Chapter 199

Under the moonlight.

The small courtyard north of the city was extremely silent.

It seems that the sounds of the city outside the alley can be heard.


The handsome men and women sitting at the stone table are as if the petrochemicals have been lifted.

at the same time.

The eyes of the two men recovered.

It’s like melting ice sculptures.

There was also an expression on his face.

The body is also active.

Wen Renjie’s out-of-body soul returned to his place again!

Regain control of the body, and the feeling of steadiness came again.

His face was confused for a while, and then he realized that he had returned to his body.

In the spiritual world.

Several hours passed.

But in the real world.

It seems that only a moment has passed.

Because he touched the teacup, the temperature was exactly the same as before.

“Unexpectedly that the Cihang Sword Classic has this effect, no wonder you people of Cihang Jingzhai like to enter the world and practice…”

Wen Renjie said with a smile.

There seems to be a point in the words.

This time he was not talking to himself.

Because Shi Feixuan also woke up.

Her eyes changed from indifferent to extremely complex.

It seems that all the previous emotions have exploded at this moment.

Hear what Wen Renjie said.

A hint of shyness appeared on the cold and holy face.

But it was put away soon.

Forcibly pretending to be like usual.

However, she was holding her arms and tapping her fingers constantly.

It can be completely seen that her current mood is not as calm as above the surface.

Because she and Wen Renjie, in her own spiritual world, double repaired for several hours.

This means that, deep in her heart, she has already accepted Wen Renjie.

But this guy was cheating and intimidating her.

He even made a lot of things and broke her ring.

Therefore, Shi Feixuan’s current mood is simply complicated and unspeakable.


“Of course we are a couple. Does Fairy Master have any other ideas?”

Compared to Shi Feixuan’s state.

Wen Renjie is much easier.

He sat next to Shi Feixuan and stretched out his hand to hug her.

There is so little resistance.

But in the end he silently obeyed.

“Huh, I’m already feeding demons with my body…々~…”

“Yes, right, right, feed the devil with your body, just feed the devil with your body. Now that your precepts are broken, how do you feel in your heart?”

Wen Renjie found that Shi Feixuan was quite Tsundere.

Anyway, she didn’t admit that she had fallen in love with herself, so she had to find an excuse.

He didn’t go to dismantle Shi Feixuan again.

There must be a degree no matter what.

During the previous operation, Shi Feixuan almost caused a nervous breakdown.

Wen Renjie didn’t dare to play so much.

After all, the relationship between the two is different now.

Although the two people are in contact in the real world.

But in the spiritual world.

Shi Feixuan is already Wen Renjie’s woman.

It’s just that Wen Renjie still hasn’t forgotten his original purpose.

He was just to break Shi Feixuan’s state of mind.

So that Shi Feixuan agreed that Cihang Jingzhai was annexed by the Yinkui faction.

Fortunately, Wen Renjie’s operation was not in vain.

Face Wen Renjie and ask how he feels.

Shi Feixuan sighed softly and looked at him angrily.

“As soon as the precepts are broken, I have even given my heart to you, what else do I want?”

Wen Renjie is overjoyed.

This means that Shi Feixuan agreed with his idea after half-pushing.

To tell the truth.

There is also a saying in the Cihang sword canon that it will not be broken or will not stand, and that it will stand after it is broken.

Now Shi Feixuan is undoubtedly walking in front of Wanwan.

After cultivating the spirit with Wen Renjie.

The realm has risen to a small level again, and it is already the late Samadhi realm.

However, Wen Renjie’s benefits are no less than Shi Feixuan.

It is also after this time of spiritual double cultivation.

Wen Renjie self-examined his body.

Finding him inexplicably broke through the Mingyi realm Dzogchen!

Reached the early stage of Samadhi!

This is also the state of Wanwan today.

It can be said to be a small overlord.

The so-called Samadhi.

This state is the comprehension period of Wuzhong Samadhi.

The warriors are no longer satisfied with simple physical reactions.

After clarifying his martial arts.

Begin to consider how to control his martial arts so that he can better defeat the enemy.

The martial arts are divided into the mind, body, and skill.

Each comprehension of one of them can be greatly improved.

Only when everything is transparent is a real master-level master.

Heart: Let the warriors fight with the most appropriate mentality.

After comprehending, a warrior knew what he was fighting for.

Able to maintain the same state of mind in battle without hesitation.

Not to mention the nonsense at a critical juncture to turn the enemy over.

For example, when Shi Potian cultivated Arhat Fumo divine art, Zhang Wuji was in a state of desirelessness when he cultivated the Great Shift of the Universe.

The epiphany of Yang’s past in front of the Valley of Unfeeling and Guo Jing’s change on Mount Hua are the process of shaping this state of mind.

For people with high comprehension ability, it can be a momentary thing.

For others, it is extremely difficult.

And Wen Renjie obviously does not have this problem.

It has a very high savvy.

Coupled with the organization bonus of the Blue Dragon Association, you can do things easily.

Body: Let your body respond in the most suitable way for your martial arts, you can guarantee that you will not be attacked, and you have made the most suitable response.

This is how the training of the body has reached a very high level.

It is all about practicing the senses of the body to the extreme.

With instinct, it can even achieve the effects possessed by martial arts.

In other words, a martial skill has become a part of the body.

It’s like many powerhouses who refining the body.

Cultivating iron cloth shirts and golden bell covers, the King Kong is not bad for the magical powers, and the golden body is immortal and so on.

They reach the samādhi state through ignorance.

Just like Wen Renjie reaches the Samadhi state through ambiguity.

Skills: Find the most suitable martial arts, and use the most suitable martial arts to make up for the shortcomings.

Linghu Chong, the representative figure, relies purely on technology to conquer the world.

Hone the skills to the pinnacle.

And some warriors can comprehend the two samādhi, one step away from the master level (good).

The four of the five bests in the world were still a bit worse in their early years.

Yaoshi Huang and Yideng need to practice their minds, and Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng need to practice skills.

In the later stage, Huang Laoxie died of his wife, and his heart was ashamed, and he stepped into the master class.

A light ntr, see through the red dust, step into the master class.

Grandmaster level above this skill.

It is also a way to a higher state.

If you must choose a representative.

Of course, on the sword conference, the Dugu Qiu who overwhelmed the heroes was defeated.

He is the true pinnacle of skill.

Relying on the Dugu Nine Swords, reach the spiritual realm.

Of course, he didn’t pull down the other ambiguity.

So, Wuzhong Samadhi.

One of them, to the extreme point can also convey the culmination.

But now, Wen Renjie advances to the Samadhi realm with ambiguity.

It just made him feel a little speechless.

It seems that this time the improvement of realm was achieved through double cultivation.

Is it possible…….

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