Chapter 167

Above the rivers and lakes, Wanwan can be called a demon.

But no, because she was just being called like this because she was just a member of the magic door.

Those are the names that came out of their own.

You know that there are so many disciples in the magic door.

The Yinkui School also has many female disciples.

But the only one called a demon girl is Wanwan.

Wan Wan is even younger than Wen Renjie.

At the age of 18, she has already cultivated the Heavenly Demon Secret to the 17th floor.

It can be said to be a genius who is not born in the magic door.

The two short swords in her hand are one of her weapons.

Heavenly Demon Slash!

A red streamer dancing out of thin air.

It’s called the Celestial Devil Ribbon.

One is strong and one is soft, one is far and the other is close.

Heads-up and group battles are all disadvantages.

It can be said that Wanwan’s martial arts is very comprehensive.

When she rushed towards Song Que with the Heavenly Demon Sword in her hand.

It uses a martial art created by her master Zhuyu 307yan.

Search heart swordsmanship!

The two daggers in his hand are like carving flowers.

The attack angle is tricky, and the attack is vicious and vicious.

The Celestial Demon ribbon wrapped around Wanwan’s body is even more of an auxiliary attack.

It’s like having a few arms longer.

The people watching are dazzled.

Worthy of being the name of a witch.

If ordinary people face Wan Wan’s offense.

Not only must the mind be attacked by the spiritual charm of the Heavenly Demon Secret.

The body will also be attacked from various strange angles.

If you are not careful, you may lose.

It’s just a pity…

Wan Wan’s opponent is Song Que.

During the battle, Song Que’s heart was like still water.

Wan Wan’s mental attack had no effect on him.

The narcissus knife in his hand is even faster, like a strong wind and showers.

Accurately resisted every attack of the Celestial Demon Ribbon and the strange attack method of the Celestial Demon Slash.

“You are still too young!”

The corners of Song Que’s mouth were slightly raised.

The previous flaw was deliberately exposed by him.

It depends on Wanwan not being fooled.

However, Wan Wan was fooled.

His sword technique encircled Wan Wan like a ray of light, making it impossible to escape at all.

The trend is set!

In the eyes of others.

Two groups of light, one red and one white, are fighting each other in the field.

The red light skyrocketed.

Then it was slowly swallowed by the white light.

Then the white light becomes bigger and bigger, and the red light becomes smaller and smaller.

Even those low-end warriors can see that the enchantress Wanwan of the Yinkui faction is at a disadvantage.

The members of the Blue Dragon Association were a little commotion.

After all, it is their rudder master who loses.

But Wen Renjie, the dragon head, didn’t have any special reactions.

He didn’t expect Wan Wan to beat Song Que in the first place.

Who is Song Que?

Almost a complete person, martial arts, mind, family background, looks, personality…

Few people in the world can match it.

Although Wanwan was talented, there was still a gap compared to Song Que.

Therefore, his mentality is very stable.

Now there are so many rudder owners here, even a wheel battle can be won!

The warrior of the high realm, unlike the warrior of the low realm, sweeps a large area.

Just like Wen Renjie, always winning in the ring, that is very rare.

Even the Wanwan at this moment…

Seeing that all his attacks were blocked.

Wan Wan’s eyes narrowed, and she also became fierce.

She can’t give the Yin Kui Pie, and Qinglong will be ashamed!

“The demon… disintegration… the secret technique!”


Song Que keenly felt that Wan Wan’s attack strength increased rapidly.

The surrounding space began to ripple, as if it could break the space with one punch or kick.

Wen Renjie frowned, but still did not say anything to stop Wan Wan.

If Wanwan is talking about the disintegration of the demon.

Wen Renjie is about to stop her.

However, what Wanwan shouted was the secret technique of the disintegration of the heavenly demons, which was different.

Besides, Wanwan is also a life-saving person.

Wen Renjie believes that she will not do the kind of thing that hurts the enemy one thousand and eight hundred.

In fact it is the same.

Wan Wan has cultivated the secret of the heavenly demons to the seventeenth floor.

It is the disintegration chapter.

Among them, in this article, there is a tactic that can double the power of one’s martial arts.

It is also achieved by stimulating the meridian acupoints.

However, it is different from the demon disintegration Dafa.

The Secret Art of Demon Disintegration does not have such serious sequelae, nor does it die immediately.

It’s just that he will be slightly weakened for a day or two after his power fades.

After all, it’s the exercises in the Demon’s Book of Heaven’s Magic Strategy, which still takes into account all aspects.

After medical use of the secret technique of disintegration of the demon, the Wanwan attack is like a violent storm…

At the same time it is fast, it is also vigorously sinking.

In addition, the Blue Dragon Club’s organizational welfare can provide the rudder master with 30% of martial arts and a power bonus.

Wan Wan’s attack was even more terrifying.

One move is like a lightning strike, like an electric flash.

Fast and powerful.

Actually kept up with Song Que’s Eighth Heavenly Sword Finale!

“Okay! As expected, he is an outstanding figure of the Yinkui faction!”

As an opponent, Song Que couldn’t help but admire.

But this did not make Wan Wan feel happy.

Because under the storm of her attack, Song Que still had room to speak.

This shows that his pressure is not enough.

Tap the red satin ribbon lightly on the toes, and the stringer stands on the ribbon.

The ribbon didn’t seem to feel the weight of Wan Wan, and held her in the air.

He is like a fairy in the sky, standing in the air like this.

Take a deep breath.

Wan Wan’s eyes were firm, she bit the tip of her tongue and spewed out her blood.

It swayed on the ribbon and Heavenly Demon Slash.

Suddenly these two weapons seemed to be enchanted, shining with scarlet light.

“Reincarnation… Six Ways!”

There seemed to be no emotion in her voice.

It feels as if I have encountered the eighteenth floor of the Heavenly Demon Secret.

Just take advantage of the trend and see if you can use it successfully.

Song Que’s eyes lit up.

Of course this is not because Wan Wan is a beauty.

And seeing the excitement of the opponent.

“Come on! It seems that my previous vision was too low! I didn’t expect low-end warriors to have such combat power!”

The low-end warrior in the audience: “…Is the Samadhi Realm also a low-end warrior?!”

Song Que’s words were praise and regret.

I feel like I missed a lot of talented opponents.

However, Wan Wan did not pay attention.

She swooped towards Song Que in the air, beautiful and full of murderous intent.

Two scarlet ribbons quietly surrounded Song Que, forming a strange pattern.


The seemingly slow but fast attack slammed into Song Que in an instant.

Heavenly Devil Slash is like two sharp claws breaking through the air.

The ribbon on the ground instantly closed, strangling with all its strength!

For a while, there was only a bunch of red light left on the field, swallowing the white light completely.

Could it be that Wanwan exploded and turned against the wind?

Wen Renjie leaned forward slightly, watching the situation in the field…

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