Chapter 171

“Hahaha! Old…husband! It’s already itchy already!”

Yan Kuangtu suddenly stood up.

It seems to hold him for a long time.

He is a warlike character in itself.

Now that I have been out for so long, I have been watching others fighting every day.

He was already irritated a long time ago.

See Song Que pick at the moment-choose him as his opponent.

The joy of Yan fanatic is beyond words.

I am afraid that Song Que will go back.

After standing up, he looked at Wen Renjie blankly.

“Hehe, since the Master Song has chosen you, go up and play with the Master Song for a while!”

“Haha, yes yes yes!”

Although Wen Renjie was a little surprised, Song Que’s choice.

But there was not too much mixing.

Among the remaining three people.

Song misses no one to play.

Now I have chosen the most combative Yan Fanatic.

Wen Renjie has some doubts whether Song Que really wants to join the Blue Dragon Club.

Choosing a strong player to fight for himself, to find some suitable excuses.

In fact, Song Que, who was standing on the ring, was also a little speechless.

It is also a last resort.

The ghost knew how torment he was before.

Of the remaining three, two are women that ordinary men can’t provoke.

He already felt wrong when he said the wrong thing before.

Either Yingyue or the jellyfish Yin Ji looked at him eagerly.

Naturally, that look didn’t like him anymore.

Instead, he wanted him to choose himself, as if to beat himself.

The jellyfish Yin Ji is naturally needless to say.

Even if he chooses, he can’t beat it at all.

Instead of getting beaten in vain, it’s better to change another person.

And Yaoyue is a well-known and ruthless character in the martial arts.

Song Que decisively eliminated it.

He had heard that the princess who moved to the flower palace hated men very much.

Even arrested all the men who broke into the palace to make flower fertilizer!

Coupled with their eagerness to fight against their eyes, it is too permeating.

Therefore, after several entanglements, he chose a man as his opponent.

After all, he had beaten a girl before, and then an old man.

They all vomited blood out of the field.

If the third game is still a woman against him.

Wouldn’t it be enough if such a thing spread to the arena, would he only bully the old and weak girls?


As the master of a power, he needs to consider too many places.

It’s not just a matter of your own image.

More often, he also pays attention to the power he represents and what benefits he will gain.


Kungfu practice is like a cannonball, which is shot straight from the auditorium and then falls into the arena.

With a bang, the ring was smashed into a hole.

You know this is the countertop made by the lightning stone.

The previous two battles did not damage this table at all.

It can be seen how strong this countertop is.

In other words, it is a stone that has been tempered by Thunder, and it is really difficult to destroy it in an ordinary Hedao realm.

But Yan Fanju just entered the arena and smashed the ring into a deep pit.

Song Que: “…”

He felt a little sour in his gums.

Sure enough, none of the Azure Dragon Club’s decisions were easy to provoke.

Regardless of his two wins, both are very chic.

But in fact, it’s just as Wen Renjie guessed.

At this moment, his body has been injured internally, and the two are getting worse when combined.

Wan Wan’s Tianma Zhenqi has been wandering in his body, always preparing to corrupt his mind.

Although her six ways of reincarnation are not perfect yet.

But its brainwashing function has already emerged.

He also accepted Hong Qigong’s ultimate move of dropping the dragon’s eighteen palms and hitting the dog stick.

It’s hurting even more.

Far from being as unrestrained as he could crack two ultimate moves in one fell swoop.

After all, his realm is high.

When fighting against people, the realm is exactly the same as them.

Watching Yan Fanatic debut violently.

Song Que’s eyelids couldn’t help but jump.

The momentum of the body rose again.

From the initial stage of the Hedao Realm that faced Hong Qigong before, it soared all the way.

Stopped on the realm of the Great Perfection of the Hedao Realm.

It’s exactly the same as Yan lunatic.

This is actually very close to the combat power of the Rongshen Realm.

For accuracy, he also mastered more proficiently.

It’s not like him before, because there are too many levels of suppression, and he is not familiar with it.

He Dao Realm Dzogchen, he is much more familiar than other realms.

“Master Song, let’s not say any more polite remarks, let’s just start the fight!”

···········Ask for flowers·······

“haha okay!”

Song Que didn’t want to talk much at first.

Every time he said a word, he felt that the breath in his heart was fading.

Also distracted to suppress the injuries in the body.

In fact, it was more as he wished to start the fight directly.

“Hey! Then I’m offended!”

Yan Fanju’s hands suddenly changed.

“Big mudra!”

He is also the best of both schools of Buddhism and Taoism.

Coming up is a jerk.

The power of the Shaolin School!

He slashed out with a palm.

When this one was pushed out, the palm of his hand suddenly swelled more than doubled, and the purple-red color was faintly visible.

The burning palm strength is even comparable to that of Jianglong’s eighteen palms.

Song Que didn’t dare to insist.

There are still eighteen palms of Jianglong in his body now.

… 0 …….

Besides, he doesn’t need to go head-to-head to save his image now.

The footsteps were wrong, and the light of the knife spread.

It was easy to dodge the Yan Fanatic’s attack, letting his palm power go to nothing.

But Yan Fanzi is Yan Fanzi after all.

He has experienced many battles in his life.

The combat experience should not be underestimated.

Seeing that Song Que seemed to want to avoid it, he didn’t want to fight with him recklessly.

The palm strength changed suddenly.

“Thousands of mountains overlap!”

Wudang Sect’s fascinating learning!

This is when he jumped from the Nanyan Palace in Wudang Mountain.

Seeing that scenery can be described as a thousand mountains overlapping.

I also met Zhang Sanfeng, a real man from Wudang who was doing exercises.

The general internal interest will run with the peak momentum.

The enemy can be overwhelmed in battle.

Small can also be applied with the force of one blow.

The sleeve robe of the armpit suddenly rolled up, and the sleeves rose like a wave.

The “Thousand Mountains Overlap” with the sleeve wind makes the stretch endless.

This made Song Que, who had always wanted to dodge, was constantly forced to slide towards Yan Kuangpu by this continuous force.

His heart was startled.

Also secretly admired.

This Yan lunatic is worthy of being the number one madman in the world.

Actually he is also the head of both Buddhism and Taoism.

Two different internal forces are also used at the same time.

You are really courageous, are you not afraid of breaking your body and dying?

Song Que’s sword technique also unfolded.

The endless sword technique and his endless palms collided with each other.

Is it possible to distinguish the winner from this constant attack? Husband.

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