Xian Ao

Chapter 856: The Sword of Self, the only one in mind

This corpse came back to life, and the sword intent was slashed out. This was the sword intent, the supreme sword intent, which was the same level of sword intent as Yu Zecheng's sword intent like the sky, the reincarnation sword intent, the void sword intent, and the time sword intent.

Moreover, this sword intention is so bizarre that it covers the entire ten miles of heaven and earth. The sword light reaches the sky. The three great Nascent Souls and the seventeen golden elixir masters present are all covered by this sword intention.

Yu Zecheng said without saying a word:

"not good."

This is the intention of the sword. Except for the three Nascent Soul Masters present, they can compete with it. I am afraid that the other Jindan Masters will die under this sword.

But in an instant, Yu Zecheng discovered something was wrong. This sword intention covered such a wide area, but its intensity was not high. It did not have the power of destruction that would dissipate everything. Instead, it had a strange power that trembled the soul.

No matter what he was, Yu Zecheng's sword intention suddenly turned into nothingness. He defeated the sword with his sword and struck at the opponent.

In an instant, the two sword intentions merged. In an instant, there was no light and shadow of the sword, no inexplicable explosion, but a flash in Yu Zecheng's heart. The sky and the earth were empty, and the whole world turned into a black and white plain world.

In this world, you are the only one here, no one else, and the world is nothing.

How is this going? Yu Zecheng flew into the air with his sword, and suddenly found a man standing up slowly on the ground in front of him. The man was rotten and looked like a zombie, with one eyeball falling out and insects crawling on his face.

The man was wearing a shabby purple robe, and he looked extremely familiar. After a closer look, he realized that the zombie was him. Yu Zecheng looked at the zombie and said:

"Don't pretend to be a fool, what kind of swordsmanship is this?"

The zombie Yu Zecheng said:

"This is the supreme sword technique of the Heart Sword Zen Sect. The thoughts in my heart are transformed into swords. As long as my heart is big, my sword will be as powerful as it is.

This is the solitary divine sword in the art of the Heart Sword. You have all been hit by this sword. The most powerful thing about this solitary divine sword is not that I kill you, but that it evokes the Zen movement in your hearts and transforms into a phantom of the Heart Sword. It is down below, in fact, it is your own essential soul that makes you your own enemy.

The biggest enemy in the world is yourself. Everything you have, this heart sword phantom will have, and it knows yourself better than you do. Hahaha, it must be very satisfying to be killed by yourself. "

Yu Zecheng said:

"This Heart Sword Technique is indeed magical, but you are not as simple as the Heart Sword Phantom."

The zombie Yu Zecheng said:

"Yes, you have seen through it. Just like you, I am also a disciple of the five major sword sects with the residual image of the inner demon."

Yu Zecheng was stunned and said:

"Do you also have an afterimage of your inner demon?"

The zombie Yu Zecheng said:

"There are seventeen copies of the Heart Demon Remnant, representing the seventeen sets of sword techniques of Old Man Jian. Every time the Heart Sword Zen Sect appears, seventeen Heart Sword seeds will be selected, and a master and a disciple will be born from these seeds. , two Xinjian Zen disciples, the other fifteen people are in tragedy, and I am one of the eliminated. "

Yu Zecheng was stunned. It turned out that there were seventeen copies of this demon's afterimage, so was the one in his Pangu world just one of them?

He said:

"How do you know this?"

The zombie said:

"You will know when you become the eliminated person. Originally, I was supposed to be a disciple of the Heart Sword Zen Sect, but this Heart Sword technique was too profound. I practiced it over and over again, and ended up exploding myself and dying unexpectedly.

Alas, I can't live in peace even if I die. Those old guys asked me to pretend to be this corpse-resurrecting sword and tell you that the Heart Sword Zen Sect is back. "

Yu Zecheng said:

"What are those old guys?"

Zombie said:

"Hahaha, don't ask me, just ask the residual image of the inner demon in your heart. I Yan Liuxiang, I learned sword refining when I was seven years old, built twenty foundations, and sixty golden elixirs, but it was the seventeenth sword. Seed. Why are you the No. 2 Sword Seed? From beginning to end, I was still dissatisfied when I died.

So I replaced your Heart Sword Phantom and let me see how ferocious your swordsmanship is.

Now I know, I am indeed not as good as you. What a good sword intention. The four major sword intentions, reincarnation, voidness, light and shadow, are completely comparable to the sword intention of Old Man Jian’s seventeen sword skills. It’s really terrifying, but such a terrifying sword intention, Not a good thing for you.

Okay, let me try your swordsmanship, Yu Zecheng, let you taste your own swordsmanship. "

In an instant, the zombie burst out with endless light, looked up to the sky and roared, shouting:

"I have been refining swords for hundreds of years. My sword comes from my heart. The sword is me. Since I am the sword, I was undefeated before, undefeated now, and undefeated in the future. This is my heart and my mind."

As the zombie shouted, the sword intention surged from his body, the sword intention was like the tide, the sword intention was like a mountain, the sword intention was like a song! A long roar, like a dragon roaring. The sword is like a song. The meaning of the sword is also like a song. In an instant, the sword radiance on the zombie's body skyrocketed, becoming more and more intense. The sword radiance emitted infinite light, like rolling thunder flowing down.

Yu Zecheng was stunned for a moment. Damn it, this is what he looked like when he first realized the sword intention. This was clearly his sword intention, and the sword intention was like the sky.

Yu Zecheng stood majestic and motionless, and a strong sword intention burst out from his body instantly. He waved his hand casually, and in one wave, the light of Yu Zecheng's flying sword could not be seen, only a white light, like smoke or mist, like The sword is like a chant.

