Xian Ao

Chapter 857: Each has its own circumstances - Black Mist Demon

Chapter 857 Everyone has their own situation Black Mist Inner Demon

Lord Nan Tian looked at Yu Zecheng and said:

"This is the corpse-reviving sword, one of the most terrifying Zen sword techniques of the Heart Sword Zen Sect. To some extent, the corpses of the disciples of the five major sword sects killed by them may be resurrected and become their minions for their use.

Are you okay? "

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

"I'm fine, but I killed a phantom of the Heart Sword that was the same as me."

As soon as he said this, Lord Nan Tianzhen suddenly showed infinite joy, while Li Canghai and Ou Yezi frowned and looked at Yu Zecheng curiously.

Lord Nan Tian asked anxiously:

"Zecheng, do you have endless spiritual enlightenment and a feeling that you are about to understand the laws of heaven?"

Yu Zecheng thought for a while, shook his head and said:


As soon as these words were said, all the three masters were stunned. This was completely different from what was recorded.

Yu Zecheng continued:

"It has changed a bit."

As soon as he said this, Nan Tianzhen let out a sigh of relief.

Yu Zecheng said:

"The swordsmanship seems to have found many shortcomings that can be improved."

Lord Nan Tian was stunned for a long time and then said:

"According to the records, if you can withstand this Heart Sword Technique, the Divine Sword of Self, and defeat your own phantom of the Heart Sword, you must have a clear understanding in your heart. The golden elixir will become the Yuanying, and the Yuanying will become the Return to the Void. What happened to the five major sword sects in the past There have been countless precedents, but I don’t know why it’s different from the record when it comes to you?”

That's it. No wonder Ou Yezi had a tone of envy just now.

Lord Nan Tianzhen looked at Ou Yezi and wanted to ask about the records of the other two sword sects. The other two also shook their heads and expressed doubts.

At this moment, the golden elixir masters who were hit by the sword together with Yu Zecheng began to react one by one. Some of their bodies showed blood marks and shattered, and some directly turned into a ball of blood mist.

Among the five golden elixir masters who formed a sword dove with Yu Zecheng, there were two of them. One had his heart burst, and the other's body seemed to be violently torn apart.

The bursting of the heart was caused by Jian Xinhui's Mingxin Tianji Sword, and the torn heart was caused by Jian Ningli's Chaotic Mountains and Plains Everlasting Sword. In other words, both of them were killed by their own Xuanyuan Six Swords.

Yu Zecheng felt a pain in his heart when he looked at them. Although these two people were casual acquaintances with him, and he only knew their names and did not have a deep friendship, but when he fought against the alien Shiti Huanyin, they were thousands of miles apart. The one who came to my aid and helped me was my fellow disciple.

Now I can only watch them disappear like this and die like this, feeling an unspeakable pain in my heart.

He came to the master in an instant and said:

"Master, is there any way to save them?"

Lord Nan Tian shook his head and said:

"There is no other way. After being hit by the Heart Sword Technique, the Soli Sword, they can only break through the phantom of the Heart Sword and break out of the inner demon illusory realm.

This is a crisis, but also an opportunity. If you can withstand this Heart Sword Technique, the Divine Sword of Self, and defeat your own phantom of the Heart Sword, the golden elixir will become the Yuanying, and the Yuanying will become the Returning Void. They can only rely on themselves to win this sword. Outsiders can never help them. "

Yu Zecheng could only watch them silently. There were three more Jindan masters over there. They couldn't control their bodies and died one by one under the phantom of the Heart Sword. Under their own sword skills, their bodies exploded. And died.

But there were also two Jindan Masters who opened their eyes one after another. They had withstood the Sole Sword, which meant that they were both masters of swordsmanship. Not to mention anything else, seeing their bright eyes and ecstatic expressions after they woke up, The vitality in their bodies fluctuates, and everyone knows that they will become Nascent Souls.

One of the five golden elixir masters who were with Yu Zecheng also passed the test of the Soli Sword. He was breathing heavily, and the ecstasy in his eyes could be seen completely, and he kept saying:

"That's it, that's it."

It seems that there must be enlightenment.

But Yu Zecheng's friend Senior Brother Lingfeng was not so lucky. He slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the many senior brothers in front of him, and said:

"I tried my best, please tell my master, but it's a pity that I can't continue killing thieves."

After saying this, he tilted his head and lost all breath. In that phantom world, he died together with the phantom of his heart sword, and died like this.

When Yu Zecheng saw this scene, his heart was so painful that he couldn't help but lower his head.

In the distance, Ou Yezi shouted loudly:

"Qingming, Qingming, hold on, hold on."

As he watched the countless blood stains gradually appear on the body of True Lord Qingming, he gradually couldn't stand the demonic illusion in his heart. Suddenly he opened his eyes, glanced at the people around him, and said:

"Master, my disciple has taken the first step. Unfortunately, after seven hundred years of sword-making, I still can't pass the level of inner demons and defeat myself."

After finishing speaking, his body slowly expanded, and "expanded" into a monstrous blood sword, soaring straight into the sky, and his entire body turned into blood mist and dissipated. The vitality leaked out, forming a pillar of Qi. This was the spillage of the true energy caused by the banishment of the Nascent Soul Lord.

At this time, Zhenjun Wu Quan on the other side suddenly opened his eyes and shouted:

"I understand, I understand, that's it, that's it. Hahaha."

He howled loudly, ecstatically. There was a heavenly magic circle slowly forming on his body.

It's really one person's paradise and one person's hell. Each person's situation is different. If you can't withstand the phantom of your own heart sword, you will die. If you can withstand the phantom of your own heart sword, you will achieve the great road and realize supernatural powers.

