Chapter 181

Learned the specific location of Wanwan and them.

Wen Renjie wondered if he wanted to find them.

As a modern person.

After traveling to ancient times, he hasn’t been to the brothel, which is really unreasonable ~ in the past.

There are not many opportunities for this kind of uprightness.

But I want to go…

He is now the dragon head of the Blue Dragon Association again, and he ran to the brothel, feeling too lost.

Want to use Wen Renjie as a young swordsman…

And because of the news that was spread to the outside world before, he was recovering from his injuries.

Nor is it suitable to come forward.

“Damn! It looks like it’s a terrible trip.”

Wen Renjie feels that the identity of Wenren’s Dragon Head, although majestic is majestic, but it is also inconvenient to do many things.

Since it is temporarily impossible to find Wanwan and Shifeixuan, Wen Renjie will not go.

Anyway, they just have a meal, just wait.

Just clear up my thoughts.

Back in the room that had been vacated for him, Wen Renjie sat cross-legged on the bed.

Thinking about the next action.

Currently there are only two tasks left on his body.

One is the Fate Showdown series, letting the Yinkui faction annex Cihang Jingzhai.

The other is to let the people of the Blue Dragon Association, as far as possible to get the ranking in the martial arts conference.

The task of stealing the heart has also been completed, and there is another summoning place on his body.

But it is not used for the time being.

It’s just that Wen Renjie feels a little depressed.

Because when he completed the task of stealing the heart, he failed again when he triggered the loot with a rate of over 50%.

He couldn’t help but wondered whether his lucky value was 0?

But it’s not right to think about it again!

He was so lucky to summon the jellyfish Yin Ji, and by the way, the jellyfish Yin Ji completed the task of stealing the heart.

How do you think it is a very lucky person?

In the end, he didn’t get the spoils after completing the task.

This really makes him a little depressed.

I had to comfort myself in my heart, maybe that luck was all used to summon the jellyfish Yin Ji.

It was also because of this idea that Wen Renjie decided not to call characters in a hurry.

It’s better to wait a few days later, and then call again when approaching the martial arts conference, or when you encounter something, it is not too late to call again.

After doing some calculations, people who feel confident about reaching the rankings.

There should be three guarantees.

Ling Donglai, the jellyfish Yin Ji and Song Que.

But if this time the Wuhan University Conference also attracted other peerless masters.

Wen Renjie has nothing to do.

He was broken for this task.

He also deliberately went outside for several laps, triggering several missions.

Now he wants to trigger a few more tasks.

But after shopping outside for so long, I didn’t see any response from the system.

Wen Renjie has nothing to do with it.

“The information is still not detailed enough!”

Wen Renjie opened his eyes.

If he knew who was participating in the martial arts conference, he wouldn’t have to be so passive.

“Hong Qigong also joined the Blue Dragon Association. The Beggar Gang has such a good resource, you can’t waste it!”

“Come on!”

Wen Renjie called out.

Immediately outside, a manor guard in a black uniform walked in.

“The big dragon head.”

“When Hong Qigong comes back, I will send him a message, saying that I want to know who will participate in this martial arts conference.”


“Well, go down.”

Order things lightly.

Wen Renjie felt relaxed all over.

This is how you look like the boss!

How can he do everything himself like before, kill people, solve crimes, news…

Now people are finally beginning to enrich themselves, and he doesn’t need anything, he has to take over it again.

Just wait for the final result.

“No wonder everyone wants to have power, such a convenient thing, who doesn’t want to have it?”

Wen Renjie closed his eyes again and began to practice.

It was not long before he broke through, but after a while, he felt that he had touched the bottleneck of the breakthrough again.

The creation of the organization cannot be neglected.

His personal strength can’t be lost either.

. . .

In Wen Renjie, like an ascetic monk, even eating time is used for rest.

The Fragrance Garden in the north of the city is simply a sea of ​​joy at this moment.

In fact, Piaoxiangyuan is a brothel.

But in fact it is very elegant.

There is no such scent of fireworks as usual.

Maybe the customers they face are also relatively high-end ones!

···········Ask for flowers·······

In the Peony Garden.

Under a pavilion, exotic Persian girls are dancing.

In the small courtyard, there was a huge stone table surrounded by the rudder masters of the Azure Dragon Society.

They push the cup and change it, so it’s so lively.

The fanatic Yan is always strong and strong, with a dancer in one hand, adding food and wine to him, and the sound of laughter can be heard from far away.

A Qing didn’t like this situation, so she carried her little lamb and went to herd.

Gongziyu and Mingyuexin still wear masks, and the chopsticks in front of them didn’t move.

Everyone is not annoyed.

Experts always have their own quirks, understanding.

So we should eat, drink, not sloppy at all.

Song Que’s people are also here.

…. 0

Except for Song Lu in Lingnan.

This time they came out, but they brought all the younger generations in the family out to see the world.

The next person will not mention it.

At this moment, you can drink with these rudder masters at the same table.

Only Song Que’s younger brother Song Zhi, his son Song Shidao, and his two daughters Song Yuhua and Song Yuzhi.

It is worth mentioning that.

In this world, Song Que is much better than the original.

Therefore, he did not reconcile with Xie Hui, and his eldest daughter Song Yuhua did not marry Xie Wenlong.

After all, his Tiandao Song Que’s daughter would marry casually.

This time I came out, and it also meant to find a good family for them.

And his son, Song Shidao, is also at the age to discuss marriage.

Now there are many young talents and heroines in the capital, so there are many opportunities!

However, when the classmate looked at his son, he found this kid. Staring intently on the other side.

There is Wanwan who is disguised as a man, and Shifeixuan who is fluttering with her arms around…

At this moment, Wan Wan had a smirk on her face, like a dandy kid, trying to force her into a prostitution, and she insisted on pouring her concubine to drink wine.

Shi Feixuan, a monk, was naturally full of resistance and dodge all sorts of things.

But he was controlled by Wanwan again, and couldn’t use internal force at all.

In addition to being able to dodge his head, he was hugged to death by Wanwan.

This makes his heart full of humiliation.

Especially Song Que, who wanted to save her before, was also on this table.

But Wanwan seems to be humiliating and teasing her, she can be energized, but she doesn’t have to be strong…Zhang.

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