Chapter 198

The moment of using the Soul Removal Dafa.

There was a strange feeling that burst out instantly.

This feeling is not from Wen Renjie.

It’s on the opposite side of him.

It was from Shi Feixuan!

“Wang Defa?!”

Wen Renjie was already a little confused, and even panicked a little bit.

What is this situation? !

When he used the Soul Transfer Dafa, he was supposed to speak the truth from the other side.

He is fine, by the way, let’s take a look at what Shi Feixuan is like now.

But because he used the sword intent to urge.

Inexplicably, Wen Renjie felt that Shi Feixuan was full of attraction.

Not that kind of physical attraction.

But on the soul!

Wen Renjie felt that his soul was about to float out.

Even he saw his body!

This is completely different from the time of internal vision.

He looked at his body in the third person as if he was really out of his body.

At this moment, his body was pinching the sword art, staring at Shi Feixuan’s eyes.

Shi Feixuan also kept staring at him, motionless.

But in this state of “soul out of the body”, Wen Renjie knew where Shi Fei Xuan hadn’t moved, she was very violent!


In this illusory state, she could see Shi Feixuan’s sword light shining from behind, but it lingered into a huge ball spinning around her head.

Wen Renjie didn’t have time to explore his current situation, but carefully looked at the ball of light.

His eyes seemed to have received an inexplicable bonus, and he saw the center of the sphere through countless sword lights.

It’s Shi Feixuan!

In that ball of light.

Shi Feixuan dressed in white, like a fairy in the sky.

Holding a long sword, constantly killing. The black phantom turning around her.

Wen Renjie’s dynamic vision is excellent.

Just a closer look, I found that these black phantoms are also Shi Feixuan!

It’s just that the expression on his face looked evil and hideous.

It’s just more of a man in a magic door than a man in a magic door.

“Inner Demon?”

Wen Renjie feels that his guess is most likely to be correct.

No wonder Shi Feixuan hasn’t reacted much.

It turns out that her spiritual world has been fighting.

Even Wen Renjie has never experienced such a thing.

He can also guess.

If Shi Feixuan, who wore black clothes, wins, it is certain that Shi Feixuan will change his mind.

“Do you want to help?”

Wen Renjie feels that his state at the moment is very magical, and all kinds of swordsmanship can be grasped at his fingertips.

He even discovered that in this state of the soul out of his body, he could always maintain the kendo realm of returning ten thousand swords to the sect.

It’s just that, if Shifei changes her character, maybe it will be easier for him to let Yinkui Sect annex Cihang Jingzhai.

After all, Shi Feixuan is equivalent to the next generation leader, and it is more useful to conquer her than to conquer Fan Qinghui.

It’s just not helpful…

Wen Renjie watched the constant fighting in the center, but his eyes were firm, his lips were pressed, and Shifei, who said nothing, was silent.

Through an inadvertent glance.

Shi Feixuan obviously also found Wen Renjie suspended in midair.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

But she did not ask for help.


There was silence for a second or two.

Wen Renjie decided to save her.

If Shi Feixuan became a witch, then she would not be Shi Feixuan.

As for her interest, Wen Renjie may be discounted.

In his soul body, a sword step flickered.

Then he plunged directly into the sphere.

And his body in reality remained unchanged.

It seems that the time in reality is completely different from his strange space.

His process of entering the ball is also very smooth.

I don’t know if it is because of his advanced kendo realm and forcibly breaking into it, or because of the powerful attraction that Shi Feixuan had on him.

Facing countless black phantoms, Wen Renjie. Just waved.

A sword light that penetrated the sky completely wiped it out.

Seeing Shi Fei Xuan for a moment.

Even Wen Renjie was taken aback.

He just thought of it in his mind to kill these black Shifeixuan with a single sword.

He used a sword to pass a lifetime.

However, he did not expect the power to be so great.

But he looked at the outside for a moment, and in reality he was not affected at all.

It seems that the space and the real world in his current state are completely two dimensions.

Seeing the demons disappeared, Shi Feixuan seemed to have some relief.

But then her face flushed.

“You… why can you come in?”


Wen Renjie was a little inexplicable: “I came in as soon as I wanted to come in, there was no resistance at all!”

When he said that, he flew close to Shi Feixuan lightly.

Up and down looked at Shi Feixuan who looked like this.

Shi Fei Xuan in this state is more stunning and beautiful than in the real world.

It’s not just external.

More sublimation above the feeling.

Shi Feixuan’s body was constantly scattered with streamers, like a real fairy, swaying Xianhui.

The feeling of holiness is ten times stronger than in reality.

It feels like looking at her will feel it is a kind of blasphemy.

“I mean this is my spiritual world, how come you can come in so easily?”

Shi Fei looked at Wen Renjie with his eyes.

Because she found that Wen Renjie has a fatal attraction to her.

Perhaps it is the incomparable sword intent.

Or maybe it’s the look of the queen who killed the heart demon.

Or he broke into his spiritual world and broke her heart…

In short, Shi Feixuan’s feelings for Wen Renjie are both love and hate!


It’s love!

Shi Feixuan discovered that since she knew Wen Renjie’s true identity.

When everything was connected in series, this man took more and more weight in his heart.

Even if he broke into his spiritual world, there seemed to be no obstacle.

Doesn’t this mean that deep down in her heart, she doesn’t actually hate Wen Renjie.

But still accepting him?

Shi Feixuan didn’t know how to face this man who almost drove her crazy.

I had to turn my head and not look at him.

But who is Wen Renjie?

Anyway, there is a woman who has ever lived.

He is not like those elm heads.

Coupled with so many years of books, is he reading it for nothing?

He understood Shi Feixuan’s expression all at once.

At the same time, I was a little surprised.

She still likes me?

Is it possible that such saints all have Stockholm syndrome?

Wen Renjie couldn’t figure it out, but he didn’t want to think about it either.

At this time, I still think that those who have nothing, are still men.

Moreover, Cihang Jingzhai itself is a dual spiritual practice.


It is the so-called spiritual love of Cihang Jingzhai.

Wen Renjie also wants to experience it.

It just so happened that Shi Feixuan had only one last ring left!

With a strange smile on his face, Wen Renjie flashed his sword step and appeared in front of Shi Feixuan.

“Master Fairy, it seems that you do not resist me…”.

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