Xian Ao

Chapter 900 Immortal Soldier Demon Body Demon Body Buddha Heart (Third update, please vote for me)

This person was tepid and spoke slowly.

He has a high crown and robes, an elegant attitude, casual robes, an immortal demeanor, and is free and easy.

This man has handsome features, eyes like swords, flashing cold electricity, skin as white as jade, wearing a high crown, with his hands behind his back. The most unforgettable thing is the pair of long eyebrows, which are white gold and so white that they are eye-catching. Look at it and you will never forget it.

He stood there without moving his head, and his manner had a majestic air that shocked people's hearts, but also a relaxed and relaxed demeanor. It is a kind of innate pride and nobility that makes people have to look up to his existence.

Seeing those long eyebrows and his graceful aura, Yu Zecheng knew who he was, Su Santai Divine Lord, Supreme Elder of the Supreme Dao Zhen Sect who came to the door.

This person is as famous as the red-haired ancestor, the ice and snow ancestor, Wu Xin of the Heart Demon Sect, and the old man Kuzhu. He is a figure of the same era as the founder of Zhongxing, Wang Yinyang, and is now one of the top masters in the world of immortality.

It is said that he owns the Taishang Yuanhua Chapter and the Taishang Zhenru Chapter among the ten great immortal scriptures, Taishang Huangji Wenxin Sutra.

He created three unique skills: Taishang Annihilation Donghun Grand Mudra, Taishang Tian Zhu Guizong Sword, and Taishang Discussing the Three Realms and Ten Desolations Great Proverbs to Destroy Crimes, making Taishang Dao Zhenzong one of the top sects and occupying one of the top ten top sects. millennium.

At the beginning of the Tianlai Conference, he single-handedly blocked the three demon lords, fought hard in the void for a year, and finally forced away the demon lord Lichen. He was truly a supremely powerful person.

When Yu Zecheng couldn't stop thinking, the two demons and Su San Tai Zhen Yi kept arguing. It seemed that force was not allowed in this hall. Su San Tai Zhen Yi didn't say a word and just let the two of them do it. Bullshit there.

The two demons kept talking, like two clowns who were talking about laughter, mocking Mrs. Su, and making witty remarks that were so ridiculous that Yu Zecheng was almost amused as he listened.

Suddenly he frowned unconsciously:

"No, something is wrong. These two people are Demon Lords. Although I don't know their origins, but judging from the fearful attitude of everyone towards them, they are definitely not ordinary people. But why are they like this? They are here To please whom, and why?”

Unknowingly, Yu Zecheng linked the departure from the passage with the attitudes of the two Demon Lords. For some reason, the appearance of the Dragon Lord that day appeared in Yu Zecheng's mind again, as if there was a layer of windows. The paper is about to be opened.

At this moment, another small group of people walked out of the passage. There were seven people in this group, which was the largest gathering of people. Yu Zecheng clearly recognized the leader. Interrupting Yu Zecheng's reverie.

The man was a young man, dressed in white and wearing a white robe, a handsome and handsome boy. It was the old man with dead bamboo whom I saw at the Great Leiyin Temple.

Yu Zecheng looked carefully and it was indeed him, but he didn't know why the old man with dead bamboo's iconic beaded crown of left, sun and right moon and stars, and the crescent-moon jade pendant on his shoulders had all disappeared, leaving him with just an ordinary white robe.

The old man Kuzhu appeared, and the two great demons stopped arguing. They and Su Santaizhenyi looked at the old man Kuzhu together.

One of the Demon Lords said:

"Kuzhu? It's hard to believe that you are here too. Why are you here?"

Old Man Kuzhu smiled and said:

"Is it okay for you, Demon Lord Aocang, not to need me, Kuzhu, to come here? Whose rules are there?"

Then he glanced at Su Santai and said:

"Brother Third, how have you been these past few years? We haven't seen each other for two thousand years."

Su Santai frowned and said:

"Brother Kuzhu, you don't have to test me. You broke up in Xuanyuan Terrace on bad terms thirty years ago, but I won't bear any grudge against you."

Kuzhu smiled slightly and avoided speaking.

The two Demon Lords looked at each other, and while they were talking, they quietly entered a passage.

True Lord Bing Xin said:

"Let's go and try our luck."

After saying that, she led Yu Zecheng and the other two people towards the passage.

The four of them walked forward, and the direction of the passage they were walking in was exactly the direction that Old Man Kuzhu walked. Yu Zecheng had to pass by Old Man Kuzhu. Logically speaking, Yu Zecheng should say hello when he saw Old Man Kuzhu.

The moment the two faced each other, Yu Zecheng saw Old Man Kuzhu's face and suddenly had a strange feeling. Old Man Kuzhu seemed to want to say something to him, as if he said something, but he didn't hear anything.

I don't know why this old man with dead bamboo gave Yu Zecheng an indescribable feeling, as if he had changed into a different person.

Yu Zecheng frowned, walked up to Old Man Kuzhu, saluted and said:

"Greetings to Senior Kuzhu."

Old Man Kuzhu glanced at Yu Zecheng and said with great arrogance:

"Who are you?"

