Chapter 119

As the sky was covered with dark clouds.

The light gradually dimmed.

Only in mid-air, like the light of a meteor, attracts everyone’s attention.

At this moment, Wen Renjie seemed to have once again entered the magical state when King Ning was killed.

Time began to stagnate, and the speed began to slow down.

In his sight, the size of the sword test stone is getting bigger and bigger.

Not only did he feel more and more oppressive, he even felt that the sword qi in his body had begun to resonate with the sword test stone.

But under this strong pressure, the characteristics of the knight trip were triggered again.

The scabbard of the lightsaber that Wu Gou condensed in his hand was almost unable to seal it.

The dazzling white light leaked from the gap.

The flashing person’s eyes hurt.

One sword!

Just a sword!

Wen Renjie is getting closer and closer to the test stone.

There is only one thought in my mind, and I split it on it, and there is no other thought.

Wu Hook was pulled out inch by inch.

The light also flashes inch by inch.

The sword body has long been unable to see the original appearance.

It’s as if Wen Renjie pulled out a lightsaber, not an iron sword.

And with every inch of it he pulled out, the thunder in the sky burst once again.

Ding Ding Ding!

The swordsmen present found that their swords began to tremble uncontrollably.

It seems to want to get out of the sheath.

“what’s the situation?!”

A young swordsman, holding the sword in his hand tightly, tried his best to suppress it.

But as Wen Renjie got closer and closer to the sword test, the swords of these people trembled more violently, to the point where they could no longer be suppressed.

The swordsmen who had some knowledge had their faces full of horror, and at the same time they had some frenzy in their eyes.

“This… Is this the legendary Wanjian Qiming?”

“It’s all possible!”

“In this realm, only the sword emperor with a high level of swordsmanship can obtain the Mobike of Wan Jianming.”

“You mean this young man has reached this state?!”

“It may have been achieved, or it may just be his potential, but no matter what, the ability to spur a thousand arrows to scream is enough to show his talent for kendo~!”

However, Ye Gucheng above the city wall didn’t feel like these people said.

Because he discovered that Wen Renjie’s sword has not been completely drawn out yet!

“More than! More than! He must be stronger!”

Ye Gucheng has never been surprised when the sky falls.

But at this moment, he grabbed his hands on the stone wall of the city wall, but he had already scratched a deep dent.

“Before all the swords have appeared, there will be this kind of power, if they are all pulled out…”

. . .

Wen Renjie in the air doesn’t know what the people around him think.

He felt that his right hand was about to explode now.

But he seems to be completely unable to control his hands.

Instinctively wanted to pull out and cut out this sword.

But his physical fitness is telling him that you can’t!

The contradiction between his mind and his body made him feel uncomfortable.

But in the subconscious, he still followed the instructions of thought.

Pull it out!

Chop it!

He opened his mouth and screamed, trying to vent the suffocation in his heart completely.

In the past, he always felt that yelling moves during a fight was a second grade.

But at this moment, Wen Renjie. Finally understood the smoothness of shouting moves.

Can’t help but call out the name of this trick.


However, as he spoke word by word, the sword was pulled out inch by inch.

The wind and clouds in the sky formed a tornado, and the sunlight above the clouds shined down, like a sword, thrusting into the sky, running through the sky and the earth!

Not to mention that people in the capital saw it.

Even in many places outside the capital, you can see the wonders here.



There seemed to be a clear sound of swords resounding between the heaven and the earth.

It echoed in everyone’s ears.

The wind and clouds in the sky became even greater, completely covering the entire capital, and it was still spreading.

The huge sword formed by the sun also became extremely huge, traversing the sky.

The test stone was trembling slightly in the same place as if it was in response to something.

Countless people are dumbfounded.

Seeing that dazzling meteor, my heart was also full of inexplicable excitement.

They seem to have to witness something like history.

Wen Renjie’s voice, as if blessed by the vitality of heaven and earth, expanded to everyone in the capital’s ears.

Ke Zhen, who was resting, jumped up wickedly.

Looking at the sky, he was shocked, even though he couldn’t see anything.

Huamanlou Lu Xiaofeng and the others had already stood on the top of the building, looking at the incomparably dazzling light of the Huangcheng District, with a sigh.

Ximen Chuuxue also melted his face for the first time, full of enthusiasm.

“It’s really a good sword! A peerless sword!”

Huamanlou “looked” at the sky and couldn’t help but admired, he heard it, this was Wen Renjie’s voice.

Of course, people who know Wen Renjie can also hear that this is his voice.

Everyone has a different feeling.

But without exception, they all have the same feeling.

Maybe he will make history!

“¨” Separate! ! ”

Wu Hook has been completely pulled out.

A lightsaber nearly 100 meters long was placed obliquely in the sky by Wen Renjie.

The great sword of light made up of sunlight above the sky seems to be synchronizing Wen Renjie’s movements.

I want to hack!

With a sword step, Wen Renjie has come to the test of the sword.

The test stone was mottled, leaving traces of many years.

There are also countless swordsmen who have left unmatched sword intent on the test stone.

But none of this is in Wen Renjie’s sight.

He struggled to hold the lightsaber and slashed towards the test stone!


The last word finally came out.

The swords of countless swordsmen present finally couldn’t control it, and they all flew.

Like a stegosaurus, gathered behind Wen Renjie, forming a huge sword, including the lightsaber!

“Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect?!!!”

“This is impossible!!”

The swordsmen were fanatical and crazy, all unbelievable.


Wen Renjie turned a deaf ear. (Good money)

His Wu hook lightsaber, carrying a long sword with a long dragon, was like the sky falling on the test stone!


Under the shining light, no one could see clearly the situation of the sword stone test.

He can only lift his eyes weakly and look at other positions.

This is because at this moment the sword test stone also burst into an extremely powerful white light straight into the sky.

Stabbed the entire dark cloud to disperse.

It’s like piercing a hole in the sky.

The white light and the golden giant sword formed by the sun complement each other.

It was huge, and the entire capital seemed to be shrouded in the brilliance of these two giant swords.

Not to mention the capital, even further afield.

Several provinces can see changes in the sky.

This sword is too big!

Ye Gucheng smashed the city wall with excitement.

The mouth is full of incredible, but there is also endless joy.

“Yijian Guanghan nineteen states, this…what kind of realm should this be?!”.

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