Chapter 169

It was heard that Song Que chose himself as his opponent.

Hong Qigong stood up happily.

A salute to Wen Renjie.

Wen Renjie did not refuse, just to see how powerful these people who joined the Blue Dragon Club are.

Moreover, Hong Qigong can be said to be the second Hedao realm master to join the Azure Dragon Society except for Mingyue’s accident.

Although he is only in the early stage of Hedao Realm, for most warriors, it is already an unattainable existence.

“Go, March 1!”

Wen Renjie said.

At the same time, it is considered to have arranged his position for Hong Qigong.


In the Blue Dragon Club, March is responsible for delivering messages.

As the leader of the Beggar Gang, Hong Qigong must be able to do this.

Hearing that Long Capital had arranged a position for him, it was an affirmation of him.

Hong Qigong’s fighting spirit was even higher.

It was like a Qianlong going out to sea, accompanied by a ghost of a dragon, falling straight on the ring.

“Blue Dragon Club, March 1st, please enlighten me!”

“Lingnan Song Family, Song Que!”

Both parties reported their homes.

But Hong Qigong’s self-introduction made Song Que look at him again.

No one in the world knows that the current leader of the Beggar Gang is Hong Qigong.

But at this moment, what is his self-introduction on March 1…

If it weren’t for Qinglong, would there be any way to confuse people.

Then the Blue Dragon Club really makes people feel a sense of belonging.

It’s just that it’s not suitable for them to talk to each other.

Neither of them said much.

After holding each other’s fists, they started directly.

Hong Qigong is not as young as Wanwan.

The combat experience is learned from walking north and south in the arena.

When the two played against each other, it was like two strong men facing the wind on the ring.

The deafening voice kept coming out.


“The flying dragon is in the sky!”


“Qianlong is in the wild!”


“Kang Long has regrets!”


Hong Qigong became more vigorous as he fought, and became more and more up as he fought.

This kind of crazy output without the need for defense is simply so cool.

When I was fighting with the enchanted King Ning.

He also worried that King Ning would attack the onlookers.

Although desperate to fight, but feel bound.

In the end, King Ning was almost scrapped.

Now, it’s different.

Playing against him was like a sandbag by Song Que.

Despite Hong Qigong attacking at will, Song Que took it all right!

And he didn’t read the moves.

Just like you, me, fight!




The space shock caused by the two warriors in the early stage of the Hedao realm on the ring can even be felt by the onlookers.

That kind of depressed feeling.

They even feel that as long as they get closer, they will be crushed by the aftermath.



It’s not just their martial arts for themselves.

It is the Tao of the world.

The utilization of various elements of nature is simply greatly improved.

If it weren’t for the special materials in the arena, it could withstand the attacks of these people.

It is estimated that the ring will be destroyed.

The two confronted each other for more than a hundred moves, and suddenly separated.

“You… didn’t use all your strength?”

Although Hong Qigong is very popular, he can feel Song Que’s ease.

“Don’t say it.”

Song Que just spit out these three words coldly.

In fact, he is not as relaxed as he appears on the surface.

Hong Qigong’s eighteen palms of the dragon descending, although not as strong as Xiao Feng’s.

But the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Dragon is the best-in-class sturdy palm in the world.

He took all the moves one by one, and the blood was surging in his body, plus the internal injuries caused to him by the stringer in the first game.

He was afraid that he could not hold back the breath in his body.

Originally, Song Que was not at this point.

But he happened to go head-to-head with Hong Qigong after suffering an internal injury.

His Heavenly Swordsmanship, although fierce and fierce.

But that belongs to the brisk and fierceness of the knife.

There is still a difference from the pure and fierce path of Jianglong Eighteen Palms.

It can be said that Song Que is based on his own shortcomings and his strengths against the enemy.

This is naturally not Song Que to pretend to be forced.

She just memorized what Wen Renjie had said before, and it was disgusting.

Whatever you win by yourself can take away Shi Feixuan.

Is he that kind of person?

Don’t even think about it, in order to pursue the supreme swordsmanship.

He even separated from his old lover, Fan Qinghui, and re-married an ugly woman as his wife.

It can be said to be a ruthless person.

This is also the only shortcoming of his perfect man.

Even if he is not for his own reputation, but for the reputation of Song Clan, he has to prove himself.

So head-to-head with Hong Qigong is to prove that he is not that kind of lust.

I believe that under the collision, the onlookers should also be able to understand his intentions.

Next, he is going to be real!

“¨” Hong Gang Leader…”

“It’s March 1st. Now the Beggars are represented by Qiao Fengqiao’s gang leader. I, an old man, don’t dare to occupy this seat anymore.”

“March 1st, what is so good about the Blue Dragon Club? Can a senior like you, who are highly respected, even abandon your position as a gang leader and join in?”

“Hehe, I can’t say that there are too many, but the benefits of joining the Blue Dragon Club are beyond your imagination!”

Hong Qigong touched the clothes on his body and thought about the news that he had received in his mind.

Even at his age, he couldn’t help but fantasize.

If he could defeat Tiandao Song Que, what spoils would he get from him? !

Seeing Song Que seemed to be so curious.

Hong Qigong smiled: “Song (good Zhao) do not have to worry too much, maybe after today, you will also become a member of our Blue Dragon Association, maybe?”


Song Que didn’t speak.

Just put his knife slowly into the sheath.

Song Que could feel that Wen Renjie was an upright wheel fight, consuming his energy first, gradually accumulating his injuries, and then letting the last rudder master to defeat him.

But he didn’t want to give them another chance.

The long sword let out a dragon chant.

The sound was farther away than the long ming made by Hong Qigong’s eighteen palms.

Then his sword also resembled a dragon, bursting out spears in an instant.

Hong Qigong shook his right hand smoothly.

A two-foot-long wooden stick shook off his robe and was held in his hand.

“There is no dog in the world!!”

The strongest killer move for dog-playing!

At the same time, his left hand is hidden in his sleeve robe, his palm strength does not appear.

“The Qianlong is in the Yuan!”.

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