Chapter 197

The questions of the three Xiao Feng brothers may not be answered until they have traced them.

But now, they have nothing but sadness.

After they calmed down, Xu Zhu buried Ye Erniang’s body and knocked his head respectfully.

Then probed into the surrounding situation.

At the same time, I recalled what happened in the capital today.

Even if they are not catching fast, they have been walking in the arena for many years and have rich experience.

Coupled with Wen Renjie, they did not hide their whereabouts.

According to the clues and the palm prints of the Yan lunatics, the three of them quickly thought of the Blue Dragon Club.

And Jin Yiwei who arrested people everywhere in the capital today.

Regardless of the fact that all three of them are powerful martial arts.

But whether it was Jin Yiwei or Qinglonghui, they couldn’t afford it.

So even if you want revenge, you have to think about it long-term.

What’s more, Xiao Feng also felt in his heart that Ye Erniang and the South China Sea Crocodile March 20 gods died well.

This can be considered a good deed for the world.

It’s just not a good thing for people who have a relationship with them.

Looking at the second brother Xuzhu who was silent on the head of the grave, Xiao Feng couldn’t help but glanced at Duan Yu.

They all know that the boss of the four evil men, Duan Yanqing is actually Duan Yu’s biological father.

Now there are two dead here, and there is also a guest in the cloud, whose whereabouts are unknown.

It is estimated that their boss Duan Yanqing will also be targeted…

Duan Yu also thought of this layer after comforting Xuzhu for a while.

I also thought about rushing to the capital to find my biological father…

But here, my own beloved second brother, and his mother died…

That tangled three of them!

For a moment, Xiao Feng felt that he was actually lucky, and he didn’t have such a parent.

When the Jinwuxi falls, the jade rabbit rises.

The three talents cleaned up hastily and returned to the capital.

This is Xu Zhu seems to be out of the mood to participate in the martial arts conference.

. . .

And at this moment, what is Wen Renjie, the initiator of all this, doing?

He took Shi Feixuan back to the small courtyard in the north of the city.

After eating a meal comfortably, the two of them sat in the yard and looked at each other.

Of course, it is not very accurate to say that it is facing each other.

Because Wen Renjie discovered that Shi Feixuan’s eyes were always loose.

Even if the two of them looked at each other.

But Shi Feixuan still had no focus on her eyes.

Wen Renjie muttered to himself in his heart.

Wouldn’t it be too much playing that made Shi Feixuan a fool?

Fortunately, there is a system.

Wen Renjie discovered that Shi Feixuan’s realm had not been lowered.

On the contrary, it also raised a small level.

In other words, after this operation, he actually helped Shi Feixuan improve his skill?

This made him a little confused.

Is it possible to become the practice of Ci Hang Jing Zhai, and still be abused?

The truth is certainly not what Wen Renjie thought.

The practice of Cihang Jingzhai focuses not only on the improvement of skill, but also on the improvement of the soul.

For most people in Cihang Jingzhai.

They may be able to experience great joy and great sadness, experience some love, and then swing their swords to cut the love silk, and leave.

But she would never experience things like Shi Feixuan’s three views and common sense.

It can be said that Wen Renjie not only caused Shifei Xuan to break the ring.

It is also training Shi Feixuan’s state of mind.

Although the current concubine was after killing Ye Erniang.

It has always been in this state.

In fact, this is also a state of epiphany.

Her whole person became ethereal, and her perception of the outside world became weak.

If Shi Feixuan could break through the barriers in his heart.

That is another big improvement.

If you can’t break through the confusion in your heart.

Then Shi Feixuan is very likely to fall into the evil spirit and fall into the evil way.

This kind of madness is not a kind of madness in terms of skill.

It’s the ecstasy of character and realm.

It can be said that if Shifeixuan, fall into the magic way.

So how kind, gentle, loving, and broad she was before…

Then how cruel, evil, and violent he will be after he falls into the devil’s way…

This kind of epiphany state completely depends on Shi Fei Xuan herself.

Of course, there is another way.

Because she still has one but it hasn’t broken.

Therefore, Shi Feixuan’s epiphany was not complete in itself.

As long as Shi Feixuan can figure it out.

Then it is extremely possible to break through several realms.

There is no one else in the small courtyard in the north of the city at the moment.

Wanwan and Zhu Yuyan are probably going to torture the crane in the cloud.

In this yard belonging to him, Di Renjie and Shi Fei Xuan were the only ones.

So Wen Renjie didn’t wear a mask either.

After staring at Shi Feixuan for a long time, Wen Renjie felt a little sore in his eyes.

The reflector Feixuan did not even blink her eyelids.

“Tsk tusk! If you didn’t know that you were cultivating the Cihang Sword Classic, I thought you were cultivating the Immortal King technique!”

Wen Renjie.. …….. It seems to be talking to herself, and it seems to be talking to Shi Feixuan.

But Shi Feixuan hardly reacted.

But it hardly means that there is no response at all.

Because Wen Renjie found himself talking about the Cihang Sword Classic.

Shi Feixuan’s eyes seemed to change a little.

“Cihang Sword Classic?”

“Huh? Your eyes are glowing?”

“Could it be that you will only react to Cihang Sword Classic?”

Wen Renjie is like a self-talking autistic patient.

And Shi Feixuan was like a vegetative person who didn’t respond at all.

One is talking and the other is listening.

If you don’t listen to their conversation, there is really such a warm atmosphere from a distance.

Under the moonlight.

In the small courtyard.

On both sides of the stone table.

Good-looking man and beautiful girl.

Do not look sideways.

But if he heard Wen Renjie, the words of the prickly teacher Feixuan, it would instantly ruin the atmosphere.

“Master Fairy, if you are willing to listen to me now, what if you agree to join Qinglong?”

“not talking?”

“If you don’t speak, I will assume you agree?”

“Otherwise, you probably won’t be able to do without the Azure Dragon Club. Who made you see my face?”

“You said, do you want to be imprisoned by me, or do you want to be killed by me?”

Wen Renjie babbled and found that Shi Feixuan had little reaction most of the time.

Only mention things related to swords.

There will be divine light in Shi Feixuan’s eyes.

“It seems that I am entering your mind to see what you are thinking!”

After Wen Renjie discovered this situation, he ran the soul-moving method he knew.

This is the copy of the Huang Shang in the palace, after compiling the Jiuyin Scripture, stored in the palace treasury.

He was lucky enough to have seen it, and used it at this time by the way.

But this exercise is certainly not as magical as in the legend.

At most, it is an enhanced version of hypnosis.

It’s nothing more than being able to let a person say what’s in his heart.

But Wen Renjie had a whim.

Since Shi Feixuan only reacted to swords.

So if he used the sword intent to urge the Soul Removal Dafa, he should be able to wake her up?

Do it when you think of it.

Wen Renjie’s sword intent, although he can’t maintain the posture of returning from the sword to the sect all the time.

But staying in the realm of “kendo” is quite easy.

“Moving soul… Dafa!”.

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