Chapter 168

Above the ring.

The mysterious pattern composed of two silks and satin kept strangling Song Que.

Full of beautiful and weird murderous intent, it seems to make people forget the past and present.

And the two Heavenly Demon Slashes in Wan Wan’s hands were like bright lights in the dark, awakening the intoxicated people again.

This strange sense of contradiction makes people want to commit suicide.

It’s just that she is facing Tiandao Song Que!

His eight heavenly swords have been used to the end.

It happened to hit Wanwan’s Six Ways of Reincarnation.

With a straight cut, the unmatched blade light broke open the ribbon that wrapped him, like a rebirth from a cocoon.

Ushered in the devil cut.


The collision between the long sword and the short sword formed waves of waves.

Wan Wan’s Celestial Demon ribbon was broken, and she couldn’t hold on to it.

Now it’s even more head-to-head with Song Que…

Song Que also didn’t know how to answer Wen Renjie’s words.

Because Wen Renjie said this.

It’s like he came to the ring to grab a beauty from Wen Renjie’s hands.

This is simply detrimental to the reputation of his Heavenly Sword Song Que!

Although he personally didn’t care about Tiandao Song Que’s reputation, Song Clan Master did.

Sometimes when a person reaches a certain height.

What he represents is not just him alone.

Fortunately, Wen Renjie did not embarrass him for long.

“Master Song, who do you choose to be your opponent next?”

Wen Renjie leaned back on his seat, and the rudder masters around him suddenly asked.

“Longshou, let me go!”

“Longshou, let the old… I’ll fight him!”

“Dragon head, old beggar me, I haven’t achieved any success after joining the Blue Dragon Club, then I will go!”

Yan Mad disciples spoke one after another.

I want to go up and meet this Heavenly Sword.

After all, there are not many chances to be able to fight a game with a person in the Fusion God Realm.

Even this fusion spirit realm would suppress the realm to the same level as theirs.

“It’s Song Clan Master’s business who is going to do that, I don’t count it.”

After Wen Renjie said these words, the rudder owners cast their eyes on Song Que who was on the ring.

The expression in his eyes was full of fighting spirit.

Song Que pursed his lips, and the momentum of the Azure Dragon Club did not drop in the slightest.

Instead, under Wen Renjie’s few words, he rose again.


It’s terrible!

Song Que thought that among these people, this dragon head was the most terrifying person.

His horror is not expressed in encouragement.

And it is manifested in the control of the situation.

Because he found out in a daze.

Since I saw them, it seemed that the pace of development was completely under the control of the Dragon Head of the Blue Dragon Society.

In other words, when I met him, I already slowly stepped into the calculations of Wenren Dragon Head…

This can’t work!

Song Que looked at Hong Qigong, he felt like he should make a heavy hand.

“Then invite Beibei Hong Qigong to play a battle!”

“Hahaha! Then the old beggar is not welcome!”.

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