Chapter 185

“Isn’t Shi Feixuan breaking the wine ring because of drinking? Let’s let her break a few more and completely defeat her Dao Xin!”

Wen Renjie did not take special care of Shifeixuan because of her reputation in the right way.

Even when he was watching novels and movies in his previous life, he liked the role of Shi Feixuan very much.

But there is no way, now they are the opposite camp.

Unless Shi Feixuan is transformed into his own person, Wen Renjie will start without mercy at all.


Wan Wan looked at Shi Feixuan who was twisting and twisting on the bed with interest.

This scene must not be seen by those young heroes in the whole life.

“Maybe it will work!” Wan Wan chuckled as she recalled the expression when she filled Shi Fei Xuan with wine.

“But what are we going to do? It is almost impossible for her to take the initiative to commit a crime!”

“Aren’t you in the magic door? Are you not good at this kind of thing?”

“Hee hee, for ordinary people, our bewitching is naturally a Bailing Bailing, but a warrior like Shixianzi is not very useful!”

Wan Wan is not embarrassed. He is not only loyal to Wen Renjie, but also has other feelings in it…

Thinking that her younger sister Bai Qing’er has become Wen Renjie’s people, Wan Wan is also a pity.

It’s a pity that her Secret of Heavenly Demon hasn’t reached the eighteenth level…

Wen Renjie didn’t think so much, his brain was running fast, watching the bewildered Shi Fei Xuan, one after another crooked idea, only going out.

“She has broken one of the five major precepts of Buddhism.”

“There is still no killing, no stealing, no lying, no adultery.”

Wen Renjie slowly worked his way through his thoughts, anyway, for the next ten days and a half, he has nothing to do.

Just wait for the martial arts conference to start.

Just take advantage of this time to do the progress of the Fate Showdown series of missions by the way. He has time to play with Wan Wan and Shi Feixuan and the others.

“She debuted for so long, really never killed anyone?”

Wen Renjie turned to ask Xiang Wanwan.

The expression on Wanwan who heard her was really taken aback.

“You said so… I just found out that Shi Feixuan really (cide) never killed anyone!”

“Oh? Don’t the people of Cihang Jingzhai kill anyone?”

“That’s not the case. At least in my impression, it seems that only Shi Feixuan never kills. At most, she wounds the enemy so that she can’t act, and finally gets the punishment she deserves.”

“Is that so?”

After listening to Wanwan’s words, Wen Renjie thought of the system, the description of Shi Feixuan.

“A true Virgin-like figure”!

It seems that this is not only about her beautiful appearance, but also about her having a heart like a Virgin.

For a moment, Wen Renjie felt ashamed that he wanted to destroy the soul of such a holy person.

But soon, he adjusted.

Although there is a sense of guilt, rewards are more important!

If he could even instigate a rebellious figure like Shi Feixuan, then the rest of the people in Ci Hang Jing Zhai would be better off.

After tidying up his mind, Wen Renjie said: “Then let the teacher fairy first feel the suffering in the rivers and lakes!”

“Some people have sinned to death. I don’t believe that Shi Feixuan can’t hold back a killer when he encounters such an angry animal!”

Wen Renjie has even chosen a goal in his heart.

He wanted to see how long Shi Feixuan could endure? !

Found that Shi Feixuan was still writhing, matching her figure and fairy-like temperament, the contrast brought by it was really seductive and confusing.

Wen Renjie looked at it for a while, and felt a little exuberant.

Fortunately, he is also someone who has experienced women.

They are still beauties in the arena, so they won’t be obsessed with finding North.

He stretched out his hand and clicked Shi Feixuan’s sleeping acupuncture point, allowing her to fall asleep quietly.

Then put on the mask.

“Wan Wan, do you still remember the perverts and flower-picking thieves that you met in Baiyun Restaurant before?”

“Remember! If it hadn’t been for something to do recently, I would have killed them all!”

Wan Wan was not accustomed to those people at all, because she had a lot of things recently, and those sex monsters and flower-picking thieves had escaped.

“By the way! When you talk about this, I really have something to do here!”


“The person who had been yelling at you at the door was the crane in the cloud among the four villains in the rivers and lakes.”

“Well, I know it’s him, what’s the matter?”

“That guy actually followed us not far when you went out. I guess he always wanted to find a chance to get revenge!”

“Are there any other good things?”

Wen Renjie. Not only was he not angry, but he laughed instead.

This can be said to be a pillow when the doze comes, what a coincidence!

The people he was looking for had something to do with the four evil men.

Originally, when he saw the three brothers Xiao Feng before, he thought that the four wicked men might be incomplete.

Now listening to Wanwan’s words, it is estimated that they are still there.

“Then where is he now?”

“It should be guarding outside the manor in the west of the city!” Wan Wan said uncertainly, “He probably wants to assassinate you, but I don’t know that we have left the secret road.”

“Okay! Very good! It’s useful to find them!”

Wen Renjie ordered: “Find me the location of the four wicked men, and then no matter what method you use, take them out of the city!”


Wan Wan didn’t ask why.

Some of them are subordinates, and they only need to faithfully execute orders.

After a glance, Shi Feixuan was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Wan Wan smiled: “Dragon Head, I’ll leave it to you here, I’ll go!”

“Go ahead.”

Wen Renjie waved his hand, ignoring Wan Wan’s weirdness.

What’s wrong with a lone man and a widow in the same room?

He is a gentleman!

I read Spring and Autumn!

Wen Renjie watched Wan Wan leave, and took out a deposit from the portable space…Bah!

King Kong Boy Body Martial Arts Cheats!

Looked up quietly.

In the room, only the long breathing of Shi Fei Xuan and Wen Renjie’s heartbeat were left for a while.

Why is there a heartbeat?

Anyway, looking at our senior officials, the books in their hands are all inverted, and you know how uneasy his mood is.

Return the King Kong boy…

He is no longer a boy, and he still looks at the ass of the King Kong boy!

“How do I feel that I am about to commit a ban…”.

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