Xian Ao

Chapter 858 What’s the benefit? What’s your use?

Yu Zecheng silently looked at the eloquent creature, and struck out fiercely with his sword. The invisible and invisible Reincarnation Sword Intention slanted out in an instant. To deal with this incorporeal soul-like existence, the Reincarnation Sword Intent was theirs. nemesis.

The reincarnation sword intention hit the old man of black mist in the air, and a burst of light suddenly appeared. But after the light, the old man of black mist did not move at all. Under the attack of the sword intention, he did not suffer any harm at all.

This old man of black mist is a strange existence, as if he is not in the air at this time. He is protected by space and time, so the sword of reincarnation cannot hit him, so he can come and go freely in the Pangu world.

But knowing this, that's good. Yu Zecheng silently woke up Lao Qi, studied it, and figured out a way to trap it.

Lao Qi silently transmitted the message:

"Your Majesty, you must drive him out of Pangu World. As long as he leaves Pangu World, I can automatically evolve. At that time, he will not be able to enter and exit our Pangu World so freely.

It is recommended not to use force, otherwise, the Pangu world is in the development stage, which is very disadvantageous to us and will lead to the collapse of the world. If the Pangu world collapses, you, the commander, will die, both physically and spiritually.

You can trick him into chaos, and you can use chaos to devour him, but the chances are low, so it is recommended not to take risks. "

Yu Zecheng didn't want to fight head-on with him here. Now the opponent was in his own Pangu world. If a fight broke out, the Pangu world would be damaged, and he would be the only one unlucky.

Yu Zecheng opened his mouth and said:

"Okay, it is indeed not a deceiving phantom. He has real talent and learning and can stand the test."

The old man of black mist was hit by this sword and his eloquent words were interrupted. He was about to get angry. When he heard what Yu Zecheng said, he immediately laughed and ignored the attack.

Yu Zecheng immediately felt that there was something wrong with the old man of black mist. He looked at the old man of black mist and said:

"Senior is indeed an expert. I wonder what he can teach me?"

The old man of black mist said:

"I can teach you the supreme swordsmanship, I can teach you the laws of heaven, I can make you a true one, I can make you ascend to the immortal world. I can give you endless power, and I can make you the greatest existence. "

Yu Zecheng listened to the black mist old man talking more and more, and asked:

"Senior, what can you actually teach me?"

Old Man Black Mist said:

"The most difficult thing for this Yuanying monk is to become the True One of Returning to the Void. I have mastered the thirty-three laws of heaven. I can let you realize these laws of heaven, so that you can become the True One of Returning to the Void and possess supreme divine power."

While speaking, thirty-three illusions appeared in front of Yu Zecheng. These illusions were all created by ancient demon culture. Some were like the Milky Way flowing, some were like lightning flashing, some were like towering mountains, and some were like mountains. Like a long river flowing.

Seeing these thirty-three laws of heaven, Yu Zecheng was stunned and said:

"Ancient demon texts? Laws of heaven?"

Old Man Black Mist said:

"Bah, what ancient demon writings? It's just that the demon clan has been around for a longer time. They record these heavenly ways and condense them into a text-like pattern. They shamelessly become ancient demonic writings. In fact, they are part of the heavenly ways themselves. A form of expression, they just record it.”

Yu Zecheng looked at it and said:

"This Heaven's Way seems to be wrong?"

Old Man Heiwu was stunned and said:

"Impossible. This is my true body, the Supreme Lord. Hundreds of thousands of years of observation, how could it be wrong?"

Yu Zecheng said:

"I feel something is wrong..."

After speaking, he took out his Eternal and Immortal Three Thousand Avenues of Nirvana Sutra, opened it, and the sutra automatically turned over to a page. Yu Zecheng compared it and said:

"Look, it's wrong. This needs to be changed. The position of the force is wrong, which means there is a gap in power..."

With the emergence of the Three Thousand Avenues of Nirvana Sutra, the power of heaven in the air began to change according to what Yu Zecheng said. After Yu Zecheng finished changing this one, he went to change the next one. The old man of black mist stood there completely stupid. After a long time, I only took out the thirty-three laws of heaven. The three thousand laws of heaven were recorded in other people's scriptures, and the scriptures had already recognized the owner. The supreme fairy code could never be taken away. What I did was simply a street crime. The beggar took out a penny and showed it off in front of the millionaire.

Suddenly the thirty-three laws of Taoism disappeared, and the old man of black mist said:

"This is nothing, it's just a small thing. I can teach you more powerful swordsmanship. Back then, your master..."

Yu Zecheng interrupted him and asked:

"Senior, can you turn my sword intention like the sky into divine power?"

Hearing this, Old Man Heiwu was speechless for a long time and said:

"That, that, this is the supreme sword intention of Jiu Swordsmanship. It is not impossible to become a divine power, but, but this requires constant self-effort and continuous practice. This, this, is a bit difficult, you see..."