Yu Zecheng was stunned. He didn't recognize himself? I had a fight with his clone, why didn't I recognize myself? How is this going?

Yu Zecheng still said politely:

"I am from the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, the True Lord of Destruction, Yu Zecheng. I met my senior at the Great Leiyin Temple last time."

Old Man Kuzhu said:

"Da Leiyin Temple? What kind of clone? What kind of clone do I have there? Don't talk nonsense..."

Before those words were spoken, a man standing behind Old Man Kuzhu snorted. Suddenly Old Man Kuzhu finished his words and stopped talking. He just raised his head arrogantly and disdained to look at Yu Zecheng.

At first glance, Yu Zecheng saw the person behind the withered bamboo as an extremely ordinary person, but he also felt extremely familiar. What's wrong today? Why are there so many people who look very familiar, but I can't remember them?

Old Man Kuzhu looked arrogant, but Yu Zecheng felt that his eyes seemed to be saying something to Yu Zecheng.

"What's going on? Why did old man Kuzhu become like this? The last time he left, he told himself that he would come to find him in two years. At that time, he was very happy, saying that he had found a person with the ultimate chaos attack of Xian Qin's destruction. Monk, but this time we met, he completely forgot about himself."

However, the old man Kuzhu can look whatever he likes. He doesn't care about Yu Zecheng's affairs.

Yu Zecheng followed Bing Xin into one of the thousand and one passages. Before entering the passage, Bing Xin looked again and again in front of those passages, and finally seemed to choose one at random.

In fact, Yu Zecheng knew that these were all disguises. Bing Xin knew that the time and space beacon of the Immortal Weapon Research Institute was all fake.

Entering the time and space channel, the world changes, and the space becomes an endless channel similar to an infinite spiral. People follow this channel endlessly forward, and they can fly out for a quarter of an hour. The space in front changes, wandering, and ten lights appear. Point, those are ten spaces, waiting for everyone's choice.

There seemed to be vague words on the ten light spots, showing the position of the time and space landmarks. Lord Bingxin took out the compass and started to calculate, and finally came up with a result.

She immediately chose one of them and entered that coordinate. After the light point entered, it was still a space passage and continued to fly. A quarter of an hour later, there were ten more light points. She chose again, and then entered the space-time passage again and flew again. , and finally select again.

The space of the last four people changed and they entered a world.

A total of three choices of ten positions, multiplied by ten, multiplied by ten again, together it is a thousand spaces, which is just that channel.

There are a thousand and one passages in the hall, one of which leads to the periphery, and the others are the same. In other words, there are a million spaces, waiting for people's choices.

Half of this million space is the death trap. Once you enter, there is no return.

There are still 49%, which are prohibited by various agencies and protected by the Xianqin war martyrdom. Only the last point, the various confidential rooms of Xianqin, can get the so-called treasures. Therefore, it is crucial to master the time and space landmarks of these rooms.

True Monarch Bing Xin has mastered the guidepost of this Immortal Weapon Research Institute, so he can reach here safely.

In this space world, four people fell down and appeared in a huge teleportation array. Looking around, they were surrounded by steel walls.

This is not so much a world as it is in a huge starship, giving you the feeling of being in a speeding car.

However, this star boat is too huge. The ceiling here is thirty feet high, and the teleportation array beneath its feet covers several acres of land.

The only reason I have the feeling of being in a starship is that everything around me is integrated, made of steel and black iron. Countless rays of light come from the gems on the ceiling, shining here like daylight. Same.

True Lord Bing Xin looked at this and said:

"It's been more than seven hundred and thirty years, and I'm finally back here again. Senior brother, I'm here to see you. Your Bing'er is back.

Looking back on that time, it's like yesterday, when I had just entered the Nascent Soul stage, my senior brother took me, and our team came here accidentally. Of the last six people, I was the only one who left alive. "

True Lord Bing Xin led everyone forward step by step, walked to the iron wall, and said:

"This was originally an iron gate that was melted down by my senior brother. Now it has been repaired and is as good as ever."

After saying that, True Lord Bing Xin was about to release the spell to melt the iron wall of the door. As she cast the spell, Yu Zecheng clearly felt that countless reactions were concentrated on everyone.

At the same time a voice sounded:

"Warning, warning, unknown dangerous energy has been discovered. Intruders please identify yourself, otherwise you will be mercilessly attacked and you will bear the consequences."

This voice reminded Yu Zecheng of the two experiences he had entered the Xianqin ruins. Yu Zecheng pulled True Lord Bingxin to stop her explanation and said:

"Wait a minute, look at me."

Yu Zecheng searched everywhere in front of the iron wall, and saw a pattern of the Eight Trigrams and Nine Palaces on the iron wall, about five inches square, with a sparkling ruby ​​in the shape of an eye.

Yu Zecheng studied the ruby ​​and suddenly felt that the ruby ​​seemed to be for viewing. He put his right eye in front of the ruby, and suddenly a red light was born in the ruby ​​and swept in front of Yu Zecheng's eyes.

The red light did not pose any threat, and Yu Zecheng remained motionless, waiting for it to sweep by.

