Chapter 186

Wan Wan doesn’t know how torment Wen Renjie is in the room.

She just walked out immediately after receiving the order.

But she reacted after two steps.

Now the Blue Dragon Club is not what it used to be.

There is no need to do anything, let her, the rudder master responsible for the infiltration mission target, do it.

There is a division of labor in everything.

Wanwan is also an expert in Wen Renjie’s mess.

As soon as the eyeballs turned, they changed directions.

She is going to find Gong Ziyu first, after all, she is specialized in this, so her head is so good.

Walked to the front of a yard, the layout is similar to the one where Wen Renjie lives -.

The gatekeeper was quite winking, seeing Wan Wan wearing a purple-cyan uniform belonging to the rudder owner, and very respectfully invited her in-go in.

Then I poured it for him, served the tea, and then went to invite the son Yu.

Gong Ziyu and Ming Yuexin, still wearing masks, appeared in the hall.

“February 1, what’s the matter with you coming to see me?”

“It’s not that I have something to do, it’s that the big dragon head has something to do.”

Wan Wan is straight to the point.

He told Gong Ziyu what Wen Renjie needed to find the four villains and lead them out of the city.

After listening to Wan Wan’s retelling silently, Gong Ziyu quickly came up with a countermeasure.

With the power of the Azure Dragon Society, it is very simple to find people in the capital.

What’s more, we still need to look for the four wicked people, this kind of unwelcome existence.

“This matter is easy to handle. I want to find the four wicked people, and I don’t even need the people of our Blue Dragon Club to go out.”

After hearing this, Gong Ziyu pondered for a while, and then came up with a countermeasure.

“In fact, people from the court have been looking for them, but there have been too many things in the capital recently, and the four of them haven’t done anything too outrageous, so I just leave them alone for the time being.”

“Since you know where the cranes in the cloud are, just tell a court organization, they must have come out of that group.”

Gong Ziyu’s words were justified and well-founded, and Wan Wan couldn’t help nodding, but there were only a few small problems.

“After all, this is a matter of the rivers and lakes. Isn’t it a bad idea to involve the court?”

“What’s wrong? The existence of the four of them is to disrupt the order in the capital, and let the people of the imperial court take action. It is more appropriate.”

Gong Zi Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then he explained it to Wan Wan.

After all, he was living from the royal family.

Thinking about problems is much broader than a person in the pure arena.

The views of the arena and the court are not the same, nor are they clearly distinguished.

Because in the eyes of Gong Ziyu.

If the rivers and lakes are big rivers and lakes, then the court is the ultimate sea.

No one can do without anyone!

After listening to Gong Ziyu’s analysis, Wan Wan also felt quite reasonable.

And he doesn’t take fame as seriously as those in the right way.

Say they colluded with the court?

What about the evidence?

Besides, in the Qinglonghui today, who would dare to say that they were colluding with the court?

“Then who is better to go to the court?”

Wan Wan asked.

Regarding the court, there are quite a few organizations that want to arrest people.

She hesitated for a while.

Because Wen Renjie’s order was to force the four villains out of the city.

If this is the case for those very powerful organizations, such as Six Doors or Hulong Villa, to arrest people.

It is estimated that the four villains were arrested before they even went outside the capital.

“Go tell Jin Yiwei.” Gong Ziyu replied without thinking.

“The strong in Jinyiwei are not as good as other organizations, and they are still very useful for our plan.”


Wan Wan also feels weird.

When others ask for help, the more powerful they are, the better.

As a result, Qinglong would ask for help, but the more mediocre the better.

I was afraid that the helper was too good, and the target was taken away…

“Then I’ll be busy, thanks a lot!”

“That’s it.”

Gong Ziyu nodded lightly.

This kind of little thing, he hardly needs any brain power.

His current main energy is still on the martial arts conference.

Of course, based on his realm, he naturally wouldn’t participate directly.

The Feathered Immortal Sutra he cultivated also had no offensive power.

The main thing is to analyze the information of the participants, so that everyone can have a little preparation.

. . .

Leave the courtyard.

Wan Wan walked alone on the street.

Looking at the beggar on the street, his eyes lit up.

He weighed his pockets and walked towards them.

Of course she was not trying to show kindness and reward them with some silver.

···········Ask for flowers·······

It is necessary to find the position of Jinyiwei through them.

At this time, Wan Wan realized that no one under her hand could use it!

Her master of Damn it actually took away all the people from the Yinkui faction!

No one was left for her.

As a result, she is now looking for someone, and she has to spend money to ask someone to help her.

As for why she didn’t go to the other people in the Qinglonghui.

Isn’t this a joke?

Currently the sub-rudder members and peripheral members of the Qinglong Club.

All of them were transformed from the forces under the hands of each rudder master.

She couldn’t make these people even if she wanted to.

It is even more impossible for him to ask other rudder owners for help.

If it is not within their scope of responsibility.

…. …

Wan Wan was also embarrassed to find them.

After all, the ultimate goal of this matter was to help them annex Cihang Jingzhai by the Yin Kui Sect.

But it’s okay now.

Money opens the way, unimpeded.

Jin Yiwei’s people would have patrolled various places in the capital every day.

Their location is not difficult to find out.

It’s just that the location is constantly changing, it’s not easy to locate.

But these, in front of the gang of beggars all over the place, are not a problem at all.

No matter where they go on patrol, they can almost see the figure of the beggar gang.

And they also have a unique set of communication methods.

Wan Wan just told them the goal of the mission and gave them money.

After a while, only to see the beggar in front of her, he made a few gestures to the beggar a little farther away.

The opposite is also a wave of gestures.


“Woman, the person you were looking for, I found it.”

“Huh? So fast?! Where are they?”

“Jin Yiwei patrols, scattered in various places in the capital, the leader of Jin Yiwei you are looking for happens to be in the ring area in the north of the city, dealing with the situation there.”


Wan Wan was speechless.

Although I haven’t seen what is going on in the ring area.

But Wanwan can already imagine that Jin Yiwei is trying his best to maintain order.

I don’t know what those people are thinking.

Mingming Qinglonghui has already left there, why are they still gathering there for? Husband.

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