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

"It seems that it won't work. Then can my void sword intention be transformed into divine power?"

Old Black Mist began to stutter again and said:

"This, this, there is no connection between the source of your Void Sword Intention and the Ice and Snow Palace, and the seventeen sword techniques of our Sword Master's system. This..."

Yu Zecheng shook his head and said:

"This doesn't work either. What about my reincarnation sword intention?"

Old Man Black Mist said:

"That, that..."

Yu Zecheng nodded again and said:

"This doesn't work either. What about the Sword Intent of Time?"

Old Man Heiwu was speechless and said for a long time:

"We can let you possess the supreme swordsmanship of other swordsmanship, such as the Heart Swordsmanship, such as the Zen Swordsmanship, such as..."

Yu Zecheng glanced at him sideways and said:

"Is it just the way of swordsmanship? What about swordsmanship?"

Old Man Heiwu felt ashamed and said:

"You can first learn the way of the sword, and then slowly practice the sword's will. Hard work will pay off, and you will definitely succeed if you work hard..."

Yu Zecheng said contemptuously:

"Yes, in the future, I will slowly cultivate my divine power, and then..., and then..., once my upper lip touches my lower lip, how long will it take?"

Old Man Black Mist was speechless.

Yu Zecheng asked again:

"Then what can you give me? What benefits can you give me?"

Old Man Black Mist said:

"You can learn Old Man Jian's other sword skills. You can..."

Yu Zecheng asked again:

"Give up my current four sword powers and learn some sword techniques that are useless now. How long will it take to realize the power of divine power?"

Yu Zecheng looked at the old man Black Mist with a look that looked like a fool.

Old Man Black Mist was completely speechless.

Yu Zecheng asked again:

"Then what can you give me? What benefits can you give me?"

Old Man Heiwu cursed angrily:

"I'll give you a bastard, I know I want benefits, benefits, benefits, you..."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Calm down, calm down, don't get angry. You have no benefits. Don't say that there is nothing for me to do with you. Maybe I catch you or kill you. There are benefits hidden in your body..."

Yu Zecheng's eyes gradually showed a fierce look, and it was self-evident what he wanted to do. Lao Qi said in time:

"Reporting to the Lord Commander, I have discovered how it works. I have begun to repair Pangu World. I can completely change it..."

The old man Black Mist suddenly roared wildly and shouted:

"I'm so angry. You are a rotten wood that cannot be carved. You are a bastard who fell into the pile of benefits."

In an instant, he rushed out of Yu Zecheng's Pangu world and disappeared from the sky.

All the formation restrictions outside Yu Zecheng's body showed no reaction at all, and the opponent suddenly disappeared.

Yu Zecheng let out a sigh of relief and asked:

"Can Lao Qi really catch it?"

Lao Qi replied:

“It’s impossible, I’ll lie to him again, it’s best to trick him out of our territory.

The other party has activated a very mysterious state, which is related to the two laws of space and time. I can only do my best to never let him penetrate into our Pangu world again, but I cannot capture it.

Although it is very powerful in this state, it cannot attack others at the same time. It needs to be released from this state before it can attack others. If it is released from this protective state, your reincarnation sword intention, Lord Commander, will be its nemesis. "

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

"It seems that this thing is the real mastermind behind the Heart Sword Zen Sect. Every time he appears, he selects seventeen seeds, cultivates a master and an apprentice among them, teaches them various sword skills, and then confuses them in the name of trial , began to harm our five major sword sects.

It sounds nice, but it's all lies. Lao Qi concentrated all his efforts on this matter, and studied how to find them and eliminate them. "

Lao Qi replied:

"Yes, accept the decree. Study it with all your strength immediately."

The old man of black mist instantly traveled through countless time and space and flew to a cave. Above that cave, there was another old man of black mist. They looked similar, but there were some subtle differences.

The old man of black mist said:

"I suggest that Yu Zecheng be disqualified as the second seed and give up on his training."

The black mist old man said:

"Why? In every aspect, he is the most suitable, a master and a disciple, a pair of lovers, and in the end both died by the sword. What a pleasant legend, this is what we have designed for a long time."

The old man in black mist said dejectedly:

"The question is what can we give him now? What can we use to attract him? They have the Three Thousand Ways of Nirvana Sutra and they have the Four Great Sword Intentions. We can only teach them the power of swordsmanship. In the future, they will have to realize themselves. What benefits can we get? To Yu Zecheng?”

After asking this question, the old man in Black Mist fell silent.

The black mist old man said again:

"This guy is very clever. He can peel off three layers of skin wherever he goes. I think we should continue to deceive Mr. Wang. It is better for him to be honest and easy to deceive, which is more economical."

The black mist old man said:

"Oh, that's all we can do, then change the plot, let their lovers turn against each other, and die under each other's sword, so that the Supreme Lord will also feel very happy.

You go back to your position first, and we'll study it later. "

Suddenly the two black mists merged into one.

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