Xian Ao

Chapter 897 Entering the house must be divine power (Third update, please vote for me)

After three months of hard waiting, the opportunity finally came. Lord Bing Xin finally seized the momentary opportunity to break through the ninety-nine heavens and informed Yu Zecheng and others to prepare for departure.

Yu Zecheng's mind returned, and the four of them were all ready. Lord Bingxin took out a compass from her arms. On the compass, the pointer was flying, and she was still calculating what she was waiting for.

If you stay in this dead and silent void for too long, you will find that it is not always so dead and silent. Every once in a while, at the end of distant time and space, there will be a faint light like lightning, piercing this void. of time and space.

The lightning is just as bright as a candle, and is not actually dazzling. You need to observe extremely carefully to see the traces of their existence, and this is the opportunity that True Lord Bing Xin is waiting for.

This time of waiting, time passed little by little, and it lasted for another hour, but to Yu Zecheng and others, this was nothing.

The compass pointer rotated rapidly, and instantly there seemed to be a bolt of lightning piercing the sky in the distance. Lord Bing Xin shouted:

"Thirty thousand fine lights, eighty thousand souls, five-color emperor, left soul and right soul, green dragon and white tiger, Suzaku Xuanwu, the devil is only me, cross the sky and penetrate the world, let me wear it, let me cross it, the ten thousand transformations of the devil break the world."

After reciting this incantation, a powerful force spread throughout the four people. In an instant, the four of them turned into endless demonic energy and traveled through the void world. In an instant, they broke out of the boundary and crossed the ninety-nine heavens, heading towards A light advances in the distance.

Yu Zecheng looked at True Monarch Bing Xin's Ten Thousand Transformations Heavenly Demon World Breaking Technique and thought to himself:

"It turns out that this so-called Ninety-nine Heavenly Domain is actually the peripheral resource provider of Tianlai Ancient City. It is like a household with a vegetable garden in the courtyard outside the house.

Those little bits of lightning were like the lights in each room of the house outside the vegetable garden. Bing Xin's so-called Wanhua Demon Realm Breaking Technique was to travel through the vegetable garden and rush to other people's storage rooms, gates and other places. Spells. "

While Yu Zecheng was thinking, the four of them flew towards the light in the distance, but the light became increasingly dim. Bing Xin said anxiously:

"No, time and space has moved, and the coordinates are weakening. What should we do? If we lose the coordinates, we will be trapped in this time and space corridor forever."

This means that the wall over the vegetable garden is not climbed properly, and it gets stuck on the wall. It cannot go up, and it cannot come down.

Penetrating the air and crossing the boundary is Yu Zecheng's strength. Yu Zecheng immediately activated the Hunyuan Great Spiritual Thought Technique of Penetrating the Air and Crossing the Boundary. In this environment, countless divine thoughts came out of the air, just like a fish taking to water. Turning into infinite power, the increasingly dim coordinates became larger and larger in an instant, and everyone traveled faster and faster.

Bing Xin let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Yu Zecheng was here. From the beginning to now, she had strongly invited Yu Zecheng, always wanted to be polite to him, and fulfilled his wishes. It seemed to be the right thing to do. The death of Zhenjun Ju Que The prophecy of the curse is really efficacious.

In an instant, the four of them arrived at the coordinate position, and it was time to land. However, a problem arose at this time. It is easy to accelerate and slow down. Yu Zecheng would only use the Hunyuan Divine Mind Technique to speed up the crossing, but slow down. Stop, he won't.

It's easy to ask the gods but hard to send them away. In an instant, the four of them passed through the target beacon, flew out towards the distance, and passed through the place they wanted to go.

All four of them were dumbfounded. It would be impossible to look back after this happened. They just watched the coordinates disappear.

Yu Zecheng hurriedly canceled the space-penetrating and transboundary Hunyuan Great Divine Mind Technique. Bingxin Zhenjun began to slow down, and a larger time and space beacon appeared in front of her, and she flew towards it.

The time and space landmark was huge. Everyone arrived instantly, transformed in time and space, and landed in a space.

That space is a huge hall. The hall has a dome that is ten thousand feet high. Looking up, it looks huge and boundless. This palace-like building covers an area of ​​more than ten thousand acres, with golden roofs and jade pillars, and it is extremely brilliant.

The four people instantly appeared in the central square of the palace, and couldn't help but be shocked by the magnificent palace exuding from this building.

Looking up, above the palace, there are steaming purple clouds shaped like dragons, rolling and moving like dragons, adding a bit of unfathomable mystery to their nobility.

A huge jade-like water drill hangs high above the palace, swimming like a flowing cloud. The purple cloud dragon is wandering in it. The palace is shrouded in a layer of soft white light, blocking the huge water drill. Beyond the light.

