Chapter 183

After a meal, the rudder masters of the Blue Dragon Club became acquainted a lot.

Although it is not to say that it is a heart-to-heart.

But at least it feels much better than before.

Song Que also pretended not to see Shi Feixuan.

Take the people from the Song Clan with you and do your own business.

As for what he had promised to Fan Qinghui before.

He just said to pay you back.

But from the beginning to the end, I didn’t say that I wanted to help her rescue Shi Feixuan.

It is love to help her, but it is duty not to help her.

Besides, he is also an organization with Wanwan now, so he can’t help outsiders to organize himself, right?

Song Que is not one of those hairy legs.

As the owner of a big valve, Song Que is a master of civil and martial arts, and is proficient in everything.

Regardless of his previous look that was very righteous, in fact he had secretly arranged a retreat for himself.

I haven’t agreed personally, so you say you are out of breath? !


Hong Qigong, who had eaten and drunk after a banquet, was originally spinning slowly on the street.

While comprehending the various states of life, hone the mood.

One side… digestion!

But just as he was shaving his teeth, thinking about whether 28 would meet his apprentice.

A member of the Blue Dragon Club approached him.

This member is the guy who Wen Renjie ordered before to tell Hong Qigong’s words.

When it was his turn to change shifts and rest, he found that other rudder owners showed up one after another.

Only Hong Qigong hadn’t appeared yet, so he told Gong Ziyu about Wen Renjie.

Seeing that this guy was still more clever, Gong Ziyu asked him to go outside to find Hong Qigong.

It can be considered as a promotion of a capable person.

He also wandered outside for a long time before he found Hong Qigong.

“Master Hong Ruo!”

“Well, it’s not convenient to talk here, change the place!”

Naturally, Hong Qigong would not receive news on the street, where people came and went.

Take the member to a relatively secluded place… the beggar’s den.

Most beggars have gone to beg for food, but only one or two old beggars are still looking after the house here.

“Come on, what’s the matter?”

Hong Qigong signaled that the member could speak.

Seeing him looking at the two old beggars behind him, he shook his hands indifferently.

“At any rate, I’m always begging Huazi, and I’m also the former leader of the Beggar Gang. They can still trust me.”

Hong Qigong said so, what else would the member dare to say?

Report immediately.

“Master Hong Ruo, the head of the dragon has an order. He wants the details of this martial arts conference.”

“Details?” Hong Qigong frowned, feeling a bit tricky.

But there was no refusal.

He entered the Blue Dragon Club, but failed to make any achievements, even going up to challenge Song Que was a good way to go.

Now Da Long gave himself the first task, he didn’t want to just do it like that.

After all, he is also in charge, and one of the rudder masters collecting mission information is also his responsibility.

“In this way, you first go back and report to the big dragon head, saying that I need three days to investigate. After three days, you will be able to give him a satisfactory answer.”


The man didn’t say much.

He just came here to send a letter, as for how these bigwigs are going to solve this matter, it is not his responsibility.

Wait until the messenger leaves.

Hong Qigong scratched his shaggy and messy hair with some embarrassment.

“Hey, what can I do if I need detailed information? On the Tianji Building, the lord behind him is the emperor. It’s difficult, too difficult!”

He was not too dirty, just sitting in the mess of straw.

Behind him without saying a word, two old beggars approached him.

“If the helper has any difficulties, it’s easier to say it!”

“That’s, let’s not say anything else, is it not easy for us to ask for information?”

Hong Qigong’s appearance was made for them. How could he bring people to the place of the beggars for no reason?

Not to mention that Hong Qigong is honest and honest, and can be famous among the arena, there are a few who haven’t thought about it carefully!

“Don’t call me the leader, now the leader of the beggar gang is Xiao Feng Xiao Daxia, me! I have been saved by the Blue Dragon Association now, and I am a member of the Blue Dragon Association.”

“The root of the tree is still there, even if the person at the helm of the Beggar Gang is not you, don’t we still think about love?”

The two old beggars seemed to be quite prestigious among the beggars, and they were quite full of words.

“If you have anything, just talk, ask for news, our Beggar Gang is the best, you don’t know it!”

“Then I really said it?”

Hong Qigong smiled inwardly. As one of the rudder masters who collect information, how can he do without anyone under his hand?

It happened to take this opportunity to go back to the Beggar Gang to dig some people.

Hong Qigong didn’t think he was digging a wall.

It is saving people from the sea of ​​suffering.

He was also the leader of the beggar gang, and he knew exactly how the people underneath felt.

Who wants to be a beggar every day and beg everywhere?

Except for those elders who hang bags, there is no need to go around begging for food with a cheek.

The remaining children of the beggar gang almost all live on others, which is extremely shameless.

If he could let these people join the Blue Dragon Society, wouldn’t it be better than being a beggar for them?

Who can be a beggar if he can have a decent life!

Even the real knowledgeable and mindful leaders of the Beggars are all committed to “dissolving” the Beggars so that the brothers of the Beggars can live a good life.

After all, the gang of beggars is the beggar in the world, uniting to protect themselves from being bullied.

“Then I really have a little thing, I want to ask the beggar to do me a favor!”

Hong Qigong said so.

The expressions of the two old beggars suddenly changed again, not that they were unwilling.

But they are just a small district, old beggars with a higher level.

People at the level of Hong Qigong asked for help, but they really couldn’t speak.

“Why don’t you wait here, let’s get in touch with the brothers and ask where the Lord Xiao is?”

“Hahaha! Okay! The old beggar has long wanted to see the leader of the Xiao Clan. I’m bothering you.”

“Don’t do it! Don’t do it!”

“Where are you talking about? Nothing! Wait a minute!”

The two old beggars left the beggar’s nest and went outside to find Xiao Feng’s location.

And Wan Wan also took the almost drunk Shi Fei Xuan back to the small courtyard in the north of the city…

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