Many True One God Lords here immediately gathered around, and one of them congratulated:

"Qianji Shenjun, congratulations, congratulations, another harvest?"

The person taking the lead seems to be called Qianji Shenjun. He has a short stature, a yellow robe, a deer head, a pair of eyes that wander around looking everywhere, bow legs, a big belly, and how ugly he is.

Lord Bingxin on the side said:

"I know this person, Qianji Zhenyi, Zhang Huantian. He was originally a disciple of Tongxuan Tianji Valley. He was erudite and talented when he was young. He was intelligent, mellow, and unrestrained. He was good at making machine puppets and was proficient in the art of refining weapons and formations.

The Tongxuan Tianji Valley Teleportation was a sect founded by the craftsmen of Xianqin Cave Mansion, pursuing the way of connecting the heaven and earth, and the sect's treasure book Hetu Luoshu.

This Qianji Zhenyi was one of the successors to the head of Tongxuan Tianji Valley back then, but because he secretly hid the Tiangong Creation Genealogy from the Xianqin ruins, which is a supreme fairy book that records the secrets and laws of life, he was eventually expelled. The outgoing sect is actually a sect fighting within the sect, and the losers are the only ones.

This person was actually able to escape from the roundup in Tongxuan Tianji Valley, but he had to take away his body and ended up like this. He fled to the extreme west of the Miao Xiang region, reached the first level of cultivation, and established himself in the Heavenly God and Earthly Artifact Valley. A hero.

By the way, his ninth-level magic weapon is the purple-gold glazed Ferris Shuttle, which is the best speedster in the world, capable of both offense and defense, and a supreme magic weapon.

This person is best at breaking formations and boundaries, and this place is like a fish in water for him. "

People over there kept asking questions. The Qian Ji Shenjun smiled and said nothing. An old man on the side spoke first.

This man was about fifty or sixty years old. At first glance, he looked like an old farmer in the field. His hair was tied up on his head, his robe was tightly tied, his feet were bare, and the sleeves of his robe were tied with ropes, revealing two extremely dark arms.

That look, what kind of Zhenyi Shenjun there is, he is clearly the old farmer who has just returned home after working in the fields. He has dark skin, rough head, face, hands and feet, gray hair and gray eyebrows, tall and broad eyes, He was full of energy and energy, and his beard was also gray and thick, covering his entire mouth.

He said slowly:

"Everyone, please, this time our brothers have gone through a lot of hardships and finally lost their lives. Guess what happened to us?

The strongest warrior in Xian Qin, Po Jun Tian Kui, the greedy wolf in the Seven Kills of Heavenly Tribulation..."

This statement caused an uproar, and everyone booed. Someone said directly:

"How can you come back alive after encountering the Seven Kills Greedy Wolf?"

The man didn't care about the crowd's uproar and continued:

"Other than saying that we have great fortune, great destiny, great good fortune, the leader of the Pojun Heaven is He Shen Wo Vajra, the Lord of Heavenly Demons, the Hunyuan Earth Demon, the Lord of Time and Space, the Chaos War Demon, the Lord of Laws, the Yin and Yang Crazy Guest, and the Five Elements He is one of the thirty-six most powerful Immortal Qin war warriors.

And that Pojun Seven Kills is the super war figurine in Pojun Tiankui. As soon as we saw it, we closed our eyes and it was over. Our lives were gone. Who knew it didn’t pay attention to us and didn’t even look at us. We therefore Escaped and found Xian Qin's storage warehouse..."


Four minutes later, one more chapter

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