The palace is full of milky white crystals, which are brilliant and exquisite. The high walls surrounding the palace, as far as you can see, are all made of crystals. These crystals are crystal clear, with a soft luster and a fine and smooth texture. It seems that this is the purpose of the crystals produced in the Tianyu World.

The entire hall is made of stone, with a simple and elegant shape. Coupled with the white light shining in all directions, a fairy style has already rushed towards you.

There are one thousand and one passages in the four directions around this hall.

In an instant, Yu Zecheng understood the structure of the ancient city of Immortal Qin Tianlai, and couldn't help but admire it.

“This is Xian Qin.

These passages are probably all time and space passages. After entering, they are time and space corridors. At the end of each passage is the independent time and space. As for what kind of time and space that time is and what is in it, one step is heaven and one step is hell, only the person who enters knows it. "

Yu Zecheng secretly thought:

"If the ninety-nine heavens are the vegetable garden outside the household, then this hall should be the entrance to Tianlai Ancient City, and the time and space where the thousand and one passages are located should be the various rooms in the residence. Or a corridor to other places. The so-called Immortal Weapon Research Institute is probably one of these thousand and one passages.

The most powerful sect in the Cangqiong world uses space magic to build its own cave and turn a small place into a huge space. That is the Xianjia cave, which is extremely awesome.

The immortal magic used in this Xian Qin ruins is far beyond those of those sects. They use the time and space magic to construct their own rooms. Each room is an independent time and space. Immortal Qin is indeed Immortal Qin. "

While Yu Zecheng was sighing with emotion, Master Yijian on the other side looked at Fang Fang warily, because in this space, there were not only four people including Yu Zecheng, but there were other people.

There were more than twenty of them, all of whom were Returning to the Void Realm. They had already traveled through the ninety-nine heavens, and went one step further, crossing the vegetable garden, and went to other people's rooms to collect treasures.

There is an example of the Great Luo Jinxian Sect occupying three heavenly realms for ten thousand years. Everything is normal. Outside, everyone has found treasures from the heavenly realms that have been searched countless times. When they are ecstatic, some people have already entered this heavenly realm from a distance. Inside the ancient city, look for the various legendary treasures.

Life is like this. Some people are overjoyed for the eight newly added monthly tickets, while others are upset that they only added hundreds in one day. Life is like this.

At a glance, Yu Zecheng saw that there were twenty-three people present. These people were divided into seven or eight groups intentionally or unintentionally, scattered in all directions, but none of them left the ten-mile central square. After all, humans are still social creatures, and in this magnificent place , subconsciously not wanting to be alone.

They were either looking at a stone sculpture above the main hall, or they were resting there with their eyes closed, waiting for something.

Two of them seemed to be discussing something. They were gesticulating and talking non-stop. They were the only ones in the hall.

They paid no attention to the appearance of Yu Zecheng and the other four people, but one of the women glanced here and said:

"Are you Senior Nephew Bing Xin? Long time no see."

This woman's facial features are beautiful and delicate, her eyes are like spring water, and she has a gentleness unique to women. Her charming face that smiles before she speaks makes people feel like they are bathed in spring breeze. A soft word, sweet, and even more heart-warming to listen to.

When True Lord Bing Xin saw the woman, he immediately saluted and said:

"Greetings to Uncle Master, Bing Xin has made sense."

At the same time, she said:

"Everyone, be careful. This person is Li Huan'er, the leader of the Mo Luo Sect. She is good at mirage and the evil light of nine spirits. She can transform all things and eat away the mana of the original god. She is crazy. She has gone crazy in her cultivation. She can do anything. out.

The Moluo Sect was originally one of the top sects. During the six hundred years she was the sect leader, she went against the grain and killed her disciples. The disciples in the sect often died or escaped. Now she has fallen into one of the eight hundred side sects.

This person is crazy, really crazy, he can do anything, so be careful. "

Then Li Huan'er walked over step by step and said:

"Senior Nephew Bing Xin, where is your Uncle Jie Ni? Ah, by the way, his name is Mo Li Qing now."

True Lord Bing Xin's eyes turned red and he said:

"Uncle Master and Tianhong Shinichi fought with each other and died together. They have been exiled."

As soon as he said this, all those people seemed to move, and one of them actually opened his mouth and said:

"What are you talking about? Tian Hongzhen has been banished. It's impossible. He has the power of divine power and is a flying immortal from the sky. How can he be banished?"

This person is wearing a purple-green Taoist robe, with stern features, a handsome face, and cold and clear eyes, but not arrogant. He has a slender figure and a long knife stuck at his waist. When he stands with his hands behind his back, he has a stern look and is dressed in purple The blue robes rise and fall rhythmically like waves.

When True Lord Bing Xin heard this, he was dissatisfied and said:

"His Daluo Jinxian Sect has Tianwaifei Immortal, and our Wanhua Demon Sect also has King Kong Jie, Tianhong Zhenyi, Green Youxian and Qinggang Immortal have all been banished."

