Chapter 170

Song Que, who was serious, couldn’t compare with Hong Qigong.

Even if Hong Qigong hit the dog stick with his right hand, his left hand dropped the dragon’s eighteen palms.

Still unable to withstand Song Que’s knife-drawing blow.

And everyone didn’t see where the knife came from at all.

They only saw a flash of light from the knife.

Song Que’s people were already standing behind Hong Qigong.

A voice with infinite questions reached their ears.

“Heaven asks the first knife: the upper and lower are not visible, why do you test it?!”


Song Que returned the narcissus knife to its sheath again.

That’s the moment he returned to the sheath.

A strong sword intent erupted from Hong Qigong’s body.

Who is this powerful and full of lofty sword intent?

Naturally it goes without saying.

The blood was sprayed from every corner of Hong Qigong’s body like a fountain.

It was almost like Ling Chi, and many people who watched the Azure Dragon Club frowned.

But the audience was all cheering.

“It’s Heavenly Sword Technique!”

“I know I know!”

“Legend has it that there are nine styles of the Heavenly Swordsmanship of the Lord of Song Dynasty. I can’t imagine that just the first style has such a powerful power!”

“Yes! At the same level, he actually defeated the famous nine-finger beggar Hong Qigong with a single blow!”

“Do you think you are having fun with you? That’s the pride of our Lingnan people, Tiandao Song Que!”

“Xiongtai, you are…”

. . .

The audience’s discussion reached the ears of the members of the Blue Dragon Association.

Let them inevitably have some embarrassment.

After all, the two rudder owners connected to his home were sent to defeat, and they really couldn’t find anything to say to fight back.

They couldn’t help turning their heads to look at the masked dragon head.

Just because their dragon head wears a bronze mask, they don’t even know what his expression is now.

In fact, Wen Renjie did not feel anxious.

On the contrary, he became more excited.

Because Song Que is stronger, it means that after joining the Blue Dragon Guild, he will be stronger with the strength and achievements of the Blue Dragon Guild.

This will also make it easier to rank on the weapon ranking spectrum.

He didn’t worry that the last one would lose to Song Que.

Because no matter who the remaining ones are, Wen Renjie has strong confidence.

No one could see Song Que’s hidden injuries.

But he can intuitively feel it with the system panel.

Song Que defeated Hong Qigong in a short moment.

The realm fluctuates greatly.

Although it was only a very short moment, it was still caught by Wen Renjie.

This shows that Song Que’s injury is already serious, and he can’t control his realm a bit!


Wen Renjie’s gloved clapping sound also seemed very dull.

But it also attracted many people to look sideways.

“Master Song, really talented, now he has won two rudder masters.”

“It’s just a fluke.”

“Hehe, is it a fluke? Everyone knows it.”

Wen Renjie said meaningfully: “I don’t know if the Song Clan chief should not take a break first?”


You have said so, how can I say I want to rest?

Song Que understood that this Wenren Longshou was deliberate.

He said it first by himself, completely forbidding his idea of ​​rest.

After all, it is impossible for him to propose that he should rest first and then continue to fight, right?

Not to mention, here in the ring area, there is no such thing as coming up to continue the ring after a break.

Just that, he was originally a super powerhouse in the middle stage of the fusion spirit realm.

If you are downgraded to abuse food and have to rest, that would be criticized.

“Wearing the kindness of the dragon head, I understand it, but I can still hold it…”


“To shut up!”

Song Zhi, who was also in the audience, yelled.

He is Song Que’s younger brother.

In many cases, he also plays the role of think tank in the family.

Although these (cide) family members are kind enough to let Song Que take a break.

But the occasion here is not what they can and can’t talk about.

There are many rules in martial arts.

Sometimes outsiders can talk.

Instead, their family members can’t make arbitrary comments.

If you don’t even trust your own Patriarch, doesn’t this mean that their family is just like that?

This is to let outsiders see the joke!

So after Song Zhi yelled at Wen Renjie, they arched their hands.

“The lack of strict tutoring has made all my colleagues in the rivers and lakes laugh.”

“Ha ha.”

Wen Renjie didn’t pay much attention to him, but after nodding to Song Zhi, he asked Song Que again.

“Since Lord Song still has the power to fight again, then I don’t know who will you choose to fight with you next?”

The audience gradually calmed down.

Watching the last battle with breath-holding.

They all wondered in their hearts who Song Que would choose as his opponent.

Only this time Song Que hesitated.

He doesn’t want to lose and can’t lose now.

But now the people he can choose from are all giving him a headache.

Wearing a mask, and the dragon head of the Blue Dragon Meeting is like a rudder master carved out of a mold.

The mysterious appearance of the gods, even when he was in the spiritual realm before, couldn’t see his depth at all.

After several hesitations, Song Que eliminated him first.

He can no longer take risks.

I would rather pick someone who he knows the realm, and he can still be somewhat prepared.

I don’t want to pick someone who doesn’t know the details and take a gamble.

As everyone knows, this is his thinking.

Let him miss the most likely chance to win.

Wen Renjie also saw Song Que’s eyes and passed Gong Ziyu.

Sure enough, he did not expect it.

Song Que did not choose Gong Ziyu.

The smarter people are, the more they like to think about things.

Obviously Song Que was over-supplementing his brain and eliminated the weakest of all.

You must know that now Gong Ziyu has transferred to the Yuhua Immortal Sutra.

Although the whole body is harmonious and natural, it seems like the unity of nature and man.

But it doesn’t have any fighting power in itself.

Except for how long he lives, only his brain is most useful…

As for the few remaining people…

Yan fanatic!

Invite the month!

Jellyfish Yin Ji!

Each of the three is not easy to mess with.

Wen Renjie is a little curious about who Song Que will choose.

If it is ruled out directly according to the realm.

Jellyfish Yin Ji is definitely not included in Song Que’s choice.

Then only Yan Fanju and Yan Yue are left.


Yan Kuangzu is the Great Perfection in the Hedao Realm, and Yueyue is the later stage of the Hedao Realm.

Under normal circumstances, Song Que should choose Yan Yue as his opponent.

However, Song Que was a little bit beyond his expectation this time.

“I have long heard of the world’s No. 1 madman, how heroic the Yan madman, I want to learn something today!”

Song Que’s opponent in the invitation is actually Yan Fanatic! .

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