Chapter 182

Although Shi Feixuan was somewhat resistant…it should be said that she was very resistant.

But it was still unavoidable, and Wanwan poured a lot of wine into it.

Ci Hang Jing Zhai, to put it bluntly, is a nun’s house.

Always keep the precepts and fast.

Drinking alcohol is like breaking a ring.

While Shi Feixuan’s eyes were blurred, Daoxin also missed.

Fortunately, her sword-hearted transparent realm has been maintained so that she will not collapse.

In the daze, I always remembered that I couldn’t fulfill Wanwan’s wish.

Shi Feixuan knew that if her Jianxin had also fallen, then her faith would be gone.

After being forced to have no choice but to drink a few sips of wine.

Shi Feixuan also gradually became open-minded: “Wan Wan, you only have these tricks? Can’t break my Dao Xin.”

“Of course I don’t expect that you can break your Dao Xin with two sips of wine.” Wan Wan said indifferently.

Sanyisan glanced, looking obsessed, looking at Song Shidao here.

“Then you said, if the saint of Cihang Jingzhai has a messy sex after drinking, is there any chance?”

“You! Shameless!”

Shi Feixuan yelled at first, then quickly calmed herself in her heart, and her expression gradually calmed down.

“The body is just a skin, it’s all vain!”

“Tsk, really? I don’t believe you have reached such a high level.”

Wan Wan caressed Shi Feixuan’s face, and looked at the other people on the table with different expressions.

Song Que drank a glass of wine silently, and saw his son staring at Shi Fei with no promise, and shook his head helplessly.

If it were normal, he would also open up his personal affection to see if he could rescue Shi Feixuan and make a match for his son.

But now his identity is different, and Shi Feixuan is also very obvious. He is not easy to speak when he is favored by the dragon head.

You must know that the reason why he joined the Blue Dragon Club was not because of Shi Fei Xuan.

Even if Long Capital values ​​Shifeixuan so much, how could he let his son touch this hot potato.

Holding the chopsticks, he flipped his hand and knocked Song Shidao’s head.

“Don’t look at it, that’s not what you can expect.”

“My father, that is the saint of Cihang Jingzhai, why don’t you make a move…”

“Although I have always disagreed with the saying that confidantes bring troubles to water, I think it is very appropriate at the moment.”

Song Que sighed.

“The situation on her is too complicated, so don’t mix things up.”

Song Que found that the surrounding rudder masters had seen Wan Wan and Shi Feixuan, but they all pretended not to see them.

I guessed that Shi Feixuan and Wan Wan were secretly supported by Longshou.

Think of it again in the arena, Yinkui faction has been fighting with Cihang Jingzhai non-stop.

Song Que was even more sure that the Dragon Head was mostly helping one of them and was going to annex the other.

Now it depends on the situation.

Obviously, it was the Yinkui faction who was helped.

Although his son is also a knowledgeable man, he is also good at martial arts and he is also very good.

But if you participate in this kind of struggle, you don’t know how to die.

“Teacher, the struggle between the two factions, the water is too deep, you can’t grasp it, let’s find another good match!”

Song Que decisively ordered that he would not give his son any room for fantasy.

“Oh, my child obeyed.”

Song Shidao gave Shifeixuan a nostalgic look, but he replied respectfully.

In Song Clan’s house.

Song Que usually doesn’t care about things.

But once he comes forward and decides something, then everyone will listen, and the crowd dare not resist.

This is the prestige of his Patriarch.

Song Yuhua, the eldest sister, smiled softly, and then touched his younger brother’s head.

“There are so many talented women and chivalrous women gathered in the capital nowadays, don’t be discouraged, brother…”

“Oh! Big sister! I’m not a kid anymore!”

Master Song shook his head dissatisfied, and muttered: “You haven’t married yet? Why are you embarrassed to say me?”

“Oh? What did you say?!”

Song Yuhua still smiled, but he stroked the hand of Song Shidao’s head, grasping his head as if he had practiced Jiuyin white bone claws.

“Ahhhhh! Big sister, I am wrong! I am wrong!”

Song Shidao quickly admitted: “I didn’t say anything!”

Song Yuzhi, who was next to him, snickered, still fanning the flames there.

“Hehe, big sister, don’t let him go!”

“Little sister! You…Ah! Big sister!”

The three brothers and sisters have a harmonious relationship, of course, they didn’t really make a move.

It can only be said to be slapstick.

Hong Qigong had a roasted chicken leg in one hand, a little envious of the sight of Song Que and the others.

He has no children or daughters. Not long ago, he accepted an apprentice named Guo Jing. In the past few days, I don’t know where he was taken by 7 other masters…

He has now become a member of the Blue Dragon Club’s entrance examination.

Finally there is time.

I have to find an opportunity to pull my apprentice.

I heard that Huang Yaoshi also brought his wife and daughter to the capital.

I don’t know if I can talk to Jing’er and ask for a wife to come back…

Yan Kuangzu, who was drinking with his arms around the two dancers, also sighed.

There was a trace of envy in his eyes.

Look at Song Que, then look at yourself.

His son Li Chenzhou not only brought a large number of martial arts masters to besieged him, Laozi.

After “killing” him, he seized the position of power gang leader.

Although the cause was the same, he did not tell Li Chenzhou that he was Li Chenzhou’s father.

But as a son, Laozi did something to him, but it was a fact.

It can be said to be a model of “father kindness and filial piety”.

He joins the Blue Dragon Association now, and there is no one in his hand, just to regain the position of the power gang leader, to enrich his strength in the Blue Dragon Association.

But now it’s not in a hurry to find Li Chenzhou.

The fanatic Yan is also preparing for this martial arts conference with peace of mind, and is planning to find Li Chenzhou’s trouble after the martial arts conference.

After all, Wenren’s dragon head, but this martial arts conference is very important.

He didn’t dare to be sloppy.

As for Gongziyu and Mingyuexin…

Above this meal, they are like an outsider.

They neither ate nor drank, nor participated in their discussions.

Just watching their actions and watching their relationship.

For example, Song Que and Song Zhi were there to discuss whether or not to let his three children join the Blue Dragon Association.

Or maybe how many people need to be transferred from the Song Clan to follow him in the Qinglonghui.

After all, Song Que was also very interested in martial arts in the martial arts treasure house of the Blue Dragon Association.

Although he pursued the Dao Dao, it did not prevent him from understanding other martial arts.

Only the more you know, the more likely it is to go further.

When everyone is eating and drinking, a meal is nearing the end.

Gong Ziyu reminded them again.

“The Great Dragon Head is very concerned about this martial arts conference, and I hope you will do your best.”

Everyone should be.

Thinking about what preparations I should do, or how to improve myself. .

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