As soon as he said this, the discussion suddenly became more and more intense. The five immortals of the Daluo Jinxian Sect have been famous all over the world for thousands of years. Unexpectedly, three people were banished at once. The Purple Gold Immortal ascended, and now only Bai Lingxian is left. It is difficult for one person to support the country. , countless thoughts were running in everyone's minds in an instant. This news really surprised people.

Vulcan said:

"This person is Jingxin Zhenyi Jin Xuzi, the master of Jingxinguan. Jingxinguan was originally one of the branches of the Xiantian Yiqi Sect. Later, the Xiantian Yiqi sect declined and the branch established its own sect. However, the magic was lost and became one of the three thousand hereditary sects.

This person has an extremely fiery personality, is extremely heroic, likes drinking, and is decisive in killing. He is an outlier in Jingxin. His teacher hopes that he will be steady and gives him the Taoist name Jingxin. He was originally from a rough background, a green forest thief, and was captured by his master in the sect. He never thought about cultivating immortality. Later, his master failed to survive the catastrophe and turned into ashes. This inspired him to travel around the world. It is said that he found the lost soul of Xiantian Yiqi Sect. Facsimile method, two hundred years later, break through the true king and step into the true one.

I had fought with this man when he was in the Nascent Soul stage, and we didn’t know each other until we fought. His natal magic weapon, the Duan Yue Dao, was extremely heavy and was made using sacrifices from five mountains. "

After the transmission, Vulcan said to Jingshin Shinichi:

"Xiao Xuzi, do you remember sister? Do you have any good wine?"

Seeing the God of Fire, the Lord Jingxin smiled and said:

"It turns out that Miss Vulcan is here. Congratulations on getting rid of the danger of transformation. I have a pot of Yuansen Guiyuan Wine here. Brother Qianji just got it in this ruins. It tastes great. Let's drink together."

After saying that, he threw over a large vermilion wine gourd. The gourd was as red as jade and was as natural as nature. It gave a feeling of Taoism and nature.

Kagami laughed, took it, took a long drink, and then handed it to Lord One Sword.

Lord Yijian shook his head and said:

"I used to drink and get in trouble, so I won't take a sip again."

The God of Fire then passed it to Yu Zecheng, and he opened his mouth and took a sip. After drinking this wine, it was hot and sweet for a while, with the violence of Binghuo, the thickness of Wutu, the gentleness of Guishui, and There is Yimu's unyieldingness and Xinjin's determination.

The power of the five elements flows separately, but they unite into a flow and transform into heaven and earth. It is really the wine of returning to the origin.

Yu Zecheng couldn't help but shouted:

"Good wine."

Yu Zecheng wanted to take another sip, then Jingxin Zhenyi said:

"Wait a minute, not everyone can drink my wine. Boy Yuan Ying, are you worthy of drinking my wine? Who are you?"

Yu Zecheng smiled, ignored him, and took another bite.

The Vulcan on the other side said:

"Xiao Xuzi, don't underestimate him, he is the True Lord of Destruction of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect."

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately looked at Yu Zecheng.

One of them snorted coldly:

"A sensationalist."

This is an evaluation of Yu Zecheng's three hundred battles in the arena.

When Vulcan heard this, he frowned and said:

"Grandstanding? Ming Mie Zhenyi of the Changbai Sword Sect said the same thing. He claimed to kill him with three moves, but he ended up killing him with three moves.

The Qinggang Immortal of Da Luo Jin Immortal Sect triggered the immortal energy from the lower realm, and as a result, together with the Immortal Treasure Purple Gold Hammer, both body and soul were destroyed and turned into ashes. Who else dares to make such a splash? "

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked. Some Huixu Zhenyi looked at others, and the person being looked at nodded.

This is why Lord Bing Xin tells the truth. The one who can return to the void is a simple person. There are countless spells in them that can distinguish the authenticity of the words spoken by the other party. There are countless types of these spells.

Yu Zecheng's confession skills are just one of these unseen spells, such as mysterious innate gossip, nine-house deduction, great prophecy, and even some mysterious cause-and-effect spells. Lying to them is useless. Special magic, don't try it.

The people everyone looked at were Shinichi who was good at this technique. These people frowned and began to deduce, and then nodded slightly to confirm this.

Forget it, Ming Mie Shinichi of the Changbai Sword Sect. Although his swordsmanship is like a god, he is arrogant. Some of these Shinichi don't care about him.

But Qinggang Immortal, who possesses an immortal treasure, has immortal energy in the lower realm, and the immortal treasure purple and gold fly into ashes. This is something that no one can believe.

I don’t know who whispered:

"Divine power, the one who can destroy the immortal energy and immortal treasure must be divine power."

At this point, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Yu Zecheng.


I added eight monthly tickets today, and I would like to thank the three book friends who tipped me, and all the book friends who subscribed, thank you.

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