In a trance, the world only had this light. This light suddenly rose, like the morning light, like the evening sky, like the sunset, like thunder, and it was gentle but heavy! The sword intent was like a mountain, like a song, like a prison, like the sky. It rolled over, seemingly gentle and casual, and the cold sword intent that was not revealed was indestructible. They swept across the world, reaching everywhere, breaking everything, and exuding a terrible overbearing pressure.

Suddenly, the two sword intents collided with each other. They were all the same sword intent, the sword intent was like the sky, and the sword intent was like the sky.

The two sword intents collided with each other in this black and white world, impacted each other, and fought each other.

Sure enough, his biggest enemy was himself. This zombie Yu Zecheng was better at controlling this supreme sword intent than Yu Zecheng. The sword intent was transformed into tangible things by him, mountains, mountains, seas, tides, smoke, clouds, and air.

Yu Zecheng's sword intent was gradually forced by the zombie Yu Zecheng's sword intent, and the pressure was gradually reduced and dispersed.

It turned out that the sword intent was fighting between the two, and gradually the sword intent was squeezed by the other party, getting closer and closer to Yu Zecheng, from a hundred feet away to fifty feet, ten feet, five feet, and three feet.

Zombie Yu Zecheng laughed and said:

"I didn't expect that the second-ranked sword species would be killed by me. It's really refreshing. Let you treat me like this. I won't let me rest in peace even if I die. I will kill your second sword species today."

When the sword intent was one foot, seven feet, and three feet away from Yu Zecheng.

Yu Zecheng smiled and said:

"It turns out that my sword intent has so many changes. Thank you for accompanying me to practice swordsmanship. I understand."

Then the sword intent around Yu Zecheng suddenly changed. The sword intent was light and gentle like a breeze, blowing towards him. The gentleness was as heavy as a mountain, and it also contained the meaning of the vastness of the road.

Yu Zecheng's eyes were as clear as water. You could see the bottom. In the deepest part, the dazzling edge was still shining, pure and unique, without a trace of impurities.

His heart and body were refined again in this battle. The sword intent was preserved, his mind was one, the world was the sword, and the sword intent was the sky.

With Yu Zecheng's every move, the sound of the sword rang out like a bell hitting jade, and the black and white world began to collapse. The world was agitated endlessly, and thousands of sword lights were surging, pouring down with the rumbling sound of swords. There was nothing in the world that could block the dazzling sword light.

Kill gods when you meet gods, kill Buddhas when you meet Buddhas, the sky can be penetrated, the earth can be broken, and I dare to make the rivers and seas flow back with my three-foot sword.

As the sword light unfolded, the deep sword intent had spread to every corner of the world, like a world split by the sword light. The sword energy was everywhere, and the sword intent was crisscrossed. All the existence of the vital energy law that did not conform to its nature was instantly rejected.

Instantly, the zombie's sword intent was dispersed and defeated by Yu Zecheng's sword intent.

It turned out that after half a day of excitement, Yu Zecheng was using his own heart sword phantom to refine the sword and make up for the shortcomings of his swordsmanship.

Zombie Yu Zecheng stared at Yu Zecheng blankly, roaring, furious:

"Asshole, you are refining the sword with me and using me as a sparring partner. You despise me too much, die."

Instantly, four kinds of sword intents burst out from him, the sword intent of nothingness, the sword intent of reincarnation, and the sword intent of time, and they were violently released.

Yu Zecheng shook his head and did not resist the sword intent at all. The four sword intents burst like fire and attacked Yu Zecheng, but they only impacted half of the distance and completely dissipated, and the body of the zombie Yu Zecheng began to change, half of it quickly aged and decayed, and the other half turned into nothingness.

The zombie Yu Zecheng shouted in surprise:

"What's going on, what's going on?"

Yu Zecheng said:

"Although you can copy everything about me, my sword intent of nothingness and sword intent of reincarnation are activated by innate spiritual treasures, which you can't copy. With the body of a child, you can't swing a sledgehammer. If you don't have enough strength, you will be hurt.

Goodbye, no, goodbye forever."

It was not just the zombie Yu Zecheng in front of him that disappeared, but the whole world, this black and white world was disappearing, and Yu Zecheng reappeared there in an instant.

The remaining disciples of the three sects were all standing here in a daze. It was only a moment later that the aura of the flying sword flashed in the distance. The sword intent was discovered by the three sword sects that had left, and they rushed back desperately.

And the zombie stood there, looking at Yu Zecheng stupidly.

His body began to collapse, just like the zombie Yu Zecheng. He moved Yu Zecheng's sword intent recklessly, and the power backfired, and he was dissipating.

The zombie looked at the world and said:

"One wrong step, every step is wrong. I lost my mind because of the supreme swordsmanship and embarked on this road of no return. Yu Zecheng, you have to be careful of them..."

Puff, the zombie completely turned into ashes and left.

Yu Zecheng looked at him, seventeen swords, seventeen heart demons, them? Yu Zecheng wanted to go to Pangu World to study the heart demons immediately.

But now is not the time. Next to him, the two Yuanying and seventeen Jindan Zhenren are still in a state of confusion and loss of soul.

At this time, Nan Tian Zhenjun appeared in front of Yu Zecheng, followed by Ou Yezi and Li Canghai, and then countless Yuanying Zhenjun from the three major sword sects.

They looked at the sluggish disciples of the three major sword sects, and Nan Tian Zhenjun opened his mouth and said:

"Resurrection Sword?"

Ou Yezi said:

"Heart Sword? Only my magic sword!"

There was an envious tone in the words, and Yu Zecheng was stunned.

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