But this is completely meaningless to Yu Zecheng. Even if Yu Zecheng withstands the phantom of the Heart Sword, it will not do any good.

The real reason for this is that his cultivation is getting deeper and deeper. He has understood the Qi Refining Technique of Xian Qin and is close to the threshold of divine power. It has far surpassed the benefits that this Soli Sword can bring, so for him, there is no understanding at all. I didn't get it, but the sword intention is like the sky. The sword is not in the heart, but in the destiny. The perfection of the supreme sword intention is more important than any other insights.

In this way, among the three great Nascent Souls, True Lord Qingming died, seventeen True Lords of the Golden Core, and finally only four True Lords of the Golden Core passed the test of the Only Self Divine Sword, while the others all exploded and died.

Only one of the five Jindan masters from the Xuanyuan Sword Sect passed the test, and all the other four died.

Regardless of grief or anger, even if things ended like this, the three major sword sects searched the entire Yanzhou continent without any gains. No one found any trace of the disciple of the Heart Sword Zen Sect. This has always been the case. Every time the Heart Sword Zen Sect The appearance of disciples is always mysterious.

At this time, the reinforcements from the two major sword sects of the Splitting Sky Sword Sect and the Hunyuan Sword Sect arrived. Only then did they know that the disciples of the Heart Sword Zen Sect had appeared and that the Nascent Soul Lord had died, so they immediately became nervous.

The five major sword sects worked together and searched almost the entire Yanzhou, but there was no news.

Among them, there was a new Immortal Cultivation Sect in the middle sect, which wanted to prevent the five major sword sects from becoming so rampant within their sphere of influence, but was destroyed by the Ten Thousand Sword Demon Sect in the blink of an eye.

Many disciples of the Wanjian Demon Sect died tragically, including one Nascent Soul True Lord. All the disciples were holding back their anger. They had a place to vent their anger, and they were all merciless.

Just like this, half a month later, the five major sword sects ended their search and returned to their respective sects, and the matter came to an end.

This incident is just a small prelude to the emergence of the Heart Sword Zen Sect, telling the five major sword sects that I am here.

The five major sword sects are loose on the outside and tight on the inside. According to past experience, the next time it will be a big battle. Everyone is sharpening their swords. This time, the Heart Sword Zen Sect is really coming to kill them. It is no longer the previous rumors. It is time to die as a martyr. If you kill the Heart Sword Zen Sect disciples, you may ascend to the immortal world. For the five major sword sects, even crises are opportunities.

Yu Zecheng secretly inquired and found out that the disciple of the Wanjian Demon Sect who issued the warning about the discovery of the Heart Sword Zen Sect was Na Yan Liuxiang. Sure enough, it was him who deliberately issued the warning to attract the disciples of the five major sword sects here.

Zecheng remained silent for more than half a month. After returning to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, he finished handling all matters and locked himself in a large formation filled with countless restrictions. Then he returned to the Pangu world to see that place. The lingering shadow of inner demons.

The remnant image of the inner demon is still locked in the deepest part of the Pangu world, with countless seals inside, trapping him firmly.

When Yu Zecheng came here, he looked at the afterimage of the inner demon and prepared himself for battle. This thing is not simple. At first, Pangu World did not see what the top ten immortal scriptures were, and the old man Jian was unwilling to mention it. It seems that it is not just A fairy book, it is them, not a dead thing.

Yu Zecheng silently stared at the afterimage of his inner demon, inhaling and exhaling as if facing a formidable enemy, watching silently and motionless.

After sitting like this for a whole day and night, Yu Zecheng suddenly opened his eyes and said:

"Show yourself, I know Pangu World can't trap you, I know you can understand what I say?"

Following Yu Zecheng's words, the afterimage of the inner demon suddenly flashed and turned into a black mist. It instantly broke through the many seals laid by Lao Qi and appeared in front of Yu Zecheng. Sure enough, Lao Qi was still there. No response, ignore the afterimage of the inner demon, it cannot trap this demon scripture.

The afterimage of the inner demon turned into an old man, exactly the same as the old man Yu Zecheng saw back then, and exactly the same as the old black mist who deceived Wang Shuyuan.

He looked at Yu Zecheng kindly, and Yu Zecheng looked at him with cold eyes.

This black mist said:

"Killing ten thousand people with the sword is not the crime of the sword. The crime lies with the person who kills with the sword. I am the inner demon who recorded the seventeen supreme swordsmanship of the old man of the sword. I only want to make the master who holds me stronger, and other things , it’s up to the owner to choose.”

As soon as these words were said, everything that happened in the past years was immediately thrown away. It had nothing to do with them and was not what they wanted to do.

Yu Zecheng frowned and asked:

"You seem lighter?"

The black mist said loudly:

"Yes, I am one of the main souls in the seventeen-way swordsmanship of the Heart Demon Remnant Shadow. The other sixteen main souls have already left this Pangu world.

We are the record of the inner demons of Old Man Jian. Although Old Man Jian does not admit that the five major sword sects are his disciples, he is extremely protective of his shortcomings. When he ascended, he was worried that the five major sword sects would fall in the future, which gradually became his inner demon.

So when we ascend, our inner demons stay behind and turn into a sutra. At certain moments, we activate the Heart Sword Zen Sect and use their appearance to inspire the five major sects to advance.

Because of our existence, the five major sects have existed until now and will endure for a long time. This is the catfish effect, and this is how you can see the rainbow after going through wind and rain. If winter plum blossoms want to bloom, they must go through wind and snow.

Back then, your ancestor Wang Yin Yang had obtained us, and with the help of our strength, he had infinite sword skills and infinite divine power. "

The remnant image of the inner demon started boasting eloquently, not knowing whether it was true or not.

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