The red light swept across, and the voice suddenly sounded:

"We found the seventeenth-level Dust Star Baron of Xian Qin. His soul is locked. Your authority allows you to enter the Five Soldiers Research Institute."

The iron wall suddenly made a clear sound and opened and closed instantly, turning into an iron door and opening to provide everyone with access.

Yu Zecheng entered the iron gate and saw a passage in front of him. That passage connected more than thirty passages. I wonder where the ends of these passages are?

Yu Zecheng asked directly:

"Where are these passages going?"

The voice replied:

"This is the Immortal Qin Five Weapon Research Institute, which leads to the five major research institutes: Immortal Weapon, Demon Body, Demon Body, Buddha Heart, and Ghost Armor."

During the process of his narration, a phantom simulation appeared in front of Yu Zecheng's eyes, in which all the locations leading to the passage in front of him were clearly displayed. This passage can lead to five research institutes, and is not a separate Immortal Weapon Research Institute. .

The voice appeared again:

"You only have one hour for this teleportation. Please choose carefully. You can only choose one research institute. After one hour, you will be teleported back to the main hall."

Yu Zecheng glanced at True Lord Bingxin, who nodded and said:

"It was the same last time. We only have one hour. When one hour is up, we will be teleported out, and those who came from there will go back there. This time we came from the main hall and will be teleported back to the main hall."

Yu Zecheng nodded, which one is stronger, the immortal weapon, the demon body, the monster body, the Buddha's heart, or the ghost armor?

In an instant, an introduction appeared on the phantom screen:

"The Immortal Weapon, also known as the Immortal Body Fighting Body, uses the Immortal Body as the research object, practices self-refinement, and turns one's body into a super combat weapon."

At the same time, the illusion also appeared that the outer structure of the Immortal Weapon Research Institute was filled with immortal energy, like a fairyland.

"The Demonic Body, also known as the Supreme Demonic Body, uses the original 108 demonic gods in the demonic world as the research object, carries out demonic attacks, obtains the eternal and immortal demonic body, and becomes the Demonic Lord."

The Demonic Body Research Institute is filled with demonic energy. The demonic energy invades and transforms everything into demons. It is eerie and terrifying.

Demon Lord? What does the two Demon Lords outside have to do with this?

"The demon body, also known as the ancient demon body, uses ancient demons as the research object, undergoes endless bloodline transformations, and obtains a heavenly demon body that can be reborn."

When the Demon Body Research Institute looked at it, it looked a bit like the Mountain and River Cauldron in Yu Zecheng's hand. You must know that the Demon Clan is inherited by the power of blood, so that's why it is like this.

"The Buddha's Heart, also known as the Buddha's Mind, takes the Buddha's Kingdom as the principle of enlightenment, performs sacrifices to the Soul, and obtains the eternal and supreme Buddha's Heart Kingdom."

This Buddha Heart Research Institute has a magnificent momentum, infinite Buddha's voice, endless compassion, and a peaceful scene.

"The Ghost Armor, also known as the Ghost King Armor, uses the many outer world ghosts in hell as the research object to create the Ghost King Armor in order to achieve the powerful power of the Ghost King."

This Ghost Armor Research Institute, at first glance, seems to have endless ghost energy and constant ghost sounds, which is extremely scary.

These five choices were in front of Yu Zecheng. Before Yu Zecheng could choose, Bing Xin entered a passage, which was the passage leading directly to the Immortal Weapon Research Institute.

In an instant, the other four passages were closed, and only that one was opened. Yu Zecheng had no choice if he wanted to.

Yu Zecheng had no choice but to follow Bing Xin and enter the passage. He passed countless iron wall gates along the way. There was no need to check anything in the future. The iron wall gates sensed Yu Zecheng and opened automatically.

The four of them moved forward. Along the way, Yu Zecheng clearly felt that Bing Xin was in something wrong. She kept saying:

"Senior brother, I'm here. This is the place where Brother Hongfei died. Here he died together with the immortal Qin Tiangu guardian war figurine."

"Senior Brother, I'm here. This is the position where Senior Fu Jia will self-destruct, otherwise we will all die in the battle terracotta formation."

Everyone passed through the iron gates everywhere, and the Immortal Weapon Research Institute finally appeared in front of Yu Zecheng. It was exactly the same as the illusion showed, there was no difference.

True Lord Bing Xin said to Yu Zecheng and the others:

"The last time we came here, we picked up half of the remains of the Immortal Qin War Warrior outside the door. After I sacrificed it, the Immortal Qin War Warrior disappeared, and I don't know why I got the Immortal Body.

You go ahead, if you have the title, you should be able to enter the Immortal Weapon Research Institute. "

After saying this, Bing Xin walked to a corner, where it was pitch black and there seemed to be traces of a human figure. She knelt down and mourned silently there.

It seems that this is the place where her senior brother died. He was seeking immortal weapons. The real purpose of Bing Xin Zhenjun was to come here to see his senior brother. This feeling has never dissipated in the past seven hundred years. Maybe this is why she cannot become the true one. s reason.

Yu Zecheng and the others let out a long sigh and entered the Immortal Weapon Research Institute. Behind them came the heart-rending cry of Lord Bing Xin.

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