Chapter 120

Sword Qi soars to the sky, one sword breaks ten thousand laws.

Then, like Wen Renjie, not only the sword aura soars to the sky, but there is even a vision of heaven and earth: a sword radiates nineteen continents.

What kind of state is this?

Ye Gucheng didn’t know.

He has not come into contact with swordsmen in this realm either.

After all, even the current strongest swordsman, Yan Nantian, did not make such a big move.

Perhaps there are still geniuses who have not come to try their swords before.

But so far, Wen Renjie is sure to be the most outstanding one.

“I don’t know how deep a sword mark such a swordsman can leave on the sword test stone?”

Ye Gucheng wanted to go down and have a look, and feel how extraordinary the sword intent of such a swordsman is.

But look at the crowds underneath, and the cheering crowd.

Ye Gucheng still stopped, this thought.

Another day is the Sword Conference, and he has time to talk about kendo with Wen Renjie.

Now is the time for him to accept the cheers of the crowd.

. . .

The white light gradually dissipated.

The ordinary swords that surrounded the outside of the light saber fell to the ground one after another.

It was like a real sword rain.

Wen Renjie spent a lot of effort when he used Yijian to pass the whole life.

However, after using it, he felt his body relaxed for a while, and he felt as if he could go through the kendo unimpeded.

Of course this is just a feeling…

Just like the swords that are constantly falling in midair, he has no way to control these swords, returning to the scabbards of their respective owners.

After all, his realm is too low.

However, the economy was a little lower, and he couldn’t conceal his much-anticipated talent in kendo at all.

The audience exclaimed inexplicably.

Everyone stared at the sword stone closely.

I saw the dust dispersed.

On this vicissitudes of primitive stone.

A huge crack almost splits this stone in half!

Fortunately, it has withstood the test.

It seems to be about to separate into two halves, but there seems to be a golden light connecting them, making them not completely cut off.

“Wow! He he he…”

“Who is this? He almost split the sword test stone!”

“What?! Split the test stone?!”

“What?! These swordsmen broke the test stone?!”


Those who are closer are okay, they can see the specific situation.

Those who are farther away and don’t have a good vision can only hear the exclaim from the people in front of them.

Then more and more ridiculous.

Wait until it spreads throughout the capital.

It has become, the mysterious swordsman smashed the test stone to pieces.

Someone noticed the golden light emanating from this crack.

Can’t help but think of a rumor in the arena.

In fact, there is a peerless sword among the test stones.

It seems very possible now? !


Now these people are more concerned about who is such a fierce swordsman?

“Where did I see this dress…”

“Well, I seem to have seen the sword on his waist. It’s too long…”

“If you say that, I seem to have seen the tiara on his head…”

“Ah, if you want to say that, I have only seen his shoes…”

The excitement of these people is clearly beyond words.

There were discussions about Wen Renjie’s identity.

As for the flying sword…

How much is it worth?

Maybe I can brag about it later.

When this mysterious swordsman tried his sword, he also borrowed the power of their sword to protect it!

The crowd is so dense, acquaintances are naturally indispensable.

There are certainly not a few people who have seen Wen Renjie.

Finally, when someone saw Wen Renjie’s face clearly, they exclaimed.

“I see! Which Wen Renjie is he!”

“Wen Renjie?! That young handsome man who stabbed King Ning with a single sword?!”

“Yes! It’s him, I recognize his sword! I heard him mention his sword as Wu Gou!”

“It’s actually him! He has such a powerful kendo cultivation base?! It’s incredible!”

“You know what a shit! Obviously the sword test stone has other functions. This is to show that Wenren Young Xia’s talent is so high, not that he has (cide) this realm now!”

“…Go away, can’t Laozi guess this yet?”

The onlookers seemed to be celebrating New Year’s Day, and the happy ones burst into swearing.

As the protagonist, Wen Renjie didn’t know what they were happy about.

I only feel that the crowds around me are all cheering, and even feel that they are a bit noisy.

Isn’t it just a sword that almost split a stone?

I heard those people say so much before.

How difficult he thought it was!

In the end, it was quite easy for him to smash with all his strength!

Standing within the scope of the sword test at the moment, he didn’t feel at all.

Not what those people said, the swordsman will feel a lot of pressure within the scope of the sword test.

Even leaning over to take a look, a golden crack appeared.


Nothing at all.

In other words, there are only cracks and no other things can be seen.

He also saw many other people’s sword marks.

Except for his way of testing the sword stone “sword grid”, except for the sword mark that almost split it into two halves.

There are many other sword marks densely underneath.

There are long and short.

Some have even disappeared almost under the magical self-healing ability of Test Sword Stone, leaving only a faint trace.

But the only thing that hasn’t disappeared is the swordsman’s will attached to the sword mark.

Or biting or heavy, or soothing or quick…

All kinds of sword intents converge here.

It’s a swordsman’s paradise.

He couldn’t help reaching out and touching it.

In normal times, he certainly wouldn’t do such a stupid thing.

But now he really can’t help it!

Can’t help feeling it!

For an instant.

His eyes turned pale in an instant.

I feel as if I have come to a strange space.

That space seems to have infinite sword intent.

Jianshan, Jianhai…

It seems that everything is made up of Jian Qi.


A loud shout came.

Wen Renjie’s thinking instantly returned to the body and exited that space.

He took a deep breath and withdrew his hand.

There was an inconceivable horror in his eyes.

“What the hell?!”

I looked around, and there was still a crowd of people, and the deafening cheers continued.

But the system did not give him any information.

I don’t know if other swordsmen will have such encounters.

It’s just that this is obviously not a good time to ask this question.

Wen Renjie took a deep breath, hiding this scene from the bottom of his heart.

Just ask someone sometime.

He didn’t feel much about the cheers around him.

This kind of sound is heard a lot, just like that.

Stepped calmly out of the scope of the test stone.

The swordsman who used the rope to drag people out of the range of the sword test stone is now kneeling on the ground respectfully and fanatically holding a token. .

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