Chapter 187

Why is Jin Yiwei still in the ring area?

It’s not because the people from the Azure Dragon Club competed here before.

A large number of spectators gathered around.

Didn’t they just come to maintain order? !

Even the people from the Blue Dragon Club left.

But the hot-hot hearts of the audience still did not calm down.

They want to go to the ring, perform, play in the ring, and express their inner excitement.

Jin Yiwei was afraid of accidents.

Of course he was guarding by the side.

When Wan Wan passed by.

It was very easy to find Jin Yiwei’s person.

One of the familiar faces happened to be the person Wan Wan was looking for.

“Like laugh!”

This vicissitudes of life uncle, the two have also had a fate before.

Even Li Ge laughed because I saw Wanwan and Wen Renjie together.

Three One Three didn’t ask any questions, and directly cut the robe with Wen Renjie.

Even later, he knew that he had misunderstood Wen Renjie and wanted to reconcile him.

However, Wen Renjie has long been different from what he used to be, so he ignored him.

As the commander of Jin Yiwei.

Of course, Li Gexiao doesn’t have to end up on his own to maintain law and order.

With half a pot of wine in his hand, he watched his subordinates so leisurely and leisurely.

But their men didn’t say much.

Hearing someone calling his name, he turned his head in confusion.

I found that Wan Wan, who was wearing a purple-black uniform and barefoot, had reached her side.

“The demon girl… Azure Dragon Club?”

Li Gexiao didn’t know how to call Wanwan.

But these Wanwan didn’t think it mattered. Anyway, she smiled at Li Ge and didn’t have any other feelings.

Wan Wan rolled her eyes and thought of an excuse.

Of course she wouldn’t directly say that Jin Yiwei should arrest the four villains.

Leaving aside Jin Yiwei, will he listen to her?

So far, they have not arrested the wicked who did not commit any crimes.

It is known that at present, the official organizations in the capital should be mainly to maintain order.

“We Qinglong will receive the task to prepare to kill the four villains, what do you think?”

Wan Wan’s words were so thoughtless.

When I heard Li Ge laugh, I didn’t know what to say.

If you don’t solve the affairs of your Azure Dragon Club, you will be over.

Came to me and asked a court man, what do you think?

What else can I see?

Sit and watch!

But then Li Gexiao reacted.

Like the Blue Dragon Club, if these organizations want to deal with people.

It will definitely cause casualties, and maybe it will also cause chaos in the capital.

This is not what they want to see.

So Li Gexiao immediately became alert.

“What do you mean? Threatening us or showing off?”

Wan Wan shrugged and glanced at the Jin Yiwei around her.

“I’m just passing a message for others. Before you and Wen Renjie are good brothers, I don’t want to make it too difficult for you.”

“Wen Renjie…”

Frowning, Li Gexiao asked tentatively, “Xiaojie sent you to inform the news?”

“What kind of whistleblower is so ugly, I just told you in advance, so that you have a psychological preparation.”

“Now that you know, see you later!”

Wan Wan smiled lightly, and left here with a touch of her toe.

But when she was flying in the air, she seemed to think of something.

“By the way, we will probably do it in two days, and you can figure it out by yourself.”

When Li Gexiao heard the words in her ears, her face was solemn and she said nothing.

Jin Yiwei’s colleagues surrounded him and asked about the situation.

“We have a new mission!”

Li Ge said with a smile.

Then he looked at the ring area, which was gradually settled down.

He decided to do it in advance.

Before Qinglong will go to trouble the four evil men, arrest the four evil men first.

Otherwise, if Qinglong waits, he will do it himself.

The entire capital will definitely be in chaos.

This is not what they would like to see.

I want to laugh at the song.

Wen Renjie sent Wanwan to inform him.

It shows that he still misses his brotherhood before.

Otherwise, why should I send someone to tell him?

I feel a little better thinking of Li Gexiao.

Although he went to Wen Renjie to explain and apologize before, Wen Renjie ignored him.

But now he thinks it should be the relationship within the Blue Dragon Association.

That led to Wen Renjie, unable to reconcile with him.

But it’s pretty good now, at least he knows that Wen Renjie didn’t complain about him…

Feeling a little better, Li Gexiao waved his hand and drank the wine in the jug in one sip.

“Let Jin Yiwei move, find out the four villains hidden in the capital, and arrest them!”


“Boss, haven’t you heard what crimes the four villains commit in the capital?”

Li Ge laughed and shuddered, “Isn’t it possible to arrest them without committing crimes in the capital?”

“Don’t they commit crimes in the capital, so the sins they committed before are gone?”

“What are you still doing here in a daze! Get me moving!”

When Li Gexiao said so, the people under his hands naturally didn’t dare to neglect.

Besides, their hands are itchy for a long time to maintain law and order all day long.

Now they can have a chance to shoot, they can’t ask for it.

So Jin Yiwei quickly left the martial arts field.

Sending information, sending information, looking for someone to find someone, the whole Jingyiwei in the capital moved.

Wanwan, who hadn’t walked far, hid in the dark, observing Li Gexiao them.

Seeing the follow-up development of the matter as she expected, Wan Wan was quite contented in her heart.

Of course what she said before was false.

He didn’t say anything about other things except that Qinglonghui wanted to take action against the four villains.

It was completely thought of by Li Gexiao himself.

She didn’t say that she came to pass the news to him only after Wen Renjie’s order.

Only when he said that Li Gexiao had friendship with Wen Renjie, he came to tell them.

What would you think of Li Gexiao?

It was all made up by his own brain.

The pink in Wan Wan’s eyes disappeared.

“Hee hee, it seems that the ecstasy of the Tianmo Secret is still somewhat useful.”

Following Li Gexiao and them, Wanwan waited for them to work for herself.

With a local snake like Jin Yiwei, it couldn’t be more convenient to find someone in the capital.

She only needs to notify Wen Renjie at the end.

As for whether Jin Yiwei will directly capture the four villains…

Isn’t she here?

Ensure that the four villains can “escape” safely.

Then fell into the grasp of their Azure Dragon Club. .

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